


" David quickly entered his car after the call with his guy in the hood and drives to go meet them. When he arrived, he saw Derrick who was already waiting for him outside and quickly ran to embrace him the moment he stepped out if his car.

" Hey bro what's up, its been such a longtime " Derrick said to eric as they embraced eachother tightly

" Yeah bro sure, your are looking so good man "  David complimented as they released eachother

" You aren't looking bad yourself bro, what's the secret man, or that girl Is busy giving all the vibes and peace of mind you need right ? " Derick asked with a smile

" Sure bro, how are the other guys in the hood? " David asked

" They are all doing good bro, unfortunately we lost a brother about a week ago " derick sadly said and david was shocked

" What ? Who did we lost ? " David asked and Derick shook his head sadly

" Let's go in bro, so I can explain everything to you " Derick said and they both walked into the house 


" What can I offer you bro ? " Derick asked David who is already looking so calm

" Don't bother bro, just tell me who we lost and how it happened " david asked and Derick gently walks to get a drink and two cup then kept it in the front of david who was just waiting for an answer anxiously

" I didn't mean to spoil your mood bro, but I felt you needed to know " derick said

" Of course I seriously need to know and I want you to tell me everything " 

" And I would bro, I'm definitely gonna tell you everything but first if all, I want you to have a drink, you are gonna be needing it so well in this discussion " Derick said as he shares the drink and david took his and sipped as he waits for what Derick  was about to say.   " It was Brian bro, we lost him " 

" Wait... Brian is dead ? How ? " David asked in surprise

" Yes bro, we lost him to the Cold hands of death after he was shoot four times on the chest by the popular street gang called. DTG "

" What ? DTG, so those guys have been messing around again ? I thought they had stopped all these shit , why the hell did they had to kill Brian bro ? tell me. Was it because of drugs or you guys had a deal with them ? " David asked as he began fuming angrily; holding tight to the alcohol in his hands which he sips

" Actually we had nothing to do with them but brian did. He was dating a really popular girl in the street which a member of the DTG gang was crushing on and after so many death threats on brian to let go , which he didn't, (because he fears no one ) so they set a trap and murdered him in cold blood " Derick explains sadly

" Damn !! David immedietely stood up and gulped down his drink and stone the glass to the wall angrily and it pieced instantly 

" Take it easy bro, I know how angry you are but you have to get hold of yourself " Derick tries to calm David who was so Angry

" Where the hell was he killed ? I want to know now " David asked

" At the club bro, he was at the club chilling with the girl when he suddenly had the urge to urinate and he went to  use the toilet, that was where he was shot. At the toilet "

" And have you guys seen the so called DTG gang again ? " David asked

" Yes bro, we see them boasting everyday about it and even mock us with it " Derrick said

" Shit ! " David hits his hands on the wall in anger.   " Where the hell where you guys when all these happened derick ? where was the our gang which was once the leading gang in the hood ? " David asked

" We weren't with him there bro, he went alone "Derick replied

" So literally, what you are telling me now is that he was the only one among all those bastards who murdered him ? " David asked

" Am afraid he was bro "

" Shit ! Why the hell is this happening, who the hell is the DTG gang to kill one of us and go free like they messed with a nobody ? What did you guys do about it when you knew it was them ? have you guys taken any actions ? " David asked

" No bro, we haven't taken a single action " Derick replied 

" And why is that bro ? are guys comfortable that we lost a brother to the hands of some guys who we were in the game before ? Those guys are nobody compared to our gang so why the hell would you guys all fold you hands as a gang and let those fool boast with messing you all up, where the hell is the gang I Know before ? !! " David shouted on top of his voice angrily

" There's no gang bro ! " Derick replied

" What did you just say ? " David calmed down to listen to him well

" I said there's no gang, the one you are talking about is gone and that was the reason the DTG was about to do this, they knew we aren't together anymore "

" What do you mean by saying we aren't together , did something happened to the gang ? "

" Yes bro, we separated a long time ago and we all parted ways " Derick said

" You guys separated ? Why ? I thought we are inseparable, at least that's what our slogan says right ? So what happened ? " David asked and sat down to listen

" We had a job which brought us alot of money but unfortunately, sharing the money among eachother didn't went well as it was supposed to be, which caused a really big problem that couldn't be resolved even when we tried out best too so separating from eachother was the best option that came to mind " Derick sad and david stared at him angrily like what he just said made him more emotional derialed than before .

" You guys separated because of money ? Do you know how stupid that sounds ? You guys should have been experienced to know better man, we have been in the streets for long to be this foolish " David said

" C'mon bro enough of that, what do you expect us to do when most of you guys left the hood and never bothered to visit ? When last did you even visited the hood apart from when you have issues bro , can you reply to that ? " Derick said; sounding so upset as he spoke to david who was now calm

" Bro we leaving doesn't mean the hood won't move on, you guys can still handle yourselves, you know work was what took us out of the hood and nothing else, we have to hustle to survive " 

" I understand and that's why the gang is fucked up because you guys left the leadership position for amateurs, Eric was the only one still keeping in touch with the hood and addressing all issues we are having when y'all left but I don't know what has happened now, it's been long I heard from him or maybe he has chose to leave us too like the others.. I'm really sure shit wouldn't have been like this if he was around" Derick said bitterly.

" No bro Eric never left, he's currently in the police cell now, facing charges for murder and rape " david said

" Oh damn,  I never heard of that. Have you done something about it ? " Derrick asked david

" Yeah, I have tried my best but it's still isn't enough,his lawyer is currently working on it now ? " 

" Did he really do it ? " Derick looked at david in the eyes and david nodded his head positively in response.   " And what's his chance of getting our of the cell ? "Derick looks at david and asked again

" I won't lie to you bro, the way things are going, it seems his chances are slim " David replied

" Oh mehn, I don't like the sound of that " Derick said

" Me either, but no matter what happens, I will do all my possible best to make sure he gets out of this mess, I promise " david said

" Yes man, one love "

" And as for the DTG, their mystery just started man, I'm gonna talk to every member of the gang and make sure each of them See's the need of coming back and after that, we go avenge Brian's death " david said

" I believe you bro, so how's your girl sarah, it's been long I heard about hear " Derrick asked

" Well that's actually the reason am here bro " David said 

" Is anything the matter ? " Derick asked

" Yeah bro she left me "

" What ? Why would she do that ? "

" Someone is messing with my babe bro, she has got a guy aside me and that's why she thinks she doesn't need me anymore " david said

" What, another guy is messing around with your babe ? Have you seen him ? " Derick asked

" Yes man, I have seen him like twice "

" And you let him go free, why didn't you show him the stuff you were made of ? or have you suddenly forgotten how we do it here in the ghetto ? " Derick asked

" No bro, it's not as easy as you think and that's the reason why am here "

" Okay, so what makes it not easy ? I want to understand " Derick asked

" This is a metaphysical kind of problem bro " david replied

" Metaphysical? How is it metaphysical ? what makes you to believe that ? " Derick asked

" From what I have seen bro, I saw this guy flew and landed in front of me bro, I couldn't believe it " david said and Derick stared at him

" Why staring at me that way bro, is there a problem ? " David asked

" Are you on weed ? " Derick asked

" No bro, not time for that, am so serious with what am saying, Sarah and her friend Cynthia, is also making a research too that I think is concerning the issue.... See it here " david said; handing Cynthia's file to him

" So what are you supposed to take back? " He asked him

" That's the reason why I'm here bro, I need help seriously in other to Know who this guy is " David said as derick flips the Page's of what cynthia typed in the file

" Hmmm...: so he's a vampire, now I see. Am Gonna make sure I find out how really. Would you follow me on this ? " Derrick asked

" And where am I following you to bro ? Can you make it clear to me so I can understand ? " David asked

" Well since you said it's metaphysical, am gonna take you to a fortune teller who would help predict what is gonna happen in the future and also how you can get your girl back " Derrick said and David turns to look at him with a smile...

" Okay....and how trusted is this lady of yours ? " David asked

" Well I have tried get out so many times and it worked, not just for me too but for my friends also " Derick said

" Wow, then am seriously gonna like to know this lady of yours " david agreed

" Then let's go see her now bro, she's around " Derick said

" Wait... you mean we should go see her like now ? Just like that ? " david asked; looking curious

" Yes bro, we need to go see her now, let's know how serious this case of yours is " Derick sai"

" Okay then, can we leave now ? " David still of from his chair and asked as he prepares to leave

" Yes bro of course " Derick Said and they hit the road and left the house Immedietely. Shortly after, they arrived and Derick told David about it....

" We are here bro , that's the house over there  "he Said as he stops the car

" Wow, so this fortune teller of yours is actually living in a tent ? " David asked as they both came out of the car 

" Yes bro, this is where the great witch of Oregon stays and I strongly advise you taste get power, you are gonna love it bro, it's worth trying " Derick said as they both walked into the tent. And walked a bit in it again when they saw the witch sitting at the side of the tent wthe magical tools in her hand

" Soweto ma'am " Derick bows down his head to greet and she reciprocated. "Ma'am my friend brought me here, he is actually facing issue in his relationship for the fact that another guy is messing with his babe " Derick explains

" You both should have a seat " she said and both Derick and David had a seat with their hands folded to listen to her. She said some incantations as she rolled her crystal ball, looking at it

" and did he tell you that this man dating his girlfriend isn't human ?  " The witch asked and Derick responded

" Yes he told me "

" Well he wasn't lying when he said that to you, don't doubt him on that again, he's correct " the witch said to Derick who now stared at david in surprise.

" I told you " david said to him Softy and quickly turned to the witch

" Please now that this man has my girlfriend, what should I do to get her back please, I really need her back " david said seriously

" Do you really want her back into your life ? " The witch asked

" Yes of course I want that " david responded affirmatively 

" Are you really sure about that ? She's not like the way she use to be back when you knew her, she has now gotten some qualities that I can explain about due to some reasons, are you sure you can cope with her as a girlfriend again ? ". The witch asked David who was staring at her

" Of course yes, I don't know the kind of qualities you said she has aquired and I don't even care ,I just want her back so what can I do ? " David asked curiously

" Well you can still get her back but what you are gonna do isn't that difficult at all. I will prepare a really strong love and hatred portion for you which you would put in her food and make her to eat everything. This would make her love you so much again and hate James so much, they would fight everyday, it would be fight upon fight, quarrels upon quarrels until they separate from eachother " the witch said and david smiled 

" That would be really okay, I love it " david said .  " So when are you gonna prepare this portion for me because I really need it right away " david asked curiously

" You can get it in 2 days time but first, you would have to pay for the materials I am gonna use in preparing it for you, that's if you can afford it " the witch said

" And how much would that be ? " David asked curiously

"$ 200 " she replied and David smiled

" That's less ma'am,I can afford it so well. Am in " david replied.....
