



It was already 9am and unlike usual, sarah wasn't reminded to get up by her alarm but her mom who was sitting on the bed and tapping her to wake up as she calls her name.

" Hello baby, wake up " Mrs Peter taps her on the arm while Sarah rolls and sleep talk on the bed before she sat up

" Good morning mom " she greeted her mom as she yawns and stretches her body

" Morning baby, how was your night ? " Her mom asked with smiles

" My night was good mom. Is today monday? Cause you woke me up when I don't actually have any work, or you want me to help you in the kitchen ? " She asked looking at her mom

" No dear, I know today is Sunday and I didn't wake you up to come help me in the kitchen " her mom replied

" Ok so why did you wake me up from my lovely sleep then " Sarah asked politely and her mother gave her a really bright smile

" Well, I want to fulfill the promise I made to you because I would definitely not be free tomorrow which makes today the right time for it " her mom replied her 

" What promise.........oh you mean the car ? Wow mom are you serious ? " She asked excitedly with her eyes opened really wide in excitement.

" Yes dear " her mom replied

" No way.... " She said excitedly and her mom replied .    " Oyeah there's a way..so go freshen up and get dressed so we can leave the house now. I will be waiting for you; lemme go prepare something for breakfast now " Mrs Peter said and walked out of the room

" Oh yesssss..yes..yes..yes.." Sarah said as she crazily jumps on the bed excitedly.   

" Oh mehn this is so good " she said as she quickly put on the music player in her room and went into the bathroom to take a shower while she vibes to the music playing in the bathroom. It took a really short time to be done bathing before she quickly dried her body with the towel, dressed up and ran to the sitting room to see her mom, but Mrs Peter was already done with the meal and seated on the dinning.

" Wow. You are done so fast ? " Mrs peter said to Sarah

" Ofcorse mom, who would waste time for such a promise ? " Sarah said to her mom happily

Hahahaa, I see you are really eager to get it .Well come join me so we can eat something before leaving " Mrs peter said

" Sure mom " Sarah replied and joined her in the dinning

" Wow, it's looking nice Mom. How do you know noodles and fried plantains is what I wanted to have for breakfast today ? " Sarah said as she opens her food and smelt it

" Seriously ? this is what you wanted to have for breakfast ? " Her mom asked

" Yes mom exactly and you prepared it, well ganished " 

" I really don't know, I guess my instincts got all the credits " Mrs Peter said smiling

" Sure and you get the credit for preparing it so well " 

" Hahaha you know I don't play when it comes to food " Mrs Peter

" Yes mom I Know that. You are such a good chef " Sarah was discussing with her mom as she was about to eat before getting interrupted with a phone call.    " Excuse me mom, lemme take this call " she said as she excused herself from the dinning to take the call when she discovered it was David....


" Hello Dave, how are you doing ? " She said to him

" Am fine Sarah and you ? " David responded to her

" Well am fine. It's been a really longtime" sarah said to him on the phone

" Yes dear and I really missed hearing your voice so much. It's been like ages you know " he responded almost immediately

" Yeah. So why did you call ? " Sarah asked him

" Well to hear from you Ofcorse. Just wanted to hear your voice " he said

" Hey David, tell me it's because natasha already told you that I have forgiven you and ready to put the past behind us " sarah went straight to the point as she knew the reason he called

" Well that's one of the reason sarah and I just called to say thanks " he replied sounding so sincere on the phone

 " There's no problem. I learnt that we all make mistakes sometimes and deserve a second chance. All i just want now is to be sure I haven't done anything bad in giving it to you " sarah said and waited to hear his response

" No sarah you haven't. I respect you so much for it " he said to her happily

" Good. I heard about your addiction and how you struggle with it now. How is it going and hope you haven't taken any wraps today ? " Sarah asked and david laughed on the phone

" No Sarah I haven't. Not because I am fighting it but because it's too early. My heart is already aching me and am going back to the way I was before and this is one of the reasons I truly need your help " he sounded emotional

" I understand. well I'm going out now so we would talk later right ? "

" Right.but please when are we gonna see Sarah ? " He asked her

" I don't know david, I will think about it " she responded uncertain

" But I wanna see you today sarah. I have really missed your face; sincerely speaking" david desperately said to her on the phone

" You have to relax and be patient david. I just accepted you back into my life doesn't mean I have forgotten how you treated me ok. I will think about it and let you know ". She said and david suddenly agreed as he never wanted to argue or do anything that would make her change her mind about him

" Okkkkk I understand and am cool ".l

" I'm about to head out now so bye " Sarah said they both said to each other then she ended the call .....

Sarah walked back to the dinning after the call and then sat down .   " Sorry mom, I had to take take that " she said to her mom as she starts to eat

" No problem dear. So who was that on the phone, is it that guy of yours; James ? " Mess Peter asked Sarah with a smile

" Smiles, mom so you still remember James ? " Sarah asked

" Ofcorse dear I do but still don't know his face because I haven't seen him before and I don't know why you haven't invited him over for dinner like I have told you before " Mrs peter said and Sarah smiled

" No mom I was willing to bring him but so many things came up " Sarah said

" Did I just hear you say was , past tense ? What happened. ain't you willing to bring him anymore ? " Mrs peter asked and sarah bowed her head feeling sad.   " What is it Sarah, you know you can tell me anything, am your mother " Mrs peter said to her

" Well I was willing to bring him but not anymore. It's a long story " Sarah replied

" So do you wanna talk about it ? " Mrs Peters asked

" Well not now, Maybe later. But the main reason is him not being truthful and straight forward to me " Sarah Said

" Ok dear I understand. Don't let that make you feel down ok ? "

" Yeah mom I understand "

" So what was he saying in the phone ? " Mrs Peter asked

" That wasn't him mom, it was david " Sarah said and Mrs peter became more interested as her mood changed instantly

" David , what does he want ?" she reacted with a mood swing

" He called to know how I was doing and when he is gonna see me again " Sarah responded

" When he is gonna see you ? Like seriously sarah, I thought you are done with this David if a boy, why is he still calling and asking such questions ? " Mrs peter said

" It's not like that mom. Well you are right, I was done with him not until natasha came here to plead on his behalf and make me see reasons of giving him a second chance " Sarah said

" What, did I just hear you say natasha came and pleaded in his behalf ? Natasha who's the one person that hated him so much for what he did came and pleaded on his behalf. I think something is wrong girl, really wrong " Mrs Peter Said

" Well I was also thinking that way mom "

" You should dear. By the way, what reasons was she able to give you that convinced you into considering what she said " Mrs Peter asked Sarah who was looking all confused

" Mom she told me how david apologized for everything he did right in front of her and how he needed me, especially now that he is facing the smoking addiction again " Sarah said and her mom was surprised

" What smoking addiction ? I thought you guys are done with that shit a long time ago ? " Mrs Peter asked, sounding surprised

" Yes Mom and that's what I believed too but he has suddenly gone back to it again according to natasha and this time, it's even worst as he's facing heart issue " Sarah replied

" Hmmm. What would have made him go back to smoking then. Do you know why ? "

" Yes, Natasha said it was due to frustration that I left him "

" That's bullshit ! " Mrs peter blurted out

" You think so ?" Sarah asked her looking confused

" Look sarah. I know you really wanna help him especially with  this his so called smoking addiction stories but I also want you to remember that what went down between you and david wasn't a good experience at all. So I would want you to be sincere to yourself. Do you really feel like you should give him a second chance in your life ? " Mrs peter asked her calmly while sarah Still kept a confused face and thinking if the answer she would give to her mom

" I don't really know mom. My mind is just so confused " Sarah said

" That's your mind Sarah but what about your heart ? " Mrs peter said and Sarah looked at her as she reasoned what her mom just said.   " Yes sarah. It is good we all reason with our mind in making decisions in life but atimes it's best we use out heart " 

" That's true mom. But you also told me that in life atimes we have to go out of our way to help people right ? " Sarah said to her mom and she responded with a nodd

" Yes sarah I told you that and it's right. But not to the extent of hurting yourself. there are limits to it you should know. Helping someone is good but don't have to hurt yourself in order to please someone desires you know ? Anyways, the choice is up to you but I wouldn't wanna be alive as your mom and watch you make mistakes that you would regret. Remember, marriage is a one time thing and you have to make sure you are with the right person. If you choose someone who hurts you emotionally, then you have to spend the rest of your life living with it. Think about it. So I would like to end this discussion because of time with this, do you really feel you should give him a second chance ? Think about it " Mrs Peter said to Sarah and ended the discussion as they began to eat because of time but it kept ringing in Sarah's mind as she eats her food too. They finished eating and quickly got into the car while Mrs Peter drove of the the car stand in town 



They arrived this car stand 10 minutes later and both of them came down and walked in. Sarah was so amazed o f the different varieties of thrilling car she saw as and she opened her eyes wide in excitement while her mom watched her and was happy with it.

" Sarah so have you seen a car of your choice ? " Mrs peter asked her daughter

" Mom, take it easy. We just got here and j haven't started selecting yet " Sarah responded leaving her mom with a bright smile on her face

" Smiles. Ok dear that's true, you can take your time to select and I will be right beside you "Mrs Peter replied. Sarah then walk round with her mom by her side as she looks for the one if her choice excitedly. The cars were really thrilling and she tries to look for something which wouldn't be too much for her mom to pay even if her mom really don't mind. She doesn't wanna stress her with loads when she got a company she is running

After much search and turning down the choices her mom made for her because she thinks it would be too expensive, sarah finally picked the one of her choice.

" Mom. I think I like their one " she said pointing it to her mom

" You like this ? " Mrs peter asked

" Yes mom I do " she replied

" Good. Though I see no reason why you should choose this over the expensive one I showed you but it's your choice though it's cool " Mrs Peter said with a smiled

" Mom this is fine. Am cool " sarah said

" Ok then, lemme simply go and make the payments immedietely, I will be right back " she said to sarah and walked to go make the payment which didn't take her much time and she returned back. " Ok dear, done. The car is now office yours " she said giving sarah then receipt 

" Oh Mom thank you so much. I love you " Sarah emotionally said and gave her mom a really warm hug

" I love you too baby girl. I will always do " her mom said before they let go of each other. Immedietely they did, Mrs peter phone rang and she took it.

" It's Vicky. Excuse me lemme take this " she said and picked the call

" Hello Vicky ? Oh you guy are done  ? I will be one my way now, tell the customers to wait for me in my office and please give them some refreshments before I come " she said and ended the call and then said to Sarah.."

" Ok dear. Business calls. I will see you at home later at night, I gotta run now " she said

" It's alright mom. Love you " Sarah said

" Love you too baby " Mrs Peter said and they hug each other quickly before she walked into her car and drove off.


Sarah entered her new car happily and started the engine to move in excitement. She admired the car so well and so thankful to her mom. Then her phone rang an the caller was James

She picked it up and placed the phone on her ear.


" Why are you calling ? " She said to him

" Because I wanted back " he replied straight to the point

" There's no us please " she said

" And why ? " He asked

" Well I don't remember you asking me out and to break the news to you. I have finally gone back to David "......
