



After the reconcilation took place right in the sitting room, Mrs peter called her daughter aside and told her how good her soul is to must have forgiven natasha after all the wrongs she had done to her. Sarah was happy hearing the words from her mom and it relieved her of the pains she was feeling right from the moment natasha entered the house.

She bid her mom goodnight as she and Natasha went upstairs to go sleep (thesame room ) . They got on bed but had to stay up some more as natasha continues the gist with everything that has been going on with she and david that Sarah never knew about...

" I can't still believe you forgave me after all I have done to you sarah. I really can't " natasha said as they both got on bed

" I told you natasha. I have no issues with you anymore. Though it's difficult, but thank God I was able to put the feelings aside but you are free now and I don't mind what is happening between you and David anymore " Sarah replied her 

" Why i thought you loved david ? "Natasha asked in surprise for sarah a to say she doesn't care about what's going on with David when he was actually the reason for the whole fight

" I did natasha " Sarah reply made her surprised

" You did ? Why is it in past tense ? " Natasha asked, now shocked

" I was able to meet someone who relieves me of my pains and I think am beginning to like him. I was just coming back from where I went to meet with him before you came into the house. We had a really good time today you know, he is so lovely "  Sarah replied as her mind flashed back to the romatic time she spent with James

" Wow seriously. How come I never knew this ? Its really good sarah and am happy you happy again " natasha said to her

" Yes natasha I am. And that's what matters most to me now. I'm no longer getting migraines with James issues " Sarah Said

" I'm sorry to ask but what happens to david then ?  " Natasha asked her 

" Well I don't know. With everything happening, it seems we were never meant to be together. Though I still think of him but not to the extent of spending the rest my life with him anymore " Sarah said to natasha, leaving her in awe

" Seriously, wow it's seems this new guy has really worked on your mind so well " natasha said to sarah in surprise

" Hahaha. Maybe dear " Sarah said with a smile

" So who's this guy. Is it ok if I Know about his as your friend " natasha asked Sarah with a smile

" Yeah a little. His name is James and he's a loving kind of guy. So what about David, what other secret things has been going between two of you apart from the sex that I don't know about " she talked about James a little and switched the conversation to David so natasha won't ask her further questions about James that she doesn't wanna answer

" Errmmmm..are you sure.. I know you are so......" Natasha stammered and sarah smiled and put her hand on Natasha's shoulder

" You don't have to be scared to share anything that happened between you and david to me anymore. I told you I have gotten over it. The reason I was even angry as first wasn't really about david cheating, but I was because he cheated with my best friend so don't worry about it ok ? " She calmly said to natasha who was scared to talk

" Okay I and David have been through a lot of you know.........." She said and Sarah interrupted

" You mean, he has been showing care and affection right ? " Sarah said with a smile, expecting Natasha to do same but she suddenly became moody. " What's it natasha. I told you that you can talk about it and I really don't have a problem " Sarah said as she tries to make Natasha comfortable and tell her what's on her mind

" Yes Sarah but it's not about that. The things is, ever since I cause the problem between you and david, he has not been thesame. He acts so violent around me and even beats me up almost every time before he goes into raping me " natasha sadly said to sarah

" Wait... pause for a minute. Did you just say he beats you up and molest you sexually ? " Sarah asked in suprise

" Yes sarah he does " she immedietely replied to her 

" What ! He did this to you also ? " She asked touching the scare on natashas face 

" Yes sarah he did " she replied to him

" OMG. How long have this being going on Natasha ? I demand to know why he has been molesting you like this and you didn't say anything about it" sarah asked already getting angry

" For a month now sarah " natasha responded to sarah

" Did I just hear you say a month ? How can you be so quiet all these while natasha, do you want him to kill you ? " Sarah asked her in concern

" I'm sorry sarah but I had to keep my mouth shut or I would have been in jail by now " Natasha told Sarah 

" What do you mean by being in jail ? " Sarah asked her

" They had something really strong to hold me down and they threatened to take it to the police if I say anything to anyone " Natasha said to sarah looking so worried

" Wait... Did you just say they ?  I thought it was david we are talking about here ? " Sarah asked her

" It's not just david sarah, they are two " natasha 

" What ? OMG this is so serious than I expected. So two people are involved in this ? " Sarah asked

" Yes . David and his friend Eric. They beat me up and molest me sexually at yes same time " natasha replies her

" Damn ! I'm so sorry for this natasha.i never knew this is what you have been going through " Sarah apologized to Natasha; feeling a bit sign of guilt for not knowing what she has been going through

" No sarah how can you be sorry when it's all my fault. I brought this upon myself and this is the consequences

" I was supposed to hear your own side of the story natasha. Yes you made a mistake but no one is perfect. That's what friend means, accepting someone even when he does something wrong " Sarah Said

" Thank you so much Sarah. You are so such a good friend " Natasha appreciated sarah and they both hugged each other shortly before they released each other

" You are welcome baby. But for now let's get into this issue and settle it once and for all. Can we " Sarah asked looking concerned

" Yes Sarah we can " nstasha replied

" Ok so is this Eric oof a guy the one who came camping with us " Sarah asked her

" Yes Sarah you are right. He is the one " she replied her immedietely

" Good. I have to go confront them both and warn them not to lay a hand on you again " Sarah said angrily

" No sarah. I told you they have got something really strong to hold me and if you do, they would take it to the police station, and if that happens, I will spend the rest of my life in jail. You can't go and warn them please " natasha pleaded with sarah as she trembles in fear

" Hmmmm. What's the gravity of this offense you have committed. Can you tell me  ? " Sarah said and natasha felt down

" Sarah I don't know but if I tell you, you might not even wanna talk to me again " natasha said

" Is that how bad it is ? " Sarah asked her in surprise

" Yes sarah. Really really bad " she said and sarah held her hands and looks into her eyes emotionally

" See natasha. I Know how you feel right now and how careful you are not to ruin our reconciled friendship but I want you to Know this. I believe you are a new person now and everything you tell me all happened in the past so I promise not to despise you because of your past actions okay ? " Sarah assured her

" Okay sarah, I believe you " she said

" Yeah, now tell me what you did that you are scared of them taking to the police " sarah quickly went straight to the issues

" It all happened years ago when me and my friend went to the beach. She was a lesbian and so was I which brought the idea of we going into the woods to go have sex. When we were on it, some minors who were trying to explore what sex is ran into the woods too................" Natasha told Sarah everything that happened and she was surprised but couldn't hate her friend for it because she already gave her word of not scorning her no matter how bad it is

" Natasha and really surprised about what you just told me now for real. What you did was so cruel especially because they were minors. You guys even suffocated them to death. It's so bad but that's in the past and you can't continue to get bullied because of that. By the way, do you know how Eric and David managed to get the video ? " Sarah asked natasha who is overwhelmed with guilt

" No I really don't know and that's what even surprises me the most " natasha said and sarah went quiet for a minute and smiled after an idea came into her head

" Well that's nice then. Since you no one knows how they got video, they won't Know how they would loose either..." Sarah said. 

They discussed about so many other things which kept them awake till it was 3am then they both slept slept off....



Sarah and Natasha woke up 10 am in the morning as a result of them retiring to bed do late. Natasha was worried for her friend who was a worker in a very strict media company.

" I'm sorry you woke late sarah I was the one who kept you till this time because of the late night discussions " natasha said as Sarah tan into the bathroom to quickly take her bath

" No probs natasha, yesterday night was fun . Cynthia cover up for me before I get there" Sarah replied from the bathroom

" Ok then. I guess I will have to leave now so I can go do other things. But first lemme go greet mom " Natasha

" Don't worry cause she must be at work by now " Sarah replied Natasha; still in the bathroom

" Really, so fast ? " Natasha said 

" Yes natasha today is Monday which she normally get so many works to cover " Sarah replied; still taking her bath

" Ok then I will. Leave now bye......" Natasha said and walked out if the house, got into her car and drove off...

Sarah finished  bathing and quickly dressed up then got into her car and headed to the office .


She got to the office and quickly did all of her work then took excuse from the office so cynthia would cover up from her then she walked out, got into her car and headed to James place. When she got to James chamber, he was having a chat with seun but when he saw her seun excused them then she took a seat

" Hello Sarah. Good morning dear " James walked to her as she stood up and they kissed. " How was your night baby " James asked her

" It was great dear. How you treated me yesterday made my night so interesting. Had dreams about it, over and over again " she responded and wrapped her hands around his waist

" Wow that's nice to hear. I will definitely like to do same again today or even more if you like " James said as he bites his lips sexily

" Of course that would be cool but I'm here for something different. As you can see I'm here with you by this time when am supposed to be at work " sarah said

" Oh yeah I wanted to ask what brought you here this early but..... " James asks her with a romantic smile

" You were carried away by my looks right ? " Sarah interrupted and completed his statement for him

" Yes .... You are looking so hot this afternoon " he said and spanked her ass with bith of his hands, while he stared deeply into her eyes

" James I have something really important and I will like if you hear me out first. There's always enough time for this you know " she said taking his hands off her ass gently

" Oh. It's like you are really concerned. What's it ? " James asked her worriedly

" I need you help with something. For a friend though " she said to James

" Ok let's have a seat so you can explain what it is "  James said and they both hand a seat next to each other

" James I need your favor for my friend natasha ....." She Said and got interrupted by James

" Wait a sec....you mean natasha your best friend who betrayed you ? " James asked her with a surprise

" Yes James she came to the house last night and asked for forgiveness so I granted it to her. She told me how David and his friend has been molesting her but she dares not report to the police because they have got something too strong to hold her. It's a sex and murder video of minors which she and her friend were the killer. It happened  a long time ago and this video is still in their phones ( David and Eric) which puts her life at risk of the police so I want to beg you to find a way you can delete the video from their phones since you are gifted the power to control electronics " Sarah said and James smiled

" Hmmmm I see you still care about this friend of yours " get said

" Yes James I do. I Know she betrayed me by sleeping with my boyfriend but I have forgiven her and everything is now in the past now " sarah Said

" Ok if you have forgiven her what about david, have you forgiven him too " james asked

" I have forgiven him for that too " she replied

" Ok, that means you are going to continue your relationship with him right " James asked, feeling Disturbed

" No am not "she said to him

" And why if I may ask " 

" Because my mind is with someone else "

" Who is the person sarah ? Tell me " he deeply looked into her eyes without a blink as he awaits her reply

" It's you James " she said and James went speechless for a minute as he looks deep into her eyes passionately. " Wow, why did you say tgat " James asked her

" I'm sorry I never expected that to come out from my mouth but you are the only guy in my life now that makes me feel good " sarah poured out her heart to him
