
Lustimura As A Gamer

This is what would happen if an extremely morally Chaotic person were given the abilities of a modified Gamer system Warning: There is lewd that goes even further beyond in this fanfiction. This is written by the personality Lustimura. Read at your own risk. Almost anything you can think of will be in this fanfic. Keyword Almost. The things that won't be in this fanfic and once again I say WILL NOT be in this fanfic include: Yaoi of any kind, vore, necrophilia, gigantisism, and a few others I would rather not mention. If you don't know what any of those are, DO NOT LOOK IT UP. Outside of that, if that didn't draw you away, don't say I didn't warn you. Also the MC is OP if the tags didn't tell you that already. I'm not trying to hide what this fanfic is, hence the tags that are there and the warning. Also there is a 'system' in this fanfiction but it is not the focus. The lemons will be the focus. What do you do when life gives you a system and lemons? You focus on making lemonade. Also, every character depicted in this fanfic is 18+. Hit me up on discord: Under construction Check out my patre0n: Under construction

Oshimura · Anime & Comics
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Lust 8

It was worth it in the end. I could feel my power rise by a good margin after that long session with her, along with everyone else getting screwed by my clones and tentacles. At this point, I felt more powerful than most of the evil dragons that would be revived much later in the series. I would probably attract Ophis' attention sooner than I expected. That's fine though, she would be extremely naïve and easy to manipulate. I can just have Kuroka bring her to me soon enough. I will have to wait on that though, I want Kokabiel to attack Kuoh first. Although he might attack with a stronger force because of me giving Rias 10 peerage members. I will still have to regularly fuck those slaves in order to increase their strength. I'll just have my clones do it. My objective right now, will be to use Serafall to bring Sona here and I will take control of her and her peerage. I'll just outright remove Saji from the picture, but not before I steal his sacred gear and give it to one of my slaves. I don't really care to genderbend Saji since his character in general is just a bland copy of issei, if issei had tunnel vision for one girl. Or maybe I just don't like him at all.

I'll wait until after we start production for the new part of her show and for kokabiel to attack. I want to obtain two holy sword users. After around an hour waiting for my clones to disperse alone with my tentacle magic, and waiting for the two girls to recover, I went into the kitchen and started cooking after using clean magic on myself. I bought the [Master Cooking] skill from the shop and started making some food. I felt an enormous wave of pleasure when my clones dispersed from the orgy upstairs. I managed to control myself since I was cooking, if only barely. Kuroka sent a message to me asking if I could send a clone her way. She was probably somewhat sexually frustrated from not getting anything in the way of sex for a few days. It goes to show how addicting my sperm actually is. I had a clone disguise itself somewhat and it went through a magic circle to Kuroka's location. The moment I was almost done cooking food, the smell alone woke up all of my slaves from their passed out and euphoric state. All of the girls ran to the dining room and managed to show up when I finished setting food on the table. All of my new slaves were limping, and Serafall was crawling to the table. Most of the new slaves, including Ravel and her mother were noticeably surprised when they saw Serafall in that state, but didn't voice their opinions on the matter.

Once everyone took their seats after I took mine in the head seat of the table, the food wars foodgasms ensued. I swear, if I wasn't constantly fucking my slaves on a daily bases, I would think they were moaning louder from the food than actual sex! I had a bunch of clones serve multiple more servings. My slaves look like they found a new form of pleasure. At least the ones that have been with me the longest. I made sure to send a few plates to Kuroka as well. I may treat my slaves as sexual objects a lot of the time, but I do treat them well in my own corrupt way. Considering I have more money than I can physically spend, so I gave a bunch out to my slaves to do what they want. Of course I place limits on what they could spend, but they never reached or got close to them. After we finished eating, I had Cleria take the new slaves not including Serafall, out to buy any necessities or clothes they need. It's interesting that Cleria wasn't recognized by any of the devils, but I guess it's because her race is different as well.

Around a week and a half passed by, and we were finishing up production on the next few episodes for Serafall's show with my appearance. During this time, Rias and her peerage won against Sona and her peerage in their friendly bout, and went to the familiar forest. Originally I was going to go there and grab Tiamat as a slave, but she temporarily left and won't be back for some time according to Serafall. I'll just have to wait for her to return before I could get her as a slave. My power grew once again, and I feel like I'm closing in on the gap between myself and Ophis in power, so I have been restraining myself from showing my full power. Soon enough though, I felt the presence of the two holy sword users and felt them coming my way instead of towards Rias and her peerage. It made sense in a way because I'm sure that heaven noticed my presence and decided that I was the most powerful figure in Kuoh. They probably were headed my way first because of that. Either that, or Sirzechs made Kuoh 'unofficially' my territory in order to inadvertently protect Rias and Sona. Although Serafall is around here a lot more once I taught her the water clone jutsu from Naruto. She started to use her clones to do all of her work for her except when it came to her show. She thanked me so much that it became an orgy due to many of my slaves being around at the time.

She couldn't feel what her water clones could and only got the memories but still took it anyway. I wasn't going to teach anyone the shadow clone technique anyway. I sat on the throne at the entrance hall, with Cleria, Miki, Isami, and the remainder of my slaves at my side. Not including Kuroka or Serafall due to them being out for business reasons. Kuroka won't have to be out constantly for long, it is only a matter of time before I have Rias' peerage fully under my control. I already changed Kiba into a girl and used mind magic to think that she was always a girl on them. Eventually, Ravel led Xenovia and Irina into the entrance hall. Once they got inside, they immediately bowed and paid respects to me. Probably because I wasn't a devil, although I do have devils under my control. I want to capture them so that Kokabiel would be forced to come here and attack them for the holy swords, and I gave myself the perfect reason to do so.

They noticed Asia as one of my slaves and taunted her for being a witch. Xenovia went with her whole spiel about her healing a devil and whatnot. I figured it was about time to humiliate them in front of my slaves. Asia was by no means a pushover anymore either, she was more powerful than both Xenovia and Irina. I decided to wait and had Asia put them into their place. Before even giving them a chance to draw their holy swords, Asia shoved their faces into the ground causing two small craters to form. The craters would repair themselves later, but that didn't matter right now. Xenovia and Irina struggled to get up but to no avail. Asia just kept her feet on their heads while waiting for my next order. I made sure that nothing could see the inside of my entire hotel, including the inside of my house, before I created two clones and casted tentacle magic.

Lots of screams and moans could be heard throughout my house, but it didn't matter much to me. Asia had quite the sadistic smile on her face as she watched Xenovia and Irina get ravaged. The part that was different about this situation in comparison to others, was that I didn't personally dominate the two girls. I dispersed my clones after they blew their first load, but left the girls suspended in the air by my tentacles. Irina was getting all of her holes destroyed by tentacles, while Xenovia only had her ass and pussy ravaged. Her mouth was left alone, although she didn't have the energy to speak. In this situation, I temporarily let Asia use a particular type of magic that she would only be able to use on Xenovia. She used flesh magic and gave herself a seven inch dick. There was something entertaining about watching futa porn in real life while your dick was being sucked by one of your slaves. Asia looked at Xenovia with a dark smile before putting her magic made dick in front of Xenovia's face.

[How does it feel Xenovia? How did it feel to be dominated and ravaged by my Master's tentacles and his clone? How does it feel to be humiliated in front of all of My Master's Slaves? Am I still the witch that you so rudely judged without knowing the context of the situation? Then I will be that witch just for you Xenovia. With this power that Master has given me to only use on you, I will ravish you everyday from now on whenever I am not needed by Master. You brought this upon yourself and only you are to blame] [Asia]

[3rd Person POV]

The moment that Xenovia was going to argue against Asia's statement, Asia shoved her dick in Xenovia's mouth. Asia felt a mountain of pleasure similar to when she would get her body destroyed by tentacles or her Master's cock. Asia started to slowly grind her cock into Xenovia's mouth much to her dismay. Xenovia tried to fight it, but Asia just grabbed her head and shoved deeper into her throat. Asia moaned in pleasure as she started to speed up her thrust to a faster pace. At this point, Dazzle's tentacles were only holding up Xenovia and weren't attacking her pussy or ass. Asia requested for Xenovia to be flipped over so that her tits were facing upward. Even as she was flipped around, Asia's cock was still in her mouth, but this time she was facing upside down. Asia started to fondle and suck on Xenovia's tits while thrusting harder into her mouth. It got to the point where Asia's balls were at eye level with Xenovia's face and she had no plans of slowing down. It only took a few minutes before Asia felt her first climax with her magical cock coming.

[Here it comes you slut. Take my cum down your throat as this signifies what your life to me will be from now on. You will just be my worthless cocksleeve at my beck and call!] [Asia]

Xenovia gave a muffled scream as Asia blew her load, while grabbing Xenovia's head, and shoving it all the way until her balls were colliding with her face. Asia made sure that Xenovia was choking on her dick as she blew her load down her tight throat. This was a new sensation for her, and one that she won't forget. Her master stated that if one of the church girls came and threatened her, then she could have them as her slave. Asia was already grateful for this decision. Once Asia finished her first ever sperm blast, she was still hard, so her master turned Xenovia around until her ass was against her still hardened cock. One thing that Asia was not allowed to do, was fuck Xenovia's pussy since that would be reserved for her Master. Asia was still happy though as she shoved her full length inside of Xenovia's ass causing her to scream. She couldn't scream for long though, because a tentacle was shoved into her mouth before she could continue.

Asia was on cloud 9 right now from just thrusting her dick in Xenovia's ass. She almost came from just the tightness and sensation alone. Asia bit her lip, held back from cuming right away, and started rapidly thrusting into Xenovia's ass, giving her no time to rest. Asia prematurely blew a load into Xenovia's ass, but didn't stop moving her hips just because of that. The whole situation felt too good for her. Asia started spanking Xenovia's ass as she was continuing to shove her cock deeper and deeper into Xenovia. Asia also used magic to increase her length to nine inches and Xenovia noticed it right away, if the muffled screams were anything to go by. After another few minutes, Asia blew her third load but kept going. Asia refused to stop until the bitch knew her place.

[Dazzle POV]

The main reason why I decided to let Asia have Xenovia mostly to herself, unless I felt like fucking her particularly, was because I wanted to see how things would go with a slave that wasn't willing, and see how long they would last without me using my sperm. Even though my tentacles did ravage Xenovia's pussy and mouth, I didn't have them cum inside her once. Asia's personality went a full 180 from the time I obtained her until now. She was like Akeno in the sense that she is a full on sadist to anyone except me. Plus it was pretty hot to watch as Xenovia looked back at Asia white eyes filled with hatred as Asia was railing her ass. Irina was just an added bonus to the situation. I will just keep her as a normal slave. My dick was currently being sucked off by Cleria, as her ass is getting ploughed by tentacles, and she was fingering her pussy. Since the rest of my slaves were getting all hot and bothered, I did something different and made clones that had two dicks instead of one. It was an interesting concept to have two dicks. Especially when fucking both an ass and pussy at the same time, or getting sucked off by two girls at the same time. With that thought in mind, I flipped Cleria onto my lap, and shoved myself into both her butthole and pussy.

It took a while before everything somewhat calmed down. My dicks were being sucked by Cleria and Miki once the orgy was over. Most of my other slaves went to their rooms to sleep or went about their day how they normally would. Ravel went down to the first floor of the hotel with her mother to learn more about the place, after cleaning up of course. The fallen were cleaning up the hall. The phoenix group went to my small library, Asia was fucking Xenovia's face and shows no signs of stopping, and Irina was eating out Isami while they were both still getting screwed by tentacles. All good things must come to an end eventually though, so I stopped the rest of the orgy after everyone came one last time, and I sat back down on my throne. Asia put a collar on Xenovia and was holding the leash as she stood by the side. Irina was still in the center of the entrance hall since I do need some information on her. From what I can tell, it seems that everything is still going by how it went in cannon. Kokabiel must be incredibly arrogant or stupid to not bring more reinforcements than what he had in the anime. Oh well, that just makes things easier for me.