
Lustful Dominion: An Erotic Saga of World Conquest with My Harem

[Warning: Mature Content] == Just a quick heads up for those interested in this novel - there won't be any NTR (netorare) or Yuri (girl's love) present in the story. I want to clarify that when I say "no Yuri," I mean there won't be any girl's love relationships depicted. However, it's worth mentioning that there may be a few scenes that could be considered Yuri, but they'll only be part of an FFM setup to add some spice to the scene. == Tags: | An*l | Brainwashing | Clingy Lovers | C*nnilingus | Cunning Protagonist | Cruel Characters | Depiction of Cruelty | Devoted Love Interests | Enemies Become Lovers | F*rst Time Intercourse | F*llatio | Handj*b | Incest | Kingdom Building | Maids | Manipulative Characters| Masochistic Characters | Master-Servant Relationship | MILF | Netori | Organized Crime | O*gy | Outdoor Interc*urse | Polygamy | Popular Love Interests| Rape Victim Becomes Lover | Revenge | Sadistic Characters | S*x Slaves | Threesome | Twisted Personality | Yandere | Some of the tags listed here are not yet present in the story. Right now, I'm still in the process of building the initial plot, and as of Chapter 113, I'm still working on the second half of part 1. So, there's still a lot more to come, and I hope you all will stay patient and see how this story unfolds. Synopsis: In the crumbling Kingdom of Elesia, where corruption and abuse of power run rampant, a beacon of hope emerges in the form of Cian Lambhart. Armed with a devoted harem of capable and determined individuals, Cian sets out on a mission to restore the prosperity and justice that once defined his kingdom. With his strategic prowess, unwavering resolve, and the unwavering support of his harem, Cian embarks on a journey that will test his leadership and shape the destiny of Elesia. As he confronts the corrupt nobles and challenges the established order, Cian discovers the true extent of his power and the potential for something greater with his harem by his side. Will he succeed in his quest to bring about change and find love amidst the chaos, or will he succumb to the very darkness he seeks to vanquish? The fate of Elesia hangs in the balance as Cian and his harem navigate treacherous political waters, battle against formidable foes, and unlock the secrets of their intertwined destinies.

Lord_Nightingale · Fantasy
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153 Chs

Unidentified Shadow

The game pressed on, the chess pieces weaving intricate patterns across the board, each move carrying weight and consequence.

Ciel smirked as he made a move, putting Cian's king in check. "Ah, I've got you now," he taunted, reveling in his small triumph.

Cian, not one to back down easily, swiftly responded by placing a pawn to shield his vulnerable king. "Not so fast, Father. I won't let you have an easy victory."

Maya watched the unfolding battle, her curiosity piqued. Though she struggled to grasp the intricacies of the game, she could sense the strategic depth it held. She admired Cian's position, sensing that he held an advantage over his opponent.

Ciel leaned back in his chair, a slight smirk on his face. "Well, it seems I'm in a bit of a tight spot. But I must admit, I find some satisfaction in this, even if I end up losing. After all, you didn't manage to defeat me in just ten moves."

"Father, don't be too pleased with yourself just because I didn't achieve a quick victory. Perhaps I gave you a chance, considering I didn't want to see you sulking over a swift defeat."

"Oh, Cian, you always find a way to dampen my pride. But don't worry, this time, there's no wound to rub salt in." With a calculated move, he positioned his rook to deliver a check to Cian's king.

With limited options remaining, Cian moved his king to evade the check, sacrificing his queen in the process. Ciel seized the opportunity and captured the exposed queen with a triumphant smile.

"Did you train in secret while I wasn't looking? Your skills have definitely improved," Cian remarked, genuinely impressed by his father's gameplay.

"Improved? My dear son, let's not forget who taught you how to play chess in the first place. It seems you've forgotten that I was once your master."

As the game entered its endgame phase, the advantage seemed to sway in Ciel's favor with more of Cian's pieces captured. He contemplated his options, his mind racing with strategies and calculations. Moments turned into minutes as he meticulously weighed his next move, determined to regain the upper hand.

After a prolonged period of contemplation, Cian finally made his move—a move that displayed his keen insight and tactical prowess. The board came alive as the pieces danced in response to his calculated decision.

"Hmm, it appears you're regaining your momentum," remarked Ciel, acknowledging his son's skillful maneuver.

With each exchange of moves, the tides of the game shifted once more, tilting in Cian's favor. Ciel, recognizing the challenge before him, fell into a contemplative silence, analyzing the board and deliberating his next move. With unwavering focus, he finally executed his chosen move.

Cian's smirk widened as he surveyed the board. "Looks like we've reached the end, Father," he declared confidently.

Ciel couldn't help but admit defeat, a mixture of pride and admiration shining in his eyes. "Indeed, it seems that way," he conceded, acknowledging his son's mastery of the game.

With no other moves at his disposal, Ciel found himself cornered, his options dwindling. Then, in a final decisive move, Cian placed his knight to deliver a checkmate, sealing his victory.

"You truly are impressive, Cian," Ciel praised, a hint of awe in his voice. "I must admit, you have surpassed me in chess skills."

"Your moves were remarkable as well. With this level of skill, you can surely conquer any opponent you face. Unfortunately, defeating me is a different story altogether."

A hearty laugh escaped Ciel's lips. "Ah, you've grown into such a cheeky one," he chuckled. "I must say, I quite like it."

Just as the atmosphere settled from their intense game, a knock echoed through the door, disrupting the tranquility of the room.

"Lord Lambhart, I apologize for the interruption, but it's time for our departure," a feminine voice called out. It was likely Maya's mother seeking their attention.

Ciel acknowledged the interruption with a nod. "Ah, yes. Just give me a moment," he replied, rising from his seat. Adjusting his collar, he turned his gaze towards Cian. "Well, it seems it's time for me to go. Take care of yourself while I'm away, my son."

Cian responded with a nonchalant tone, masking the underlying sadness in his eyes. "Yeah, sure," he muttered.

Ciel's gaze then shifted to Maya. "And Maya, please take care of my son in my absence."

"I will, my Lord," Maya replied with a respectful bow.

"Alright, then it's time for me to head out," Ciel announced, approaching the door. Just before opening it, he paused and glanced back at Maya and Cian. "Oh, one more thing before I go. Now that both of you are teenagers, if ever you find yourselves caught up in the heat of the moment, remember to be cautious and... well, make sure to practice safe intimacy, alright?"

Confused, both Maya and Cian tilted their heads in confusion, failing to comprehend his words. "Huh?" they exclaimed simultaneously, seeking clarification.

"Just keep my advice in mind. You'll understand its meaning soon enough," Ciel replied cryptically, finally opening the door and departing for the palace.

Left alone, Maya turned to Cian with a puzzled expression. "What do you think he meant by that?"

Cian shrugged, a bemused expression on his face. "Who knows? Maybe it was some sort of enigmatic message or riddle he wanted us to figure out."

As he spoke, his gaze shifted back to the chessboard. There was something unsettling about the way his father played, something that didn't quite add up.

'Did my father truly give it his all in this game? It felt like he deliberately allowed himself to be cornered. But why? What was he trying to convey to me, if anything at all?' Cian pondered, his thoughts swirling.

Maya, noticing his introspective state, couldn't help but inquire, "Is something on your mind? You seem preoccupied."

Cian snapped out of his thoughts and glanced at Maya. "Oh, it's nothing. I just realized that there might have been a better move I could have made."

"A better move? But you've already won the game. Isn't that enough?"

"Yeah... I suppose so."

Dwelling on the matter any further seemed futile without any tangible leads to pursue. He sighed inwardly, realizing that his thoughts alone wouldn't uncover the truth.

"...So, young master, what shall we do next?"

Cian paused for a moment, considering his options. "For now, I think I'll have breakfast," he replied, his stomach growling in agreement. "Could you please check if the food is ready?"

"Of course," Maya acknowledged, her steps light as she made her way to the door.


Maya exited the room, stepping into the corridor. As she made her way outside, her keen eyes caught sight of a fleeting figure rushing away from the hall.

"Who was that?" she murmured, her head tilting in confusion.

The figure had disappeared from sight, vanishing down the right corridor before Maya could make a positive identification.

She had only managed to catch a fleeting glimpse before it vanished completely. Who could it have been?

Her thoughts immediately harkened back to the recent conversation between Ciel and Cian. The manor had been infiltrated by a spy, but due to the lack of substantial information, Cian had been unable to deduce their identity. A determination sparked within Maya – if she could provide her young lord with crucial information, perhaps he could uncover the spy's true identity.

Fueled by her unwavering determination to aid Cian, Maya made up her mind to pursue the mysterious figure. Yet, just as she set off in pursuit, a sudden force clamped her mouth shut and yanked her forcefully back into the room.

Surprised and caught off guard, Maya's voice was muffled as she attempted to voice her confusion. "Wha-?!"

To her astonishment, the one who pulled her was her young master. His eyes locked with hers, conveying a sense of urgency and seriousness.


With a hushed gesture, he pressed a finger to his lips, silently instructing Maya to remain quiet.

Maya had no choice but to comply with Cian's silent directive. But as she gazed into his eyes, his serious expression caused her heart to quicken its pace, while a faint blush graced her cheeks.

However, as she gazed into his eyes, a particular look conveyed a silent message, one that resonated deep within her.

"Don't do anything unnecessary, or you might as well be doing something that puts our lives at risk," his eyes seemed to convey.

Maya, having been by Cian's side since he was a mere five years old, possessed an unwavering connection that allowed her to decipher his intentions through a mere exchange of glances.

"Maya, prepare a bath for me first," Cian declared, deliberately raising his voice. "I don't wish to dine while smelling unpleasant."

Though uncertain of Cian's intentions, Maya had an unwavering faith in her young master. If he possessed knowledge of the situation, she believed it to be true. After all, he was her respected young master.

Little did Maya realize the peril that awaited her had she ventured down that very corridor. Concealed within the shadows lurked an enigmatic figure, armed with a menacing knife.