
Lustful Adventure in Otaku World

I was always been an otaku. Never had a girlfriend. Or rather, I was hated by others. I destroyed my happy family with my own hand. But I am happy, I had otaku culture with me all the time. I was able to laugh when they laugh, I was able to cry when they cry. They were my best friend. But there's a problem, I am facing. I am going to die. My consciousness is fading. [You have passed the Weeb Exam. Now, you will be transmigrated into a world called Otaku.] "World of Otaku?" I asked in surprised. [It's a world I created as a fellow otaku. You will be in a world similar to one piece but it's totally different.] After that, I was able to know all about Otaku World. A word with a lot of anime and game characters. I began my journey in a lust filled otaku world. I will definitely conquer all holes. It's about a boy who becomes pirate in an Otaku World. Will he be able to get one piece? Or is it a place filled with a lot of girls? . . . . . . . . . . . [AN: I decided to write a fanfic. It's my first fanfic, so I will probably make a lot of mistakes. Updates might be a bit slow or it could be fast, depends on my original novel. The picture above is not mine. Credit goes to rightful owner.] [AN: Mc will have sex with others wife. But non of his wife will have sex with others. So, if you're into where mc having sex with someone else's wife in front of him, you're in the right place.]

Sowrav2459 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
113 Chs


"Shar, I have a question." I said.

"What is it, my lord?" She replied.

"Do you have any problem in your left eye?" I asked.

I don't really know if something did happened to the original Shar from the game. But I am curious about her.

"No, my eyes are normal. It's just a magical technology created by the system. It has some features. It mostly allows me to see clearly the place far from here." She replied.

Oh, so it could be something really helpful in the sea.

"So, what do my lord wants to do next?" She asked.

"I want to go to Snowpoint town. If I am not wrong this road will lead us to that town." I said.

"I see, I understand." She said.

"Okay, let's start our journey. I am sorry, some thugs stole my bagpag. So, I don't really have anything with me." I said.

"It's okay, I will beat those people." She said.

"No, that's not what I meant. But we'll, let's go onwards." Saying that we started our journey.

This body is really convenient. Because of my race changed, I don't think I get tired easily.

We walked for few hours and before I knew it, it was night. We hunted two rabbit on our way. Well, it's not like I did anything. Shar used some kind of magic.

Oh, I forgot to discuss about magical elements here. People can use many kind of superpowers. Like devil fruit, magic, haki etc.

There are some basic of magic attack types in this world.








Elemental users can use elemental attacks. Like Fire, Water, Life, Thunder, Ice etc.

Martial type users can boosts their martial art attacks by using magics. Martial Artist in this world are insane level ahead of the one I used to know in my previous world.

Tech type user can use technology to attack.

You can understand what Light and Dark means.

Order types attacks are similar to Light types. But it's more rich and powerful. It has some major difference too.

Chaos are also similar to Dark type. But it's more powerful and when a user use a chaos skill, it might cause a great uproar.

By the way, Shar is a Chaos type specialist. She can use simple attacks and summon some dead Dragon Souls.

"We should stop there for tonight. We will carry our journey tomorrow." I said.

"Yes, my lord." She replied.

Now that I think about it, I have a item called House Lv1, right?

I should use that. It should be in the item box.

I opened the system.

The first thing I saw was my status.


Name: Sol Tundra

Race: Ancient Dragon(Formally Human)

Gender : Male

Level: Knight

Skill: {Elemental Magic}{Transform}


Points: 1000


My name is something I know and Race has changed. About gender, it should be obvious.

What surprise me most was my level. I thought I was as strong as a goblin. No the former me used to be one. But it seems my level is now knight. It might be because, I have evolved into a Ancient Dragon.

About skills, I think I know what that means. I can use elemental type attacks and I can change any of my body parts to a dragon. Like hand or something.

I still have 1000 gift point. I will use them later.

There were two feature besides the Status feature. One is Store, where I can buy things. It can be cards, Magical Technology, Utensils or Foods.

Another one is Item Box.

I clicked on item box option. There was only one item. A cube shaped home.

I clicked on that and before I know it, it appeared in my hand. I put it in front of me and we moved aside.

After that, it became big just when I thought it should be.

"Uwa... Is it some kind of magic item from your system, my lord?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's called house. We don't have to worry about camp." I said.

"That's convenient." She said in joy.

"Yeah." replied and opened the door.

We got in.

My first reaction to the house was, small. Yeah, it's just a one room house with kitchen and bathroom attached to it.

What's the most surprising thing is there is only one futon. Yeah, only one. But why?

[You can buy another set from the store.]

I see.

I checked it on the store. It takes 400 points to buy a futon. Isn't it unfair?

I only have 1000 points and I want to use some of them to get more cards.

One Card costs 500 coins. That's a lot cheaper than I thought. But I need utensils for cooking too.

I immediately needs some coins. Is there any way to get coins?

[You can get coins from completing missions. You can also get points by buying them with real world money.]

I see.

I need some calculation.

I need some basic cocking utensils. So, I needs to buy some of them. But all of them total will cost me 200 points. Well, they are top quality. But even so, it's too much. If I buy a futon. I won't be able to buy a card.

What should I do?

Well, let's forget and buy utensils first.

Shar was amazed seeing the room whole time.

She ran toward me and asked excitedly,

"My lord, my lord... There is a toilet here. There is a toilet here." She said excitedly.

"There is a bath too. But why are you particularly excited for toilet?" I asked.

"We don't need to release our things in the wild. I don't really like pooping on the wild." She said with sparkling eyes.

"I see. I got it. Why not you take bath first. I will make something simple with those rabbit meat. We don't have any other ingredients after all." I said.

"Okay." Saying that she excitedly went to the bath.

Now then, what should I do? I don't have anything other than rabbit meat.

I have no choice but to buy from the store.

Having no way, I brought ingredients for making steak and rice.

Yeah, I get carried out and bought 50 kilo.

We don't need to rice for a while.

Now that I think about it, is there any current mission available, right now?

[Yes. I am taking you to the mission page.]

[Mission-01: Fuck Shar.

Reward : 1000 points.

Mission-02: Defeat or Kill the thugs who stole your bag.

Reward : 1000 points.

Mission-03: Get your backpack back.

Reward : 1000 points.]
