
Chapter 1

It was midnight and like every other teenager on vacation i was looking for entertainment, excitement and some fun. Might be hard finding that at home ...but i actually did.


I couldn't sleep. Trust me i tried everything yet i couldn't fall asleep. I listened to rain sounds, though of finding a new position of sleep to feel comfortable but ..... nothing.

I was getting annoyed. Grabbing my phone i turned to YouTube to watch more reels when I saw it.....the solution to my problem.

Well not the sleep thing but the bored thing.

I found a way to fix my bored situation. It was a sign.....a sign sent to me by the internet.


Ok i know talking to strangers was weird and when growing up that was the first thing we were basically though.....well we were first potty trained but still.... This was a sign and I took it. Talk to someone i would never meet....that sounds pretty good to me.

All my excitement was killed when I found out that my playstore app didn't have Omegle.

'Stupid play store '

But that didn't stop me. I downloaded 3 different apps that could allow me to talk to strangers. And 5 minutes later i uninstalled 2 of them after being video called by a grandpa and texted by some random guy who basically just said ' Hey. send me your nudes.'

That was disturbing.Well that's what you get for talking to random strangers.

But I had one last option left. I tried it .....and after 1 hour i finally found someone normal.

It was quite entertaining though. I met lots of weirdos on the app , some asking for nudes, others saying they need a Suger daddy who can pay their bills and lots of gays and old men .

Like I said.... very entertaining.

But this guy ..... his information only said 'M.19 yrs since everyone asks '

I won't lie .....This just made me laugh. I was thinking what this guy had gone through to even write this as his personal info.

I was curious.....And as they say curiosity killed the cat.

Who would have thought that this stranger was going to be the end of me.