
Lust For Darkness

In modern-day New York, a dark force waits in the shadows searching for a person worthy to inherit its power. Daren is just a normal guy trying to get through life. As untethered rumors start to surface throughout the college he is attending, his life turns upside down. He's presented with a decision that will change his life, and the world forever. With this newfound power and confidence, he can finally do anything he wants. Darkness wages war in his heart as he wants nothing more than to spread chaos and misery. A lustful nature. A lust for darkness.

LupusDeus · Fantasy
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13 Chs


After William gets done with Darens other hand, he turns his attention to his feet. He takes his socks off to reveal that his feet are in far worse condition. His whole foot has turned black as if Daren had been standing in a fire.

"I'm going to need a saw." Daren makes a fuse as he sees William pick up a metal saw. "Shhh, don't worry." William tries to calm him down. "I'm surprised that you didn't pass out yet."

William grabs another bag full of blood and hangs it up. "There you go." He pats him on the head. "I won't let you die."

'This is all going to be worth it.' Daren keeps telling himself. 'I can do this, I can make it through this. I can have and do anything I want if I just sur....'

William starts cutting his foot off at the ankle without any warning. Again, Daren screams. This time, he screams louder than the music is playing. His gums start to bleed as he bites down harder. His teeth start to chip and crack under the pressure.

This time, he can't help it. He looks down at Williams' handy work, seeing the saw cutting through flesh. He watches as William is having trouble getting through the ankle bones. His saw becoming even more dull the longer he does on.

William sets the saw down and uses two more straps across his shins and his upper thigh. Then, he starts searching through the nearby rubbish, trying to find a different tool to use. "Here it is!" William picks up a chainsaw and shows it to Daren. "This will get the job done real quick. Let's just hope that I don't slip."

If it wasn't for the pain that Daren is in. He would start to think this guy isn't a doctor at all.

He pulls the cord and starts the chainsaw, revving it up a few times just for show. The chainsaw manages to cut through the bones much better than the saw could. It even comes with the benefit of looking much cooler.

It only takes about a minute before it cuts all the way through. William quickly turns it off and sets it down so he can focus on stitching up the wound.

William checks to see if Daren is still conscious or, at the very least, still alive. Daren's eyes are glued wide open. He's in so much pain that his body refuses to let his eyelids relax.

"Just one more." William gives Daren a kiss on the forehead before going back to work. The last thing Daren hears is the chainsaw revving up again and tearing through his flesh before he passes out.

Daren opens his eyes and finds himself back in the bed. But he feels something missing. 'So, it wasn't a dream?'

Daren starts to freak out as he checks on what remains of his hand. He can't see underneath all the bandages, but he knows his fingers are no longer there.

He moves his legs and tries to locate his feet. Nothing. Daren tries to scream, but he lost his voice. He strained his vocal chords too much. "He...H...." He can't speak either. Daren curls into the fetal position and starts sobbing uncontrollably.

'My life is over. I'm fucked.' Darens crawls out of the bed, falling onto the floor with a loud thud. He crawls out of the room and carefully down the stairs.

He reaches the kitchen and starts struggling to open the drawers. They fall to the ground with a loud crash. He keeps doing this until he finds the one he's looking for. One of the drawers falls, nearby hitting him in the head. The contents fly out, and a knife lands next to him.

That's what he was looking for. He picks up the knife using both of his wrists. He can't hold onto it very tight. He realizes that it might take a few tries to kill himself. But he's already made up his mind.

As he's about to stab himself in the neck, a hand grabs the knife away from him. Daren stares at his hands in disbelief. He was so close to ending his suffering. He looks up to see a new face. A werewolf with brown and black fur. His cold yellow-golden eyes remind him of that female werewolf.

The werewolf kneels down and offers him the knife. "Death, or power." With these three words, Daren snaps back to his senses. This is what he was seeking from the start. He wants the power to do anything he wants.

Daren puts sets his arms down, refusing to take the knife from him. Willaim walks into the kitchen after hearing all the ruckus from the silverware falling onto the floor. "M..master. I didn't expect to see you so soon."

"All of the preparations are ready." The werewolf says, not saying more than he needs to.

"Your helmet. You don't usually show your face to anyone. What's so special about him?" William sounds like he's getting jealous by the special treatment he's showing Daren.

"His aura is turning black, just like mine. Looks like I have a new favorite pet."

William balls his hand tightly into a fist. His anger grows stronger. "I've done everything that you asked. When I'm I going to get my turn?" William is furious that he hasn't gotten what he wanted. The chance to become a werewolf.

"Because you don't want power." The werewolf stands up and confronts William. Stepping closer to him until they are face to face. "Your color tells me that you desire my admiration. I've given you what you want. Now I'm giving this human what he wants." He speaks in a calm and comforting voice.

"FUCK YOU. I've done everything that you asked me to do for years, and I've asked for little in return."

"And why do you think that is? You have an obsession with wolves. You don't need to ask for anything. Just being around them is a reward for you. What you're going through now is a midlife crisis."

William pushes a hole in the wall, almost breaking his hand in the process. "You're wrong about me. I don't need your admiration." William speaks through his gritted teeth.

"I know. I was just seeing how you would react. Your aura is green. The color of greed. You've been using me this whole time to get what you want. I would have forgiven you if you would have been honest from the start."

William has been putting up with him from the start. He only started working with him because he knew he had a chance to become what he always wanted to be. This werewolf saw through him from the start, and deep down, William knew that.

William gets on his knees to grovel before him. "Please, I'm sorry for lying to you." Tears start running down his face when he can't hold his sadness in any longer. "My whole life, this is the only thing that I desired." William lifts his head up. "Please, Fenrir. I'm begging you. I can't stand being human any longer."

"Comon Daren. Let's go." Fenrir throws Daren over his shoulder and heads for the door. William watches in stunned silence as he is left to cope with his emotions.

After William gains his composer, he stands up and grabs a coat to put on. He also grabs a bottle of spiced rum and a hand gun before walking outside.

He spends hours hunting down wolf tracks. Once he comes across some, he follows them, hoping to come across some of these beautiful creatures.

After tracking them for some time, he comes across a clearing. In the middle, there's a pack of timber wolves that just finished feasting on a kill. He stays out of sight, watching them intently.

He sits down against a tree while taking a few swigs of liquor. Watching as the wolves rest, he wishes he could be one of them. He imagines what could have been if only he was honest with Fenrir from the start. He knows it's his fault that he can never accomplish his dream, but he can still enjoy his final moments.

Tears of joy run down his face as he watches the wolves rest with their stomachs full. 'I couldn't ask for a better death.' He pulls his gun out and aims the barrel underneath his chin. He keeps staring at the wolves. He's glad that this is the last thing he will ever see. He pulls the trigger, ending his life.

William's greed drove him to suicide. In his final moments, he never felt sorry for the people he hurt.

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