
Lust For Darkness

In modern-day New York, a dark force waits in the shadows searching for a person worthy to inherit its power. Daren is just a normal guy trying to get through life. As untethered rumors start to surface throughout the college he is attending, his life turns upside down. He's presented with a decision that will change his life, and the world forever. With this newfound power and confidence, he can finally do anything he wants. Darkness wages war in his heart as he wants nothing more than to spread chaos and misery. A lustful nature. A lust for darkness.

LupusDeus · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Killer Instincts

McCoy steps outside the house to collect his thoughts. There's so many unanswered questions, but it's his job to piece everything together. "Has anyone taken a look at the backyard yet?"

"No. Where still focusing on the house." The female cop answers him.

"Thanks, Sophia. I'll take a look."

McCoy heads around the house, opening the white picket fence door while he pulls out his flashlight. He didn't notice any clues that the killer fled out the same door he came in.

He does a thorough check, but when he doesn't find anything of significance, he decides that this is a dead end.

He turns around and catches a glimpse of something in the mud. A footprint. McCoy notices that something isn't right. It looks like a human footprint, but there are claw imprints.

It starts to rain. McCoy has the option to take a picture of the footprint, but he doesn't. Something deep within his mind knows that if this is what he thinks it is, then all hell will break loose. Besides, no one will believe him. He's not even sure if he believes it. So he lets the rain destroy it.

'It's most likely a human footprint that's been altered by the mud changing its form. However, the evidence in the house suggests otherwise.' McCoy comes to the insane conclusion that this was a werewolf attack.

His rational mind fights against this line of reasoning. There's no way something like this is the most rational conclusion. He's making too many assumptions. A simple answer is always the best. He needs more information before he can come to a definitive conclusion.

He looks up into the sky and sees a full moon. 'How could a celestial object influence a transformation like the ones in movies? Perhaps it doesn't. If werewolves are real, most of the mythological elements have been exaggerated over time. That's how stories that have been passed down by word of mouth work. But they always have some truth to them. How much is true?'


A few hours earlier. Daren runs through the forrest, testing out his newfound agility. His body feels weightless, running as fast as a cheetah. He can't express in words how much he is grateful to have this new body. How many people get the chance to experience something as exhilarating as this?

He slows down after coming across several houses. His senses overflow with information. He can hear sounds he's never heard before in great detail. Smells he's never noticed before that have a tantalizing aroma. Human flesh. He needs to feast.

He sees a house with a white picket fence. He can smell them. He can hear them. His heart starts racing at the thought of feasting on their flesh. He starts drooling. This is the best way to start testing his power.

He silently walks up to the front door, being careful in case they have cameras set up. Usually doorbell cameras. So he walks towards it from the side, avoiding any such security devices. He tries the door handle. Locked, of course.

He twists the door knob off and forces and fiddles with the rest of the mechanism until it pops out on the other side. The door opens.

He takes a step inside, listening carefully to determine if he woke anyone up. It's silent. He's able to hear the heartbeats of four humans. There's no change in the rhythm. Everyone's still fast asleep.

He makes his way past the living room and into the hallway that leads to the bedrooms. He stops at one of the doors. There's one male inside the room. A female in the door next to him, and two in the room down the hall. 'Two adults and two kids.' There won't be as much meat on the children. He considered not killing them, but he doesn't want to take the chance of them waking up and calling for help.

He slips quietly into the room and walks up to the bed of the sleeping boy. The thought of killing children doesn't please him, but he has to set his morals aside to avoid detection for now. If he can't do something as simple as this, then he won't be able to achieve his goals.

Daren decides to make it quick. He uses his claws to slice open the boys neck. He sits up and grabs his neck to stop the bleeding. However, Daren severed his jugular. The boy struggles to run away, he falls to the floor, and dies in a pool of his own blood.

He enters the teenage girls' room next. She meets the same fate, but she doesn't have as much fight in her. She stares at her attacker while blood soaks her bed. The same dying eyes as everyone else. It's as if they all have one question on their mind right before they die. Why did this happen to me? It's a fair question to ask. But not one that's deserves an answer.

Daren makes his way towards the parents' bedroom. But as soon as he enters the hallway, the husband is standing on the other side. He must have woken up to his daughter choking on her blood. 'Why can't they die quietly?'

He turns on the lights to get a good look at Daren. His fur is as black as the darkness that resides behind him. The only thing that gives him any depth are the occasional white strands of fur spread evenly throughout.

His eyes are filled with rage. It's as if the human is staring down a feral beast with only one desire in mind. Kill.

Daren wants to test out his new body and decides to let the human make the first move. However, Daren failed to see the gun in his hand. Before he knows it, a shot goes off. BANG!

The bullet hits Daren in the shoulder. He flinches, but he shrugs it off. The human stares in disbelief as Darens wound slowly repairs itself.

Daren gives the human a menacing grin as he charges forward. He tries to fire off another shot at Daren.

Daren dodges at the last second, just before he pulls the trigger. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion. He's able to see the bullet flying out of the barrel and watches it as it flies past his head. 'I didn't expect this.'

Daren grabs his arms and rips it off with relative ease. He tears the rest of his limbs off and disembowls him for good measure. 'One more left.'

Daren slowly opens the door to the bedroom. The woman sees a blood-soaked beast standing before her and freezes in fear. Her body is unable to move. Good thing, too. Daren notices that she's on her phone, most likely calling the police.

"Ma'am? Are you still there?" Daren hears the sound of the 911 operator on the other end of the phone. 'It's too late now.' He knows it's only a matter of time before this house is surrounded by officers. But he takes his time anyway. Casually walking towards her and knocking the phone out of her hand.

He kills her the same way he killed her husband. It's too easy. "Ma'am. The police are on their way."

He makes it quick. He takes a few bites out of her flesh before doing the same with her husband to see who tastes better. There's no difference. But one thing is for sure, human flesh is now his favorite food.

He hears sirens in the distance and heads for the back door to escape through the backyard. He continues to reminisce the taste as he flees. Juicy, and tender. No wonder why humans like veal. Whatever the chemicals the body produces when humans are scared shitless, it sure does make the meat much more savory.

Thinking back on how easy it was to dodge that bullet. He starts to wonder what else he can do. Killing is fun and all, but he dreams bigger. Money, fame, and women. He can have all of these now. The world is his playground.