
Lust Encant System

Yuko was an average boy, until he encountered a demon entity that granted him powers. But with that came a price, while yuko used his powers to fight evil, he was turning evil himself as the power consumed his humanity and feeded the most luxurious and bad side of his human desire. He has to resist the ambition of turning always more strong by defeating and absorbing another demons and fight his endless blood and sexual appetite.

Rouper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Is that you?

Yuko suddenly waked up, he tried to move out of bed only to feel a big pain, he was too hurt to move that much. "Take it easy" Echoed the feminine voice in the room.

"Y-you? What you doing here?" Yuko for a moment didn't believed she was there, he was thinking that he was probably hallucinating after had got some punch in the head.

"You were destroyed back there. But it's Alright, soon your pain will be gone, I just want to talk to you a little before everything happens." The girl spoke with an oddly sweet voice.

"What everything?" Yuko questioned.

"Don't make much effort, everything will be alright. I know you might be confused, so let me introduce myself before anything. My name is Iza and I'm here to serve you."

"W-WHA... SERVE ME?" Yuko yelled. He invested too much energy on that and started to cough blood.

The girl with a worried face instantly got up from where she was sitting, put a hand before yuko's head and conjugated an enchantment on a idiom yuko never heard.

It was possible to see his wounds being cured as a green light iluminated his body while Iza almost whispered those strange words. The more she spoke the expression of pain on yuko's face were transforming into a satisfied and relieved one.

When she finished, yuko looked his body trying to find any wound, he couldn't see a scratch. Then looked at her with a surprised face and just laid on the infirmary bed staring at the ceiling. "You just cured me." He said in disbelief.

"So... You are here to serve me, right? Why out nothing you just come and say this? You can only be joking. You are probably together with thoses guys, you are trying to mess with me. I really am a big jok-"

Yuko didn't had the time to finish the sentence, Iza seemed angry because he questioned her.

"STOP! You don't know how blessed you are. My first master told me to come here and take care of you, so that I will do. I'll Make my best to satisfy your needs. But if you doubt still... He instructed me to say that in your dream, he said that you should not fear."

Yuko was astonished, he immediately remembered of the dream, It made sense on his head now, but he couldn't believe. The angel, demon, God or whatever it was, said they'll encounter again, but he didn't expected it would be this way. She could not be lying, but she knew about the dream, how?

Yuko suddenly got up from the bed and stopped in front of iza, with the most serious face;

"So if what you are saying it's true, where he is? I'm ready to accept his proposal."

Iza looked shocked, she didn't expect him to accept right away, but if he wanted just like that, who was she to even question.

"I have the ceremony ready, it's on a place on the Pilgrim forest, if you want I can get you there right now." Yuko was looking the most serious he had ever looked on his life. "Let's go."

They were walking for a while deep to the Pilgrim forest, there were a lot of legends about that place, phantoms that were hunting people, people killing themselves, murder and anything you could imagine, almost all of them true.

Soon enough yuko and iza got to a little wooden abandoned house, she opened the door and invited him to enter, as they walked inside it, one could hear wood creaking... "Here we are, just lay on that bed and we shall start" Iza pointed to a red old bed that seemed that could just collapse at any moment.

Yuko just looked at her and without any hesitation jumped to the bed and closed his eyes; "I'm ready."

"Okay then..." Iza was still surprised with his blind faith. She then raised her arms closed her eyes and started a new spell, as she talked a dark aura of energy was consuming the place, objects were moving alone.

When she finished the last words and it got quieter the energy was not as much strong, yuko spoke; "Okay Iza, I'm ready... You can do it now man, I'm waiting... Iza?"

Yuko opened his eyes and looked around, Iza was nowhere to be seen, there was just a crushing silence. "She left me lost in the forest. I knew it, it was too good to be true, this might even be a dream, I'm probably still on the school floor shocking on my own blood or something."

After just standing for a minute there yuko decided to leave, as he walked to the door, he started to hear someone knocking...

"Who is there? Iza? Is that you?" The knocking was getting intense every step, until yuko finally reached the door and opened it.

A strong white light blinded him for a few seconds, when he got able to see again the forest was gone, the house was gone, actually everything was gone.

Reality was only a white empty void. "Guess it's really a dream." Yuko wondered the white void looking for any signal of anything, only to find nothing.

He was probably for some hours searching on that place, until he sees something at far that he believes to be a silhouette of some kind of being, at that point he got happy to have found anything at all.

He was running like never; "Heyyy you! Over here!" He screamed waving his hand, the entity didn't noticed him, his happiness was already fading.

After running a good time he finally reached it. "Hello, sir? Excuse me... Sir?" The entity looked at him, it was somewhat of a smiling skull in a cloak, holding a big sickle "Shit, am i dead?" Yuko thought.

Yuko and the entity were awkwardly staring at each other, so the big skull state; "Hello kid, I don't see any humans here for quite a while, congratulations."

"Congratulations For what?" questioned yuko, the entity did not reply. "How can I get out of here? I'm supposed to meet a person." The entity looked at him; "You want to get out?" Yuko took a while to reply; "Yes I do."

"So tell me, where you shall go?"

"I'm here to visit a friend, I don't know exactly his name but Iza it's his servant"

"Oh, I know." The entity was a skull with a smile, but when yuko said that he started to laugh as he heard the best joke in a long time.

The entity raised her arms and spoke "Good luck then, kid, we'll meet again soon."

Yuko was consumed by a black void as if he was falling into an abyss, he couldn't see nothing, he screamed as if he was falling into his end.

After his dispair he helt he hit something. Yuko was eyes closed.

Slowly trying to take a peak, he started to open them, he could see a vast blue sky, when he realized he was actually on what seemed to be earth.

He got up and looked around, it was a mountain surrounded by the most amazing view he had ever seen, until he finds a familiar figure, she was on her back to him, but he already knew who was, even though yuko wanted, he was a little afraid to go talk to it and just kept looking at the figure contemplating the view.

"Is that you?" Yuko heard that and got goosebumps, he already knew he was there.

"We've never introduced each other properly before, yuko. Come here let's talk." He gave a over the shoulder look with a smile to yuko.

He started to go on his direction. One thing yuko noticed was that the creature was naked, had a human body that was very feminine and long blonde hair.

When yuko got to his side the entity looked at him still smiling; "My name is Lagan, nice to meet you."

Yuko was just standing there hearing. He did not had the strength to even talk, he realized that probably Lagan already knew everything about him.

"So... I am what you race call a demon. Every thousand years I choose an avatar to enter the human realm, and this time I choose you. But the thing is, you got to invite me."

"Invite you?"


"What would I gain by inviting you?"

"We'll share the same body. You get all of my powers to your use while you live your time in your realm."

Yuko didn't thought too much about it, if there were be any consequences to his soul or if lagan was a bad demon or not, the only thing he knew for sure was that he was tired of being weak and if he invited him he would become stronger. That was all yuko cared.

"Yes. I invite you, I accept you in my body as a guest."

Lagan laughed out loud and became a dust that hited yuko's chest making him fall in the ground.

Little did yuko knew he was sealing his fate and entering in a much bigger universe.