
Chapter 1

IT was all such a blur...

The sound of her voice so innocent....

Fearing what stood before her....


The One He called his father.

But how could he? How could he hear the sound of her voice while he was a small seed inside her mother's womb?

But he did hear it....he heard him scar his mother to the very last breath she exhaled. It remained quiet after that, so quiet that he felt like he was also getting tired, Very tired actually....He slowly closed his eyes shut and thats the last thing He could remember.

"The world is a cruel place for anyone who lives within it and most horrible for those who dare crime upon it." Those where the words the old man told him.

He never told the boy how he had saved him from inside his mother's womb, but even so...the boy had a gift of which the old said was a curse. The boy would grow each day and he would deny food he was given in exchange for something else more....The old man fed the boy fresh blood from which he had stripped from the animals he was hunting.

The boy was skin pale....eyes crystal red...and sharp fangs on both sides of his mouth....he was surprisingly very stronger than the old man and faster than him in every way.

The bow grew and the village was very pleased to have such an agile boy in their camp. Until the news reached the ears of king Matthews himself, know to be the richest king in Romania and he wanted the boy to join his troops and without hesitation.....the boy was taken forcefully from the old man whom was brutally killed in the process.

He watched as he was beheaded and thrown inside his hut and burned dead.

Warning! Strong language and mild violence

""Many legends have risen and many have fallen..But the undead..will never fall." By: Midnight

Him witnessing the death of his one and only family at the age of six tormented him horribly. Having knowledge of his supreme gift, King Matthews had the guards Chaim him and send him to the dungeons.

Vampires have lived for more than millenniums in Romania...Bodies and bodies, blood after blood...Barbarian linguistics groups formed to protect romanian civilization.

The order was formed. It was firstly know as the "Vampire's curse" but now known as the forbidden prophecy.

Cassandra....a Greek prophet foretold that a child will be born with either a gift or a curse or both with the power to bring forth torment or salvation to Romania and the world itself. And indeed the boy was born...Morpheus....son of the greatest vampire to walk the lands DRACULAR.

Unfortunately his whereabouts were unknown after killing his human mate, discovering that she was bearing a threat which could destroy the vampire civilization. To his most saddest luck the boy survived...An old Archsage saved him from his dying mother's womb and secretly raised him in the village of sinope.

Having heard of the prophecy...the undead isolated themselves in the valley of desolation...The roman kings Sealed the valley with three magical scrolls called the Commandments..These were created to hold back the vampires from ever coming out..the scrolls were secretly kept away.

The valley was safe guarded by shape shifting humans that turned into wolves..

Years passed and Morpheus grew up with the old man until The king was were of his existence and the old man was punished and killed while the boy was sent to the dungeons. King Matthews decided to keep it a secret from the order until he knew what to do of the vampire boy.

"Eight years later"


"Matthews!! Matthews!!" The large sodden doors swung open as a tall figured man entered the hall with a group of guards attempting to hold him back.

"My lord...The man refuses to stand down" One of the guards spoke already stand in beside the man as they both stood looking at Matthews sitting on his throne.

"Evans...I must say it is becoming a hobby for you to come barging I'm my castle like this, think of the laws you are breaking" The king gestured standing up raising his hand for the guards to leave the room.

"Forget the rules Matthews...do you not have shame as a king? Putting your people in such danger all because you want to prove your power?" Evans clenched his fists angrily as he stared right into the kings eyes.

"You are speaking in riddles Evans...what are you on about?"

"The prophecy is still alive...and you kept it in here for all these years" Evans said lowering his voice but still his impression was still the same. The king paused for a few seconds as if he was shocked or rather knowing what was at stake he could be removed as king. Evans Always wanted the throne despite not being of the royal blood. Evans was same height as the king but more muscular, his long blonde hair sat recklessly on his shoulders and a nice black beard on his chin

The king was not very pleased at all to hear what Evans just said. He pushed his hair back from his forehead and pulled Evans by his coat closer to him. "Listen here Evans..You dare say a word of this matter I swear on my life you will meet your ancestors" The king said with a terrifying tone and his expression was more threatening than Evans had ever seen the king with.

"You should have killed him Matthews...you should have killed it!" Evans broke free from the King's grip and turned to walk away and closed the doors leaving the king standing alone.


The sun finally sets and the rain pouring in the body of Romania city of chersonnesos close to the ocean of Pontus exinus the basilaei major base of Romania Irani gather around when Evans arrives with the new he had heard in sinope. The eldest of the group barbarians sat at the very end of the table as the others arrived to join to sit down

Evans was the ladt to sit beside the Barbarian Dardanos.

"Evans..I do believe you have brought us here for some important reason and I am well aware of your thirst for the sinope throne..bare in mind to pick your words wisely" Dardanos said brushing his big white beard. As old as he was everyone respected him and all barbarian groups paid respect to him . Evans cleared his throat

"What I am about to lay here on this tonight will shock you all" Said Evans...All men where now sitted quietly to hear what he was about to say.

"The boy in the prophecy lives"

"What?" The barbarians gasped...their eyes shocked as if they had seen the worst. "Lies! It cannot be possible I refuse to believe!"Dardanos shouted in anger as he stood up. "Where did you witness this?"

"I swear Dardanos..King Matthews had him chained for eight years in the dungeon, the boy has not escaped for he not knows of his power I think" Evans bowing his head a little while he faced Dardanos

"Set sail to sinope at once and send word to all Barbarian groups, the prophecy must not come true" Dardanos Orders.

The message was sent out in the blistering rain of Romania..the ocean was a no sail zone.

The Boy In The Prophecy Lives..

The horses splashed in the muddy rain leading to na po a Romania.

The beginning of the end was near and slowly the prophecy was at reach for both species.

The question is..will they be able to bring peace and succeed in the coming darkness that will threaten the land.

Well vampire's presence has never been a good omen to anyone who comes across them.


Thank you for reading!

Await more..

Next chapter