
chapter 2

Editor – Juja ji

Hazrat, have you read till now..

After coming to the city, Faizan took him around the city a lot. We would go for a ride on Faizan's bike.. I would sit behind Faizan and Zahira would sit behind me.

We used to visit the city a lot and Zahira also enjoyed it a lot.

While sitting on the bike, I would press my breasts on Faizan's back and whisper in his ear - Why are you feeling my breasts then?

Faizan would also deliberately move his waist on my waist and rub my breasts. Sometimes, whenever I got a chance, I would place my hands on his thighs and caress his penis over his pants, which used to give Faizan a lot of fun.

Zahira, who was sitting behind on the bike, remained completely unaware of our mischiefs.

Faizan loved his sister very much.. after all she was his youngest sister.. she was at least 18 years younger than him.. and she was 10 years younger than me.

Every day Faizan himself used to drop Zahira to college while going to office and would take her along with him on his return. I too never had any problem with this. Just like there is a fight in the house between sister-in-law and sister-in-law, apparently this never happened between me and her. In fact, I considered her to be my own younger sister.

Now enjoy further..

Then one day that incident happened which became the reason for this story to move forward, before that neither anything like that had happened in our house nor in anyone's mind.. but after that incident my mind was on a strange path. I set out and got things done that should never have happened.

It was Sunday and we all were at home. In the afternoon, we all were sitting in the TV lounge watching TV when Faizan asked for tea.. before I could get up.. because of my habit.. Zahira immediately got up and said – Bhabhi, you sit.. I I will prepare it and bring it.

I said 'Thanks' to him and started watching TV again, Faizan was also sitting near me.

Suddenly Zahira's scream was heard from the kitchen and at the same time the sound of her falling was heard. Both Faizan and I immediately got up and ran towards the kitchen screaming.

'What happened Zahira?'

As soon as we went inside, we saw that Zahira was lying on the kitchen floor and was holding her leg and pressing it and she was moaning in pain.

We immediately sat near her and I said – What happened Zahira.. how did you fall?

Zahira- Just sister-in-law.. I didn't realize how my foot got stuck in my pancha and I fell down.

Faizan: It is thankful that he had not picked up the tea yet.. otherwise the hot tea could have spilled over and caused even more damage.

I slowly tried to hold Zahira and lift her up.. Faizan held her other arm and we made Zahira stand.. then she was not able to keep her left leg down on the ground. With great difficulty she lifted one leg up and reached the TV lounge limping with the support of me and her brother.

Even on the way, she kept moaning - Bhabhi, it is not going... it is hurting a lot.

After bringing the TV to the lounge, both of us made him lie down on the sofa and I sat near him.

Faizan- Looks like he has a sprain in his leg.

I straightened Zahira and laid her down on the sofa and came towards her feet and caressed her feet and said - Yes.. it seems like that..

I told Faizan - You should go to Zahira's bedroom and get a move... so that I can massage her feet a little.

After listening to me, Faizan immediately went into the room and I kept caressing his leg slowly. Zahira was still groaning in pain.

After a few moments Faizan came back and gave me the move. I took out a little ointment from the tube and started rubbing it on Zahira's leg.

Then I said to Faizan - please go to the kitchen and bring some heated water in a rubber bottle so that a little fomentation can be done.

Faizan was also very upset due to his sister's leg being sprained. So I immediately went to the kitchen.

After applying the move on Zahira's leg, I lifted her salwar a little above her knees so that I could apply the move on the lower part of her leg also.

At that time, Zahira was wearing a very loose and open pleated salwar and perhaps this was the reason why she got entangled in its pleats and fell in the kitchen.

As soon as I lifted Zahira's salwar up to her knees, Zahira's fair legs became naked in front of my eyes.

Uff.. Zahira's legs were so fair and soft.. As soon as I touched her bare leg.. I felt as if I had put my hand in butter.. I made the mistake of massaging her leg and slowly started massaging her leg. Started caressing the leg.

Slowly she started moving her hand on his bare leg. This had never happened before.. but today I was having a different pleasure. I got the chance to caress her velvety leg.

Then I shook off my thoughts and started moving on her leg.

Within a short while Faizan brought a rubber bottle of hot water and kept it on the table.

Now he sat on the other sofa and started watching TV again.. While moving on Zahira's leg, suddenly my eyes went towards Faizan.. and my eyes widened with surprise. I saw that Faizan's eyes were looking at his real sister's bare legs instead of the TV.

I was astonished as to how Faizan could look at his younger sister's bare leg like this.

I could recognize the lust in his eyes very well, after all I was his wife.

Seeing this, my hands stopped on Zahira's leg for a moment.. but I did not have the courage to move myself.