
Lured By The Billionaire King

“ Ms. Santiago, why don't you come over here and properly introduce yourself.” The person said, and Ria had to bite her inside cheeks, not to curse vile words. Even with the more chill atmosphere in his room Ria tried to walk until she reached the two-step next to his office table. “ I still can't see you, Ms. Santiago “ There's a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Ria tried to steady her footing even though she's nervous, and his initiative is scaring the hell out of her. Plus, this freakin cold atmosphere wasn't helping at all. This damn guy probably thinks he's living in Antarctica. Even Ria's breathing is producing fog indicating how cold his room is. “ Right away, Sir,” She heave an internal sigh when she manages to utter those three words without stuttering. When she lifts her legs and manages to land her foot one step away from him, Ria was shocked when he stood up facing her. Ria feels like her whole world turns upside down, seeing Khrys in front of her. She took one step backward and lost her balance when she forgot that there's a step behind her. Luckily Khrys was quick to grab her hand and pull her in his arm. She made a small shriek and tried to push him away, but he won't let her go. Khrys buried his face on the crook of her neck, one hand is firmly holding her waist steady, while the other is gripping the back of her head. “ I miss you my Queen,” He utter while inhaling her scent like it's his source of life. Ria felt waves of tiny volts flickering all over her body. She can't believe Khrys is Mr. Villar so young to be. Maybe he's the son, but no shit-talking the lady in reception clearly said whom she's going to meet. Goddess! Is this day her doomsday?! ***** Ria had a rough time in Manila. It wasn't easy to live there especially for a bumpkin like her. But one day, her already messed-up life turned messier when she got a task that will determine if she could keep her current work or not and to add more to her problem is the Mysterious World she's about to face when she meets her soulmate.

LJ_Knight · Fantasy
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18 Chs

*Pay back Time*

Ria was delighted with the room she has. It's very minimalist, not like the condo that Micheal has been renting. Here when you enter the door there's a two-meter walkway, on the side is a kitchen, straight ahead there's a living room with one sofa bed. In front of it is a forty-five-inch smart tv hanging on the wall. The distance made it comfortable in the eyes. It wasn't high or too low that it would strain your neck. The sofa bed feels luxurious, and it seems like it's a double unit. There's a wide balcony with a glass sliding door overlooking Saint Theresa's church. The kitchen looks simple decorated in black and white marble; it gives you a feeling to cook something delicious. The floor is in white marble stone, which adds an elegant vibe to the condo. Everything looks new and neatly organise that she starts to doubt if Ms. Angie made a mistake because this room surpassed her expectations. Overall even the bedroom, which is separated from the living room, was quite impressive.

The bed feels so soft, and the room was enough for her to move freely without bumping herself to a corner. There is too much space to move. It gave her a sense of freedom. Inside the room she notices that there's even a built-in computer table facing the glass door going to the connected balcony which is a perfect spot for her workplace. It also has an in-suit bathroom, which means she doesn't need to go out of the room in the middle of the night just to pee or to do other private stuff which might affect her sleeping routine. After putting all her things in the big wooden cabinet in her new room, Ria decided she has to clear everything so she can leave tomorrow without regret. A few minutes before when she entered the condo, she saw Daisy sitting on the chair in the kitchen-dining hall, quietly observing her. She turns around and walks out of the room with a plastered smile on her face while walking to Daisy.

" You got a really nice room Ria, this place suits you best." Daisy smiled back at her.

"Thanks Daisy, I feel like there's some mistake in this condo but since the bellboy brought us here maybe I'm just overthinking things. Oh by the way do you have some change clothes you can use?"

"No, Ria, I'm fine. I think I should be going since you're already settled here. Thank you so much for everything." Daisy went looking down on her palms that were clamped together on her lap under the kitchen table. She looked like a lost soul that needed some guidance.

" Daisy looked at me. Haven't you forgotten that I promised to fix things for you? I wasn't bluffing, I mean it. Now there's no compromises here. I'm doing this to ease my mind. Just thinking about what that scumbag would do to you if you came back and asked for financial support makes me feel uneasy. It's hard to admit, but I'm such a fool to believe that guy really fell in love with me'. It's clear as the daylight that he just used me to run away from you. He scams my money, and he even gets a clean freak to satisfy his need in bed.�� Daisy's eyes went wide hearing my blunt confession. I know it's unlady like some might think I'm pulling myself in a pit of abyss but what I said is the truth. I am not a hypocrite who will turn a blind eye nor will cheat myself to believe in something illogical and plain stupidity.

" Then what do you suggest we should do, Ria? I don't know anything about the law, and I don't know where to ask for help. I don't even have a single penny to fight him legally. It's just hopeless." Daisy stresses out her opinion in a very hopeless tone like nothing will ever change but for her, she's positive that there's something that they can still do.

"No, You're wrong, Daisy, don't give up yet. There's a reason why I brought you here. Now take a shower first and then we will discuss our plan afterwards. Wait, I will look for some clothes for you to change." She was about to go back to the room when Daisy took her hands.

"Thank you so much.." Her words weigh a deep meaning and she understands what Daisy wants to convey through her words. She gave her a look of understanding and tapped Daisy's hand to reassure her that everything will be ok. Then she ushered her to the bathroom to freshen up.

Ria didn't mind changing her clothes even though she's been wearing them all day. Time is ticking and after she's done with all the tasks she needs to do today she can also take a long shower later to relax her body. Now her mind needs relaxation and the only way to do it is to fix everything before down approaches. It was around three o'clock in the afternoon when Daisy was ready to go. Seeing still the worry etched on Daisy's face, she decided to give the latter some information on what they will do.

" Daisy looked now we're going to my workplace. My co worker Miss. Jen recommended us to my boss's legal consultant team. They might help us solve your problem so we should head now to catch the time." Hearing my confident voice somehow made Daisy's tense body relaxed a bit.

"Ok, " She gave Daisy a reassuring smile. "Don't overthink and save your energy."She whispered before they both went out of the condominium premises.

They grabbed a taxi back to her workplace, and within twenty minutes, they arrived since it wasn't far from where she worked. The hassle-free ride reminds her that she should thank Miss Jen personally for helping her.

​Ria showed her I. D. Card to the lobby and to the security. When all the procedures are done, she places her hand on Daisy's arm and leads her to the legal consultant team office. Standing in front of its door she took a deep breath before knocking twice. She twisted the doorknob propping her head to peek inside. She noticed few men and women are busy working inside. They glance at her with a cold shoulder, and nobody dares to speak or accommodate her. It wasn't new to her in fact she's used to it already. She decided to repeat her knock whilst introducing herself.

"Hi, I'm Ria Santiago, Secretary Jen, send me here. Can somebody assist me?��� After hearing the name of the Ceo assistant, someone finally stood up. Her eyes landed on a guy who looked thin and nerdy with his thick-rimmed eyeglasses.

" How can I help you, Miss?"

" Hi, and you are?" She smiled politely.

" I'm Albert, please follow me. I will bring you to our chief legal officer since your request came from the higher ups." Albert timidly smiled while guiding her and Daisy to an office. Albert knocked a few times before a man in his mid-fifties came opening it. The room looks like a storage room for documents, but a divider and book shelving organize it.

" What's the matter Albert, who are they?"

" Sir, they were sent by Secretary Jen. Here is Miss Santiago. I think she's the one working on the upper level."

" Hmm very well, Please come in and have a seat first." The elderly men gesture with his hand.

" Thank you." She replied back.

" What can I do for the two of you ladies?" After sitting, the elderly men didn't beat around the bush but straightforwardly asked the reason why they seek audience with him. She felt Daisy tighten her hold in her arms. She can feel that she is very nervous right now. It was so evident that even the chief legal officer noticed it too.

" Albert, can you bring us warm water here for this lady, and how about you Miss. Santiago, what would you prefer to drink?"

" Thank you, sir for the offer, water is fine with me."

" Ok, you heard what Miss Santiago said , Albert."

" Right away, sir, please excuse me." When Albert came back holding two paper cups filled with warm and neutral water, he handed the drinks to her and Daisy. Then the chief dismissed Albert seeing that his visitor looked distressed and they might want only him to hear their problem.

ohh no?! what do you think Ria will do?

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