
Lured By The Billionaire King

“ Ms. Santiago, why don't you come over here and properly introduce yourself.” The person said, and Ria had to bite her inside cheeks, not to curse vile words. Even with the more chill atmosphere in his room Ria tried to walk until she reached the two-step next to his office table. “ I still can't see you, Ms. Santiago “ There's a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Ria tried to steady her footing even though she's nervous, and his initiative is scaring the hell out of her. Plus, this freakin cold atmosphere wasn't helping at all. This damn guy probably thinks he's living in Antarctica. Even Ria's breathing is producing fog indicating how cold his room is. “ Right away, Sir,” She heave an internal sigh when she manages to utter those three words without stuttering. When she lifts her legs and manages to land her foot one step away from him, Ria was shocked when he stood up facing her. Ria feels like her whole world turns upside down, seeing Khrys in front of her. She took one step backward and lost her balance when she forgot that there's a step behind her. Luckily Khrys was quick to grab her hand and pull her in his arm. She made a small shriek and tried to push him away, but he won't let her go. Khrys buried his face on the crook of her neck, one hand is firmly holding her waist steady, while the other is gripping the back of her head. “ I miss you my Queen,” He utter while inhaling her scent like it's his source of life. Ria felt waves of tiny volts flickering all over her body. She can't believe Khrys is Mr. Villar so young to be. Maybe he's the son, but no shit-talking the lady in reception clearly said whom she's going to meet. Goddess! Is this day her doomsday?! ***** Ria had a rough time in Manila. It wasn't easy to live there especially for a bumpkin like her. But one day, her already messed-up life turned messier when she got a task that will determine if she could keep her current work or not and to add more to her problem is the Mysterious World she's about to face when she meets her soulmate.

LJ_Knight · Fantasy
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18 Chs


" Anything you want to add more Ms. Santiago? You seem very happy to know I'm giving you a month away from the office. Care to share something?" Seems like Mr.Charles is a quick witted person who can sense even the slightest changes in his surroundings. But she's not here to talk about her story, she's here for business so she quickly arranges her face to that professional one.

"Oh no, Sir it's just that it would be my first time to handle this huge proposal and my emotions probably have gone haywire." She gave him a cheerful smile clearing her throat. "Though i have one question, Sir"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Do I still have a payment while I'm in the field?" She couldn't help to fidget on her seat while waiting for her boss to answer her question.

"Why, yes of course?! Your daily salary won't be affected by this. You will be paid fairly. Don't worry about that darling and just focus on the task at hand. I wish you all the good luck. May you succeed so we all get what we want." She had to bite her inside cheeks not to show how overwhelmed she is. The thought that she's going to be paid even if she's not working at the company, The chance to finally see her family without spending a hefty amount of cash plus if she really wins this proposal her dream to be a part of the interior design team will come true! Her eyes are beaming but her facial features stayed adept."Well then, Thank you, Sir, for entrusting this to me. Rest assured, I'll do my very best. Although it still puzzled me why this certain Mr. Villar chooses me who has no experience at all in this field, I will still grab this opportunity. My name and my work is at stake here, plus I badly needed it now because of some personal issues. Once again thank you sir." She stood up and bowed her head in a form of respect and appreciation. Mr. Charles looked pleased by her action and waved his hand in the air.

"Very well, since your mouth is tightly sealed to tell me what's bothering you. I will respect your personal privacy. I hope everything goes smoothly. See you within a month dear,"

"Thank you, Sir. If there's nothing else I'll take my leave then." She stood up waiting for her boss' answer.

"Nope that's all Ms. Santiago, oh by the way. Your ticket is book for tomorrow at six o'clock in the morning so I think you better go home and pack your thing" Mr. Cuenca gave her a mischievous smile. Ria almost rolled her eyes, this boss of her is really something. You will never guess what's all up inside his head.

"Thanks for letting me know sir, I'll sign a leave form to Ms. Jen." She offered her hand for a handshake to bid him farewell which Mister Charles eagerly accepted.

"No need Miss Santiago, everything is arranged. I knew you would agree by the looks in your eyes yesterday so I fixed everything since last night. Ciao" with mouth agape she just nods her head and exits Mr. Cuenca's office.Walking back to the elevator her mind is bombarded by a lot of questions that start to play in her head like, Where can she find a place?where she can put all of her stuff? What would she do if she sees Micheal in the condo? Moving out now is not that easy since her flight is also tomorrow morning. She realised she had realy limited time to do all the things that needed to be done, Urg! She wishes her boss was not so much of a money grabber. Sighing she entered the elevator still thinking of a plan to arrange everything.It was just after lunch break when she decided to leave the building. Heading back to the condo, She was surprised to see Daisy sitting in the lounge area looking sad and dazed. She was supposed to call her attention but the people from the office approached her first. Ms. Anna, the head staff, looked worried as she motioned for her to come to their office.

"What's going on, Ms. Anna? Why is all of my stuff here?" She was dumbfounded when she saw her things in a few disarray boxes. It's all mixed up; she even spotted her undergarments hanging loosely in one of it. She quickly rushed to close and pressed her clothes inside. She did a criss cross style to ensure that the box won't open up to reveal her private stuff inside. While she was busy Ms.Anna kept talking.

"We don't know what happened between you and Mister Cruz, but he asked our people to help bring your stuff out of the condo."

"He what?! He can't just throw me out like this?! I gave half of the money for the two months deposit on the unit we are renting. I also have the right to live there!" She stood up facing them. She could feel her head's vein popping out of anger. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Santiago, but your name is not in the contract. You have to call Mister Cruz about this. We are just following the tenant's order." Ms. Anna looked conflicted at her.

"How ridiculous!? you've been seeing me paying the rent monthly. I was even the one signing it with my name. How come you accept my payment if I'm not a co-renter of that condo unit?" She didn't want to put her anger in these people but right now she honestly wanted to explode.

"About that, Mister Cruz has told us beforehand that if you pay the rent we should take it because you are paying on his behalf. We don't know that you both shared money in renting the condo, it was not written in the contract. The money you give for the monthly deposit is not on the list too. Everything is in the name of Mister Cruz. Here is the copy of the contract that we sign with Mister Cruz.

Today he said to show it to you in case you cause trouble.

I'm so sorry, Miss Santiago, but we only allow you in the premises of the condo because you are his girlfriend." She didn't know how to react to what she heard from the staff. All along, she was fooled by that scumbag, and she's too stupid to believe that he prepared everything for her and that she doesn't need to worry about anything. Ria was even ashamed because Micheal pays sixty percent of the rent and is asking only forty percent for her.She was deceived again by those sugar-coated mouths! When Ms. Anna handed her the copy of the contract that they sign with him, a realization hit her. This morning when Daisy was telling her about Micheal's address isn't correct. Ria finally realized how he played with her.

From the very beginning, he had planned everything, and he was even smart enough to think ahead of time that his wife would look for him, so he decided to deceive Daisy that he was still living in the old address where Ria also lives.

Then Micheal used her to pay up the remaining balance he can't probably pay because he's short of money. He sees her working so hard and thinks she's an easy target to be fooled and he's not wrong. Although his plot was exposed, it was too late.

Ria was scammed by her so-called ex-boyfriend, and now she was totally homeless.

Even though she planned to move out she didn't expect that scumbag was quick enough to think of throwing her out like unwanted clothes.

Ria felt her chest constricting, and her throat felt too dry. This cruel way of treatment is far too much for her to handle. She bite her inner cheeks to stop the impending tears threatening to shed on her face.

She doesn't want these people to see her crumbling down.

Micheal made a fool out of her, and she wishes to give him a hundred punches if it's possible to get even for all the damage he has done physically, emotionally, and mentally to her.

Stay strong.

Don't cry.

Show them you are not easy to step on.

You are worthy of something great.

Don't let this thing get the most out of you.

Focus Ria!

Hi, everyone i hope you can relate on my story. :)

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