
Lured By The Billionaire King

“ Ms. Santiago, why don't you come over here and properly introduce yourself.” The person said, and Ria had to bite her inside cheeks, not to curse vile words. Even with the more chill atmosphere in his room Ria tried to walk until she reached the two-step next to his office table. “ I still can't see you, Ms. Santiago “ There's a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Ria tried to steady her footing even though she's nervous, and his initiative is scaring the hell out of her. Plus, this freakin cold atmosphere wasn't helping at all. This damn guy probably thinks he's living in Antarctica. Even Ria's breathing is producing fog indicating how cold his room is. “ Right away, Sir,” She heave an internal sigh when she manages to utter those three words without stuttering. When she lifts her legs and manages to land her foot one step away from him, Ria was shocked when he stood up facing her. Ria feels like her whole world turns upside down, seeing Khrys in front of her. She took one step backward and lost her balance when she forgot that there's a step behind her. Luckily Khrys was quick to grab her hand and pull her in his arm. She made a small shriek and tried to push him away, but he won't let her go. Khrys buried his face on the crook of her neck, one hand is firmly holding her waist steady, while the other is gripping the back of her head. “ I miss you my Queen,” He utter while inhaling her scent like it's his source of life. Ria felt waves of tiny volts flickering all over her body. She can't believe Khrys is Mr. Villar so young to be. Maybe he's the son, but no shit-talking the lady in reception clearly said whom she's going to meet. Goddess! Is this day her doomsday?! ***** Ria had a rough time in Manila. It wasn't easy to live there especially for a bumpkin like her. But one day, her already messed-up life turned messier when she got a task that will determine if she could keep her current work or not and to add more to her problem is the Mysterious World she's about to face when she meets her soulmate.

LJ_Knight · Fantasy
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18 Chs


"Excuse me, sir?" She was caught off guard staring at her boss like he had grown two heads.

"Fine, fine. Honestly speaking, your boyfriend is my boyfriends-friend in college so that's the reason why I accepted you. I really don't need an extra worker but because you're good at everything they asked you to do I let you stay and before you interrupt me, honey," Mr. Charles put his index finger on his lips indicating that she had to zip her mouth in this huge revelation. She remains silent and flabbergasted. In her head, she wanted to scream' omg! My boss likes men!'

"F. Y. I. Ms. Santiago, it's your sweetheart who said I can give you anything or any work because you will never mind or will bother to question me. Which is correct. But not until now, Ohh honey, don't get me wrong.I love your guts and fierceness. I hope you can use that in this task I'm giving you. Here have a look.." Mr.Charles ushered the thick envelope to her. Unable to get over what she just discovered, her hand robotically reaches the manila envelope and starts reading it's content. She was surprised when she saw it's a business proposal and she's assigned to be the representative of the company and the main interior designer. She stared back again at her boss with an open mouth." Ohh please, don't give me that look honey, this is a gamble for you. If you can make Mr. Villar sign this business proposal I will appoint you as one of my interior designers and your first work will be this project. But.If you failed, I'm sorry I have to let you go since I don't really need new employees right now. " Mr. Charles stood up and walked to her. He patted her shoulder which made her snap out of her trance.

Looking up, She can't form the right word to say. First, she felt hurt by what her boss said about her boyfriend looking down on her and not believing in her capabilities, next she was so happy to finally showcase her talent as an interior designer but then her happiness went downcast when she heard the consequences she had to face in order to stay in the company.

Her heart is boiling with anger. It's like her boss wasn't giving her any other choice, it's either to grab the offer and gamble for it or she will be thrown out today, jobless. How can this world be so unfair to her! She just wants to be a regular employee in a company and show her capabilities. She just wishes to earn money to provide her needs and to support her family but now that she's facing this kind of situation she wanted to scream out of frustration. Why is it always her? The one who needs to understand other people. The one who needs to be patient when dealing with clients and co-employee with a smile always plastered on her face? Why was she even here, in the first place?!For the first time after her almost three years living in Manila. She realizes how stupid she is leaving her family behind to chase her dream in this so-called golden city. For a country bumpkin like her, it's like a dream to be in manila like any other people who live in the province. But now after experiencing the life and struggle she faced here in order to survive. She finally appreciates her hometown. Back in her province the people are nice, nobody, even a poor one, is sleeping in the street. It is quite peaceful and everyone is really striving to earn decent money doing farming, Selling fresh vegetables in the open market.No one gets hungry because no one minds sharing food and veggies. The meat and fishes are fresher than the red-eyed fish you can buy here in the wet market of Manila.

"So what do you think about it?" Mr. Charles asked, eyeing her like she's going to be thrown away if she refuses this. Inhaling deeply she stood up facing her boss. But because she's a bit smaller than him, she has to tilt her head up to meet his gaze.

"Mr. Cuenca, I believe you're not making sense at all. If you wanted to throw me out just do it. I don't even know if I can win this proposal which will cost a few million pesos. If I lose I'll be thrown out anyway so why would I gamble? Please excuse me, I'll send in my resignation letter right away." She bypassed her boss after giving him a piece of her mind. When she's only inches apart from the exit door of hell' she named inside her head. She suddenly halts when she hears what her boss said.

" Hold on Ms. Santiago, Are you really that coward? Do you think I'll give you this million peso proposal because I don't believe in you and it's my way of throwing you out?" Mr. Charles's confident demure didn't hasten, he was still standing firm where she left him. She turns around looking puzzled. She really doesn't know what's inside her boss's head right now. Everything is so weird and unlogical. Seeing my distress look Mr.Charles continued talking.

" Ms. Santiago, for your information I believe in you. I know with your gutsy attitude you can win this bid. Beside Mr. Villar insisted that only you can propose this preposition to him. He clearly pointed out that it has to be you or we will not even get a chance to meet him. Honestly, I'm very curious too. He said he knows you. But my mind can't comprehend how on earth you manage to know a multi-billionaire in this country?! You and Him. It just doesn't make sense at all." Mr. Charles exclaimed with his eyebrows almost knitted together. He walked back to his table to grab the half-read proposal and shoved it back to her.

" Take it as a challenge honey, in order to survive in this world, you have to take any chances that were given to you. If you give all your best then there's nothing to regret even if I lose a few million or you lose your job. My point is, you've given your best shot and that's all that matter.Think about it, you may go home early today, ciao." Mr. Charles turns his back on her after saying it while waving his hand as a sign that she's dismissed.

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Much Love and appreciation,


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