
Lured By The Billionaire King

“ Ms. Santiago, why don't you come over here and properly introduce yourself.” The person said, and Ria had to bite her inside cheeks, not to curse vile words. Even with the more chill atmosphere in his room Ria tried to walk until she reached the two-step next to his office table. “ I still can't see you, Ms. Santiago “ There's a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Ria tried to steady her footing even though she's nervous, and his initiative is scaring the hell out of her. Plus, this freakin cold atmosphere wasn't helping at all. This damn guy probably thinks he's living in Antarctica. Even Ria's breathing is producing fog indicating how cold his room is. “ Right away, Sir,” She heave an internal sigh when she manages to utter those three words without stuttering. When she lifts her legs and manages to land her foot one step away from him, Ria was shocked when he stood up facing her. Ria feels like her whole world turns upside down, seeing Khrys in front of her. She took one step backward and lost her balance when she forgot that there's a step behind her. Luckily Khrys was quick to grab her hand and pull her in his arm. She made a small shriek and tried to push him away, but he won't let her go. Khrys buried his face on the crook of her neck, one hand is firmly holding her waist steady, while the other is gripping the back of her head. “ I miss you my Queen,” He utter while inhaling her scent like it's his source of life. Ria felt waves of tiny volts flickering all over her body. She can't believe Khrys is Mr. Villar so young to be. Maybe he's the son, but no shit-talking the lady in reception clearly said whom she's going to meet. Goddess! Is this day her doomsday?! ***** Ria had a rough time in Manila. It wasn't easy to live there especially for a bumpkin like her. But one day, her already messed-up life turned messier when she got a task that will determine if she could keep her current work or not and to add more to her problem is the Mysterious World she's about to face when she meets her soulmate.

LJ_Knight · Fantasy
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18 Chs

*Broken pieces of glass*

She heaves a heavy sigh, now she needs to win this proposal and find another place to stay.

What a terrible day to start with.

Her thought was cut off when she heard the woman named Daisy finally speak again.

"I." Daisy started, She noticed that there was still a slight hesitation in her eyes which irked her modesty.

" Please, speak I'm running out of time and I still need to work. If you don't have anything to say," She paused and fished her bag for something. "Here, it's the key for condo, take it and bring him with you if you want to." She throws out a spare key in a carefree way. If her neighbors see this they would probably think she's nuts to trust someone so easily. But that's not the point she just dont give a damn anymore whether Daisy is her ex, new lover or if she's a bad person who will steal something valuable in Micheals unit. As long as her carved wooden mirror is untouched they can take anything they want in that room.

Daisy was too shocked but still managed to catch the key on time before it hit the ground. After throwing the key, She turns to the elevator and pushes the button for going down.

She is living on the fifth floor and the security from the condominium is very strict to visitors. She had a hint that this woman managed to sneak out from the exit door and climbed the stairs to here. She must be very tired, based on how she looked, she seems harmless but her eyes are really sad.

Ria started to curse Micheal internally. She wonders what he did to this woman that she's like a broken piece of glass.

"Wait!" The woman called out. She immediately turns back to face her again.

"Thank you... I don't know what happened between you and Micheal but I came here only to talk to him. I won't ruin your relationship, I just need a few minutes of his time." daisy explained.

She felt her blood boil from what the woman said. Didn't she hear what she said afew minutes ago? She even emphasized the word "not anymore."

"I already told you Michael and I are finished. See this, he did it to me." She showed her wrist that has a blue fingermark on it.

The woman, who said her name is Daisy, looked horrified like she's seeing something that reflected her past. Now she looked unstable with her short breathing . She was startled thinking that the woman might be hyperventilating. She rushed to her side Immediately and snatched the key from her hand. When she glanced back to Daisy she looked dazed as she followed her like a lifeless doll.


She cursed inside her head.

She looked at the time in her wristwatch, and noticed she got only an hour left before she would get fired by her impatient boss but in her current situation she just couldn't leave an unstable woman behind.

She can be mean when provoked but she has a good-natured heart and so decided to stay. She brought Daisy to their small kitchen and let her sit on the chair.

She grabbed some cold bottled water in the fridge and handed it to her.

Daisy took the bottle with a grateful look and drank almost half of it like her life depends on it. She almost said slow down there's plenty of water in the fridge but she kept her mouth shut afraid she might offend the woman in front of her. Staring at her wrist watch again she felt anxious seeing the time. She noticed Daisy's once pale lips regain a little of its color so she decided to be frank with her.

"Miss Daisy, I don't know what's your relation with Micheal but please don't make things hard for me. If you came here to take him away that's fine. Like I told you, we're through. I still have work and I think he needed some help since I kicked his gut for hurting me last night. Now, if you feel better, please take care of yourself.

Just leave the keys in the lobby. I will let them know that you're a friend so you won't have any problem when you leave the premises." She said in a friendly voice.

She was about to walk to the door when the woman uttered "He's my husband." This made her stop abruptly.She felt her body tremble, the words Daisy said shook her to the core.

'His my husband'

'His my husband'

Keeps on replaying inside her head. It's like her body became a statue. She wasn't expecting this from Micheal. She can't believe that she made a relationship with a married man! When the woman felt she wasn't moving she started to speak again.

"He left us, he said he's going to look for a job here in Manila. It was only last year when I accidentally opened his phone when he visited us that I saw your photos and other women's photos that I started to question him. Before I had my doubts, but because I don't have evidence I don't have the nerve to ask and be the cause of our problem. It happened too fast and he started to beat me whenever I fought back but because we have three kids I had to endure it. But now he's not even going home anymore. His support to the kids was cut off too.

I don't know how to find a job when I still have a two-year-old child with me.

And two kids that are four and seven who's going to school in kindergarten and primary one. With a heavy burden, I decided to try my luck if I can locate him.

I know where he works but the address where he lives isn't correct.

Feeling hopeless with little money left in my purse I decided to wait for him when he comes to work until he goes home. This is where my foot brings me...

I'm sorry.." she uttered the last word like she made a very big mistake.

Ria felt she just woke up from a very bad dream.

She thought her experience last night was the worst thing that ever happened to her.

But hearing what Daisy said just now, made her knees weak and she had to clench her fist so hard that her knuckles turned white to prevent the trembling of her body.

Inside her head, she wanted to sympathize with Daisy but she can't form a word to say.She was too shocked at what Daisy revealed that she wishes to disappear from where she's standing now.

Hi guy's hope you like this 3 chapter uploaded today. Thanks for reading my book and have a pleasant day or night to all of you.

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