
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
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59 Chs

CH 35: An Interesting Development

"Alright, let's see how this will go!" Walking out of the city gates, Serenity said cheerfully. Alistair still couldn't get over how she, a beautiful and tall girl, who most people would expect to be serious and stoic, had the personality that little girls had most of the time. Childish, enthusiastic, fun, jokes around a lot.

But he wasn't complaining. The gap between her appearance and personality was very charming in itself. She was a keeper. He wasn't romantically interested in her though. Sure, she was very beautiful. But he had set his eyes on Natasha. And he sure as hell didn't want no harem.

The long term issues of harems... just the thought of it made him shiver. And besides, he would rather love a single girl with all his heart than worry about who to pay attention to. And even if not for that, he couldn't get over the extreme hate he had for harems.

'Fucking ridiculous, mate, Innit? Fucking lonely wankers so desperate for some cunts. Alright, I should stop acting British.'

"I for one hope it goes well." Natasha smiled :"It's hard to meet interesting girls like you." Serenity raised an eyebrow :"How come? Why do you say that?" Causing the redhead to sigh in annoyance :"Most girls around my age that I've interacted with are just judgemental bitches."

"Bwahahahaha!" Both Alistair and Serenity broke into a fit of laughter. Throwing her head back, the noirette couldn't help but cackle. Even Alistair couldn't hold it in. "Yeah, I bet it's funny." Natasha rolled her eyes :"Unless you've met them."

"No, hahahaha... no, don't worry, I've met my own share of two faced bitches." Wiping off the tear in her eyes, Serenity patted Natasha's shoulder :"And believe me, I can understand how infuriating it can get. So, hey, I'm glad I don't act like one! And I'm glad you're not one either!"

"Yeah, it feels nice to meet people who act the same behind and in front of you." Natasha smiled :"But enough of that, so what should we do now?"

Serenity :"What else? Go solve the quest we just took."

Natasha :"That's not what I meant, idiot. As in how are we going to do it?"

Serenity :"Wow, what happened to not acting like a two faced bitch?"

Natasha, shrugging :"I'm not acting like one. If I have something to say, I'll say it to your face. Not make rumors about you behind your back."

Serenity :"Aah, makes sense. Makes sense. Eh, whatever, I'm not one to mind cursing if it's just for joking, so we're good even if you do it a lot. As for what we should do... *smirking* how about we all have a race?"

Natasha/Alistair :"A race?/Gauw?"

Serenity :"That's right! How about instead of taking a carriage or renting a horse, we just race to the village that made the quest? It will be a lot more fun!"

Natasha :"A race, huh? Hmm... what do you think, Al?"

Alistair, who was sitting on his new throne, AKA Natasha's huge breasts, shrugged :"(Sure, it could be fun!)" 'I mean, I know I'm going to get my ass beat, but it's all fun and games, and I don't mind losing if we'll all have a great time.'

"Alright then, it's settled." Scratching his head before picking him up, Natasha smiled at the two as she put him on the ground :"I just hope you two won't whine after losing, okay?" Causing Serenity and Alistair to smile in challenge :"We'll see, Natasha, we'll see./Gauw."

"Ready..." Standing in a line next to each other, they all got ready :"Set..." They all readied their bodies, and with Natasha's mark :"Go!" They kicked the ground and vanished from where they were standing.

[E-Class Quest: Orc Subjugation


Description: There have been frequent and irregular sightings of orcs close to our village and the villagers have been worried.


Location: Plever Village


Quest Objective: Kill the orcs that have been terrorizing the villagers and bring their tusks as proof.


Reward(s): 10 silver coins per orc / 10 AP / Orc corpses & equipment]

Dust was blown away from behind them with each step. The three ran at such speed that it would already be hard for normal people to catch their figures. They were like phantoms for the naked eye. But one look at each other, and it was obvious that none of them were even trying. They smirked at each other, before getting somewhat serious.

"Well, I'll catch you up in the skies, guys!" Laughing, Serenity spread her beautiful crimson wings and immediately took to the skies. Turning to Natasha, Alistair who was running on all fours snickers mischievously :"(Bye bye!)"

Spreading his four wings, he flexed his limbs and jumped into the air. Flapping his scaly wings, he noticed how his speed had increased considerably. 'So my flying speed increases even more when using all of my wings instead of just two, huh? Glad to know!'

'As if I need flight to beat your asses.' Running on the ground, Natasha rolled her eyes. Smirking at each other, as if in a silent agreement, they all sped up. The speed in which they moved increased dramatically, to the point where the sound of a loud explosion rang around when they all broke the sound barrier.


"Huuuff... huuuff... huuuff..." Laying on the ground, Alistair panted heavily. Maybe going all out wasn't a good idea. But hey, he at least learned that the more effort he put into something, the sooner his Stamina bar depleted. Made sense. Although it hadn't become empty, not even close, he did grow tired with how hard he went at it.

Standing with her hands on her knees, Serenity was also panting. Albeit not as hard as Alistair, who looked like a fish out of water. "Holy... shit... how are you... not tired at all?" She glanced at the completely energetic, healthy and unbothered Natasha like a freak.

Considering how she had literally run instead of flying like them, she should have been more tired. Especially with how they put some real effort at the end. But instead, she looked as cool as a cucumber. The redhead just smirked :"I'm just built different, gurl. Anyway, seems like we're reached the forest the village is in. It shouldn't take long to reach the village from here."

"Yeah... yeah, just give us a second..." The noirette panted, causing Natasha's to snicker :"Fine, fine. We'll rest a bit so you can catch your breath." "G-gauw..." The knocked out dragon gave a thumbs up. Letting his hand fall down immediately afterwards.

After resting for a few minutes, the two finally recovered. The black dragon wasn't going to continue right away though. Being probably the weakest, and definitely the youngest by a large amount, he still needed time to fully recover. Thankfully, Natasha was considerate. She put him in his place, on her to-die-for breasts, and let him rest as they continued on the road. (A/N: "It should have been me, not him! It's not fair!")

"(So what was the quest again? I was kinda zoned out when you were explaining it.)" 'I was too high on the softness of titties to pay attention...'

"It's nothing complicated. The villagers have seen some monsters nearby, so they put up a quest for the Adventurers to help them out."

"(Aah, I ses, I see. Did they specify what monsters they've seen? Or are we just going in blind?)" 'I bet my ass it's going to be some overpowered as fuck monster that was just chilling but freaked out the villagers unintentionally if it's the second one. That's so cliche.

And when we meet it, it's either going to be chill as fuck, or some arrogant piece of shit that's going to taunt and piss off the shit out of everyone. And when we ask it to be considerate to all the innocent villagers and either promise to not hurt them unless they do something or move to a part of the forest where actual monstrosities like it are supposed to live in, he's going to be an unreasonable asshole and fight us when violence could have been easily avoided.'

"Yeah, they did, actually. The monsters they've seen are only orcs."

'Oh, guess we're avoiding a cliche and just solving a quest.'

"Fortunately for them though, the orcs haven't shown any signs of violence towards them and nor have they gotten close to their village. Which is weird, considering orcs are unintelligent monsters who are famous for violence. Especially to... uh, ahem ahem, women."

'Nevermind, it's the cliche where there's either a mastermind behind them, or one of them has evolved or something and has gained intelligence. So predictable.'

"You wanna let me join the conversation too?" Serenity pulled their attention with her raised eyebrows :"It's kinda awkward to just be here and listen." Natasha smiled apologetically :"Uuh, yeah, sorry. He was just asking about the quest."

'Hmm, this can be pretty awkward. And it's annoying too. I can't speak with anybody but Natasha thanks to not being able to speak. Hmm... maybe I can...' Getting an idea, he suddenly flared his nose. Natasha and Serenity looked at him weirdly, confused as to why he suddenly scoffed.

But when his dark fire sipped out of his nose and turned into words :"[How about this? Would this work?]" They both understood his idea. "Wow, Al, that's smart! You're adorable and you're a genius!" Serenity smiled brightly, happy he was being considerate towards him. The black dragon purred as she scratched his head, writing something again instantly :"[You're welcome.]"

Natasha was impressed too :'I guess that's to be expected with his 16,000 Intelligence Stats. It's no surprise, after all, that's 160 times the Intelligence of the smartest being. He has even learned the alphabet by himself in such a short time.'

Serenity :"Thanks for looking out for me, lil bud. Just listening to you talk while I don't understand what you're saying would make communication in the party really bad."

Natasha, amused :"You already consider yourself part of the party?"

Serenity, narrowing her eyes :"You actually think I can not party up with you two when there's such an adorable fella here? You clearly underestimate how much I love cute stuff."

Natasha :"Hahahaha, fair enough-"

"KYAAAAA!! SOMEBODY, HELP US!!" Suddenly, screams of a girl, probably a teenager by the voice, rang from afar. They all stopped goofing around instantly. Turning serious as they turned to where the voice came from. Even Serenity grew solemn immediately.

"Alright, let's go see what's going on! But be careful of your surroundings, we don't want to be ambushed or get caught off guard!" Natasha instructed immediately. Alistair and Serenity nodded seriously, with the former jumping down and running with them. Natasha's combat effectiveness would decrease dramatically if he was restricting her like that.

"Hurtez, no! Stay back!" When they finally arrived, they saw an orc attacking a child and a girl in her late teens. He had a rusty axe in hand, showing it had been used without maintenance for some time now. And in front of him, stood a child of about 8 years, shakily holding a knife, trying to bravely protect the girl who was bleeding from the leg, despite being scared himself.

The orc, which looked like the typical isekai orcs, despite Alistair wishing for them to be like the ones in World of Warcraft, muscular and badass, didn't look so pleased. He glared at the young boy standing in his way. Trying to stop him from violating his prey. Obviously, that didn't sit right with the monstrous pig.

He gripped his axe tightly, gritting his teeth at the brat, and oinking in anger. He was growing more and more impatient by the second, and was losing his resolve to keep the kid somewhat intact for dinner. However, the child stood his ground.

But Alistair noticed something thanks to his Senses and Intelligence Stats, even if it was minute and barely noticeable. Strangely, his eyes held a determination and resilience that wouldn't be found in children his age.
