
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
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59 Chs

CH 027: A Fitting Fate For Fuckers

"Haaa, then they ask why elves are even more hated socially than even demons." The dragon queen sighed in disappointment and annoyance :"Arguing with you is pointless, you will only spout nonsense in the end. The answers must be forced out of you. And for me, that makes it even better."

"Hahahaha, is that so?" The elf smiled mockingly :"Well, good luck, you lowly monsters, because you have no chance of succeeding. You've already seen it, we won't reveal anything, even if death awaits us. For our glorious plan and for a better world where mere monsters and other lowly creatures know their place, death is an honor!"

"Death? You think you will have the luxury of dying?" A cold, evil laughter left her :"For trash like you, death is a mercy. Allow me to show you what awaits you even in death." As her Mana surged, boiling to the point of being visible to the naked eye, 9 golden Magic Circles appeared in front of her, connected to each other through a golden chain and containing a monstrous amount of Mana inside.

"T-this... n-no, how can this be...? How can a lowly monster use Holy Magic?!" The elf shouted in shock, making the dragon queen scoff :"You haven't seen the best of it yet, you lowlife." A golden light illuminated the place, making the other dragons smile cruelly.

[9 Magic Circles Lv 9 Holy/White Magic: Resurrection]

When the light faded, the burnt and mutilated corpses were completely healed. And the next moment, awakening, all of them sweating profusely and gasping uncontrollably. A look of shock took over the elves' faces, even their leader's, before being replaced by fear as bloodlust emitted from the dragon queen :"I've already told you, death is a luxury for trash like you.

You will stay here, being tortured, killed and resurrected daily until the day you spit out the truth and your plan. I wasn't planning to intervene with the matters of the other continents, but you've taken it too far. You must pay for what you've done, and this fate suits you just fine."

With a scoff, she turned and walked away :"(Cydan, I'll leave the rest to you. Be sure to obtain all the information our guests have to offer.)" Smiling, the dragon bowed :"(Leave it to me, my queen. I'll make sure not to disappoint.)"

"(I know you won't, I trust in your abilities.)" And with that, she walked away. As she walked towards her nest, where her remaining newborn rested, the look of rage left her, but worry still remained. Although she was assured by Gorgandr, the worry of a mother for her child, a newborn at that, wasn't something that would leave because of just some words.

She sighed in sadness, but her head suddenly shot up in shock, her eyes wide open in surprise :'T-this presence...' A giant smile, filled with happiness, took over. She made her way to her nest, nearly running from the excitement.

As she reached her nest, hearing the booming sounds, a small head poked out. The place nest was gigantic, as if the space inside of the room was altered through Space Magic to be enormous in size. Filled with gold, gems and treasures, there was a nest made out of stone, resembling a bird's nest in appearance. It was as if the earth was morphed to make a nest. Inside, the ground was covered with high quality pelts of monsters which would be considered as treasures in the other continents.

"(Mother? What's the matter?)" The small dragon asked. It resembled Slathilia to an amazing degree when he hadn't evolved. Black scales and dark purple spots, with fur starting from his head and running down to the tip of his sharp tail, he could definitely be mistaken for Slathilia.

"(I'll tell you in a bit, Sylvana, but mother has something to do right now!)" Walking to her sleeping place, she lied down and closed her eyes, before her consciousness moved to another place entirely.

- (???)

'Huh?' Groaning, Slathilia opened his eyes :'Where... am I?' Looking around, he found himself in an unfamiliar space. It didn't look like a place in the city, nor out in the wild. There weren't any houses, or any trees. It was just a space like the one Natasha made.

'Is this a dream?' He wondered, looking around. The place was dark, a lot darker than Natasha's space where it was like the middle of the day. But here, it looked like midnight. "(It seems you're okay. Thank goodness.)" A feminine voice sighed in relief, surprising him.

"(Who are you?! Where are you?!)" He quickly looked around, but couldn't find anybody besides himself in the space. "(Here.)" The voice said, worry replaced by amusement in her voice :"(Look up.)"

Turning to where the voice came from, he finally saw a silhouette. A large, absolutely humongous silhouette. He raised, raised and raised his head, but the height of the silhouette wouldn't come to an end. His mouth fell agape when he saw it wasn't just a silhouette, it was a damn mountain. One in the shape of a dragon.

'Holy hell... she's huge!' He stared at the white dragon that made him look like an ant. "(Who are you?)" He frowned, trying to show as little hostility as he could. If possible, he didn't want this to get violent. He knew nothing about this dragon, and didn't even know where he was. Showing hostility and turning this into a violent interaction instead of a peaceful one would be stupid, since he didn't even know what this dragon wanted.

"(Calm down, my child, I mean no harm.)" Seeing his vigilance, she chuckled in amusement. But Slathilia heard something else in her voice, relief. As if her worries had suddenly disappeared after seeing him. He was confused. By both her tone and the loving look she gave him.

Like a mother's gaze.

"(Wait, "my child"...? Are you...?)" He frowned, not out of annoyance or displeasure, but out of surprise. He knew that he must have parents, but he didn't think he would get to meet his mother so soon.

'Aren't scenarios where the orphan protagonist meets his overpowered and hella important family supposed to come, like, really late in the story? Like, in the hundredth or something chapter? Why am I meeting my mom so soon? This isn't part of the cliche.'

"(Hm, that's right.)" The giant dragon smiled fondly :"(I'm your mother, my dear. Hmm, being this size makes interaction inconvenient.)" As a silver light emitted from her, her size suddenly decreased dramatically. She went from mountain-sized to truck-sized in a single second.

"(Much better.)" She suddenly began to rub her head against his, as if cuddling. "(W-what are you doing?)" Slathilia asked, but didn't get away. Strangely, it felt good. The feeling of her scales rubbing against his head and nuzzling against him felt comfortable, and he found himself sighing in satisfaction, leaning into her.

He always liked cuddles and the warmth of others, but this felt different. The warmth and love he felt through her touch was only something a parent could give. He knew, he had experienced it.

And had missed it.

Although it wasn't what he was used to, he couldn't bring himself to pull away. It was only for a few days, but he had been starving for parental affection. Especially when he knew just what he had done, and that he would never have it again.

Hiding the sadness deep within his heart, he nuzzled back, purring at the comfortable sensation. A mother's love was something else, because even though he didn't even know her, he couldn't stop himself from leaning into her love. Couldn't stop himself from wanting more.

His mother seemed satisfied too. She was worried he would stay vigilant. No mother would want the hostility of her child. But seeing how he didn't pull away, how he leaned in, despite not seeing her when he was born, she was satisfied and full of relief. She laid down, circling around him. Pulling him down so he was laying down as she started grooming him, licking his scales and fur.

'A-alright, this is getting weird... but why does this feel so... goooood...?' He purred comfortably, failing to bring himself to stop her. In a sense, it felt like when his mom would brush his hair or massage his scalp with his head on her lap when he was a kid. 'Oh, whatever. Let's just enjoy it.' Groaning, he gave up.

Why stop her when it felt so good? And besides, he wasn't one to stop others from showing him affection. It wasn't as if he got much. And the affection of a parent was something else to deny and miss out on. 'Man, being spoiled feels so good... I wanna be spoiled even more...'

Seeing him purring and groaning comfortably with his eyes closed, his mother smiled fondly. She truly knew nothing felt better than caring for her children. She only wished both of her children were in her nest instead of so far apart.

"(How are you, my baby?)" She asked amidst the grooming, but Slathilia, even with a comfortably fuzzy head, still picked up on something. Sadness. It was understandable, no mother would want her child out of her sight. Especially not when he's just a newborn.

'Intelligence Stats are really starting to work their magic, huh?'

"(I'm good, thanks.)"

"(Hm, glad to hear that. Sorry mother hasn't been with you. The situation got very complicated out of nowhere.)"

"(Right, what happened... uh... mom?)" He had to admit, it felt embarrassing to call someone he didn't know "mom".

"(Tsk, it was because of some bastards thinking way too highly of themselves. I only managed to get my claws on some of them, but I've made sure that they're suffering. And even though some of them got away, I'll make sure to catch those bastards too.)" Seeing her anger for him felt pretty good. Who wouldn't like it when someone got angry for them?

"(So, was I kidnapped or something?)"

"(Haaa, well, no, I intervened and they failed. But the Space-Time Magic they were trying to use to take you still got activated and sent you to the middle of nowhere.)"

"(Hm, I see.)"

"(But enough of that, how have you been? Are you safe? You're not in any kind of danger, are you? If so, tell your mother and I'll take our entire pack to where you are. Even if the other races mess around and try to stop me, I'll sink the other continents.)"

"(Hahaha, no, I'm alright.)" He chuckled, amused and happy for her protectiveness :"(There's no need to do that. I'm safe and sound. The person who's been taking care of me is really kind and strong, so I'm not in any danger. You can rest assured.)"

"(Right, it was mentioned that you were being taken care of by that girl that found you. I can't trust her completely though, what if she has some ulterior motives. You were just born a few days ago, fooling you really wouldn't be anything difficult.)"

"(No, seriously, she's trustworthy. She takes care of me, protects me, feeds me, teaches me what I need to know, and even helps me in getting stronger. She was training me in how to fight just before I woke up here.)"

"(Right, it must be because of her that you've Leveled Up so much in just a few days. I didn't expect you to reach Lv 20 so soon. I thought I had to wait ages to be able to pull you here and meet you.)"

"(Right, now that I think about it, what is this place? I'm pretty sure I had just finished training with Natasha and fell asleep before I woke up here.)"

"(Natasha, huh? So that's her name. Let me explain.)"