
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

CH 023: Training

"Hmm, yeah, I should do that while we're resting." Laying on the bed together, with Slathilia in his dragon form, Natasha caught his attention :"It's about time I teach you some common sense. Listen carefully and ask if you have any questions." Slathilia listened carefully and on top of just common sense and such, he also learned quite a few interesting things.

1) There are four continents. Humanheim the continent of Humans, Elfenheim the continent of Elves and Demihumans, Drakkenheim the continent of Dragons, and Plodaemon the continent of Demons. Although there are a lot of differences between them socially and in cultures, they still have a peaceful and somewhat friendly relationship with each other. And it's not like species from each continent don't go to visit or live in other continents.

1.1) Humanheim, the continent of Humans, has the most population among the other species. After all, Liohidath is occupied by only humans, while the Elfenheim is occupied by different species such as Elves, Dwarves, and different races of Beastfolks/Beastmen, and Plodaemon is occupied by many, many races of demons.

It also is the continent with the most kingdoms and empires. Among the four continents, it's the one with the most internal conflicts. And other than the kingdoms and empires, there was also the Church of Eventuality. Which not only worshiped the Gods, but also the three places one would go after death, Heaven, Hell, and Abyss. She also gave a further explanation afterwards.

1.2) Elfenheim, the continent of Elves and Demihumans, is the continent with the most diverse species living in it. Elves, Dwarves, Demihumans and Beastfolks such as Catmen, Foxmen, and all kinds of other human-animal mixed races. It's the most peaceful continent, and doesn't have any kingdoms or empires like Straimiria, but its tribes are numerous. Among the species living there, elves are the most well-known and popular thanks to their appearances and talent in Magic.

1.3) Drakkenheim, the continent of Dragons, has the least population. Its inhabitants are only dragons, and the weakest creatures that can live there are B-Class Wyverns. The reason is because the Mana in Drakkenheim is dense to the point where long exposure to it can kill those too weak. Just the fact that only draconic creatures live in it speaks volume of its danger.

There are no kingdoms or empires in Drakkenheim, making it a wild place filled with danger. It has no culture, only death for those who visit it. The only beings considered as kings there are those who stand at the pinnacle of the food chain, Dragon Kings. SS-Class creatures that are rumored to be strong enough to destroy other continents with just pure strength. But fortunately for the world, Dragon Kings are peaceful until angered. Then may the Gods have mercy on you.

1.4) Plodaemon, the continent of Demons, is the continent with the most diverse races despite being inhabited by a single species. It has a few kingdoms, but no empires, and each kingdom belongs to one of the Demon Kings. SS-Class creatures feared by all and second only to Dragon Kings. Unlike the hierarchy of humans which are based on nobility, Demons, who are classified as monsters in the Status Screen, have a hierarchy based on Classes.

2) Church of Eventuality. Ruled by the current Pope, Vanessa Dreamclaw, was the biggest religion in the world that instead of focusing on a single God, mainly worshiped the three eventual destined places one would go to after death. But that didn't mean they didn't worship the Gods. They paid great respect to the Gods, but the respect they had for them was like the respect one had for the children of a great man.

Despite being only a single huge city, it was completely independent from all the other kingdoms and empires, and had a power that made even the other forces think multiple times about their decisions before trying to mess with them. A very peaceful organization. Unless you insulted the Three Eventualities or the Gods. Then may the Three Eventualities have mercy on your soul, cause this guys won't.

Unlike what Slathilia had originally expected from a big ass religion, which smelled like hella trouble and evilness in fantasy and basically any world, this place didn't sound half bad according to Natasha.

"(So... do humans, like, make sacrifices for the Gods or something?)"

"What? No. Well, I guess some fantastics and evil bastards who worship Evil Gods do perform some disgusting acts. But that's them. Not all Gods are like that. Most Gods don't even care about the world. And those that do are either Evil Gods that just get amusement from the mortals suffering, or the Good Gods that try to help the world as much as they can without involving themselves too much. So, no, other than disgusting bastards who worship extremely Evil Gods, the other Gods don't care about sacrifices."

"(... Not even money?)"

"??? Why would Gods want money? Even if for sacrifices or such, wouldn't they want something actually useful to them? What are they going to do with the money, go to a shopping district or something?"

'... And people would ask why I was an atheist in my previous world. These guys got all the cool gods, huh?' Unamused by the new information, but still glad and hoping that his current world's religion was actually good and honest like Natasha described it, he asked her to continue. He was quite curious about the Three Eventualities after all. For obvious reasons at that. He had something in his Status Screen that seemed really suspicious.

3) Three Eventualities was the nickname of places one's soul goes to upon death after having their actions in the mortal world judged.

3.1) Heaven for those who led an extremely good and kind life, stayed away from evil and sin and helped the lives of other good people. Unlike Slathilia's previous world, where it was said that you either go to heaven or hell as long as your good points were even a little bit more than your evil points, only the best and kindest of the people would go to this world's Heaven.

3.2) Hell for those who did unspeakable sins and caused great pain for those undeserving of it. Just like how Heaven is for the kindest of the souls, Hell is for the worst of the worsts. Absolute trashes of the world who deserved unending pain for everything they had done.

3.3) Abyss for those who were in the middle. Unlike the goddamn threatening name of it, it seemed to actually be the middle ground between Heaven and Hell, where the souls of those who were neither saints nor absolute scums would go. The common folks would go there after death if their good and evil points were common.

'Abyss... Abyss Incarnate... something is fishy here, and I just hope that it's the good kind of fish...'

4) The most interesting thing he learned was that instead of 12 months, there are actually 13 months in this world. Each month being 28 days, 1st was always Mondays, and the 28th was always Sunday. Each month had exactly 4 weeks instead of 4.257 and time was perfectly aligned with the cycle of the moon. Slathilia didn't know why, but that little piece of difference from his previous world was so damn satisfying.

Other than these things, everything else was just some common sense and knowledge he needed to know to not be considered an idiot. After explaining what he needed to know, all while scratching his head and playing with his fluff, she got down to the real business :"Alright, we should train now."

And naturally, Slathilia was excited. He wanted to go all out and see what he could do instead of just killing everything with one move. It felt good, but he wanted the excitement of a real battle. Something he experienced with the scarred Horned Wolf before.

"(Alright, sure! But where though? I think the forest would be the best place since we can't go all out in the city.)"

"*Smirking* I've got a better place in mind."

"(Alright, let's go then.)"

She got up while Slathilia watched that ass jiggle, marveling at its jiggle physics. Good lord, he couldn't wait till Natasha asked him to play with her ass too. He thought she would change since they were leaving, but instead, she used Magic.

[8 Magic Circles Lv 8 Space-Time Magic: Pocket Dimension]

As seven dark blue Magic Circles appeared in front of her hand, all of them linked together through chains, a portal appeared in front of her in a few moments. "Alright, let's go in." She nodded towards it. Slathilia watched in amazement. He was growing more and more suspicious of Natasha's identity as he spent time with her.

According to her, the more Magic Circles someone has, the stronger they are. There was a maximum of 10 Magic Circles, so how strong was she to be able to casually use a Lv 8 Magic Spell? He really needed to get a clear understanding of this world's power system and scaling.

'More importantly, how is she able to use Magic anyway? She's an Assassin. Assassins don't use Magic. Is she like a Magic Assassin or something? Or does she have two Jobs? She sure knows how to make someone curious.'

Deciding to trust her and her secrets, he jumped down as well :"(Alright, let's go.)" And waited for Natasha to go in first. Looking at him in amusement, she scratched his head :"I guess you're comfortable now that you don't need to worry about falling from my shoulder."

"(It is comfortable now that I can walk around freely, but I wasn't worried before either.)"


"(*Smiling* Yeah, it was obvious you moved around carefully for me to not fall. Thanks for that.)"

"*Smiling* You're welcome, little buddy. Now then, let's go and train."

Following her, they walked into the Pocket Dimension before the entrance from the outside disappeared. Inside, Slathilia looked around in amazement at the white world. The sky was completely white, with no clouds, sun or anything, while the ground had a somewhat hazy blue hue to it to be able to see the ground they were walking on.

"Welcome to the Pocket Dimension. This place is like a mini world made using Space-Time Magic. It can be used for a variety of purposes. Like storing things or such. And now, we're going to be using it for training. Pretty cool, right?"

"(Yeah, pretty cool... makes me wonder how strong you are.)"

"*Smirking* Very strong. But don't worry, you'll figure out how strong in the future. For example, you'll understand somewhat as we fight each other."

"(So we're going to spar? Alright then, when do we start?)"

"Right now." She vanished before grabbing onto his face and shooting him away. The speed at which she moved was so fast Slathilia couldn't even see her. He only felt a hand grabbing his face before he was sent flying. 'W-what the fuck?!' He quickly stabilized himself in the air, flying as he watched Natasha carefully, alarmed by her serious face accompanied by a smirk.

"What, did you expect me to give you time to prepare? That's not how real fights go, Thilia. In the real world, one wrong move, one moment of carelessness, and your head will be rolling on the ground. I'm not going to spar with you, I'm going to fight you.

And I'll be doing it like I'm actually out for your neck. But don't worry, I won't actually do that. The most that will happen will be broken bones or something. Don't worry about that either though. Not only do you have an SS-Class Regenerative Healing Factor, I'll also heal you using Holy Magic if needed to.

Don't hold any hard feelings or hate me, alright? I know how you feel and will feel, since I've gone through the same experience. After all, I'm going to train you like how my mom trained me. By delivering love and care through pain. So don't be mad at me, alright? I'm doing this for your sake."

"(That smirk sure as hell says otherwise! What, are you planning to reflect your trauma on me or something?!)"

"*Acting sad* My dear partner, please don't say such a thing. After all, I only want to train you for actual combat where your life is on the line and you'll lose it for a single mistake. So little cuts and bruises are inevitable here. Please don't hold it against me, I'm just worried about you. *Smirking evilly* Now bring that ass here for an ass whooping, boy!"


A/N: If you want to read even more chapters, feel free to check out my Patreon. Chapters available in the Patreon:


CH 24: Slathilia VS Natasha P1

CH 25: Slathilia VS Natasha P2

CH 26: The Plot Thickens

CH 27: A Fitting Fate For Fuckers

CH 28: An Admiral Mindset


5 chapters ahead for $3

10 chapters (working on it) ahead for $5

50 chapter (working on it) ahead for $15~20