
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
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59 Chs

CH 020: Human Form

(A/N: If I write a book with all of these same characters, except I put another Ali's soul piece as the MC and the plot is kinda different, would that be original or fanfic? Genuine question, I'm really curious here.)


"Oooh." As the bright royal purple light faded, Slathilia, in the form of a 8 or 9 year old child, was revealed :"It worked!" He looked down in wonder. He had actually transformed into a dragon. "Look, Natasha! I can even speak in human language now!" He smiled, excited to be in a body he was used to.

"You're right. It worked-" Natasha said in awe, but quickly turned her head away when her eyes traveled lower. 'O-oh my god... i-it's huge?!' Glancing just to look away, she blushed. Having been guarded most of her life, she had never had any sexual relationships with anybody. However, she had still seen the sexual organs of r*pists and criminals who she had killed.

But even then, she hadn't seen something that big. Even while flaccid, it still hung low to his knees. She wasn't a shy person by any means, but even she was embarrassed by seeing something that big. 'I-is it because he's a dragon? But isn't he still just a child?! How is it so big?!'

Images of what she had seen resurfaced in her mind, making her even more embarrassed. It was at times like this a good memory brought by Intelligence Stats was a bad thing. It was a bitch when remembering cursed or embarrassing things.

Remembering the long, girthy member that wasn't even remotely hard, she felt her face heat up. The distinct veins running through it, the healthy pink tip and the big, full balls drooping behind it, she had to shake her head to focus. But curiosity made her take a few more glances before looking away completely :'Stop! What are you thinking, geez?!'

Slathilia looked at the redhead excitedly, but was confused when he saw Natasha looking away with a blush. Following the sneaky glances she threw at him, his eyes landed on his new member :'Jesus fucking Christ, it's huge!

(A/N: Fun fact, Jesus's name in Hebrew is Yeshua, which is rendered into English as Joshua. This means that Jesus's proper name was Joshua, son of Joseph. Making him canonically the first JOJO!)

What the heck is this?! A dick or an actual third leg?! This is straight out of an unrealistic hentai! What is this, a horse cock- oh, wait. No, hold on, it's actually understandable. Yeah, it is. It just caught me off guard so much I forgot I'm an actual dragon now.

It's understandable now. Forget about horse cock, I have a dragon cock now. Talk about having a dragon in your pants. But holy fuck though, this is... I was by no means small in my previous life, even in the larger category. But this is just... scary...

Would I even be able to have sex with this? This looks like it could deal some damage. Like, actual damage. Oh, god, I'm suffering from success... wait, this is while I'm still a child?! While I'm still just in my 2nd Evolution?! W-what is going to happen after Evolving further?!'

He was about to have a panic attack. He didn't want to tear his partner literally in half when fucking, nor did he want to stay a virgin. He didn't know if he would want to fuck other dragons either, he still liked humans or human looking beings. But he calmed himself down. Panicking wouldn't help. It never did. He had to stay calm, and think calmly.

'Oh, fuck it. What's the point of getting a headache over it? I'll just cross that bridge when I come across it. I guess I'll just need a lot of preparation to do when I get laid. If the girl doesn't run away for dear life at least after seeing it... sigh, worst case scenario, I'll just fuck a whore that's been loosened enough. I don't think any grip would be loose for this... this abomination of a dick...

I'm not a furry to fuck an animal or a monster, whichever dragons are considered as. Wait a minute, what would it be considered as if I fucked as a dragon. I'm not going to stay as a human, I'm a dragon.

I would obviously choose to stay in the cooler form. So what would it be considered as. Furry to fuck monsters and... bestiality if I fuck humans or humanoids? ... Isn't this a loss either way...? Even if it is, I'd rather pick bestiality over furry. There are cursed things, and there are horrendous things. I'd rather pick the cursed.'

Sighing internally, he looked up at Natasha. But the moment he did so, his Intelligence Stats worked their magic. The wheels of his head started turning, the intelligence and smartness beginning to work. Work at what felt like the speed of light. Having an Intelligence of 16,000, 160 times higher than the maximum amount, and fueled by horny, he got a bright idea.

To weaponize being a shota.

He had always thought about it. In fact, every intelligent person would. Why wouldn't an MC in a child's body use the fact that children are clueless and inexperienced to their advantage? And now that he had the chance, why wouldn't he use that advantage? (A/N: All hail the big brain.)

Hiding a mischievous smile, disregarding every worry he had until a second ago, he put on an innocent act :"Natasha? What's the matter?" Long live Intelligence Stats, they amplify anything mind related. Including thinking, decision making and even acting.

"O-oh, it's nothing." She coughed, not looking at him :"But you're acting weird. You've been like this after looking at my... what is this? You never taught or told me anything about this thing between my legs."

'Shit, right, he was born just a few days ago. He doesn't know anything about dicks and vaginas.' She sighed. Giggling internally, Slathilia sat on the middle of the bed, letting his dragon lay and drag on it :"Come on, let's sit and teach me." He patted the spot in front of him.

With his appearance, it was definitely adorable, and would move the motherly instinct of any woman. At least if the monstrosity actually laying in front of him wasn't there. It would move... another instinct of a woman instead.

Eyebrows twitching at her own immaturity, Natasha calmed herself and sat in front of him. Trying to not glance at the dragon's dragon laying there like a second, smaller tail like a serpent. It looked quite threatening and dangerous so close up.

And so, as Slathilia sat there, smiling sinisterly at the glances and looks Natasha would give his dick, trying his best to not get erect, the redhead began to explain the difference between men and the purpose of the penis.

But she didn't go too deep (A/N: ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ), just about getting rid of wastes in the body and for reproduction. She judged him too young for that kind of knowledge. He was 3 days old, for goodness sake.

He also learned something interesting. Something he was curious about since being reincarnated. Why did he never feel the need to use the restroom? Apparently, it was because the digestive system of High-Class monsters is so powerful it completely destroys every waste in the body.

Humanoids meanwhile slowly lose the need to use the toilet as they Level up, since it also strengthens their digestive system and such. It was useful information. 'So do I have the tightest asshole there is? Wait, no, I'm pretty sure Stats would also apply the strength to the asshole as well. Damn, raise your Level, become anti-r*pable.'

"Oooh, so what I have is different from females?" He asked curiously and Natasha nodded :"Can I see it then?" He asked excitedly, in innocent curiosity, causing her to choke on her own spit.

"W-what?" She coughed, but he just smiled like a curious child :"You said it's different, right? I wanna see what's the difference!" Natasha didn't know how to feel about this. She was hesitant, of course she would be.

Sure, he was a child, but would she just show her private parts straight to him? On one hand, it was understandable that he was curious. On the other hand, it was embarrassing to do so. '... Ahhh, fuck it. I've already stripped in front of him anyway, so what am I bothering with.' Looking at his big and cute eyes sparkling with innocent curiosity, she couldn't help but give in :"Sigh, okay, okay, you perverted brat. I'll do it, so stop looking at me like that."

"Really?! Okay!" He laughed evilly behind his innocent face. Not at all feeling guilty. Hope grew in his heart as she got up, but she just looked back at him :"Let's take a bath while we're at it. I haven't showered or cleaned up in days. Using Water Magic is convenient, but taking a bath just feels good. Let's completely check out your body in the bathroom as well."

"Fine by me!" He jumped down, causing his huge manhood to jump around freely. Catching the attention of the redhead whose eyes unconsciously moved to look. In the end, she could only sigh and give up, her shame and embarrassment losing against her curiosity as she just looked. But at least did so sneakily instead of not looking at all.

She understood for the first time why men couldn't help but look at her body. The attraction towards an attractive opposite sex was quite significant. But her attention was pulled by the hand that was stretched out to her. She raised an eyebrow at Slathilia who smiled :"I saw the children hold hands with their mothers. Should I hold your hand too?"

Amused, she chuckled :'Right, this little guy is just a newborn. He probably thinks of me as his mother or something since I'm the first person he saw. There's no need to feel weird about this, I'm just teaching him things like how I'm supposed to. He doesn't have a dad nor do I have any guy I trust to teach him. So it's my duty to teach him the right things.' Natasha wasn't wrong, but wasn't right either. She wasn't his mother, but Slathilia would happily call her mommy. Horny was strong with him. It didn't help that he always had the Anti-Bonk Spell Card active.

Walking into the bathroom while holding hands, Slathilia had to admit even amidst the horniness, he was pretty impressed. Unlike what he had imagined from a fantasy world of medieval times, this world was still somewhat advanced.

There was a shower, a bathtub and a toilet in the inn, and with the pipes visible in some places, it was obvious that there should be sewers. He had noticed the entrances in some spots of the streets like in his old world. He wasn't complaining though. The less the dirtiness and the more the healthiness, the easier his life would be.

"Okay, come here." Natasha guided him to stand in front of the full body mirror, where he saw his overgrown weapon from a different perspective. Which made it look even scarier. He had been trying to stop it from getting hard all this time while Natasha looked at it, so he was still curious about how much deadlier it would be while hard. It was already bigger than most adults, thinking about it was scary.

He started checking his new body. Just like written in the info of his 2nd Evolution, the Larva Stage, he looked like an 8 year old child. Black hair like his fur reaching his shoulders as he pulled it back, dark purple eyes like his own, and black sclera making his eyes look both beautiful and menacing. Unlike his scales, his skin was as white as snow. He matched Natasha in terms of having jade-like skin.

And despite being very young, he looked absolutely adorable. No wonder Natasha couldn't help but surrender when he asked like that. That face was deadly to women. Especially to milfs, he figured. He was sure he would be one handsome guy when he grew up. Or Leveled up. He had to admit, he was a fine piece of work. So was his body. Although he looked just like a kid, the distinct muscles weren't hidden at all. But they weren't bulging either. He had to fix that.

Moving on from his human appearance, he checked the differences from an actual human. Long and pointy ears but not as long as an elf's, four sharper than normal canines while the others were normal, sharp nails painted a beautiful black color, and the most noticable differences, his wings and tails. (A/N: Okay, so I made a change where after each Evolution, he gets an extra tail and an extra set of wings. Now he has two tails and four wings. Also, he has four eyes in his dragon form, that part stays the same and doesn't change after Evolving.)

"Alright, nothing too unexpected. Except that part..." The redhead mumbled under her breath :"Alright then, let's take a bath." She said before starting to undress.

(A/N: Okay, good news, the next chapter is definitely not PG-13. It's not smut, but it's definitely mature content for obvious reasons. Slathilia won't be just looking though, he makes use of everything he has when he gets the chance, so he'll definitely get touchy. He'll definitely use his long tongue for reasons. ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ)