
Lunatic Dragon

(A/N: The original version of this book (Reborn as a Dragon) was contracted, but I realized it was a mistake when I made it privileged so early on since readers couldn't continue reading, and the pay was so small too. So I just copy pasted that book into this, and am hoping nothing will go wrong. Read this book instead, since I'm going to continue the story here instead and will be completely free. But if you want to read ahead by 5 chapters (10 and 50 in the future), check out my Patreon at That_One_Dead_Ali.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for this one particular boy, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali, another question would be more appropriate. What happens when a boy dies, meets an almighty and omnipotent Omniversal Being, and gets his wishes granted? When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B (Random Omniversal Being) casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him. One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an Dragon. What kind of a dragon? Well, one that could grow infinitely stronger by consuming other beings. Gain their physical capabilities, gain their abilities, gain their levels, you name it, he can Devour it. What happens when an SS-Class Dragon and one hell of an overpowered redhead team up? Guess the world has to experience the effects of this monstrous team for itself.

That_One_Dead_Ali · Action
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

CH 015: First Quest

"We're here." Standing in a Low-Class Monster Forest close to Crussas, Natasha looked around. "(Indeed we are.)" Slathilia agreed, looking around curiously. He was too excited and bloodthirsty yesterday, so he didn't have the time to look around, take in the place.

It was a nice feeling, being in a clean and beautiful forest. And although it was dangerous, he wasn't really bothered. He was one of the dangers, after all. The place was enjoyable by itself, but thanks to his Stats and being a dragon, his senses allowed him to enjoy it even more.

In fact, when he concentrated, he could feel a larger amount of Mana compared to what he felt in the city or anywhere outside of the forest. In moments of confusion, he always turned to his companion :"(Hey, Nat, why do I sense so much Mana here? I couldn't sense so much outside of the forest?)"

"It's because of the monsters in the forest." As she explained, she continued to the area Saber Tigers would most likely be :"A forest isn't called a Monster Forest just because there are monsters there. When a large concentration of monsters is present in a place, that place becomes a Monster Forest. Or a Monster Valley, depends on the place.

The reason for that is because the Mana of monsters changes the place depending on what monsters there are. For example, just looking at what kind of a lush and beautiful forest this is makes it obvious that monsters belonging to this kind of natural habitat live in it. A normal forest wouldn't be this healthy. It's because of the monsters' Mana.

A volcanic place housing monsters would be a lot hotter and more dangerous than a normal volcanic place. An area of the sea or aquatic place would also be a lot more dangerous and with a lot of waves as well. You get the idea. Even though the presence of monsters makes a place extremely dangerous, their Mana also makes that place flourish.

And as you just felt it, even if the Monster Forest is of the lowest Class, you can still feel the Mana. The higher the Class, the higher the Mana concentration in it. It is even possible for weak people to feel overwhelmed and a suffocating sensation at higher Class Monster Forests. Oh, by the way, the concentration of Mana helps us know what Classes of monsters live inside a Monster Forest. After all, since the Mana is because of the monsters, it is obvious that strong monsters live in a Monster Forest if the Mana concentration is high.

Low-Class Monster Forest: G-Class, F-Class, E-Class

Mid-Class Monster Forest: D-Class, C-Class, B-Class

High-Class Monster Forest: A-Class, S-Class, SS-Class

Monster Forests are also always separated into three layers of Core Layer, Middle Layer and Outer Layer no matter the Class. The Outer Layer will host the weakest monster Classes, the Middle Layer will house the Class in the middle, and the Core Layer will house the strongest Classes in that Class of Monster Forest. Basically, A-Class will be in the Outer Layer, S-Class in the Middle Layer, and SS-Class in the Core Layer."

"(Ohh, I get it. So that's why we only saw G-Class monsters since arriving here! And now we're going to the Middle Layer?)"

"Yup, exactly."

"(Can I eat those Saber Tigers' Mana Cores?)"

"Didn't you already eat more than ten Angry Rabbits' Mana Cores when we got here? I'm starting to think you're a glutton."

"(I am not a glutton. Why shouldn't I eat as many as I can when it can speed up the process of me Leveling up? We're already here, so I might as well eat as much as I can.)"


"(In fact, you would think we would've come across more monsters even if they're G-Class, not just Angry Rabbits.)"

"*Groaning* It's because those are aggressive as hell. It's in the name. It's really damn annoying. They actively look for anything that moves and try to attack it. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw even more of them."

"(You don't seem to like them.)"

"Nobody does. They're so annoying it's infuriating. And they breed and reproduce like hell, so even wiping them out from a place is really difficult."

"(Well, I can eat as many of them and their Mana Cores as I want, so I guess they're at least good for something.)"

"Yeah, I guess. Alright, we seem to be in the area Saber Tigers are mostly found in."

"(Uh huh, and we seem to have company already.)"

"Raaawr!" A feline roar echoed as a figure pounced towards them. Claws out and sharp fangs ready to tear its targets apart. However, now that his Stats were taking effect, Slathilia found the Saber Tiger in the air very, very slow. It seemed to be moving in slow motion. Smirking to himself, happy at the realization of his Stats benefits, the baby dragon simply turned his head.

Slathilia spotted something weird in the eyes of the monstrous tiger looking at him, but he just ignored it. He didn't even bother to fight. He just opened his mouth, and as if a vortex had appeared in his mouth, Mana began to gather, turning into a menacing purple black fire. The next instant, a wave of deadly fire escaped his mouth, large enough to easily cover a normal tree completely. And at the moment, it completely enveloped the attacking Saber Tiger.

Its roar of pain only echoed for a moment before it was completely silent. As it fell to the ground, Slathilia stopped spewing his flame. Natasha didn't seem to be harmed or even uncomfortable. He had learned quickly that he can target what his fire can and can't hurt.

Looking at the charred corpse, he smirked smugly, proud of his power. And his control over his Majestic Fire which allowed him to kill the feline without destroying the corpse. He didn't want to waste easy and free Stats.

"Your Majestic Fire really is powerful, huh?" Natasha mused as Slathilia smirked :"(Yup. And taking the Elemental path has only made it even more powerful.)" Causing the redhead to chuckle :"Do you think it's gonna be powerful enough to take care of them as well."

As she finished speaking, several growls were heard, along with footsteps before several more Saber Tigers came into light. Glaring and growling, they set their eyes on the duo. But as their eyes moved to the baby dragon laying on his stomach nonchalantly, they seemed to be amazed. Not as the "amazed at his power they were feeling", but as in they looked captivated.

He seemed to be sparkling in their eyes. Beautiful obsidian scales gracing his body as amethyst veins danced around his gorgeous body. Deadly wings with sharp ends folded comfortable behind him as his thorny long tail folded around him. Looking at his glowing purple reptilian eyes staring mischievously at them, they seemed to be hypnotized. Staring at the small smirk revealing his sharp fangs, they actually drooled.

Completely confusing Slathilia. He didn't know why the Saber Tigers suddenly stopped not just growling, but completely moving. They suddenly stopped dead in the spot and stared at him with something that creeped him out. He didn't seem to get it, but Natasha, who realized what was happening, threw her head back and laughed loudly.

Stilling himself to not fall, he looked down confused :"(Hey, what the heck?! What's so funny?!)" But Natasha was too busy laughing :"(Come on, stop laughing already?! What's are you laughing about anyway?!)"

"What is funny?! Hahaha look at them!" She howled in laughter, pointing at the unmoving Saber Tigers :"They look fucking bewitched! Hahaha guess having Innate Stats that also rise infinitely isn't that good now, huh?"

"(Wait, what?!)" He called out in shock, finally realizing what he was seeing in those eyes :"(You've got to be shitting me...) Causing his companion to laugh even harder :"Oh fuck, to think I'd see a day where tigers would simp over a dragon!" She wheezed, causing Slathilia to growl in annoyance. He slapped her head with his tail, but it seemed like her Durability was too high for her to feel it :"(Stop laughing, this isn't funny!)" 'Damn it, my rizz has become too powerful! What, am I suffering from success or something?!'

"You're right, it's hilarious!" She wheezed out, fighting for oxygen :"Look at them! Hahahaha look at their dumb faces!" Making him glare as he jumped down from his head. Looking at the tigers, he glared angrily :"(I'll teach you not to simp over me!)" He roared, but it seemed that they liked his beautiful voice instead.

They attacked him, but it didn't look like they wanted to hurt him at all. Which only pissed him off even more. Looking at their drooling mouths and nearly heart-shaped eyes, he gritted his teeth as Natasha kept laughing :"(That's it, fuckers! I'll teach you a lesson!)" Letting his Mana flow to his Sacred Ring, it shone a menacing light as his 1st Sacred Ring, 2nd Sacred Skill was activated.

[1st Ring, 2nd Skill) Majestic Fire Orbs (SS: Lv 10): creates 10 orbs of Majestic Fire that continuously fire beams and balls of Majestic Fire that can reach up to a distance of 100m. This Sacred Skill uses Mana only once when activated, and the Majestic Fire Orbs will remain for 1 hour self-sufficiently by absorbing the Mana around them. The number of Majestic Fire Orbs will increase by 10 each Sacred Level. The duration of this Sacred Skill will increase by 1 hour every Sacred Level. The area of effect will increase by a digit every Sacred Level. 20/2h/1km at 2nd Sacred Level. 30/3h/10km at 3rd Sacred Level. 40/4h/100km at 4th Sacred Level. 50/5h/1,000km at 5th Sacred Level. 60/6h/10,000km at 6th Sacred Level. 70/7h/100,000km at 7th Sacred Level. 80/8h/1,000,000km at 8th Sacred Level. 90/9h/10,000,000km at 9th Sacred Level. 100/10h/100,000,000km at 10th Sacred Level.]

Orbs of fire appeared around him, the same color as his Majestic Fire. The moment they appeared, they seemed to be on automatic assault and obliteration mode. Because it didn't even take a moment before all of them fired a beam of Majestic Fire at each Saber Tiger. They didn't even need to shoot twice, because the first beam immediately went through the Saber Tigers' heads, killing them immediately.

Not blowing them up. Just a clean and efficient headshot that immediately finished them off. Something that left even Slathilia confused and speechless :'Goddamn, these are efficient as hell...'

"Huh, guess the funny moment's over." Natasha laughed lightly, wiping the tears in her eyes as Slathilia glared :"(Screw you, that wasn't funny!)"

"What, you don't like being loved?"

"(Not by oversized cats, no! At least not that kind of "love"! That was creepy as hell. Freaking hell, I've got goosebumps...)"

"Can dragons even get goosebumps?"

"(I don't know, and I don't care. All I know is that this may ACTUALLY become a problem.)"

"Yeah, it will, believe me. But don't worry, I've got a way to solve it as always."


"Of course. I'm going to let you in on a secret. My own Charisma is actually 100/100. No, I'm not kidding, I'm serious. So believe me, I know what that feeling is like. Because before I found a way to solve it, which is just sealing my Charisma, that would happen to me as well. In fact, I'm surprised why your 1,040 Charisma hasn't caused a catastrophic problem yet."

"(Yeah, I was wondering about that too. It just started from this morning where people started looking at me weird.)"

"Probably had to take a bit to take effect, since it's an Innate Stat. I was wondering why you suddenly started looking so cute and beautiful too."

"(*Stepping back* ... Stay back, wench.)"

"*Face twitching* Hey, that's no way to talk to your companion. And no, don't worry, I won't suddenly attack you."

"(Good, you better not. *Squinting eyes* For your own safety.)"

"*Rolling eyes* Fuck off. Anyway, I'll help you seal it with Curse Magic."

"(... I'm not really a fan of Curse Magic considering I already have these bullshit seals, you know?)"

"Yeah, but don't worry. It's completely harmless. It's like having a transparent mask that lowers your Charisma Stats. I have mine sealed at 80/100. Should I do the same for you?"

"(Sigh, well, if it's the only way I can be safe from the risk of getting raped. But isn't 80 still high.)" 'Seriously, who would have thought I'd be worried about getting raped at 2 DAYS old?'

"What, you wanna be ugly?"

"(... I never said such a thing.)"




G-Class Angry Rabbits x15

F-Class Saber Tigers x8


G-Class Lv: 88 -> 448 {+360}

Stats: 264 -> 1,344 {+1,080}


F-Class Lv: 518 -> 1,260 {+742}

Stats: 3,108 -> 7,560 {+4,452}


(Abyss Incarnate Sacred Skills)


G: Abyss Incarnate's Annoyance x0 -> x2

F: Abyss Incarnate's Irritation x12 -> x20


(Absorbed Skills)


Bite Lv 2 (F: Saber Tiger) {CH 15}

Sprint Lv 2 (F: Saber Tiger) {CH 15}

Climbing Lv 2 (F: Saber Tiger) {CH 15}

Ambush Lv 2 (F: Saber Tiger) {CH 15}

Blade-Fang Generation Lv 3 (F: Saber Tiger)

Intimidating Roar Lv 2 (F: Saber Tiger)

Pack Lv 2 (F: Saber Tiger) {CH 15}