
CH 37: Sinister Plan For a Sinister Hunt

But Alistair's amusement went away when he saw Hurtez's perverted eyes. Annoyed, he glared and growled :'Oh, fucking perfect. It's one of those perverted MCs. Let me guess, he has always been fantasizing about getting a harem from day one.'

'Ohh, she's glaring, she's glaring!' His annoyance would skyrocket if he knew Hurtez delusional thoughts :'Yup, a dragon is either graceful and calm, or a complete tsundere! Hahahahaha, that's even better, tsunderes are the best of the best!'

He was lucky the baby dragon couldn't read minds. If he did, he would have already chosen violence for that single thought. But like they say, ignorance is bliss. Alistair was in fact happy he couldn't see and read what was in a pervert's head. But suddenly, he got an idea.

'Wait... oh... oooh, wait a second! When it comes to the most hated type of MCs like him, and just any isekai in general, there is always, always, ALWAYS at least one childhood sweetheart or onee-san around! I bet the scale on the edge of my left wing on that injured girl being someone who's going to join his harem!'

While Hurtez was looking away with a perverted grin, lost in his own delusions, Alistair's fangs were even further exposed when he smiled like a true predator :'Then if that's the case... oh, boy, I'm going to enjoy this! You want a harem so much? I want to see you try keeping them, bitch.'

(A/N: A reminder once again, this isn't harem, which makes it even better since he will do what you've probably already figured out just for the fun of it, just to throw them away later. Show's maximum pettiness.)

"Since there wasn't any more around, I thought I might as well end it quickly." Serenity shrugged :"And besides, even if there were more just hiding, taking care of them quickly would be the best option so we wouldn't be surrounded."

"True." Natasha nodded, walking towards the injured girl :"Are you alright? Poisoned, or anything broken?" Leah shook her head :"N-no, miss, I don't think it's anything severe like that." Humming, Natasha kneeled beside her, amazing Alistair with how she managed to do so without making him fall from her chest :"Let me take a look. Although it might not be serious now, it will be a lot worse if it's infected."

"B-but... umm..." The brunette blushed. After all, the injury wasn't on her feet or calves, but literally on her thigh. On the upper parts at that, making it dangerously close to her private parts. Seeing her reaction, Hurtez was confused :'Wait, why is she acting like this?

I've seen her naked before, and have corrupted her enough for her to not be nervous when being naked around me. In fact, I've made it so it's completely normal! She's not one to be embarrassed around other women either, so what's going on...'

"Geez, don't worry, we're all women here, and these two are just children." Serenity reasoned, but Natasha turned and glared at the boy :"Hey, turn around, brat. Don't you have any manners?" Scared, feeling as if an actual monster had her eyes on him, Hurtez quickly turned around :"Y-yes, ma'am!"

The mere glare and aura of someone of Natasha's strength wasn't something to scoff at. Alistair didn't know it, but she could make all monsters they had encountered until now run away with their tails between their legs with just a bit of intimidation. She had in fact gotten so skilled at intimidation, that she had obtained the Intimidation Skill years ago. And her mother's genes and the nature she inherited from her were so scary and intimidating that it didn't help at all.

'S-shit, what's with this bitch?! Why is she so scary?!' Trembling with cold sweat running down his back, Hurtez gritted his teeth :'F-fuck, just you wait, bitch! I'll make you pay for this humiliation after I've made you my bitch!' Being an MC, a protagonist with the backing of the heavens, of course he would have a lot of arrogance. Which MC accepted such a humiliation without payback for him to be the first?

Alistair was a bit surprised at her reaction. She had never said anything about him when he stared at her while she was undressing or just naked. But Natasha had her own reasons. Obviously, with her Senses Stats, she had immediately noticed the kid's perverted eyes staring at where he shouldn't.

But other than just annoying her, it didn't do much since it happened everywhere with people around. Even if she had hidden her actual beauty, she wouldn't go as far as to make herself ugly. With her pride as the 2nd most beautiful woman in the world, only willing to give up the 1st seat to her mother, of course she would keep herself as drop dead gorgeous. However, his perverted gaze wasn't what angered her.

It was his passive skill he kept active.

Being the Mind Master, master of how Skills and abilities that had anything to do with the mind, she had immediately noticed his Passive Skill, Corruption. Completely immune to it thanks to her Titles and Skills, she wasn't worried at all. And surprisingly, she hadn't sensed either Alistair or Serenity being affected either.

If she wanted to, she could see faint, invisible black strings trying to latch onto the three of them. But they all bounced off of all of them. And it seemed like she wasn't the only one who had noticed it. One serious exchange of glances with the two of them, and the nods given to each other, showed both Alistair and Serenity had noticed something weird had tried to affect their minds. And thankfully, it had failed miserably.

But unfortunately, that wasn't the same for the brunette. One look at the black string, much bigger than the ones that had tried to approach them, attached to her like a sinister leash, and she immediately found out that she had been a specific target of the boy's Mental-type Skills. Combined with his perverseness, she right away got an idea of what he was planning.

She immediately knew, the kid was bad news.

'I've got my eye on you, pipsqueak.' Her dislike for him was already a lot more than the persistent guys that would hit on her until she would lash out and beat the shit out of them :'I'll get rid of this little shirt the moment the chance is right.

He's already so rotten at such a young age. Who knows what kind of a disgusting bastard he will become. I may be acting hypocritical since I also use my Mind-based Skills on innocent people, but I at least don't manipulate their minds to take advantage of them.'

Natasha was by no means a saint, nor close to being one. But at least she had a sense of justice to keep the innocents safe as long as she or her loved ones wouldn't be harmed or taken advantage of. Her pettiness wouldn't allow it.

"Serenity, keep an eye out on the brat. Make sure he doesn't try anything." She ordered the noirette. One look at each other, and they both knew what she was talking about. Serenity nodded, smirking :"And what if he does?" The redhead scoffed :"Then gauge his eyes out or something."

"Hahahahaha, you heard her, kid!" She laughed aloud, turning to the trembling boy :"So watch your moves, or you may not be able to watch anything again if you bother miss scary here." She didn't need to tell him, he was scared enough to nearly pee himself. No way would he try anything funny.

He just nodded quickly, while clenching his fists in anger :'G-goddamn it, how dare y-you humiliate me like this?! I-I'll make you p-pay for it eventually! Both of you!' Of course, all three of them noticed his clenched fists. And from the maliciousness mixed with fear they felt from him, they knew he was trying to cook something.

'Damn, Natasha really doesn't like this kid, huh? Understandable, since I guess she figured out his Skill and what he does with it too. Makes sense with how she's the master of all Mind-based Skills. Good thing I have my immunities to keep me safe. Though it is surprising that Serenity also noticed it and from the looks of it, was completely unaffected. I wonder what Skill this guy has though. Definitely some kind of mind control Skill or such.'

Turning her attention back to the injured girl, she noticed her trembling nervously. Definitely a little scared by how she acted just now. "Calm down, I won't hurt you." Natasha said in a gentler voice :"I just hate brats. Now can you show me your wound already? It'll seriously be bad if it gets infected."

"H-hm." Leah nodded tiredly, weakened by the wound now that the adrenaline had calmed down. Grabbing her skirt, she rolled it up in embarrassment. Even if they were both women, the contact was too close for comfort with a complete stranger.

When she rolled it up completely, cursing the wound for where it was, she looked away in embarrassment at her panties being fully exposed. She wished she could at least cover her crotch, but couldn't, thanks to the wound.

Alistair wasn't complaining though. He just sat there and enjoyed the show, mouth dry at the sight of her white panties riding up her sexy ass and pussy, even showing a bit of the shape of her labia. 'Damn, as expected of an MC's bitch. She's sexy, even if not comparable to Natasha and Serenity.

But that's not a fair comparison. Since I honestly feel like Natasha is an MC herself with how broken her powers are. Was this body originally going to be her, the MC's pet and companion before I came over? I seriously wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.'

"Alright, good, it's nothing serious." Gently checking the wound, she took out a herb from her Storage Ring :"Here, eat this. It will get rid of any infection. Since there is either just a bit or none at all, just this one will fix everything before we fix the wound."

"A-alright, thanks." Relaxing even further, she took the herb and ate it.

Natasha :"Do you have any potions on you?"

Leah :"P-potion? Like, the healing ones?"

Natasha :"Yes, those."

Leah :"No, I'm sorry, that's too expensive for villagers like us."

"I see." Nodding, she took out a small vial containing red liquid out this time :"Good thing I kept a few small ones just in case." She handed it to the brunette :"Here, it will be all fixed when you drink this."

"H-huh?!" Seeing the health potion, she immediately freaked out :"N-no, I can't accept something so precious! I have no way of repaying it!" Nat didn't argue. She grabbed Leah's jaw, popped open the vial, and poured the red liquid in her mouth :"Just shut up and drink, sheesh." (A/N: SHEEEEESH!)

Leah shut up and did so, she wasn't trying to choke. After she drank it, the effects were immediate. The wound on her leg started to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. And in a few moments, he thigh was completely healed.

"Whoa..." The brunette stared in amazement, before bowing to Natasha in gratitude :"T-thank you very much! And I'm sorry you had to waste such a precious item..." But Natasha waved her off as she got up :"Don't worry about it, I don't have any financial worries. And if the quantity was a problem, I could just make more myself." She helped Leah get up.

Serenity :"Whoa, you can make potions? You know alchemy?"

Natasha :"Yeah, learnt from someone skilled a few years back. It's really useful, so I thought I might as well learn a thing or two about it."

Serenity :"Damn, you're awesome! Even if you can only make potions, that's still enough to make you some real good money since potions are expensive. So was what you gave her also made by you?"

Leah :"Now that she mentions it, I had heard that health potions taste really bad. Disgusting even. But this one actually tasted good instead."

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