
Lunar Veil: A Tale of Untamed Shadows

"Wasn't I supposed to be a werewolf? WTH IS THIS THEN?" A realm whispers, a call to the soul, Mystic echoes bidding one to stroll. Answer it must, this ethereal plea, For in that realm, a destiny may be. Adrian, the werewolf supposedly endowed with power but cursed to be unable to harness the moon's abilities, couldn't help but lament the idea of putting an end to his own misery. Leading a normal life in the human world proved challenging for him. It wasn't going well until he encountered the dream diver, experiencing a newfound joy in life and gradually shedding the feeling of being cursed. If only that joy could last forever. Follow Adrian on his journey as he grapples with the fate of his curse and unlocks powers he never thought he possessed. “WHAT'S THE POINT OF THESE POWERS IF IM GOING TO BE PUT IN SUCH SITUATIONS!”

samandridaku · Fantasy
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123 Chs

The Zany Verbal Artisan

Their sense of amazement was short-lived as a shadowy figure emerged in the corner of the room. It was difficult to discern the person's identity due to the obstructing objects in their path, creating an air of uncertainty and tension. Adrian and Emilie exchanged glances, wary of this unexpected presence.

Adrian instinctively positioned himself in front of Emilie, uncertainty marking his expression as the shadowy figure appeared.

The enigmatic presence gradually dissipated, leaving a lone pen in its wake. Adrian remained still, extending his aura towards the pen, which rested peacefully on the ground.

Emilie, peeking from behind Adrian, observed the situation. Upon seeing no further unusual developments and just a pen, her tension eased.

After a few moments passed without any additional occurrences, Adrian approached the pen on the ground and retrieved it. Although it outwardly resembled an ordinary pen, its body was adorned with intricate, captivating designs. Its beauty compelled Adrian to keep it concealed from prying eyes.

Adrian's thoughts were gradually becoming consumed by greed and desire, fueled by the pen's exquisite appearance. However, in an instant, the typically beautiful and trustworthy Mother Gaze transformed into a piercing and stern gaze, serving as a sudden wake-up call for Adrian. This abrupt change in the gaze's demeanor urged him to reevaluate his priorities and actions.

'What just happened?' 

Adrian contemplated in silence as he examined the now seemingly ordinary pen in his hand. He glanced back at Emilie, whose expression gave no indication of whether she had detected any anomalies.

Shrugging off his speculative thoughts, Adrian delved further, channeling his aura inside the pen to uncover its true nature and purpose.

Name: The Zany Verbal Artisan

Core level: 4-cores

Adrian's exploration revealed the true identity of the pen relic. It was a relic of stunning beauty concealed within a malevolent enchantment. This exquisite pen was adorned with a captivating golden sheen; its design was intricate and mesmerizing, with filigree patterns that seemed to writhe and entwine like serpents. Its allure was so potent that it ensnared anyone who held it, compelling them to never let go.

However, beneath its alluring exterior, it was a relic of treacherous charm, captivating its holders with beauty while ensnaring them in a web of dark enigma. Its riddles possessed the power to manipulate and torment, ensuring that those who encountered it faced intellectual and spiritual peril.

Those who failed to decipher its malevolent mysteries would suffer dire consequences.

The Zany Verbal Artisan, when used as a writing instrument, produced not ordinary text but a series of cryptic, poetic, and philosophical riddles. These riddles were challenging and required deep contemplation to decipher their hidden meanings. They demanded answers, and failing to provide a satisfactory one carried severe consequences.

The repercussions for failing to answer the pen's riddles or attempting to decipher harmful ones were grave.

Consequences ranged from physical ailments and misfortune to the gradual erosion of the victim's sanity, ultimately leading to a twisted fate.

Furthermore, the act of writing with the pen consumed the holder's energy or aura, leaving them progressively drained with each inscription. Prolonged use could result in both physical and spiritual exhaustion, rendering it a perilous undertaking.

Adrian learned that this relic possessed the ability to inscribe harmful riddles specifically targeted at individuals. These riddles were designed without specific answers, and attempting to decipher them led to severe consequences for the intended target, including various curses and misfortunes.

As this information was absorbed into Adrian's mind, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and perspiration, realizing the full extent of the relic's dark and dangerous capabilities.

'This is one scary thing now.' 

Despite being a 4-core-level relic, the Zany Verbal Artisan possessed vast potential. Its applications were versatile, capable of being employed in various ways.

Emilie observed Adrian, who gazed at the pen as though it were the fruit of some alluring yet reckless affair, a newfound possession that held the promise of enchantment and peril in equal measure.

Curiosity piqued, Emilie questioned Adrian, "You're going to tell me, or what?" She couldn't help but wonder about the pen's significance and potential, as they had yet to uncover the full extent of its abilities within the mansion.

Adrian began to provide Emilie with a rough outline of the relic's capabilities while they explored the storeroom.

Emilie couldn't help but ponder the naming of relics; her thoughts fixated on the peculiar name of the pen they had encountered. She wondered whether the relics were named by someone or if they came into existence with their names already in place.

Hearing her musings, Adrian emitted a soft chuckle, sharing her bemusement. He too found the naming conventions of these relics rather intriguing, but he lacked the answers to her questions. 

"You might assume I have a wealth of knowledge about these matters, but believe me, I'm just as new to this world as you are," Adrian admitted as he picked up a pot-like relic, a 1-core-level item that possessed the unique ability to store an unlimited number of coins.

'Pretty useless.'

Emilie's curiosity about the mansion's wonders and her desire to make use of the pen's riddle-writing ability prompted her to ask, "Should we give it a try?" She was eager to explore more of the mansion and collect riddles to replenish her cores. 

Adrian concurred with Emilie's suggestion, nodding in agreement, as he too, was eager to delve deeper into the mansion's mysteries. He couldn't help but wonder about the incongruity between the Zany Verbal Artisan's low core level and the malevolent actions of the old man. 

Adrian recognized that dwelling on these matters wouldn't yield answers, so he decided to put the pen to use by selecting a book and taking a seat to begin writing.

With the pen in hand and the prospect of writing riddles, Adrian inquired, "Where should we begin? There are so many things I'd like to discover." He turned his gaze toward Emilie.

Emilie suggested, "Why don't we begin by asking it how to get back home? I'm still uncertain whether it holds knowledge or simply serves as a weapon." Her tone conveyed her skepticism as she considered the pen's capabilities.

Adrian shared similar reservations with Emilie, but he was curious enough to give it a try. Taking the pen and paper, he wrote, "Who was using you to compose riddles in this mansion?" in hopes of obtaining some insights.

Emilie couldn't help but find Adrian's question sensible, given the circumstances, and she silently approved of the choice.

As Adrian began to write with the pen, his aura moved toward it involuntarily, guiding its hand. The pen crafted words that were not only exquisite but also distinct from the riddles they had encountered thus far.

When the writing ceased, Emilie leaned in to get a closer look at the words inscribed on the paper.

"In hands of the old, my fate entwined,

Though he wasn't my first, I'm told to be kind.

When you arrived, my choice was clear,

To leave this realm, he must disappear.

For in the wild, my riddles must stay."

The abundance of riddles and enigmatic messages had Emilie feeling as though her head was spinning, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information.

She cast a glance at Adrian, who appeared similarly perplexed, his brows furrowing as he grappled with the complexity of the words before them.

Adrian, still seeking answers and not wanting to confront an unknown entity, wrote on the paper, "Who were you originally owned by?"

The pen exhibited some resistance, almost as if it were hesitant to disclose information about its original owner. Nevertheless, the unyielding rules governing relics ultimately compelled the pen to respond, acknowledging Adrian as its current owner.

"In silence, I keep the name concealed,

A bloodline's power, a secret, revealed.

Though not strong herself, her lineage did hold,

A force that tamed relics, or so I'm told.

In this realm of mysteries, rare and grand,

She departed swiftly, left this land."

"In the mists of time, mysteries shrouded in night, doth reveal their secrets, bathed in ancient light."

samandridakucreators' thoughts