
Lunar Veil: A Tale of Untamed Shadows

"Wasn't I supposed to be a werewolf? WTH IS THIS THEN?" A realm whispers, a call to the soul, Mystic echoes bidding one to stroll. Answer it must, this ethereal plea, For in that realm, a destiny may be. Adrian, the werewolf supposedly endowed with power but cursed to be unable to harness the moon's abilities, couldn't help but lament the idea of putting an end to his own misery. Leading a normal life in the human world proved challenging for him. It wasn't going well until he encountered the dream diver, experiencing a newfound joy in life and gradually shedding the feeling of being cursed. If only that joy could last forever. Follow Adrian on his journey as he grapples with the fate of his curse and unlocks powers he never thought he possessed. “WHAT'S THE POINT OF THESE POWERS IF IM GOING TO BE PUT IN SUCH SITUATIONS!”

samandridaku · Fantasy
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123 Chs


"I already have an appointment scheduled, so I won't be able to join you this time. If you had reached out a bit earlier, it might have worked out. However, let's keep in touch – I might have some free time in a couple of days and could possibly assist you."

While Chris was engaged in a phone conversation, he suddenly noticed his door swing open, and a blurry figure entered the room.

"We should head out right away; time's running short. Are we all set and good to go?"

Adrian inquired of Chris as he applied the brakes upon arriving at the bar.

"I didn't know you'd be here so soon,"

Saying, Chris waved his hand and the bar's door locked itself.

"I haven't reached out to her yet, but I'm pretty confident she's available, so we can head out immediately. Let me just mark you and then we can hit the road."

After finishing his words, Chris gently touched Adrian, and in that instant, he sensed an aura enveloping him. Adrian couldn't see any physical or spiritual marks, but he could unmistakably sense a change in Chris, something subtly different about him now. 

Adrian expressed his frustration, saying, "It's better to work out, or else I'll have to figure out some other solution for this darn issue." He remained uncertain about whether this woman would be able to assist him.

Observing Adrian's frustration, Chris couldn't resist offering some reassurance, saying, "Relax, she'll be able to resolve it; I'm quite confident. You'll be pleasantly surprised by her. You should be aware of the extent of my connections."

Suddenly, blue engravings began to emerge on Chris's body, gradually illuminating. They grew so radiant that Adrian had to squint his eyes to observe what was unfolding.

Just as Adrian attempted to make sense of the situation, he saw his surroundings turn white, and he felt as if he were moving through a thick veil of light. This sensation didn't last long, as suddenly he found himself in an entirely different place.

He found himself standing in a densely packed area. The people around him were dressed in attire unfamiliar to him, quite distinct from what he was accustomed to seeing.

In a small town nestled in the heart of Horusaad, a vibrant tapestry of people could be seen moving about, each dressed in traditional attire. The town, with its bustling streets, exuded an air of both tradition and modernity, but it was also known for its shadowy underbelly of less savory activities.

The locals were adorned in a stunning array of traditional Horusaad garments. Men often wore long, flowing galabeyas, which were loose-fitting robes made of lightweight fabric, perfect for the warm Horusaad climate. These galabeyas were often adorned with intricate embroidery or patterns, adding a touch of elegance to their attire.

Women, on the other hand, graced the streets in vibrant, beautifully designed kaftans or abayas, often complemented with headscarves or hijabs in a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns. Their attire was not only modest but also a reflection of their cultural heritage.

The heart of the town was the bustling marketplace. As people moved through the narrow, winding streets, the air was thick with the scent of exotic spices, and the sound of haggling and bartering filled the air. Vendors showcased their wares, which included everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to intricately woven textiles and handcrafted jewelry.

While the town had a rich cultural heritage, it was not immune to its share of less reputable activities. Dark alleyways often concealed clandestine gatherings, and the whispers of shady dealings hung in the air. The allure of the shadowy world was a stark contrast to the vibrant traditions that surrounded it.

Despite the shadows that loomed, the people of the town went about their daily lives with a sense of resilience and spirit. Children played in the dusty streets, elders exchanged stories in the shade of ancient buildings, and the call to prayer from the nearby mosque echoed through the town, a reminder of the enduring traditions that bound the community together.

In this small Egyptian town, the traditional attire, the lively marketplace, and the shadowy undertones created a dynamic and captivating tapestry of local life. It was a place where tradition and modernity coexisted, and where the rich culture of Horusaad was on full display, even in the face of the town's more enigmatic elements.

Taking in the cultural shift and the new surroundings, Adrian couldn't resist commenting on the beauty of the place. He said, "I didn't expect to find myself in a spot like this. By the way, what's this place called?"

Upon hearing Adrian's question, Chris regarded him with an incredulous expression, as though he were observing a rare spectacle.

"Horusaad? Haven't you heard of it before? Aren't you old enough to possess such basic knowledge?" Chris remarked, genuinely astonished by Adrian's lack of familiarity with the subject.

For anyone belonging to their kind, particularly a core bearer, knowledge of Horusaad was practically a given. It served as the central hub for all their needs and requirements.

Require the blood of virgins, my dear vampire? Just head over to Horusaad.

Need a relic to keep you wide awake? Horusaad is the place to go.

"Want to make that 5-core core bearer fart all day? Horusaad's got the answer," was the tongue-in-cheek recommendation within their community.

It was indeed a unique place, a market tailored exclusively for their kind, built by their kind. Even non-humans of the highest privilege ventured here, but always under careful protection. For an ordinary, unbacked human, entering Horusaad would be akin to offering themselves up as a commodity.

Core bearers of their kind had discerning tastes, and the sight of humans intruding into their realm provided them with a unique form of amusement. They wouldn't pass up the opportunity for a bit of fun in such situations.

This was the way the world operated, and Adrian didn't have any issues with it, as long as he or someone close to him wasn't directly affected.

"If you're finished poking fun at me, can we get moving, or are we planning to linger here all day?"

Adrian remarked, feeling out of place in his attire and attracting some judgmental glances from the less virtuous traders who saw him as an easy target, a perception not entirely off the mark.

Surrounded by all these powerful core bearers, he couldn't help but feel like a small ant, easily molded and shaped by their formidable abilities.

He didn't like it. 

Chris flashed Adrian a sly smirk that practically shouted, 'I'm thoroughly enjoying this new aspect of your character.'

"Are you prepared to see the Runecaster of the Horusaad?" Chris inquired, his voice laced with mystery and intrigue.

Adrian responded with a deadpan expression, causing Chris to clear his throat awkwardly.

In sands of ancient world, where secrets lie,

Horusaad, a name that touched the sky.

A tale of power, a mythic journey grand,

In whispered winds, his story's grains of sand.

samandridakucreators' thoughts