
Lunar Veil: A Tale of Untamed Shadows

"Wasn't I supposed to be a werewolf? WTH IS THIS THEN?" A realm whispers, a call to the soul, Mystic echoes bidding one to stroll. Answer it must, this ethereal plea, For in that realm, a destiny may be. Adrian, the werewolf supposedly endowed with power but cursed to be unable to harness the moon's abilities, couldn't help but lament the idea of putting an end to his own misery. Leading a normal life in the human world proved challenging for him. It wasn't going well until he encountered the dream diver, experiencing a newfound joy in life and gradually shedding the feeling of being cursed. If only that joy could last forever. Follow Adrian on his journey as he grapples with the fate of his curse and unlocks powers he never thought he possessed. “WHAT'S THE POINT OF THESE POWERS IF IM GOING TO BE PUT IN SUCH SITUATIONS!”

samandridaku · Fantasy
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123 Chs

A Slave

"Get moving, you pathetic slaves."

A whip lashed at the slave, who was slowing down the chain of bound-together prisoners.

In the heart of a wintry forest, a pristine, snow-covered landscape stretched as far as the eye could see.

The trees, their branches adorned with delicate frost, reached towards the heavens, forming an ethereal canopy that glistened in the soft, silvery light of the winter sun.

Amidst this breathtaking yet chilling scene, a surreal procession of figures emerged.

Nine individuals, their diverse identities concealed beneath the chain that bound them together, trudged through the snow-covered ground in an eerie and solemn line.

At the forefront, two humans moved with determined expressions, their faces etched with both exhaustion and a flicker of hope.

Behind them, one shadow manifestor loomed, his form shrouded in an impenetrable, pure black darkness. He seemed to meld seamlessly with the forest's eerie ambiance, like a phantom walking amongst the living.

In the middle of the line, a female werewolf strode; her snow-white fur and a pair of pointed ears perched on the top of her head exposed her true identity.

Her tail, curved and furred, swayed with every step, and her amber eyes held a mix of apprehension and defiance.

Two vampires followed, their ethereal beauty contrasting with the harsh, wintry surroundings. Their pale skin and crimson eyes marked them as creatures of the night, navigating a world of ice and snow.

Amidst the peculiar procession that moved through the snow-covered forest, there was a slave that was entirely covered in a dense, shaggy coat of brown hair, as if wearing a full-body suit made of fur.

Every inch of their form, from head to toe, was concealed beneath this wild, unkempt mane of hair. Their features were obscured, leaving no clue to their identity.

As they trudged through the snow, their gait was both peculiar and mesmerizing, the endless cascade of hair swaying with each step. They moved with a sense of determination, their presence adding an extra layer of intrigue to the already cryptic procession.

Bringing up the rear of the peculiar procession were the two twin children, a girl and a boy. Their appearances seemed human, yet something about them hinted at a deeper, hidden truth. 

Their eyes held ancient knowledge, and their expressions were a blend of innocence and unsettling wisdom that belied their youthful appearance.

As the chain-bound group moved through the snow-covered forest, their footprints formed a stark contrast against the pristine whiteness.

The ethereal beauty of the surroundings stood in stark juxtaposition to the enigmatic individuals who traversed this wintry realm.

The forest whispered secrets known only to them, its silence broken only by the soft crunch of snow beneath their feet and the haunting echoes of their passage.

Within the cryptic assembly of chained individuals, it was the slavers who held a commanding presence, their authority unquestionable as they guided the procession through the snow-covered forest.

The slavers were a pair of imposing figures, each distinct in their own right.

The first slaver was a tall and burly individual, their countenance shrouded beneath a heavy cloak that concealed their features, leaving only their keen, calculating eyes visible. They walked with stoic determination, their every step echoing authority.

In one hand, they held a chain that linked the nine captives, while the other gripped a gnarled staff, adorned with mysterious symbols and runes. Their identity remained veiled, their silent demeanor exuding an air of relentless control.

The second slaver, in contrast, was lean and agile, moving with a grace that belied their strength. Their attire was adorned with an intricate pattern of symbols and charms, hinting at an arcane power that they wielded.

A hood concealed their face, casting them in an aura of enigmatic mystique. In one hand, they held a leather whip, the snap of its lash a stark reminder of their dominion over the chained group.

"I despise this job. Why does it always fall on our shoulders to handle these unpleasant tasks? Can't we eliminate them on the outskirts of the city and be finished with all of this?"

Immediately after the whipping, said the lanky slaver positioned at the rear of the procession. His responsibility was to maintain a consistent pace and keep the procession moving.

"We've been at this for quite a while. You should be accustomed to it by now. You're always complaining," remarked the sturdy slaver leading the procession and holding the chain.

The lanky slaver lashed at the hairy slave once more and spat on the ground in disgust.

'Isn't this punishment a bit excessive? I may not be dead, but this life as a slave is unbearable.

Adrian, now a shadow manifestor or so he thought he was, couldn't help but ponder these thoughts.

It had occurred a few days ago, or at least, that's how it felt to Adrian. When 'She' had transformed him into a shadow, she transported him to this realm, where he found himself in chains. 

Adrian wasn't certain about the mechanics behind it, but he had gradually come to accept his current predicament.

Adrian remained perplexed by what 'She' had meant when 'She' declared him to be 'Her' shadow. While being a shadow manifestor was one thing, being 'Her' shadow felt entirely different and didn't sit well with him. But there was little point in complaining about it.

Adrian observed the other slaves in the procession, trying to identify who they were and how they were behaving. This habit of paying attention to details persisted even after his experience of death or something akin to it.

As Adrian looked back, he noticed the werewolf girl among the slaves, and it struck him as strange.

She was meant to be a fellow kin, but he found himself devoid of any sympathy for her, despite the fact that they were both in the same unfortunate condition.

Adrian had come to the realization that his werewolf senses had vanished. His death appeared to have eradicated his werewolf genes, but according to "Her," he would soon receive a gift that would bring him happiness.


Adrian's sigh was immediately interrupted by a searing pain in his back.

"Why do you have the time to sigh? Are you that bored, filthy slave?" The lanky slaver barked as he whipped Adrian without a second thought.

'I want to kill him.' 

Bound in chains, a soul's silent plea,

Injustice revealed, a poignant decree.

Through struggles untold, their spirit survives,

A testament to strength, as freedom strives.

samandridakucreators' thoughts