
Luna: Rising Moon

The day of Luna’s 20th birthday and her fathers funeral she learns a secret about who she really is. A secret that’s going to change her life forever and throw her into a magical world she didn’t know existed.

SumArsenault · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter Three

If you told me four weeks ago that my dad was a warlock who was taken out by a simple heart attack, I would call you crazy. If you told me four weeks ago that I would be on a private plane headed to Salem, Massachusetts to start my - as they call it - abilities management..well you wouldn't be wrong.

"Don't you find it a bit of a cliché to have an Academy of Magic in Salem?" I scowl at Alder sitting cross legged on the beige leather seat across from me.

He rolls his eyes and closes the book he was reading with a loud crack. I didn't get a glimpse of the complete title but it said something about protection. "Gugwon's Academy of Magic is the oldest and most respected institution in our history. It was originally only meant for witches to train and study their powers, but in most recent centuries they have opened it up to the rest of us."

"Institution? Like a mental institution? That sounds about correct." I was hoping he would laugh but he just shoots me this ice cold look that says no more questions and goes back to reading his book.

My mom didn't have many answers to my questions either. She only knew of some things through my dad and he was pretty secretive about a lot of the other details. She thinks he was trying to protect her. I can't help but wonder from what.

My dad was a pretty powerful warlock. His dad - my grandfather - was on some type of supernatural council. Apparently there aren't many laws in Alder's world, but there's enough to have a council that mandates and enforces them.

I don't know why I can't bring myself to admit Alder's world is now my world too. Maybe because everyone else grew up knowing what they were, who they were and I was in the dark for so long.

I also learned that my grandfather wasn't a very nice man. He was very strict on my father, always trying to control his power and everyone else's around him. He eventually disowned my father because he fell in love with my mom and according to the council if you fall in love with a human you are choosing to relinquish all your powers. My mom thinks my grandfather had that law passed once he found out about her.. and me.

I grew up thinking we had no extended family. They both said their parents died when they were young. I guess it's true for my mom, her parents died before she was two from a car accident. My dad didn't know his mom and his dad was just a magical asshole. Thankfully he died 14 years ago.

"Not much longer now." The pilot calls out over the speaker. I look out the window and don't see anything but clouds. Great. I've never been a big flyer and being inside a cloud isn't calming my already out of control nerves.

I can feel the panic start to creep up on me. I need to distract myself. "How did you know my dad?" I ask Alder before I remember how he looked the last time I asked him a question.

He doesn't look mad but he doesn't look up from his book when he replies. "We went to school together."

My mouth flys open and I can feel my eyes about to pop out of my head. "You both went to Gugwon's Academy of Magic?" I almost shout at him in shock. Obviously they did, but I can't stop myself from asking. I always considered my dad to be my best friend, I thought I knew everything about him but now he feels like a stranger who I'm learning about for the first time.

He still isn't looking up from his book, he just nods once and continues reading.

This silence is getting to be a bit uncomfortable now. "Why does a warlock or any other paranormal for that matter need a lawyer?" I don't mean to sound sarcastic, I'm actually curious. But, anytime I say paranormal I can't help but snicker.

Now he's staring right at me. Crap. He tosses his book in the empty seat beside him and starts to rub his temples like he's trying to erase my many questions away or the memories those questions bring up.

"Why would anyone else, a human, need a lawyer?" He looks at me like I should already know the answer. I open my mouth to try and answer him but he just holds up his extremely hand with extremely long, dagger shaped fingers for me to stop. "We may not have many laws, but when a law is broken you need someone to represent you."

Hmm. I guess. Not exactly sure how that works but by the look in his eyes, he doesn't want me to ask anymore questions.

I go back to looking out the window as this conversation went from awkward to excruciatingly awkward. "I also handle personal affairs, things such as your fathers will." He says so matter-of-fact that I feel stupid for asking in the first place.

My fathers second will, actually. That is why Alder came. My dad made arrangements incase he died before my 20th birthday and it's a good thing he did. I go over what was in that will, most of it I still don't understand. Only thing I understand is that he left me a note. It's currently burning a hole in the front pocket of my carry on bag. I just can't bring myself to read it.

"Get ready for a bumpy landing." The pilot calls out over the speakers. Out the window I can finally see what looks like an airport tarmac, Although this one is awfully small compared to the one we took off from.

The landing isn't as bumpy as I expected. Thankfully. I grab my bag and start to walk towards the exit when Alder stops me. "We have some errands to run before I drop you off at the Academy."

"What kind of errands?" I ask with one eyebrow raised.

He pauses like he's trying to decide if he should tell me or not before he smiles a grin that's half amused and half sneaky. "You will see soon enough." I can't tell if that's a threat or a promise.