
Chapter 10: Lily

Maybe it was her imagination, but it felt as if Jayce was being distant with her all of a sudden. After Damion stopped her from spilling the news about her pregnancy, he'd been withdrawn. She knew this too well by now. Something was on his mind and it was going against his better judgement again. Maybe holding off until their wedding day to surprise him may not work after all. Yet when she wanted to tell him, he found some excuse to avoid her. He occupied himself at the pack house to get the reception hall figured out, but that still left her with everything else to worry about.

"Hey babygirl." Nathan spoke up as he entered the living room. She was sitting on the floor with magazines sprawled around her. One open to dresses, another to bouquets, another to cakes. She had a notepad with several venues written down, but none would take her last minute request, even with who she was marrying.