
Chapter 9 - Capable

"Hm… h-... Mm… huh, where am I? "

"Mornin ' sunshine. "

[Quickly snapping toward her right, Luna's weary eyes rested softly onto Keily, who was resting her back on a bubble-like sphere surrounding Luna. Without any way to enter or escape the bubble, Keily sat outside, firmly holding herself as only pure and utter darkness spanned in endless directions.] 

"Who are you? "

"Keily… Keily Evergreen. You must be Luna. "

"Y-Yes. How did you know? "

"Huh! I've been watching that sad girl of yours watch over you in your memories. Seriously though, how pure and innocent can you be? "

"What-I don't understand? Who are you? Where are we? "

"Easy, tiger… we are inside your head… or body… or wherever the hell this place is that is inside of your body. Look, long-story-short, your girl Envy knocked us both out and that irritating Prince or whatever has been dosing your body with a ton of crap… "

"What? Who? What do you mean, speak clearly please. "

"Ugh… it doesn't even matter. In a couple of days, they will be arriving in our solar system… I'm crazy, borderline insane but… even in here, I can close my eyes and feel… all the stars… the planets… every droplet that falls on the opposite side of the world to the cluster of explosions from the sun beyond here… I can feel everyone's pulse, I can sense their every breath as if they were standing right before my eyes… its all breathtaking and torture, I can't stop it… any of it! Why can't it just stop! "

"Hey, calm down. I don't know what you are saying, but please listen, my clan will surely save us. "

"Huh!? Sure, keep your hopes to yourself. I've gotten as fed up as I can already. Three days have already passed outside and yet, it only feels like three hours… aren't I incredible? "

[Dropping her head and gently hiding away her gaze, Keily's tears continued flowing although, hidden from Luna, Keily refused to let Luna's innocent personality become tainted by the outside world and those who wished her harm. As such, Keily dried her tears and calmed her mind as she then sat in a posture befitting an amateur meditative stance.] 

"(What is she doing) ? "

[Within the first several seconds, Keily relied on her enhanced state to release her worries and focus on finding a way out of the dark abyss she found herself in. Time passed and what felt like an eternity, passed in the thirty six hours. Finally, open to the channels that inhabit Luna's body, Keily had unknowingly cured Luna of her disease as well as craft a unique soul core within her subconscious mind. Within minutes that seemed like weeks to Keily, Luna covered her gaze as Keily had broken through the darkness and unlocked Luna's prison from inside her body.] 

"What's happening! Sister Keily -- huh, Sister Kelly? Where… where did she go? "

[Suddenly feeling a light tap on her back, Luna turned and felt a warm finger press against her cheek. Staring up at Keily's warm smile, Luna could not help but feel a deep sense of admiration toward Keily, though she herself found it difficult to understand what had happened, Keily had not only saved Luna from death, but also gave her a second chance at life.] 

"Hey Luna -- wanna get out of here? "

[As brought light now envelopes the entire place, Keily had extended her hand as she raised Luna to her feet. Within moments, Luna's eyes softly opened. Raising her weight to her back, Luna felt the cool breeze and inhaled the sweet aroma of the burning incense. All the while, feeling a long worn breath as she exhausted away her worries. Shining her gaze to her right, her vision soon came into a crystal clear focus as she met Envy and another unfamiliar woman who were about to clash.] 

"No… "

[Appearing in the split moment the two were to clash, Luna stood countering both Envy and Madam from fighting. The intense pressure from Luna's short lunge chased away the excess energy and caused a large explosion, as to not harm anyone else. Raising her head, Luna lowered her arms as Envy, much joyful, kneeled before Luna. Madam stops shocked as she had previously thought Luna to remain asleep for a longer time.] 

"Though I do not understand what is happening, I refuse to see women throwing away their lives without reason… Sister Envy, where am I? "

"Chief Sister Luna! I am most -- most happy with your return! "

[Gazing up at Luna, their eyes locked for a brief moment and yet, worth that single moment, Envy recognized it was indeed the real Luna. Envy's strength all but wilted before Luna as Luna herself stood firm and proud.] 

"E… Empress Luna! "

[Falling before Luna, one by one, the skilled maidens all kneeled down before Luna as a show of their devoted respect for her new found status. At the same time, Luna had collected her thoughts and turned in the split moment, she had faced Iviet and in another wild encounter, was met by his gentle eyes as he lifted his hand and caressed Luna's face. The two met each other, though, Luna's gaze was soon turned firm as she recognized who he was. Slapping away his hand, Iviet tilted his gaze and stood frozen as Lima passes him by in a cold manner.]

"Sister Envy, come. We have much to discuss. "

"Y-Yes! "

[Envy did not show her immense emotion yet, her fave flickered with traces of pity toward Iviet as no normal person could decipher besides those close to Envy herself. All was said to have been resolved as Luna was breofed and brought up to speed. Keily remained an enigma and yet, only Luna had the only connection to her current whereabouts.]

"Do you mean, she is gone? "

"No, Sister Envy. I simply mean, I can no longer talk with her -- its as if, she sacrificed herself and traded places with me. I can still feel her inside me, but I can not reach her no matter what I do or try. I fear she may never wake up again. "

"Chief Sister... Don't worry, we can figure this out. After all, we have the full force of the Dragon empire at our disposal!"

[A sour expression showed on Luna's face. As night came, Luna did not sleep nor did she feel tired. Her mind had been frozen on the last encounter she had with Keily. Even still, the news about dangerous enemies coming to steal Keily, only added to her worries about her. It was a feeling, something deeper than a bond that had awoken within Luna. What it was that she felt, made her second guess her sanity as a capable leader to her people and her clan.]
