
Chapter 7 - Bull and a Mouse

"Emperor, please, take heed -- all our men have prepared to receive the enemy in an effort to allow you a window of escape. "

[Standing form, Iviet took a couple of steps and bursted into action. Raising his sword and digging the tip into the ground, Iviet stood firm as one of the ferocious spirit animals landed on the other side of the barrier... All the while, maintaining a vicious eye with Iviet.]

"'Hah-hah-hah... There is a familiar set of eyes... Dragon Prince of Yurin... You dare appear before me again after a thousand years of hiding... What a pitiful being you are -- to allow yourself to be lowered to do a lowly Mortal's bidding... Well, no matter, I shall tear your soul energy until there is nothing left... And then tale that delicious feast you have hidden there... '"

"You -- are not going to do anything, spirit beast... "

"Hm... Hah-hah! A lowly Mortal dares to speak to me in such a manner! Gawr! "

[In that instance, a roaring grown was let out and more than Iviet's entire force soon fell to the ground under the crippling pressure of the spirit animal's vocal strneght. Iviet felt his very bones begin to cereal however, he stood firm and resolved as his eyes lit up into a brighter hold more beautiful than anything seem before.]

"As I have said -- you are not going to do anything. Not as long as I still draw breath. You are not strong enough to defeat me, let alone kill me... Or land a scratch for that matter. You are weak, go away or regret ever coming into existence. "

"You-... Hoh-hoh? "

[Letting out a long breath, Iviet suddenly began releasing his soul energy as it captured the attention of the other two spirit animals. Iviet's bones no longer felt restless, however, instead carried a humble rythum as the ground began to quake and all of his men were able to breath normally once more.]

"This energy... It belongs to Dragon Prince Humme. How can a mere flesh-and-bone mortal be allowed to use a higher being aura... It is utterly insulting all our kind to be compared with a lowly mortal! You have now signed your death mortal... "

"Hmph! "

"You -- Sister!? No, wait! "

"Shut up! Humme is inside him, I must save him! "

[In a roar, a fox spirit rushed toward the barrier and in an instant, was avtivated the barrier's powerful repellent. Flying back into the air, the Fox spirit repeatedly slammed into the barrier. Until finally, destroying the barrier. Setting down on the ground, the Fox spirit took a single step onto the green land pf the village mouth. Once inside, Iviet stood with his gaze hidden beneath his dark bangs.]

"You... A lowly, Mortal... Release my beloved! "

[Noticing a sudden change in Iviet, the Bull spirit animal felt a eerie chill as something was happening that the Fox spirit could not feel. In the flash of a silver light, Iviet stood firm as the Fox spirit aiddly collapsed onto a large wooden tent without moving an inch.]

"Argh! What did you do to her!? "

[The angry shout send a heavy breeze through the village. Iviet had yet to draw his sword and yet, had already filled the Bull spirit animal with hesitation and confusion.]

"Brother -- allow me to kill off this insignificant brat! "

"No -- wait brother! "

[Flashing past the Bullet spirit, a long green Jaded snake spirit stormed into the village and in a single thrust with his fangs baring, Iviet suddenly appeared behind the Snake spirit as his sword had become covered in red. Dripping, the Snake spirit collapsed forward and in the sudden confusion, Iviet appeared above the air as he slammed down onto the Bulls spirit energy barrier engulfing its entire body.]

"You think a mere attack like that can harm me -- you insult my strength! "

[A powerful wave of energy swept across the area as Iviet landed back onto the ground and instantly disappeared while evading the Bulls monstrous hooves. Crashing, Iviet soon disappeared and reappeared in another location, until forcing his side and anruplty being kicked into the ground.]


[Gasping for air, Iviet's eyes shone brighter gold as his sword soon began to emit a golden steam. Taking a single step and breaking the ground beneath him, a single step and he was already in the Bull spirit's head. Flinging the Bull into the air, the two soon began raging at one another as the Bull's charge collided with Iviet's sword.]

"Not bad... "

"You aren't a qeakling like the other two, I admit, you are a stubborn one to have survived my blows for so long. "

"Heh! Very well, let's end this with the next strike... If you defeat me, I shall believe you are a worthy vessel to house Dragon Prince, if I come out victorious, I kill you and take back my brother's and sister... "

"Oh... You stand to pass up my beloved? I don't know how I should feel about that. "

"Heh-heh... To become as powerful as that soul's energy is... I doubt even you at your current strength will be able to protect that beloved of yours... Nonetheless... I now know the vessel of the soul energy is a woman. "

"Crap! Now I can't let any of you leave here alive! "

"Bring it! "

[Charging from apposite sides, the two collided on the ground and a powerful surge of energy, swept through the landscape. Those back at the village covered their eyes as the passing winds nearly blew most the tents and houses apart. Raising her gaze, Envy watched as she could clearly see what was happening far in the distance.]

"It looks... Like I win... Hah! Hu-"

[Falling over, Iviet successfully subdued three spirit animals while exhausting nearly all of his energy. Overcome with a fever, Iviet opened his eyes to find a beatiful woman carrying him back back the village. His chest filled with a delicate scent of herbs and spices as luscious strands of hair brushed his face.]

"You idiot... Learn to control your strength... You seriously could have died. "

"Heh... I'm just... That lucky... "

"Shut up... Your bleeding all over my back. "

"Hoh... Consider it... An honor then. "

"Shut up... It's disgusting... But you did a great thing today... Thanks. "

"Heh... "

[Passing out, Envy continued carrying Iviet back on foot as she watched theagic barrier being brought back up by a dozen or so men. As she walked, she could only help look at the sky and feel the astonishing truth about what she would be facing in her future. Envy had resolved herself, there was nothing more clear in her mind other than protecting Luna until she wakes up once more.]

"This is going to be a long road ahead... Huh. "
