
Chapter 3 - Loveless Letter

"My sister, er-I mean, my oldest sister... Passed away about three months ago. It was a tragic um... It was tragic. T-That day, I got the call late into the evening. I was still at work when I got the call. My girlfriend, who I love and adore deeply nearly fainted right there beside me when I got home early. She had heard the news and... as I talked with the police officer from the hospital on the phone...

The police said they had an open investigation on the matter of my sisters death... The details were small and limited about the perps... Bits and pieces, you know. I... I look over dozens upon hundreds of criminal case files every other week at work as a CIA analyst. Imagine my surprise when we got the case for my sister as another victim, don't worry, I won't get in trouble for saying this. The case regarding my sister is practically in the public limelight... "(The heroine who rescued a small child from bad guys")... It was everywhere as security footage and CCTV cameras caught the whole ordeal and it was then leaked onto the Internet, she essentially was trending for five days straight.

But thats not the worst part, no... The sheer shock from having those I cared for about the most, just taken without a word... It broke me... God, I cried like a little kid that entire night...

My girlfriend held me in her warm embrace... My mother sought to visit the hospital in our country but, her flight was delayed for at least a couple of days due to a freak blizzard in New York. The worst part of it, was that I-we, never got to day goodbye... She was just... Gone. "

[A moment of eerie silence engulfed the room. Several other strangers brought together into a support group had all wiped tears from their eyes.]

"Um... Thank you, Kol. For sharing your feelings... anyone else care to share... "

[The room remained silent as the organizer nodded softly and glanced up at the clock.]

"We'll, we have a few minutes to spare until the gym closes for the night. How about we simply mingle and unwind from the day. Does that sound okay! "

[Nods and people standing up to stretch, Kol turned toward the restrooms which were inside of an empty and massive shopping mall.]

"Hey -- you alright? "

[Glancing back with a foot outside the door from the gym, Kol recognized his girlfriend as she had predicted he would come out from that specific door.]

"Angela... What are you doing here? "

"Arent I allowed yo worry for my boyfriend? "

[Playfully walking into his embrace, Angela held a sorrow filled expression as her wavy dark red hair slid from her shoulders.]

"Kol, your mother is worried. She needs you to come home and greet your family-"

"They aren't my fam -- sorry... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout. They are Keily's relatives I'm just an orphan boy who mom took pity on and took me with her because Keily insisted. "

"Babe... You know it tears me up inside to see you suffering like this... You should know they are a part of Keily any more than you are her brother. "

"Stop... I know you are only trying to help but, I can't see them... Any of them... Had it not been for their constant pressure, Keily never would have left the house when she was sixteen and run away to the East on a one-way trip all those years ago. "

"Babe, come here. "

[Standing, Angela wrapped her arms around Kol's waist as she pressed her head over his chest. Kol seemed to have calmed down as the calming scent from Angel's hair left him at ease.]

"Angie... I love you, you know. "

"Hmm... You better, otherwise, I would make your life a living hell. "

"Heh... I believe you... I believe you. "

[Standing in each others arms, the two soon glanced back at the gym door as the head organizer was about to start locking up. Heading out into the near vacant parking lot, Kol stopped at his old style muscle car. Angela got inside as she had taken the bus after her shift was over at work. Getting inside, Kolkata started up the car.]

"Where do you want to go babe, I'm here for you. Anything you need. "

"I don't need anything but you right now. Thanks anyway. "

"Awe... Such a player. "

"That's your fault for falling for me. "

"Heh, smart-ahh!"

[Burning tire, Kol drifted from the parking space as he drove off into the night.]


[After driving for a while in the outskirts of the city, Kol held a clear gaze over the winding road. Angela had fallen asleep in her seat as Kol covered her with his jacket. Slowing down, Kol scowled at the construction sight block the usual route he took toward the main highway he always took to get back home in the city.]

"Okay... I'll just go around then. "

[Steering onto an adjavent road, Kolkata drove further and further into the open plains as the city lights faded in his rear-view mirror. Pressing forward, the road soon became bumpy which woke up Angela from her sleep.]

"Kol-babe... Where are we? Where's the lights?"

"There was construction equipment on the road. I had to take a detour. "

"Oh, okay. Do you know where we're going at least? "

"Yup-sort of. "

"Huh, reassured by my pessimistic boyfriend. "

"Hm, cute babe. "

"Awe, you called me babe! "

"How are you so damn adorable. "

"Its in my alien genes maybe. "

"Hm... Hey, you see that? "

"Hm? D-Dont scare me babe. You know I hate the dark. "

"No, really. Look. "

[As the two gazed at the side of the darkened hillside, a faint dim of light was peering from behind. Slowing and driving quietly, Kolkata gulped as Angela urged him to leave and continue home.]

"Kol? "

"I've gotta see what it is... Wait for me here -- lock the doors! "

"No, wait-"

[Rushing outside in the cold of night, Kol raced up the steep hillside where he entered through a hollow wall made of rippling water. Once inside, Kol lifted his blurred gaze as his eyes soon adjusted to a bright setting. What he saw once his eyes opened took his breath away.]

"What the... K... Keily? "
