
Chapter 1 - Luna and Iviet

"Your Majesty, Commoner Luna Iviet is here to perform your summons. "

"See her in. "

"Yes, Emperor. "


"Your Majesty, Luna Offers thanks to seeing me. "

"Right. Speak. Tell me what you want? "

"Yes. I wish to discuss the situation in the rural village in East Province. As you may already be aware, I came here today seeking the aid of His Majesty! Please, Gracious and merciful Emperor, allow me to return to my village with news of hope! "

"Hmm... "Commoner Luna" is it? We have met only once before -- in the last winter solstice if I am not mistaken. I was caught in a terrible cold and was passing through the Eastern Province while vising my Mansion in Quin Terrace. As I recall, my pelicans were ambushed by bandits... All my men, died without fear and fought bravely in their service. "

"Aye. Your Majesty. It is as you say. News of the incident spread to my home village in a matter of days. "

"Yes. Though, I was taken with insident as well. Eben as someone as great as the King of all of Athia, even I was unfortunately unable to escape harm. Wondering through the vast green ocean of the Trost forests, it was you who discovered me in my unconscious state... Was it not? "

"A-Aye, Your Majesty. I was sent by my Mother to gather medicinal herbs in the deep tundra of the Trost valley. It was happening upon chance that I encountered Your Majesty.

"Hmm... Indeed. Well, my memory from that time was hazy yet, I can still recall vividly, how you treated me when you did not know who I was... "


"Oh! A man!? Is he hurt? Oh, but I must gather these herbs... I better leave this man and return home. Huh? Hoh, not yet dead yet, huh? He-he. If you want my help, it'll cost you Mister? "

"J-just... Treat me! "

"Tsk! Fine, die here then. With that arrogant attitude, the world would better off without a feeble man like you! Hmph! "

"No... P-please... Help... "

"Hoh? Did he pass out? Hah. So much for being a man. Though... I must say, he does seem -- quite handsome. Hum, such are the fates of nobles... Hmm... I really should be going home. If I'm late for supper, Kavi will most certainly strip me for our bath later tonight. "

[Branches Cracking Nearby]

"Huh! It's getting dark. I better hurry up and get going... Argh! I can't leave this man! Why!? He's an arrogant scummy like of poo! Fine, Mister! You win! Hmm! Urgh! Mister, lay off the luxuries will ya! Hoof! "


[Much later in the mouth of a cave]

"I finally got the fire going. Now, he-he... To treat Mister's wounds. Hmm! Oh... Such sharp muscles. Smooth skin... What's this? Ugh, men truly are disgusting creatures just as Kavi said. No matter, time to treat my first ever patient! "

[Two hours later]

"Phew! Finished. Wrapped up and sown his wounds shut. Bandaged, cleaned, and proper... Though, I'm not entirely sure why his clothes are like our blankets? Mother and Kavi, as well as everyone else have always worn two garments for our chest and waists. Hmm? Men sure are weird. "

[The next morning]

"Mm... Ugh. W-where am I? Huh? My wounds, I'm healed? Who? This girl? Did she do this? She closed my wounds and even new how to apply herbal memedicine to disinfected the injured areas? Just how skilled is this child? "

"Hmm... Mother... Father... Sister -- don't... Don't leave... Please... I'm scared... Don't leave... me by myself... "

"Huh. She talks in her sleep. What an immature girl. Hm? Her hands... How worn down they are. Her delicate fingers, her nails are stained black... Must be from mixing herbs all day. Lingi once told me how medical practitioners often have their apprentices mix deadly and poisonous herbs before treating patients. "

"Mother... "

"Hm. What a silly girl. Here she is by herself. Very well... This girl has done her whole country a great service. I shall repay her by allowing her to become one of my Royal Consorts in due time when she ready. Fret not my dear, I shall have my men issue a notice to guard your village until it is time. "

"Huh? Mm. Mother? Kavi? Where... Oh, I'm still in the cave. Mmm! Aah. I can't believe I slept so soundly... Here. "

"Hmm? "

"Hmm? "

"You have done your cou-"

"Agh! Pervert! Scum, trash of the planet! "

[Luna ran off and never returned]

"Hm. Never have I been shown such disrespect. Haha! Now I must have her brought into my palace! Don't worry, I shall not let anyone else have you. "


[Back to present]

"Uh... I-I seek punishment for being unable to recognize his Highness true identity! ("Why did it have to be him of all people to be King"). "

"What was that? "

"Oh! Nothing worth of note, Your Highness. "

"Well... Seeing as how you traveled this far for my aid, I shall agree to lend you my help. However, I have only one condition that need to be granted before I can lift a finger. "

"Yes, Your Highness. As a representative of my village, I was given notice in advance to offer anything and everything our clan, though poor, may give to you anything. "

"Hoh! Will you keep this promise? "

"Y-Yes, Your Highness. Without fail. "

"Hmm. Very well, then, I only ask for one thing. "

"What is that, Your Highne-hmm!? "

[King Iviet moved to abruptly steal a kiss from Luna. The entire planace fell into silence after witnessing the impossible as King Iviet has refused any form of contact with women over the past five years.]

"Mm. What I want from your village... Is you, Luna. "

"H-h... "

"Hm? Oh, too ecstatic to speak? I know. It is not every day a woman gets chosen by his Majesty. "

"H-H-How dare you! "

"Eh? "

"T-That was my first kiss! Y-You scumbag! Pervert! Horse fecies pile of muck! Argh!? My purity has been tainted... Oh no! Am I to become pregnant!? No! How can this be!? And when when warned me this could happen... Y-You pervert-"

[An echo of a slap echoed across the air. Luna rushed off in tears and a face, cherry red. Guards moved to detain Luna except they stopped at King Iviet's hand. Luna raced back to her home village as she took a boat down steam for nearly a day and a half. The whole time, relentlesly troubled at what she was going to say to her village elders after having offended the Emperor of an entire nation.]

"Oh... Poo! "
