
Luna in Disguise

Anora Windrunner was once the beloved Luna of the Forester Pack. Being unrivaled in beauty, compassion, and intelligence, she served her pack well. Even giving her mate, Luther Windrunner, a few pups to carry on their lineage. Life seemed perfect as she enjoyed her days of motherhood and being the doting wife of Luther. Until her son's 10th birthday when a rival pack planned a raid in their pack house. The raid resulted in the death of her beloved mate, her pups, and pretty much their entire pack. If it hadn't been for her pregnancy, she contemplated ending her own life. Being separated from the other surviors, Anora ended up in the woods of the Rouges, seeking refuge. Unfortunately, she comes to learn that the other rouges don't take so kindly to her pack. Having to hide her identity as Ann Wind to protect her unborn pup, she blends into the rouges. However, she experiences a lot of abuse and cruel words. Then one day they run her into the pack territory of Pinetop Pack, who captures her. After being brought to the pack house by the guards, she is spared by the Alpha who gives her the chance to join his pack. A new adventure awaits her and her unborn pup as she hides in her enemies territory under the illusion of being Ann Wind.

Dead_Gamer_Manx · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Crime and Punishment

I woke up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I turned to check the alarm clock to make sure I hadn't overslept. To my surprise, it said 4:30 AM.

I didn't know why anyone would be looking for me at this time, so I cautiously got out of bed and walked towards the door. I turned the handle and to my surprise, I met my Alpha's hazel brown eyes.

He stared at me for a second before clearing his throat and speaking up, "I want you to come down to the sparring pits with me."

"What do you need me down there for?" I titled my head to the side.

"It's time to punish Kata and her brother for what they did to you yesterday. I will not tolerate their actions as it directly defied me." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe they did something so foolish."

"I guess it's because I'm an outsider." I shrugged.

"You're not an outsider." He corrected me, "You're part of my pack. They should treat you as such."

"Why do you care so much about how they treat me?" I asked, not understanding why the Alpha would be concerned with an Omega's feelings.

He looked at me for a second with his mouth open as if he wanted to say something, but didn't have the words to say it. Then after a few moments he shook his head and said, "I care about my entire pack. Even the omegas."

"Even if they were rogues before?" I teased.

He rolled his eyes at me, "Yes, even those ones."

I smiled and asked him to let me change clothes first. I took my pajamas off and slipped on a pair of comfortable black leggings and a loose grey t-shirt. Then I opened the door and followed him out.

We walked down the trail leading to the sparring pits and I couldn't help, but notice that Travis and I seemed to be spending a lot of time together these days. It was a little strange for the highest rank to hang out with someone of the lowest rank. Let alone personally take them to a clinic and wait for them. He insisted it was just because he felt responsible for what happened to me, seeing as it was his pack members that attacked me. I couldn't help, but shake the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling me. Why me? Why did he make a rogue his son's caretaker? Surely someone inside his pack was more qualified. Then again, it was one of his pack members who was openly mocking his son.

I still wanted to know, so I asked, "Why me?"

Travis stopped and turned to look at me, "What do you mean?"

"I mean. Why did you make me your son's caretaker? You're the Alpha. Anyone should be thrilled to watch your son. Why pick a rogue that you know nothing about?" I explained.

Travis put a hand up to his chin and clicked his tongue, "I may be the Alpha, but my pack does not love my son."

"Why? He's absolutely loveable." I gasped.

He nodded, "Yes, but that's not how they see it. His mother... my mate. When she was made Luna, there was some complications. The elders wanted me to have a heir as soon as possible. Lily was excited when she found out she was pregnant, but she miscarried."

"That's awful." I frowned.

"It was. After her miscarriage, she got obsessed with the idea of motherhood and started neglecting her Luna duties. The miscarriage really hurt her. The pack started really hating her because they believed she owed them something. She lost two more pups before we finally had Andrew. After losing so many babies, she completely ignored her Luna responsibility in favor of our son. My pack resents him for it. That's why I couldn't let any of them be his care taker. They mistreat him and there's only so much I can do if I don't see it." Travis sighed and rubbed his hair back.

Now it made sense. His pack had rejected little Andrew because of his mother. I understood why she did it though. She wanted to hold onto what she had after she lost so much. I felt sympathy for the Luna. I hated that they mistreated Andrew because of it though.

"I can't believe they'd despise him because his mother loved him. How childish can they be?" I growled.

Travis nodded. We didn't talk much the rest of the walk. I just enjoyed the scenery around us. The cedar trees had a cool refreshing and earthy scent to them. The breeze was gentle and cool. There was so much tranquility in the forest and I felt a sense of relief knowing why I was the one watching Andrew now.

After a few more minutes, we arrived at the sparring pits. I followed Travis down the tunnel that went underground. We walked until we come out in the pit. In front of were two guards. One was holding Kata down on her knees and the other held her brother down.

Kata cried out when she saw Travis, "Alpha! This isn't fair! That b*tch is the one who hit me! I just got back at her for striking someone of a higher rank than her!"

Travis narrowed his eyes and growled at her, "Shut up! I don't recall ever giving you permission to execute any punishment to anyone."

She flinched and glared at me, "She's just some rogue mutt that showed up. Why is she getting special treatment?"

"Because I'm the Alpha, not you. I decide who I respect. You need to learn your place. I've let you get away with a lot in the past, but you've went too far this time. An eye for an eye." He spoke in a low growl as he stalked past her.

"You're not going to hit me are you?" Kata attempted to look pleadingly after Travis.

"No, but she is." Travis pointed to me.

Kata looked at me with horror and flinched. That's right. The one you just called a b*tch is about to hit you. I think to myself. I cracked my knuckles just to scare her.

"As for your brother. Jared, I'll be the one giving your punishment. You're getting exactly what you gave." Travis spoke directly beside his ear.

Jared cowered down just as Travis sent his knee flying into his chest. Jared wheezed and coughed at the sudden impact. He was trembling in fear of his Alpha.

I stared down at Kata. I grabbed her chin and looked her dead in the eyes, "You know. I'd feel bad about hurting such a beautiful face... if you were beautiful. Luckily there won't be much difference."

Kata growled and glared at me, "Big talk for some rogue scum we found on the border. What's a wh*re like you going to do?"

"This." I smirked at her as I balled up my fist and struck her in the jaw.

Kata yelped out in pain and quickly grabbed her jaw. She whimpered and shook from the realization of what just happened.

I leaned down beside her and whispered, "Next time you try to start something with me again. You better remember, I will bite you back and my teeth are a lot sharper than yours."

Kata glared, but didn't dare say anything. I stood up, feeling pleased with myself for showing her how it felt to be humiliated. That was for Andrew, I thought to myself.

I stepped back and stood beside Travis. He seemed satisfied and convinced that they had learned their lesson.

"You will both be on patrols on the edge of the border for a month. You will also be missing the upcoming Full Moon hunt. That is your punishment. Don't you ever defy me again." Travis growled and snapped at them.

The other guards helped the siblings to their feet and escorted them out. Kata shot me a dirty look as she left. Something told me I'd have to rip that she wolf's fangs out of her skull before she would just leave me alone. I was ready for her though.

"Hey... it's still early." Travis said awkwardly

"Yeah. What about it?" I replied, not sure what he was getting at.

"Well..." he scratched his neck awkwardly, "we could go for a run. There was a lot of excitement yesterday and I figured you might wanna let go for a minute."

I thought about it for a second and smiled at him, "Sure! I'd love to."

Travis smiled back at me and led me to the edge of the wood line.

"I'm going to shift behind that rock over there. You can shift over behind that fallen tree." Travis said. His cheeks were flushed pink.

I giggled. It was a little cute to see the big bad

Alpha be embarrassed about shifting. It was only natural. I guess he was afraid I'd see his body. Part of me was curious, I admit.

I stepped behind the fallen tree and started to let myself take a breathe before lowering myself to the ground. My skin pricked with excitement as I could feel myself turn.

Lady cheered, I can't wait! I haven't been out in so long! I wanna stretch my limbs!

I chuckled to myself as I let her take over. Lady looked down at our feet and wagged her tail. She hadn't been able to take over and just be a wolf in a while.

We stepped out into the clearing and rolled around in the grass. Then we sensed another wolf. We turned to see a black and white male creep towards us. It was Travis's wolf.

Lady walked up to him and sniffed him curiously. He did the same and licked her ear.

"I'm Lady, you must be Travis's wolf." She wagged her tail happily.

"I'm Alpha Gregor." He responded.

Only when we were both in our wolf forms, could our wolves communicate. Though to anyone in human form still, our communication didn't sound like anything more than barking.

Lady laid down on her front legs and wagged her tail excitedly, "Let's play!"

Gregor pinned his ear, but sat down on his front legs as well and nipped at her feet softly. Lady took off and bounded through the forest. She could hear Gregor's paws thundering behind her. They looped around trees, jumped over logs, and rolled around in the grass.

The two wolves seemed completely happy and content being out in the forest. Every now and then they'd, wrestle and fight with each in a playful manner.

"You're so annoying." Gregor growled playfully after Lady kicked leaves on him while he was sun bathing.

Lady proudly raised her tail in the air, "No, I'm charming. There's a difference."

Lady laid down beside him and rested her head on her paws. Gregor looked at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Before she could even see him move, he grabbed a mouth full of leaves and dumped them on her head. Lady jumped and glared at him. Gregor just puffed out his chest proudly.

"Now you're just a pile of leaves!" He happily barked.

We enjoyed the sunlight and freedom for a little while longer. The sun felt great on Lady's fur. It warmed her golden fur and she purred.

Then, the sound of paw steps alerted the two wolves. They booked looked up at the same time, trying to spot the new comer. Gregor stood up and walked in front of Lady protectively as he looked around.

The steps were coming from a nearby bush and Gregor growled. Just then, a little brown heap of flesh jumped out of the bush into the sunlight.

Rabbit! Lady cried out in joy. I had to ignore her excited cries as her animal instincts took over.

Gregor turned to her and whispered, "Come with me. I want you to circle in it from the right. I'll go left."

Lady nodded and followed behind Gregor as he walked forward. He kept his head low and walked slowly, trying to not make much sound. Once he split off to the left, Lady went right. She carefully stepped around the small creature as she got into position. Now she waited for Gregor.

Once he got to his spot, Lady charged at the rabbit, scaring it in his direction. The rabbit ran from her. Gregor hunkered down and watched the small rodent come towards him. He snapped his jaws at the furry creature, but he missed. The rabbit jumped up on his head and propelled itself off the back of his head. Gregor sat there in confusion as it all happened so fast.

Lady fell on the ground and rolled around laughing, "You let it go!"

Gregor growled, "Don't laugh at your Alpha!"

"My Alpha just got outsmarted by a rabbit. I can tease him just a little." She mused.

Gregor rolled his eyes and shock his head, "You're hopeless!"

After a little while, Gregor and Lady headed back up to the treeline. They split ways to go find their persons clothes. Once Lady got behind our tree. She shifted back and I took control again.

I stood up and stretched my arms in the sky, "Man that felt good!"

I reached down and grabbed my leggings. I slowly pulled them up my legs. Then I put my bra and shirt back on. I glanced back over my shoulder to see if Travis was finished changing and I caught a glimpse of his bare back. His muscles were refined just as you'd expect an Alpha to be. I turned away and blushed. I tried to push the image out of my mind. I couldn't believe I even did that. I finished putting my clothes back on and sat up on the fallen tree.

Once Travis was finished dressing he walked out and sat by me. He leaned back and sighed, "That felt great! I haven't had time to go out and just run in a really long time."

I giggled at him, "I can't believe your wolf let a rabbit jump on his head. It was so funny!"

Travis blushed and turned his head the opposite direction, "Oh hush. He was having fun."

"Suuuure. Totally not because he had a little slip up. Don't worry, your secrets safe with me." I bumped his shoulder with mine teasingly.

Travis turned to look me in the eyes. His pretty hazel green and brown eyes were staring straight through mine. I felt my heart stop as I took in the sight before me. How had I never realized how beautiful this man was before?

"Ann..." he called out in a soft voice.

"Yes?" I responded.

He reached a hand out and stroked my cheek with his thumb, "Your wolf is gorgeous. I've never seen golden fur like that before. I've only heard about in stories of the kingdom wolves."

I laughed nervously, "Just lucky I guess. Moon Goddess gave me a pretty wolf."

I lied to his face. Hoping he'd buy it. The only wolves with all golden fur where part of the royal family. I had actually been born in the kingdom before leaving to become the Luna of the Forester pack. I hoped he didn't realize that it was a family trait because it would give away that I wasn't actually a rogue casted out of my pack, but a descendant of the royal lycan family.

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, but he kept rubbing my cheek, "I don't know why you hide your status from me, but I think you're a good person. I won't make you tell me. I just want you to know, I'm not going to be mad at you. I know there has to be a reason you didn't tell me."

The sincerity in his voice made me crack. Oh how much I wanted to spill my guts and tell him everything to relieve this burden off my shoulders. Having to lie about who I am, my pregnancy, and everything. It was stressful. I wanted to tell him the truth, that I was Anora Windrunner, former Luna to Forester pack. Now Ann Wind the Rogue , but now wasn't the time.

I sighed and frowned, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you right now. I am not ready."

He smiled at me warmly, "That's okay. I can wait. I... enjoy spending time with you. Today was really fun."

"I had fun as well. I haven't had a day to just let my wolf side out and play in the forest in a while either." I tell him, stroking the back of his hand.

Travis's cheeks flushed a little and he chuckled, "I don't understand it, but I'm drawn to you."

I finally knew what this feeling I got every time I saw him was. Why I noticed how handsome he was for the first time. I was starting to have feelings for Travis, but just as I started to realize that. Luther's face flashed before me.

I could no longer see Travis. I seen my deceased mate staring at me, pain in his eyes.

"How could you?" He growled.

Memories swirled around my head. Our wedding, our bonding ceremony, the day Eric was born, and all the other memories came crashing down on me.

I could hear the memories playing in my head, but I couldn't make out the words. The buzzing started to hurt my head and I cried out. Then my mate and my children turned to look at me with disgust. I realize I'm betraying them with these feelings.

I'm suddenly broken from my thoughts by Travis shaking my shoulders, "Ann!"

I breathed heavily and shakingly as I start to see the world in front of me again. Travis looked scared and worried as he held my shoulders in his hands.

"You spaced out and started repeating the words 'I betrayed them' over and over again. I called out to you, but you just screamed like you were in pain. What happened?" He peered at me.

I pushed his hands away and stood up. I felt the tears start to form in the corner of my eyes and run down my cheeks. Their traces burned my face and I clenched my fist.

"I can't do this. I'm sorry." I turned away from him. "I'm an omega, I babysit your son, this is wrong. We can't."

Travis's voice was filled with sadness and I thought for a second he may have been crying, "I understand. I'm sorry."

We walked back to the pack house in silence. I was still reeling from all the memories suffocating me. I had tried to not hold onto the past so much for mine and the pup's sake, but it seems like all I did was make them worse. I hung my head in shame as I walked away from Travis.

I'm sorry, I thought to myself, I can't hurt my family more than I already did. I failed them one time already because I wasn't strong enough to protect them. I can't fall in love again.