21 Giving into the heat


It burns. God, everything burns. Also, whoever invented bras- kindly fuck yourself. I tried one today, nearly suffocated.

I gaped at the mirror, I think my breast are swelling. This can't be healthy. My nipples are poking through the night shirt. My skin is still ramped to the hottest it has ever been. I hate it. It's like something is crawling all over me, making me want to rake my fingernails through my skin until I bleed. Maybe the pain would stop the itching.

I found my feet moving, the unease fills me up till my throat is stuffed and breathing is not possible. Fuck. I need to get out of these clothes. I tried the same thing I did that night. Submerging my whole body in the tub, and I felt worse. The water was cold, very cold. The night was chilling on its own. Yet, my skin still burned. Not as much as it itched.


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