

Lilly's POV I kept pondering over the words I was told today. It's just so crazy that after years of experiencing peace, all that changed in just two months. They've all spoke but none of them has told me what to do. I heard a knock on the door and it creaked open. " Hello mama bear" Lake said in a singsong voice. I laughed while coming out of the room, I'll forever be grateful for finding a friend in Lake. " Have you eaten??" I realized I haven't eaten, just wonderful for the foodie I have become. " I take it you haven't, now let me make something for you" she said. She entered the kitchen and got out the the apron. " What would my brother's mate have??" She said jokingly. I laughed as well, it gave me a sense of possessiveness. "Banana sandwich" " Great!!" She said excitedly " And grilled peanut butter" "Wait what???!!!" She exclaimed shocked. The horror on her face got me laughing, I mean you'd have weird cravings during pregnancy. " It's not my fault Lake, I'm carrying your brother's child" I said pouting. She laughed," I'll make that for you, don't worry,I'm just thinking of myself. Would my cravings be as weird as yours?" I laughed," let's get you a mate first". " Nice come back Lillian Steel" she said laughing. I joined her too. The kitchen was filled with our banters. She served my meal and took hers too. I suddenly became sad. I wanted to see my mother and be at the bookshop as well. " What's it?" Lake asked with a concerned voice. I possibly couldn’t tell her, I want to go back to my pack, I had to force a smile and tell her that I'm good. " You're lying, I asked a question which you didn't answer to, you can tell me anything and I promise you I'll do it for you" she insisted. " I'm good, just the hormones" I said with a wide smile. "Alright". That was all she said before digging into her meal zoning out completely. We finished our meal in silence. While doing the dishes I felt someone behind me, I jerked and I turned to see Nate behind. I smiled genuinely this time, I felt so at peace and most comfortable with him, don't get me wrong I'm comfortable with Lake too but they're somethings I can't let her know, she may not be as understanding as my handsome Nate. " My pretty lady" he cooed, kissing my neck. I was smiling sheepishly, I suddenly lost my voice and became so shy. " We're going somewhere special tonight pretty", he said tugging my hair behind my ear. Such a sweet gesture though I didn't know if I'm in love with him just yet, I do know that he cares and dots on me so dearly. I nodded, though I didn't feel like going anywhere. I think I needed to get out a bit and leave this strange feeling asides. " I don't have something classic to wear" I said. " I don't want something classic pretty, what you're putting on is perfect, you don't have to doll up, you're so beautiful dear" he said, stroking my head with each word. I felt like a toddler but in the best possible way. He helped rinse the dishes, that was when I realized Lake had gone. I was indeed a terrible friend. " How long was Lake gone?" I inquired. " Immediately I came in" he said, it looked like he had something to say but kept quiet. I nodded, again I was speechless, I've lost focus countless times today. We headed out after locking the door, the evening was cool and the weather was just perfect for a stroll. He held me close to his side with his hand wrapped around my shoulder. My safe heaven. " Am I??" He asked peering down at me. Oops! Well, I didn't say that out loud did I ?? " What??" I feigned ignorance. He looked confused a bit," don't worry" he said. I bit my lips stifling a huge smile. I had this bad habit of saying my thoughts out loud. I decided to break the silence, though it was a peaceful one that allowed us wallow in our own thoughts. " Where are you taking me to?" I was curious though. " You'll see when we get there, I'm sure you'll love it there" he said with a smile. " Are you trying to kidnap me Nate?" I faked a serious expression. He stopped walking, he faced me " I'll kidnap you for the rest of my life pretty" he placed his lips on mine, his cold lips contrasting my warm lips. He sucked on my lips and probed my mouth open letting his tongue in, I couldn't get enough of this guy. I bit his lips and sucked on it, he groaned. " You're killing me pretty, what are you doing to me?" I smiled on his lips, that smile spoke a million words. He started grinning too. " I'm really sorry, I didn't plan on going that way but I have no regrets," he said, still grinning. " You're really a bad influence " I said laughing, " you even avoided my question " I continued. He laughed, the sound traveling into the evening. " Don't ask anymore questions dear, I won't control myself again " he said with a serious look on his face. "What would you do to me darling Nate?" I sassed. He looked at me and shook his head, as if shaking off thoughts of having me right here. I knew I was playing with fire but this stubborn part in me still wanted to tempt him. When did I become so bad! " Since you met me," he said. Oh no!! Not again. The horror on my face was so visible that he started laughing. " I'll stop that habit," I said, mortified. " Don't stop when you're with me, I want to hear your thoughts," he said. This was already becoming so embarrassing, I decided to shift the discussion away from that . " Aren't we there yet? I'm already so tired" I whined. " We're just a few steps away but…" he bent down, picking me up like a delicate flower. " I'll carry you if need be" he completed. I loved this, I didn't even try fighting him. He opened a gate and the sight was pure heaven.