
Luminescent Swordsman

A world plagued by a haunting voice that spreads like an illness. Those who hear it experience vivid hallucinations and whispers until they plunge into an unnatural state. Nox recently got infected and is trying to survive in a world full of dangerous daemons

CrushedByBooks · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Blood trickled on the floor, forming a macabre pool beneath Nox's lifeless body. The dimly lit room seemed to absorb the crimson stain, as if embracing the darkness that had consumed its inhabitant.

Agony engulfed him as the knife cut through layers of muscle and tissue, searing pain spreading through his body like wildfire. His face contorted in anguish, tears streaming down his cheeks as he fought against the instinctive urge to withdraw.

Every second felt like an eternity as Nox maintained his resolve, driving the blade deeper into his own chest. The pain intensified, radiating through his entire being, threatening to overpower him. But he gritted his teeth, his mind aflame with determination and the burning desire to escape this tantalizing nightmare.

Finally, with a gasp of excruciating pain, Nox felt the tip of the knife graze against the surface of his beating heart. It was a moment of both physical and emotional climax, as the realization of his sacrifice hit him with a shattering force. He had reached the point of no return, the threshold between the dream and reality.

His vision blurred and darkness threatened to engulf him, he clung to the last vestiges of consciousness, hoping beyond hope that this act of self-destruction would be his salvation.

In those final moments before unconsciousness claimed him, Nox glimpsed a flicker of light amidst the encroaching darkness. It was a spark of hope, a glimmer of possibility that whispered of a world beyond the confines of this dream. And with that fleeting vision, Nox surrendered himself to the void, his heart stilled and his body collapsing to the ground.

The world around him faded into nothingness as Nox's consciousness slipped away, leaving him suspended between life and death.

The dream shattered, the facade shattered, and in that shattered state, he awaited the uncertain embrace of awakening, hoping that his sacrifice had paved the way for his return to a reality that held both truth and purpose.

Moments passed, or perhaps eons, as Nox floated in the void, his essence adrift in the uncharted realms of existence.

Then in an instance Nox jolted awake.

*gasp* *gasp* *gasp*

Nox didn't feel any pain, there was no blood, no wound on his chest. However, it was hard to breathe.

'Breathe… Breathe. You're still alive.'

He groaned as consciousness returned, his senses slowly awakening from a haze. Disoriented and trapped, he struggled against an unseen force constricting his body. Panic set in as he realized he was entangled in a webbed cocoon, suspended in mid-air. The sticky strands clung to his skin, restricting his movements and leaving him suspended in a vulnerable position.

Blinking his eyes open, Nok found himself enveloped in darkness. There was no source of light to illuminate his surroundings, casting him into an abyss of uncertainty. His heart raced as he attempted to assess the situation, but his vision failed him, offering no clarity. The absence of light was suffocating, amplifying his feelings of entrapment.

'Wha-What the f*ck… Where am I?'

As his vision adjusted, Nox could see faint lines of a silken web. It was enough to discern his orientation, determining which way was up and down within the cocoon. It provided a faint glimmer of hope amidst the overwhelming darkness.

Struggling against the webbing, Nok summoned all his courage and strength. He wriggled and twisted, desperate to break free from the constricting embrace of the cocoon. The sticky strands clung tenaciously to his limbs, resisting his efforts to escape. The more he fought, the tighter they seemed to become, further ensnaring him in their grasp.

A surge of fear threatened to overwhelm Nok, but he clung to his training and remained calm. Recalling the lessons of his mentors, he focused on his breath, steadying himself in the face of adversity. He mustered his resolve and directed his energy towards freeing himself.

Finally, with a burst of determination, Nok managed to break free from the cocoon's grip. He tumbled onto the ground, disoriented and disheveled. The remnants of the webbing clung to his body, a reminder of the harrowing entanglement he had just escaped.

As he struggled to regain his composure, Nok surveyed his surroundings. He found himself in a vast, desolate chamber, illuminated only by a faint, otherworldly glow. The air felt heavy, suffused with an eerie stillness that sent shivers down his spine.

Attempting to shake off the remnants of fear, Nok pushed himself up and took a few cautious steps forward. He noticed intricate patterns of webbing stretching across the chamber, like a labyrinth spun by an unknown weaver. The strands shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence, casting eerie shadows in every direction.

Nok's gaze shifted upwards, revealing a ceiling obscured by an intricate network of webs. The sight sent a chill down his spine, and he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Every thread seemed to pulsate with a sinister energy, as if they were alive and aware of his presence.

Realizing that escape from this tangled web was imperative, Nok took a deep breath and steeled himself for the challenge ahead. He knew he had to navigate the labyrinth of webs, finding a way out of this mysterious chamber. With each step, he felt the weight of uncertainty pressing down upon him, but he refused to succumb to despair.

As he ventured deeper into the labyrinth, Nok's senses sharpened. He became attuned to the slightest vibrations, the faintest rustling of the webbed strands. His instincts guided him, as if an unseen force was leading him towards his freedom.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as Nok weaved through the intricate webbing. His body moved with fluidity and grace, evading the snares that threatened to ensnare him once again. Each strand he encountered became a challenge to overcome, a test of his resourcefulness and agility.

With each step, Nok's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anticipation and trepidation coursing through his veins. He couldn't help but talk to himself, his voice echoing in the webbed chamber.

"What is this place? And where is that damn daemon?"

His words hung in the air, unanswered, as he continued his journey through the labyrinth. The strands seemed to grow denser and more intricate, creating an almost impenetrable barrier. Yet, Nok pressed on, his determination unwavering.

As he maneuvered through the webbing, his gaze instinctively shifted upward. And there, in the dimly lit expanse, he saw it—an abhorrent creature that defied all natural forms. Its distorted spider-like body sprawled across the webbed ceiling, its limbs contorted and elongated in grotesque proportions. It seemed to pulsate with an unspeakable malevolence, exuding an aura of revulsion.

"Uh, that thing looks revolting! "

Nok's stomach churned at the sight, his instincts screaming at him to flee. But his resolve held firm. He couldn't allow fear to paralyze him; he had to confront this nightmare head-on.

The creature appeared dormant, its bloated form undulating slightly as it feasted on the dreams of unsuspecting victims. Its presence alone sent shivers down Nok's spine, and he knew he had to act swiftly before it fully awakened.

Summoning every ounce of courage, Nok forced himself to move forward. He climbed, hand over hand, the intricate webbing that led him closer to the monstrous spider-like creature. As he approached, the stench of decay and corruption grew stronger, assaulting his senses.

Drawing upon his training and the sheer force of will, Nok lunged towards the creature with a primal roar. He unleashed a flurry of strikes, his bare hands pounding against the creature's bloated body. The tangled webbing clung to his skin, but he fought through the resistance, fueled by an indomitable determination.

With each blow, the creature's movements faltered, its feeding interrupted. Nok seized the opportunity, his grip tightening around its distorted limbs. He pressed his weight against it, suffocating the creature, denying it the chance to fully regain its senses.

Time seemed to blur as Nok battled the revolting entity. His muscles strained, and sweat mingled with the sticky webbing that clung to his body. The creature's grotesque form thrashed beneath him, its feeble attempts at resistance growing weaker with each passing moment.

Finally, with a final surge of strength, Nok overcame the creature's twisted resistance. The beast let out a guttural screech, a mix of agony and defeat, as its life force flickered and faded away. Its distorted body contorted in its final moments before collapsing into a lifeless heap.

Nok stood amidst the remnants of the fallen creature, his chest heaving with exhaustion and triumph. He had faced his deepest fears and emerged victorious, a testament to his resilience and unwavering spirit.

As he caught his breath, Nok surveyed the chamber. The webs still hung ominously, but the atmosphere had shifted. The malevolence that had once permeated the air had dissipated, replaced by a sense of quietude and the distant happy dreams.

As Nox relaxed, a sudden whisper of voices assaulted his mind. The ethereal voices echoed through the chamber, as if carried on the wind, their words intertwining and overlapping.

[You have slain the Soul Devouring Arachnid]

[You have received a fragment]

the voices murmured in unison, their tone both haunting and intriguing.

[Congratulations aspirant, you have passed the trial…]

[Begin to awake.]

The First week of writing this novel was pure torture. In the beginning, I wrote 23 drafts of the first chapter, and now that I have finished the first 5 I'll try to begin posting a chapter every day. A normal person would comments and rate the novel right now... But none of you are normal so at least comment something... Thank you, and have a nice day.

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