
Family Reunion: Dinner, Laughter and Unexpected Joy

Stefan opens the door and mom walks inside. Luckily, dad didn't drive else it would have ruined our surprise. She looks quite exhausted. I come out kitchen and sit in the couch across her.

"How was your day mom?" I ask her.

"Oh, sweetie don't ask. It was really exhausting" she says half smiling but looks very tired.

Stefan comes and sits next to me. I see dad coming out of their bedroom and walks towards the couch where mom is sitting and stands right behind her.

"Hello Cassy dear" he says.

Mom literally jumps off the couch and turns around. Stefan and I break into laughter. She is shocked.

"Holy god, Aiden!" she squeaks.

She walks towards him and he pulls her into a tight hug.

"Oh my god, you nearly gave me a heart attack" she says half pulling away and looking at him.

They walk towards the couch still holding each other.

"You said you won't be coming until next week" she says sitting down.