
Echoes of Friendship: Coffee Talks and Reopened Chapters

I am glad that Cedric and I are friends again. I am happy that he finally agreed to be my friend. I have always given friendship high priority but have terribly failed once and have learnt a lesson. As we enter our class, Cedric goes and sits in his usual place while I sit down in my place. I check the time, it is two minutes to half past eight. Alvin turns around and looks at me smiling.

"What are you happy about?" he asks.

"I'll tell you about it later" I say.

"Okay" he says and turns to face the front.

I turn around to see what Cedric is doing. He is looking outside the window. I turn to face the front. I won't push him again to do anything that might harm our friendship. I will give him enough time and space. For now, having him as my friend once again is most important to me.