

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

TheLuiz · Action
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Episode 71 - Somebody's Watching Me

In some american streets, Silver was walking alone while kicking a soda can. People were passing by him without giving any bother, occupied with their lives and so he kept walking, walking all the way back to an orphanage.

Director: These numbers are horrible, Silver.

Silver: I'm sorry...

He was sitting in front of the Orphanage director's desk.

Director: You'll be making 17 next month, do you expect to keep living here with these awful sales numbers?

Silver: Maybe if you didn't raise the minimum amount of products I should sell per month on each birthday, you wouldn't be so disappointed.

Director: It's exactly because of this type of attitude that no one wants to adopt you.

Silver: Well, I'm sorry if I'm not a little kid anymore.

Director: Well, with this you achieved this month's bare minimum. So you get to live with us for a little longer. Your friend Black wasn't so lucky.

Silver: You'll kick Black out?!

Director: You know the rules, you want to stay here without getting adopted? Then complete your monthly profit quota.

Silver: But... he really tried hard to sell your products and--

Director: "I don't care if the duck is male, I want the eggs."

Silver hated that prover, so he sighed and left the office. He met with his colleagues by the front gate, all of them saying goodbye to their friend.

Silver: Black!

Black: Hey Silv...

Red: This is so unfair!

Blue: Yeah, man! Where are you going now?

Black: The bedroom maid will house me in her house at least I get a job to move out.

Amber: Good luck...

Silver: Yeah... Take care, friend...

The child named Black got his stuff and went away and, as soon as he left the Orphanage street, a police car parked at the gates. One of the Orphanage's Maids came out with a young kid.

Maid: Young ones, meet the new Black.

Silver and his colleagues look at the new kid who seemed visibly sad.

Maid: Would you guys be a darling and show him the place and our rules?

The maid simply left the new kid with the group and entered the building with the Police Officers.

Silver: Hey there, lil' fella. Welcome to Sun Garden.

Kid: Who does she keep calling me "Black"? My name is not black...

The older kids and Silver looked at him, feeling for him, and started the tour.

Blue: You see, when we join this orphanage, we are all forced to forget our old names and use colors as place holders.

Amber: So when we are adopted, they can rename us.

Kid: So everyone here is named after a color?

Ivory: Since our Black just left... You are the new Black.

Kid: But my name is Astray...

Silver: Hey, it's ok, you're gonna get used to it.

Kid: What is your real name, Mister?

Silver stopped hearing that question.

Silver: My name...?

Kid: Yes, your real name.

Silver looked at his hands with a horrified face.

Silver: L-Le...

Silver held his head.

Silver: I can't remember... My real name...

His colleagues tried to comfort him.

Ivory: Hey, it's ok, man! You are the oldest of us and have been here for far longer, you got used to "Silver".

Yellow: Yeah, to be honest I also am forgetting my name sometimes... I'm "Crois".

Blue: I wrote it down to not forget, but sometimes, when I look at the piece of paper, I wonder who the hell is "Vita".

Ivory: I used to be "Novartis".

The next day, Silver was walking alone again, ready to sell the orphanage's products.

Silver: Still... What is my name...?

He was still lost in his thoughts, trying really hard to remember his name, desperately trying to hold to any past memory of his parents before they abandoned him in some junkyard.

However, he was so focused that he crossed the street without noticing the vehicles were still moving and...


When Silver opened his eyes, he was floating in some sort of black space, looking around he saw multiple galaxies, stars, planets and nebulas.

He tried to "land" and his foot touched some sort of ground, but below him he could still see the rest of those galaxies.

"You're finally awake".

Silver looked in front of him and Karma was sitting on a throne, looking at him.

Karma: Wait what?! Me?!

Silver: Yes, you.

Paris: Shut up, the story is getting good.

Back to the flashback, Silver stepped forward trying to reach for the throne, but couldn't move, he was basically walking in place.

Silver: Who are you?

Karma: I'm like you, boy. A nameless nobody from nowhere, White.

Silver: "White"?

Karma: I represent an order of magicians and warriors called "The Excellar", we travel through multiple realities and parallel worlds and, when a young soul dies in your world specifically, we give you a second chance.

Silver: Right... And what's the catch?

Karma: You'll have to do a task for us in a random world. If you succeed, you'll become one of us.

Silver: And what if I complete the task, but refuse to be one of you?

Karma: We send you back to your own world like nothing ever happened.

Silver: You expect me to believe that?

Karma: You never heard of people who died, yet miraculously returned to life when they should be dead? Almost like... Magic?

Silver: And if I fail the task?

Karma: You will be left stranded in the random world you were sent to.

Back to the living room, everyone stared at Silver in shock after he finished the story.

Hail: That's... Pretty hard to believe...

Alouetta: Assuming what you're saying is true... You didn't come from our future, but a parallel world in its future?

Silver: Yes, a world like this one, except people don't have super powers, dragons and gods are just mythology stories and real life is pretty boring.

Crystal: So why were you sent here?

Silver: Out of all multiple infinite realities, this is the only one where Excellar happened, where it started.

Commander: On this one?

Silver: It's not the IBI's version and not the VoidCm and Saisem's version of it, but is Mr Karma's version that will become the true Excellar.

Karma points his finger to his own chest like asking "Me?"

Silver: I was sent to a world of monsters, where I met Yog, who lives inside of me, and joined the future Excellar's ranks. I visited multiple different worlds in various missions, but my most recent one is to come to this world and see how everything started.

Karma: So that's why you follow me?

Silver: Yes.

Leo: So, if you are still here, doesn't that mean we will win and you will succeed?

Silver: No. If VoidCm beats Luminary, gets the pendants and Jade, he will succeed, my order will be wiped out and I will be left stranded in this world.

Marisia: So you know what will happen if VoidCm's plan succeeds?

Silver: He will take over the multiverse itself, changing the rules of existence and enslaving or destroying all possible realities as he sees fits. It's safe to say that he will become The Absolute GOD of Hyperdeath, being able to manipulate or destroy the center of creation.

Paris: So... If we want to save not just our world, but existence itself, we must beat VoidCm...?

Renne: An infinite number of lives, good and bad, are in our hands...

Jade: Oh no... I can't deal with this pressure...

Everyone in the room gets visibly nervous, the pressure is too great, the price of failure was too much to bear.

Luiz: Bah! Thinking about that won't help us in the slightest!

Silver: W-What...?

Luiz: You all better forget this thing about saving the multiverse.

Leo: If we're not battling for that, what are we battling for then?

Luiz gave them a reassuring smile.

Luiz: Battle for that peaceful life without Saisem that you have been striving for all these years.

The mood immediately gets better.

Marisia: Yeah, I can fight for that.

Alouetta: That was the plan for the start.

Renne: Yup.

Hail: Totally.

David: Fighting for peace... That's something I can get behind.

Everyone else agreed while Silver just kept looking at Luiz, dumbfounded.

The television turns on by itself scaring the shit out of everyone.

Jade: What the fucking fuck!

The image of VoidCm appears on the TV.

VoidCm: Hello there, Luminary! I see you guy--

Nana: Get the fuck out of my TV. I don't want it to get your germs.

Half the room started laughing.

VoidCm: Don't be mean to me Miss Drag--

Nana: It's Mrs.

She removes the TV cable from the outlet, but her phone starts ringing.

Nana picks it up and it's VoidCm on the line, so she just removes the battery, but the TV turns on again.

Nana: How?!

VoidCm: I came here humbly to give you guys the information about our war game in around 10 days and that's how you treat me? I'm hurt, truly, you wound me.

Harper: You're a super villain that wants to take over the multiverse. How do you expect us to react?

VoidCm: That's just some trivial details.

Hanji: No, trivial details are like what shoes you're wearing or what you had for breakfast. Being a super villain is a pretty important detail.

Luiz: Spill it out already.

Void: The Maracanã Stadium at Noon. 10 days from now. Bring all your allies. Buh-Bye!

He turns off.

Paris: Well, we have a time and date! Time for some good old training montage!

Commander: Agreed. Marisia, you'll be in charge of training Emily.

Marisia: Got it!

Commander: Karma, you and David will handle Delph.

Karma: Must I?

David: Leave it to me.

Commander: Fenyx and Gibil will be Paris Practice Partners.

Fenyx: Rematch time already?

Gibil: Time for a bloodbath.

Paris: I want to see you try!

Commander: Leo, you'll go with Cake and Enki.

Cake: Hah! I'm a very strict teacher, hope you can keep up!

Enki: That's my line.

Leo: Hahaha... What did I get myself into...

Commander: Hanji, with Utu and Qilin.

Hanji: It will be good to train with you both.

Qilin: Maybe getting a rematch?

Utu: Oh, you two will fight a lot under me, that's for sure.

Commander: Allen, you'll be training with Enlil and Azure.

Allen: What about Jade?

Lady: Jade's coming with me to Catalonia, where she will be my VIP guest and the Silver boy will take care of her as well.

Allen: I appreciate your effort to protect Jade, Lady, but Silver on the other hand...

Silver: Suck it up.

Commander: Relax, Allen, all of The Lady's Henchmen will also protect Jade, not just Silver, and Fateful will join them when the training days are over.

Allen: Fine...

Nana: Let me guess, I'll go with Tiger and Ki?

Commander: No, you'll be training with Alouetta and Crystal.

Mama Draco: Are you crazy? Lina, as a dragon, can't fight the Queen of Dragons.

Crystal: She can. She's technically my predecessor.

Alouetta: Dragon fight? I'm excited!

Crystal Be ready, Lina. I can be a terrifying force in the battlefield, If I was actually allowed to fight.

Nana: So am I.

Commander: Harper, you'll be training with Simone.

Simone: Wait, shouldn't I be training with my son?

Mama Draco: He'll be training with me and Hail.

Simone: Excuse me, but I'm the Harmony Guardian who mentored him in the honor battle.

Mama Draco: So did I.

Simone: Well, I'm his mother.

Mama Draco: So am I.

Simone: I beg your pardon?

Mama Draco: He was adopted into the Blue Dragon House by me when I gave him his powers.

Luiz: Hey, you two, stop.

Mama Draco and Simone kept staring at each other, a rivalry was just born between the two women.

Renne: I'll go with you too, brother!

Luiz: Right...

Commander: Pudim, Ki and Tiger, you will all be Flora's tutors while me and Draco will prepare our troops in case our friend breaks his word.

The four of them agreed.

Paris: Alright, everyone got their tutors, when do we start?

Paris was excited with everything.

Commander: Tomorrow.

Paris: Tomorrow?

Commander: We just returned from Russia, you all need a day off to rest.

Pudim: The man has a point, training without a proper rest would only do the opposite of benefitting you.

Commander: So, everyone is meeting at HQ tomorrow. I'll start preparation for training areas specific for each one of you.

Simone: I'll be taking Harper to my territory in the mountains after we meet up tomorrow. If I'm going to train her, then I have the perfect place.

Commander: Agreed. Lady, you can stay at HQ and take Jade with you tomorrow.

Lady: Right, I take it that she would want time alone with her boyfriend before being apart from him for the next few days.

Everyone leaves, leaving only the Luminary members alone in the living room.

Flora: Well, that was... Something...

Jade: Yeah...

Leo: What do we do?

Delph: We should follow the commander's advice and rest.

Paris: It's still only noon.

Emily: We can still do stuff to have some fun and then go back to sleep early.

Harper: Sounds good to me.

Allen: So... What are you doing here?

Silver: Until the end of this battle, I'm sticking with you guys.

Leo: Well, I did say that everyone that was here would be temporarily Luminary...

Allen: You're letting him off the hook too easy.

Leo: I guess I am, but... After hearing the truth from his mouth, even with it being hard to believe, I understand why he did what he did.

Paris: Well... We're still pissed at you. Just because we understand what you did, doesn't mean we're going to pretend you did nothing.

Allen: You'll be sleeping on the couch when we go back to HQ.

Silver just sighed.

Silver: Maybe... You were right... Leo. I should have come clean from the start.

Leo: No, it's fine, we don't know if that could actually harm your objective. I know that telling everyone the truth was a leap of faith as it's a risk that could risk your mission.

Silver: Leo...

Leo: So, if you were willing to trust us... I'm willing to show you some good faith.

Flora: Anyone else want to open their heart and confess something?

Nana: Me.

Everyone looked at Nana and she looked at Luiz.

Nana: I'm pregnant.