

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

TheLuiz · Action
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Episode 59 - The Guardian of Harmony Pt 1

The night before the day of the first round.

Luiz: So? What's the deal? What do I have to do?

Simone: For starters, all rounds will be random, except yours, that only happens in case of a tie, which gives us 7 days to train.

Luiz: So?

Simone: Fight me.

Luiz: What?

Simone: If you defeat me in a battle, I will recognize you as worthy of being the Harmony Guardian and teach you my guardian skill.

Luiz: You do realize that you kicked my ass, right?

Simone: Calling it now: You will never defeat Hail if you don't defeat me. You will never stand a chance against the White King, the Snow King or the Saisem supreme leader, if you don't beat me.

Luiz looked at his mom, who was making a smug smile.

Luiz: Seven days, right?

Simone: That's right.

Luiz turned around and started to walk away.

Simone: Wait, where are you going?

Luiz: I'm quite aware of the fact that I don't stand a chance against you. Hell, you completely destroyed me and you weren't even fighting seriously.

Simone: Oh?

Luiz: You can go back to your hotel, I'll fight you when I'm ready.

Day of the First Round. Hanji vs Qilin - Spirit Battle.

Early in the morning, Luiz arrived home, searching for his dad.

Luiz: Dad! Do you have a moment?

Dad: Hm, yeah sure, what do you need? I'm in my bedroom upstairs.

Luiz closes the door and goes upstairs, knocking on the door and entering.

Luiz: Soooo... Remember when you used to teach me your fighting style?

Dad: It didn't work because you wanted to use closed fists.

Luiz: Yeah...

Dad: I've seen how you fight. Undisciplined, wild, without control and reckless.

Luiz closed his eyes and sighed.

Luiz: Yes, yes, you're right...

He looked at his old man again.

Luiz: My fighting style is entirely a variation of Empress Ran, albeit more swift.

Dad: She was never a hand to hand fighter, that's why it's a miracle your own fighting even works in the first place.

Luiz: Still, I want to learn your fighting style.

Dad: You do?

Luiz: Yeah. I will do everything you say.

Dad: Why the sudden change of heart?

Luiz shows him his orange Luminary pendant.

Luiz: I'm Luminary's Harmony Guardian.

His dad is stunned by that reveal. He walks to his wardrobe and grabs an orange belt.

Dad: Like father, like son.

Luiz: Wait, what..?

Dad: I may be normal, but I went through a lot of Hijinks when I had your age. I was always a capable fighter and that's how I met your mother.

Luiz: So...

Dad: Spirit, Heart, Passion, Soul, Mind and Will. He envelops them all, he influences them all and he accepts them all. That is the Harmony's purpose. To be like the grand sky itself.

Luiz: So that's my role...

Dad: Your mentor didn't tell you that?

Luiz: Sooooo, it's a funny story, hehehe...

After explaining the whole situation.

Dad: Your mother did what?!

Luiz: Dad, chill.

Dad: No, I will not "chill"! She doesn't even tell you what is the role of an Harmony Guardian and just tells you to fight her?! What in the sweet name of Jesus goes through that woman's head?!

Luiz: Don't ask me, you were the one who almost married her!

Dad: Why are some mistakes too great to hide...?

They both sigh and go to the top floor, a slab where is usually used for parties for family reunions.

Luiz removed his blue hoodie and got ready, but his dad came with two bracelets.

Luiz: What are those for?

Dad: You said you'd do whatever I say, so, put them on.

Luiz innocently puts on the bracelets, one for each wrist and immediately feels nauseous and weak, having to lay his back on a wall.

Luiz: What...? What is this...?

Dad: If you're going to learn my fighting style, you'll have to get back to the world where you were born.

Luiz: W-World...?

Dad: Yes. The world where you lived for years and the world you left when you got your powers.

His dad made a serious expression while Luiz slowly regained his balance. He notices that all his powers are gone, simply vanished and realizes those bracelets were the same that the police used to contain super powered criminals.

Dad: The World of the Weak.

Day of the Second Round. Nana vs Tiger - Heart Battle.

It was 5 in the morning and Luiz was already fighting with his dad.

Dad: No shooting your chained hands thing.

Luiz: That's not a superpower.

Dad: But it's an unnatural advantage.

Luiz: Right.

Dad: Now, try again, open palms and swift movements. You have to strike fast and get away fast. You must make continuous hits to the enemy with quick attacks as well as being well-equipped to handle mistakes in battle.

Luiz: Like a fox...

Dad: Exactly. You must show instinctive movements during combo attacks with control to connect additional hits.

Luiz: Do I have to use the palm of my hands?

Dad: For the 15th time, YES.

Day of the Third Round. Allen vs Azure - Will Battle.

Dad: So, I have a theory.

Luiz: What is it?

Dad: She may think you already do your role as Harmony Guardian well and just wants to test your strength. But she just uses a super edgy armor, for christ sake, you should have kicked her ass!

Luiz: Yet, I lost. I stood no chance against her...

Dad: And that angers you?

Luiz: How do you--

Dad: Harmony Guardians don't always harmonize with the other guardians, they have to understand themselves as well, be it other Harmony Guardians or your own heart.

Luiz looked down.

Luiz: Yes, I am angry.

Dad: Why?

Luiz: That damn woman... Who abandoned us for her parent's criminal business... It's even worse to think about it after knowing you asked her to stay here and live the criminal life behind.

Dad: Yes, it is painful to remember.

Luiz: That embarrassment of a woman... Who, on rare occasions, stopped by just to give us the yearly child support... Yes, money is important, but I didn't want just that, I wanted my mom and so did Renne.

Dad: You wanted us together?

Luiz: I couldn't care less if you two are together or not. Couples go different ways, that's part of life, but there are plenty of divorced parents out there who still give attention to their children.

Dad: There's more, isn't it?

Luiz: Her words... When we fought.

Simone: Boring... Fighting you is boring.

Luiz: After years of training to perfect my powers... After all the fights I won alone or with my friends, a powerless woman with weaponized armor defeated me easily.

Dad: Of course. She was always a weapon master, she knew her way with guns since she was a kid and that's how she entered in my old crew. So, I'm going to teach you how to defeat her.

His dad prepared to fight again.

Dad: Open your eyes and ears and pay attention while fighting, because I'm going to say it all just once.

Luiz: Alright...

They begin to fight again.

Dad: I'll teach you two things that you're lacking.

The old man uses the palm of his hand to perform two attacks forward then strikes on his son's chest and finishes with a more powerful attack straight forward, knocking Luiz backwards.

Dad: Lesson 1. You need to observe your mother more.

Luiz stood up with his left hand on his chest.

Dad: During all these years of her absence, you started to harbor some cheap pride. Justified, but still cheap.

Luiz: Pride?

Dad: And it became arrogance without you knowing. An arrogance that only held you back.

Luiz: held me back?

Dad: You know why you stood a chance against all your enemies so far? Because you never overestimated or underestimated them. No matter how powerful or how weak, you always treated your foes like equals, with respect.

Luiz realized the truth of his father's words and looked at him.

Dad: All of them, except your own mother.

Luiz: Dull attacks.... Tasteless techniques...

Dad: Simone is not an opponent that you can fight with if you look down on her and so am I. We both were born powerless, yet we still strived to be stronger

Luiz: I think I understand... I think...

Dad: In short, regardless of being powerless, your mother has 100 times more fighting experience compared to you.

Luiz and his dad began to fight again.

Dad: She's also an exceptional gunslinger who has fought for her subordinates and allies 100 times more than you.

Luiz: My mother did...?

His dad leaps up and drops down with a powerful kick, catching Luiz off guard and, right after dropping down, the old man leaps up and performs a butterfly kick on his son who flew backwards and hits his back against the wall.

Dad: Lesson 2. Your own abilities.

Luiz: My what?

Dad: Recently, you've been too dependent on your earned powers and forgot the abilities you already had before you stopped being normal.

Luiz tried to attack again, but his dad caught his hand.

Dad: You used to be creative, spontaneous, unpredictable and were willing to die for your goals. You had this dying will to keep trying until your body is destroyed.

His dad threw him backwards.

Dad: The only way to stand a chance against any foe, is to acknowledge your enemies and have the resolution to fight until your body is destroyed.

Day of the Fourth Round. Paris vs Fenyx - Passion Battle.

Luiz arrived in the Hotel where his mother was staying after leaving the hospital where Allen was resting in. He came to the living room and confronted his mother who was on the couch.

Luiz: Is it true?!

Simone: What is true?

Luiz: Don't play dumb with me! Rosweel told me everything!

Simone: Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, no use on hiding it now...

Luiz: How could you! You knew me and my friends only accepted this guardian thing to get stronger, win the tournament and save the world after! You used this to train us to succeed you?!

Simone: I know you are angry, but I'm still your mother, so you better lower your--

Luiz: We trusted you!

He puts his hand on his chest.

Luiz: I trusted you!

Simone is taken back by that sudden scream and Luiz tears up a little, tears of pure rage and frustration.

Luiz: How could I be so stupid! I thought I could give you a chance! I thought that for once my own mother was doing something for someone other than herself, that you genuinely wanted to help your son's team, but nooooo, it's always about you and your business, right?!

Simone sighs.

Simone: I was going to tell you the--

Luiz: Don't bullshit me! You should have said the truth from the very start so the rest of Luminary could have this Mafia thing on their mind to ponder before accepting a permanent responsibility as guardians!

Simone: If I did say the truth in the beginning, would they accept? Would you?

Luiz: That doesn't matter... You should have said the truth. Period.

Simone: Look, at least tell them the truth tonight and, if they are ok with the idea, give it some thought about it yourself.

Luiz looked away.

Simone: You can refuse if you want, I'm not forcing anyone. Just think about it, ok? You can give me the final answer when the tournament ends.

Night of the Fourth Round. After Paris' victory.

Luiz flies to Canada and lands on the blue dragon mountain. Using his powers to find the secret door, he uses his right hidden blade to make a small cut on his arm. He bleeds on the blade and inserts it with the blood on the lock, making the gates open.

It closes behind him and he walks in. The blue dragons greet him on his way. It has been some time since his last visit and they all saw him as one of them anyway, despite still being human.

Arriving on the center of the mountain, searching for the matriarch, he finds Dana, the dragon scientist that made his metal chain hands, and Saru, dragon trainer that taught him the basics of his powers.

Saru: Wait... Is that...?

Dana: Luiz!

They both run in his direction and hug him.

Saru: My dude! It has been a while!

Dana: Damn right it has! You don't write, don't call, don't message. You don't even like or follow our stuff on "Instabooktok"!

Luiz: Sorry, guys... I have been really busy...

Draco: Sure you have, "King of Dragons".

Luiz looks behind and sees Mama Draco and goes to her for a salute and a hug.

Luiz: Former King.

Draco: You know, when I made you promise that you would protect the girl that will be the key to peace between humans and dragons, I meant like being a bodyguard or something, not to bang her.

Luiz: Well, turned out it kinda helped, right? She didn't turn evil or something.

Draco: Perhaps.

Saru: But what brings you back?

Dana: Not that we aren't happy to see you.

Saru: Yeah, 7 months more and we would have to content with only the new "Luiz".

Luiz: The new "Luiz"?

Luiz notices that Dana had a little plump on her belly.

Luiz: Nooooo... Really? You two?

Saru: Yup.

Dana: You would know if you at least called.

Luiz: Congratulations, you two! And you named the little fella after me? I'm honored! Truly!

Draco: Alright, enough small talk.

Luiz: Right, Mama Draco, I was--

Draco: Chosen as Luminary's Harmony Guardian and now you came to learn something new that we didn't teach you when you were a rookie.

Luiz: Ummm... Yeah... That. How did you know?

Draco: Luiz, we're only self exiled inside a big ass mountain, we still have internet and cable tv, we're not hermits.

Saru: Yeah, we watched all your team's battles.

Dana: You were great in the battle against Ran.

They took Luiz to the training arena.

Draco: Now, listen. We're going to teach you one of the most challenging passive skills in the blue dragon arsenal.

Saru: We didn't teach you that earlier because you were still too new, but I guess that, with everything we've seen, you are ready.

Luiz: What is it?

Draco: The Blue Dragon Intuition, or "Bluey".

Luiz: Bluey?

Saru: It's tradition.

Luiz: Right... Do dragons always use the word "tradition" to avoid answering questions?

Draco: It's Tradition. Now, proceed.

Saru: As we are summoners, we are always locked behind ranged attacks. If the enemy came in our direction without us noticing, we'd be sitting ducks.

Draco: That's why blue dragons have this passive ability, "a power that can see through all".

Saru: That's why experienced blue dragons that unlocked this ability have exceptionally high perceptive minds and sharp instincts.

Luiz: So with this "hyper intuition" of sorts, you guys can see through your enemies intentions and moves?

Draco: Correct.

Saru: It also makes illusions, deception and lies immediately useless against us.

Luiz: I'm eager to learn.

Day of the Fifth Round. Delph vs Pudim - Mind Battle.

Dad: Damn, you look horrible...

Luiz: Spent the night learning something about my powers.

Luiz puts on the bracelets that disable his powers.

Luiz: Now, let's begin. I'm almost learning all your moves, old man.

Luiz and his father began to fight. Luiz still didn't have full control of the "Bluey" skill, but was being able to predict some of his father's moves, albeit faintly and with a great margin of errors.

After finishing the training he flew back to Canada and repeated this cycle on the next day.

Day of the Sixth Round. Leo vs Cake - Soul Battle.

Dad: You mastered the "Bluey" skill?

Luiz: I did... Now I just need to finish with you.

Dad: But... Look at those dark circles... When was the last time you slept?

Luiz: I'll sleep tonight to rest for tomorrow, now I must finish learning with you.

Dad: Must you practice today? It might be the last battle and--

Luiz: It's exactly why today can be the last battle that I must practice.

Dad: Very well. Get ready for the final lessons.

Night of the Sixth Round. After Cake's victory.

Luiz arrives in a random forest close to the city and meets his mom as well as all her guardians there. After fully learning his father's teachings and Mama Draco's locked passive, he felt he was somewhat ready for his mother's test.

Iah: You came.

Gibil: Took you long enough.

Utu: Hmmm...

Enki: Don't fret now, you'll only find dust and failure if you hesitate.

Enlil: He's gonna be fine, leave the kid be.

Ki: Just go ahead and do what you do best.

Luiz nodded and looked at his mother.

Simone: Well, well, well. Came to finally fight me?

Luiz: Yes.

Simone: You think you have a chance with that level of power you showed me six days ago?

Luiz: Do I look the same as I did six days ago?

Simone: Huh... Good answer...

Luiz: "(I can't afford to lose this time around...)"

He remembers his father's words while thinking to himself.

Dad: Acknowledge your mother.

Luiz: "(I don't want to acknowledge her, but I know the truth.)"

Simone: Will you tell mommy here what are you thinking while looking at me with those dead fish eyes of yours?

Luiz raises his fist.

Luiz: You are stronger than me. I may never respect you, but that doesn't change the truth.

Simone and her guardians look at Luiz, astonished by those words.

Luiz: So, I understand your power... Mom. But I'll face you anyway.

Luiz' fists became engulfed by a blue aura. It was similar to the times he summoned his monster's hands around his own, but this time it was just pure blue dragon energy.

Simone suited up on her dark and purple armor and prepared her lazer guns.

Ki: He's not going to summon his units?!

Iah: He plans to face the boss with his own power.

Gibil: Is he stupid?!

Simone: So... Come to mama!

Luiz flies to behind his mother's back, so she uses her wings to quickly counter, but Luiz quickly spins in the air, going to her back again, faster than she can turn and throws a Aura-enhanced punch to his mother, knocking her back.

Enlil: Pheeeeew!~ Now, that's what I call speed!

Enki: He's coming at the boss with everything he got.

Simone: "(His moves are insanely better now...)"

Simone stands up and looks at her son, this time with his hands were open and his battle instance was completely changed. The Guardians look at Luiz, but Simone can only see Luiz' dad in his place, but more younger, at the age she met him.

Simone: So you not only improved your closed fists style, but also learned your dad's style?

Luiz and Simone charged against each other, trading blows.

Simone wanted to shoot from a distance, but Luiz was raising his fist and concentrating his Dragon Bullet proof shield on his forearm, blocking any ranged attack.

Enki: What in the fuck?!

Gibil: What is it?

Enki: All dragons have an invisible force field around their bodies that makes them bullet proof. Humans only have this ability when they are born powerless and pass on a dragon test.

Utu: He's concentrating his natural shield in one unique place to fully deflect the boss' lasers...

Simone gives up trying the ranged approach and goes to hand to hand combat. Her armor's gloves turn into claws with sharp fangs, but Luiz still doesn't flinch.

She reads his attacks just barely and tries to punch him with her glove enhanced by her laser, Luiz thinks about doging, but doesn't.

Dad: The resolution to fight until the destruction of your body.

Luiz takes the punch head on.

Luiz: GWAHH!

Simone: "(He didn't dodge...?)"

Luiz uses the opportunity he was so close to his mom and opens multiple rifts to his monster pocket dimension.

Luiz: Sky Punishment!

Multiple monsters come from the rifts, but they are so small that the speed makes them hit like bullets, very angry sentient bullets, in waves, hitting Simone over and over again, forcing her to release her son.

When the attack stops, Simone stands up, regaining her balance close to a cliff, Luiz flies towards her and trade blows once more.

Utu: Fighting using his own body, like the spirit guardian.

Ki: Attracting the damage to himself, like a heart guardian.

Enlil: Unbound by social laws, like a will guardian.

Gibil: Making a relentless and endless attack, like a passion guardian.

Iah: Creating his monster from nothing, like a mind guardian.

Enki: And controlling the conflict, like a soul guardian.

Simone catches Luiz' leg, he reacts quickly ready to punch her face, but she uses her other arm to grab his fist with only mere seconds before it touches her.

Simone: I won!

Luiz smiled and opened the fist Simone was holding, showing his palm to her face.

Luiz: ...Chaos of Darkness!

Luiz fires a dark blue brutal ray of destruction on Simone, point-blank range, destroying the cliff and any trees and ground that was unfortunate enough to be there.