

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

TheLuiz · Action
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78 Chs

Episode 53 - The Guardian of Will

Emily: Jade, I don't think it's a good idea yet.... I got a bad feeling about all this...

Jade: The IBI agents that joined us in our rebellion said they were being held captive under the castle for the Excellar experiments. We have to go down there.

Harper: I'll try to at least turn on the lights again, can't you wait until then?

Jade grabbed a flashlight and proceeded to go down to the underground with Flora while Emily guarded the door. Harper was right, there was some sort of secret laboratory thing under the castle.

Jade: What were they doing...?

She looks around... But her eyes fixate on one spot.

Flora: Project Excellar...

Jade walked to the empty holdings.

Jade: Why did they need these?

Flora: When they don't kill IBI agents captured in combat, they try to experiment on them. Using their powers to try to get close to the abilities of the dead gods, specifically space and time. Sages don't break that easily, but a normal or super human on the other hand...

Jade: This is horrible.... All those people... Saisem is truly evil..

Flora didn't say anything and just watched Jade's horror. The lights in that dark place suddenly turned on, Harper probably fixed the power grid.

Flora: Hey, this PC is working, there's no internet, but there's some video files.

Jade: Should we watch?

Jade sat down and tried to not throw up. Each video had the name of a test subject and she started to cry seeing Saisem's experiments. Torture, forced breeding, accelerated fetal growth, failed forced fusion attempts, dissection. All those people were surviving a living hell, not just on that castle, but on other Saisem's bases all over the world.

While Jade watched in horror everything, Flora walked around. All other desktops were fried, but she managed to find one more working with different files. Yet she freezes when she reads the files.

"Sweden Saisem's Labs:

Krystallus(Moved to Russia)




Flora looked behind her, checking that Jade was still watching the other PC, so she quickly permanently deleted three files, the one with her nickname and the other two, leaving only Jade's brother.

Flora: Hey, I found your brother.

Jade: Really?

The video shows the log of Dr Weissmann aka Karma.

They see the same video that Silver watched on Sweden, explaining Krystallus' existence and their objective with Jade, but it has one extra bonus section that Silver didn't get.

Karma: The experiment failed again, what a bother... According to the empress, the Zero project was a success, proving that fusion is indeed possible, yet, it has to be willing and consensual, else rejection happens.

Jade takes a closer look on Karma's desk and sees the picture of three young kids, with one of them looking a bit like Flora, but with shorter hair and pink hair instead of blue. Yet, the camera's focus changes so fast that she can't really be sure if that was Flora or not.

Karma: If we want Jade and Krystallus to fuse, we're going to need to convince her, somehow. But I'll find a way to make forced fusion possible. I'm gonna make Excellar happen, not the Empress.

The video ends.

Jade: These people are truly sick.

Flora: Well, now you know for sure they want you to fuse with your brother and why. Manipulate space and time and reach the multiverse. Like that Spiderman movie.

Jade: Yea.. I won't let that happen. I'm going to save my brother and not fuse with him. I'm not letting Saisem spread their evil through more universes.

She stood up.

Flora: And what if that guy forces you to fuse? Nana says it is not possible, but it seems that a lot of impossible stuff is happening and that son of a hutt wants to make it happen.

Jade: I won't let him. Unless he threatens the lives of those I care about... I won't fuse.

Jade walks away, leaving flora behind.

Flora: Fusing for people...You care about...

She looks at her hand.

Flora: I can relate to that...

Allen got back to the City's Park. It was kinda empty, with only some few people taking walks or going for a stroll due to the cloudy weather. He entered deep into the woods and entered a cavern. After reaching the other part of the cave, he arrived in a mystical forest. Despite the forest spirits forbidding humans from entering such sacred places, they were allowing Allen entrance.

Because that man was there.

Enlil: Spirit Sanctum. A great cavern in the city park is the only thing that separates Humans and their pollution from such a beautiful place. Well, that and the fairies around. The spirits dance, attracted to great pure energy that exudes from here.

Enlil passed his left hand through his blonde hair, making the fairies fly away from his head.

Enlil: Great battle yesterday, no?

Allen: Nana won. So yes.

Enlil: Two more battles and this duel thing ends. If you win, of course.

Allen: Can't wait.

Enlil: Any news on your girlfriend? Wait, she's your girlfriend, right? I'm not sure. Her lack of feedback has been leaving you considerably distracted in your training since the Spirit Battle.

Allen: None yet. Don't get me wrong, I do trust her. But it is wrong to worry?

Enlil: In your place, I would worry about myself. Tonight's your battle and you still haven't learned my skill like Hanji did with Utu and Lina did with Ki.

Allen: Right. Let's get started then.

Enlil: No, let's change the pace. I thought that you should learn my skill first, then do the Will Trial...

Enlil sighs.

Enlil: Let's do the trial first. At least I'll know that you can learn my skill or not if you pass on it.

Allen: Fair.

Enlil gets his bow and aims an arrow on Allen's direction.

Enlil: The power of the wind energy keeps the universe in motion, you know?

He prepares to shoot the arrow at Allen.

Enlil: Remember, the role of a Will Guardian is to be like the wind, but also be a drifting Cloud, who cannot be bound. Protecting the Team from an independent standpoint.

Enlil shoots his arrow, made of wind energy into Allen's forehead, making him fall into a deep slumber.

When he wakes up, he is still in that forest, but the Skies are purple and there's violet clouds everywhere.

Allen: Did it work? I'm still in the forest?

"Don't you see anything different?"

He looks behind and sees Jade.

Jade: I mean, the sky in the real world isn't purple.

Allen: Jade?

"Jade": Forgive the deception. We are fifth-dimensional forms that cannot be seen by your eyes, what you are seeing is only a projection of what holds the most sway in your heart.

Allen: And you pick her of all people?!

"Jade": I don't pick who I look like. Like I said, it's what holds the most sway in your heart. But why does this girl hold so many mixed feelings to you?

Allen: Oh, I get it, you are testing my resolve, my "will".

"Jade": That's why you're here, isn't it?

"She" walks to him.

Allen: Why does it matter to you what I feel about her?

"Jade": It doesn't matter to me, But it matters to you. You love her but you have hurt her and you don't know why. Am I wrong?

Allen: I didn't "hurt" her. She chose to be hurt.

"Jade": Oh? Like one 'chooses' to have a cut sting?

Allen: No, is completely different. Life is made of choices. She chose to be hurt just like she could choose to not care or not think about it. When someone comes and says bad things to me I can choose to feel sad, or I can choose to go on with my life and suck it up.

The being sighed and pinched "her" forehead.

"Jade": A suborn one... Great... Moving on to the next part.

A river forms in the forest as two figures appear next to it. A long silver haired woman and Allen himself.

Allen: So... What is happening here?

"Jade": You tell me.

Past Allen: I don't need your help. I don't want your help.

Yog: I'm offering Legend Boy an once in a lifetime offer and legend boy refuses?

Allen: Why are you showing me this?

"Jade": Just wait and you'll get your answer.

Past Allen: I have my orders. Find and keep an eye on the girl. Kill her if the enemy seizes her. No loopholes.

"Jade": But that's not how it ended up... Did it?

Allen: That's exactly what happened. She hasn't been captured. She isn't on enemy hands.We made sure of it.

"Jade": What was the offer she had made?

Allen didn't reply so the memory continued.

Yog: Can Legend Boy at the very least listen to my proposition?

Past Allen: If I listen will you shut the fuck up?

Yog: No promises~~

Both Past and current Allen crossed arms.

Yog: Do you know why is it so dangerous to let the enemy have her?

Past Allen: It was not my place to ask and I don't want to know.

The fake Jade looked at current Allen, annoyed by his stubbornness.

Yog: Regardless, I want you to pass your mission to me.

Past Allen: I refuse.

Yog pouted.

Yog: The Celestial soul inside her mortal body... Is important to me. I need the girl more than you do.

Past Allen: Not my problem. I don't know from which corner of space you came from, but, when I get an order, I fulfil the order. The last time I failed...

He looked down and shook his head.

Past Allen: Regardless, I'm not leaving my mission, Jade Martinez is my prey.

"Jade": Your prey?

Allen: Yeah? Kill her if she gets captured, remember?

Past Allen: Why is this soul of her "important" to you?

Yog: It's needed for a bigger goal that your mortal mind will never understand.

Past Allen: How can I not understand if you refuse to explain?

Yog: The gods are dead. Reincarnating on mortal bodies as slaves, as energy, as power. Is it weird if I want to see an old friend again?

Past Allen: So you want to kill Jade and get her celestial soul?

Yog: I want to awaken the soul's personality to overwrite Jade's.

Past Allen: That's even worse.

Yog: Perhaps. But I'm still relieving you from the burden of killing her if you ever have to.

Allen: I wasn't buying it. This shit about wanting to "see an old friend". That thing and Silver wanted Jade for something else. That's the true reason why I refused.

"Jade": You were right to refuse.

The scene changes to the team's base, two figures form. It's when he first met Jade.

Allen: Oh come on, I answered your question, why must you keep this going?

"Jade" didn't reply, just looked more annoyed as the scene played out.

Allen: Can you at least tell me what you want this time?

"Jade": Just watch yourself interacting with her and how you treated her.

They watched Past Allen being overly polite to Past Jade.

Allen: I was greeting her.

"Jade": You were mocking her.

Allen: It was an experiment, I wanted to check her personality and see if she was a threat or not. Being polite is the best way to make the enemy see you as non threatening.

"Jade": Now watch after you left how you affected her.

Past Jade looked very uncomfortable and scared.

Past Jade: What the fuck was that? So Creepy... I got a neck beard AND Serial killer vibes from him.

She picked up a brush.

Past Jade: It's worse that he left without saying anything.... I don't want to be alone with him again... I don't feel safe.

She looked at the office door.

Past Jade: I should talk to Luiz about this... But... I don't want to bother him...

Allen: Wait, why did she want to talk to him? And why can you look at the memory after I left?

"Jade": As long as the person I am taking the form off is alive, I can show the events.

Allen: Of course you can.

Allen sits on the couch of the memory.

Allen: So, what's the plan here? Torture me over mistakes I made? Honest mistakes I made like months ago?

"Jade": Alright. How about something more recent.

The scene changes to a beach, waves form as the couch disappears then Him and Jade appear walking and Allen falls on his ass on the sand.

Allen: Forgive me, you ignorant fuck, but showing me that won't change the fact that it happened.

"Jade": I know this. You need to face and see what you've done to her..... And how she heard it.

Past Jade: It hurt... It really did and ... It felt like you never fucking cared. You were only faking being nice and caring about me because of this. How am I supposed to feel!? How am I not supposed to take that in a painful way!? You running away from me and acting like you did! You should have saved me the pain of you abusing, using, and playing with me by killing me when we first met! That would be easier!

Past Allen looked at Past Jade coldly.

Past Allen: Are you done? I couldn't care less for your feelings or about you. I don't care if I hurt you in any way. You are my mission, not my friend. You aren't a person to me, just an assignment.

Allen: You are missing the part where you tell me why should I feel bad.

"Jade": If you can't see or understand... You are a lost cause and are not worthy of being the Will Guardian. Get out of my realm and never return.

Allen: You see, that's the problem. I do understand. I just don't see the point in feeling bad about past mistakes. Don't you think time is better used focusing on the future instead of licking your wounds?

"Jade": But you do feel bad. Why else would I take this form?

Allen: Because Jade isn't what makes me feel bad. She's just the reason why I am here. I don't feel bad for Jade, on the contrary, I'm learning to love her.

"Jade": Then what makes you feel bad?

Allen: A lot of stuff. Because I disappointed Sora and she died before I could ever apologize. Because I was a terrible friend to Silver. Because I denied myself of my feelings... Or because the only reason I got my mission...

He hesitated.

Allen: Getting the Jade mission was actually a punishment... That makes me feel bad.

"Jade": Why is this mission your punishment?

The scene changes to a middle eastern desert desert. Past Allen and five more with the same black and green hoodie ambush a caravan.

Past Allen: Good fucking morning, Saisem Scum!

Enforcer: Wait, we're not carrying anything valuable!

Past Allen: You heard that boys? They think we are common thieves!

Past Allen alone murders all Saisem enforcers.

Firouto: That was overkill, Allen.

Past Allen: So fucking what? They are just Saisem scum.

"Jade": Aren't you a bloodthirsty one?

Firouto: Still, killing them--

Past Allen: Shut up. I'm your superior in rank and skill. Now let's continue.

He looked at the female member of their group and grunted.

Arriving in the city, past Allen and his group jumped through the roof, trying to get to their destination as fast as they could.

Firouto: We should stop and rest.

Yva: Agreed, we've been traveling non stop.

Past Allen: Negative. We're deep into enemy territory, almost at our goal and you guys want to "rest"?

Firouto: We have to rest, Allen! You think you can treat us like thrash just because you are the mentor's nephew?!

Past Allen: No, I think I can treat you like thrash because you are acting like one! Our mission is to deliver the girl to our comrades hidden here, not to slack off.

They were forced to press on, following Allen's orders, but were considerably slower than their usual selves. Arriving in the hiding place, his companions were completely exhausted as they were received by their allies.

Leader: I see you arrived safely.

Past Allen: As our mentor sent his regards, along with her.

The only female member from his group steps ahead and removes her hood.

Leader: Ah, Yva, the mentor's daughter, welcome. I heard you have important information for us.

She nodded with her head.

Past Allen: Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be leaving now.

Firouto: Wait, we need to rest, if we return right now we're going to die from the heat.

Past Allen: I travelled through the whole desert alone, twice, and didn't die. You all will be fine.

His allies were about to complain again, but an arrow hit the neck of one of them, making him fall dead on the ground.

Everyone gets on their guard as a small army of Saisem enforcers enter through the front door.

Enforcer 1: Well what do you know, you guys brought us exactly to the rat nest we were looking for months!

Enforcer 2: They told us that those guys were super fast, but we could see them jumping through the roofs like normal people.

The memory goes black and the scenery of a small castle in the middle of the desert appears with Past Allen returning, alone and bloody.

Commander: Allen, my boy, what happened to you?

Past Allen: Forgive me, mentor, but I have failed, for the first time.

Commander: Where's the rest of your group?!

Past Allen: Dead...

Commander: Dead?! Where's my daughter, Allen?!

Past Allen: We managed to get her to our destination, but then a group of Saisem enforcers appeared and--

Commander: My daughter, Allen! Your cousin! Blood of your blood!

Past Allen: They took her... But that's only because they were weak! All of them! I told you that my place was on the frontlines, fighting Saisem, not being an errand boy--

The old man raised his palm.

Commander: I send you, my best man for a simple mission and you return with nothing excuses and failure... Worse, you lost my daughter, my successor, our family member.

Past Allen: If you didn't give me such useless allies to come with me, I would have succeeded and returned earlier! Their incompetence is what led Saisem right into the hideout!

Firouto: Yes, we led them there.

Past Allen and the mentor look behind and one of the allies that were supposed to be dead comes walking, passing though current Allen and "Jade".

He was holding his bloody arm and the servants were quickly giving him water and Past Allen was shocked to see him alive.

Firouto: We led them to our objective because our speed was hindered. We failed the mission because you didn't listen!

Past Allen: Me?!

Commander: Silence, Allen, you spoke too much. Please continue.

Firouto: Allen continuously ignored our pleas for a rest, killed Saisem members on a caravan which had nothing to do with our mission, just for his thirst for revenge, which allerted the Siasem authorities.

Past Allen: And how do you know that?

Firouto: Because, while you ran away like a little bitch, I was pretending to be dead and heard the enforcers talking. They started to look for anything suspicious because dead bodies were found close to the city.

Commander: And because you were tired, they could see you for your slower movements.

Firouto: Yes, mentor. Now your daughter was sent to Saisem Academy where she will become an enforcer or die.

After this, they return to the forest with purple skies.

Allen: I had a mission and I failed, because of my own arrogance... So as punishment I had to make this hard mission of being basically the grim reaper of an innocent girl. Worse, she, for some god forsaken reason, fell for me. I don't deserve her "Love", I don't deserve her affection... If I haven't failed, someone else would be sent instead. That's why I feel bad. That's why you are taking her form.

"Jade": Are you willing to forgive yourself? Are you willing to let yourself be happy?

Allen: Forgiveness has nothing to do with this. What matters is that I don't deserve Jade. I don't deserve anything... Having her in my life was an accident...

"Jade": Was it? Or were you meant to fail? Were you meant to meet her?

Allen: Are you implying this was the...

He looks shocked.

Allen: ...the will of destiny... The will of the universe... The power of the wind energy keeps the universe in motion... A guardian of will must be like the wind, but also be a drifting Cloud, whom cannot be bound.

"Jade" turned into a formless bright purple light.

Allen: So I cannot be bound by this... This misery I'm forcing myself into... ?

???: Perhaps. Once you let yourself out of the bounds of misery you tied yourself in...

Allen: Deity... Tell me... I hurt her feelings, right?

???: Yes. Not just hers, but from others as well.

Allen: So why did she choose me? Isn't just the most logical solution to stay away from me? You showed me that she said that herself.

???: Hmm...

The scene changes to the good things he's done for Jade. The movie, the bumper cars, Warsaw, Etc. Along moments where Allen was shown to genuinely help the team, even if it was on his way.

Allen: I see... So I guess that logic has nothing to do with the matters of the heart.

???: Indeed.

Allen: Am I still failing? On your trial, I mean.

???: All of it leads to you realizing. No, you have not failed.

Allen: I know what I must do now.

Allen looked at the light being.

Allen: I'll believe in my teammates... And when I see Jade again...

He took a deep breath and smiled.

Allen: ...I'll do what needs to be done.

???: Good... I find you worthy... But it's not my final decision. It is your mentor's. But passing does sway the verdict in your favor.

Allen: Right... You accepting me makes me able to learn the Will Guardian skill. I hope Enlil stops underestimating me.

Allen wakes up and sees Enlil sitting on a rock playing with the small fairies on his fingers.

Enlil: Welcome back to the world of the living.

Allen: Wait. Was I dead? Did you actually kill me?

Enlil: You were in some kind of personal purgatory of sorts. Not a bad place, right? If you're lucky, something mystical might happen there.

Allen: That makes more sense now...

Allen notices something on his hair shining on purple light.

Enlil: The Wind Aura Hair Ornament, an accessory imbued with the power of wind and clouds. You can feel a gentle breeze whenever you use your powers as the thing will shine with you.

Allen: I'm not one for accessories but I can make an exception.

Enlil: You literally wear an eye patch.

Allen: You want to see what's under there 24/7? I didn't think so.

Enlil: Well, if you haven't failed the mission you were assigned to, you wouldn't have lost your eye. But, then again, if you didn't fail then, you wouldn't be here.

He laughs.

Enlil: It's like that old saying: "there are evils that come for good" or something like that.

Allen: Yea. The Will of destiny.

Enlil stops laughing and looks at Allen.

Enlil: Aha! As expected! Hm... Really, not bad. Now then, shall we get started?

Allen: Of course.

In some waterfall, away from the city, Azure was training with his powers. Falling in the air, he trusted his sword on the water, freezing it, and stepped on the ice to slide down to safety.

Tiger: You are taking Pudim's advice as well?

Azure: Are you stalking me?

Tiger: Not at all, I just wanted to ask if you wanted me to train with you since you did the same yesterday.

Azure: I'm trying to do as you did on my own way.

Tiger: One more reason to get my help.

They begin to clash swords, but combining their elemental magic with their blows.

Tiger: You seem to be upset.

Azure: I am.

Tiger: What's on your mind?

Azure: You came here to practice or to talk?

Tiger: I can do both.

Azure: I'm was always Fateful's dragonslayer. I always took down any dragon that served Saisem on my own, alone.

He stopped sparring.

Azure: That dragon that defeated you... She was the one who brought all dragons in the world to our side.

Tiger: Isn't that a good thing?

Azure: Yes? I get it that it is selfish of me to say that, but without enemy dragons to face, I feel useless. Fighting her in the honor battle could maybe make me feel like I finally achieved my goal, yet, you did instead. And you lost.

Tiger: Hey!

Azure: If you lost to her... Maybe even I could've... I mean, we're basically at the same level.

Tiger: That's a high praise coming from you.

Azure: And don't expect me to repeat it.

Tiger: Well, considering your opponent today is some type of Mage, maybe you do have a chance?

Azure: Isn't it the opposite?

Tiger: Not to you.

Meanwhile, back in Mexico.

Jade: Harper. We're going to Russia.

She hops into the van.

Harper: What? No! We need the whole team for that!

Flora: I thought we would stay to help your people hold on until the IBI arrived? But I guess with their walls they might be just fine...

Emily: If only We had Malware.... They could upgrade the Wall to be safer.

Jade: Don't worry, I painted up good weapons and protection for the whole village.

Flora: Well, it's our funeral.

Flora hops inside the van.

Flora: Still are you sure? That's like, very deep into enemy territory.

Emily: We could go back to the base and wait for the others to be done with the honor battle thingy.

She said as she got in too.

Jade: My brother, and many others like me, could be suffering right now. We need to save him and them!

Flora: Wouldn't the IBI invasion also accomplish that?

Harper merges her body to the van's engine and it starts to take flight as the villagers make a "ceiling" above the city to avoid aerial attacks.

Flora: You want my advice? Let's just save your brother and get out, the IBI will eventually arrive and save the rest. Saving all prisoners in such a dangerous place would be too much of a risk.

Jade: Alright, that's fair. Let's do that.

Flora: It will be a long flight.

Flora proceeds to lay down on the seats at the back of the van.

Jade: It's a good thing I packed food and water. And a lot of paint

Emily: You did? You are getting better and more creative with your powers.

Flora: Of course she did.

Harper: She could just paint up food.

Jade: That's why I bring all colors of paint.

Flora: So, homecoming, huh?


She sighed.

Jade: Yea... I painted up a good supply of rations for them before we left.

Flora: Why are you sad though; You helped them stand up for themselves. Even the normal humans were fighting.

Jade: I'm sad because I wish I came sooner..

Flora: Does it matter? You came now and helped them. You know, better late than never?

She gave Flora a smile.

Jade: Yea. Thank you, that really helped.

Flora grunted. They stood in silence for a moment, yet, something else was bothering Jade. That quick moment she saw a picture of a young girl that looked a lot like Flora.

Jade: Hey Flora....

Flora: Shoot.

Jade: In the video... There was a picture of a little girl who looked like you but with pink hair...

Flora: So?

Jade: Is she...?

Flora: No. As I said, there are many people in this world who look alike.

Jade: Well, I'm happy you're free now, despite your past. And just know I will always accept you as you.

Flora looked away.

Emily: By the way, you were always moody when you joined... Because we killed your sister... Yet, you accepted being one of us...

Harper: Why?

Flora: That's exactly why I joined your sorry bunch. If you guys could kill my sis, then you will for sure defeat the Saisem, and I want to be there when that happens.

Emily: You mean We'll defeat Saisem. You're a part of this team too.

Flora: And what will happen after that? After the world is finally free?

Harper: Yea, pretty much. No more Saisem. The IBI will still be around as like a super police slash fire department slash emergency services.

Flora: And what are we gonna do after that?

Emily: Me? I'm probably going home if I don't get into a deep ass relationship with you all, friendship and shit.

She laughs.

Emily: I'm joking. I'm going to stay and help out.

Flora: You are into Leo, don't you? Yes, It's that Obvious.

Emily: Yea. I kinda am.

Flora: Why tho.

Emily: It's a fangirl crush. But now that I've got to know him. It's a normal crush.

Flora: Yeah, that was what I was going to say. You didn't even know him until recently.

Emily: Yea. Yea. Yea.

Flora: Well, these Luminary boys sure got great girls to run after.

She said jokingly.

Harper: I guess.

On that night, the arena was getting filled again, Azure was ready to go to the arena, but Pudim stopped him.

Azure: What is it?

Pudim: Straight to the point, as you are now, you have no chance to win against a mage.

Azure: Why you...

Pudim: But... If you remember what I told you to think outside the box... That you win if you get the enemy gadget, not by actually winning the fight.

Azure: I'm not going to cheat...

Pudim: I'm not telling you to cheat, you dumb shit. Every part of your power is allowed, be creative.

Pudim opened the way and Azure stepped in the arena where Allen was waiting for him.

Allen: Bet you were expecting a different opponent, "dragon slayer".

Azure: So you did your research.

Allen: I might not be as strong as a dragon...

Allen prepares multiple of his eyes shaped energy spheres.

Allen: But I'm no pushover either.

Azure prepared his sword and covered it on ice and began to shake it. Each swing of his arm sent waves of ice in Allen's direction, who was using his eye-spheres to shoot energy and defend himself, however it wasn't always working.

Azure: I see...

Allen: What?!

Azure: With only one of your eyes you lose your sense of depth. Ironically this made your eye-spheres weaken and that's why you can't defend all of my attacks.

Allen: I can still kick your ass.

Azure: You are a mage, how can you approach me to do that?

Allen started to think fast and decided to use his guardian skill.

Allen: Raging Will!

Allen's eye-spheres started to spin, multiplying like crazy and flying in Azure's direction, but none had hit him.

Allen: What?! The skill did hit something!

When the smoke goes down, Allen sees an ice statue with Azure's appearance.

Allen: A clone?

Azure: Not really, more like mindless moving statues.

All the ice around the arena that Allen destroyed started to move and mold into Azure's appearance. They began to multiply, just like when Allen used his guardian skill.

The Ice statues made their arms turn into blades and began to attack Allen, which was largely outnumbered. The more he attacked shattered the ice things, the more they multiplied to attack him.

It got to the point that all he could do was dodge and protect himself while Azure did nothing but watch and, from the bench, Pudim smiled.

Pudim: So he did listen.

Azure: You have no chance of winning.

Allen: Agree to disagree!

Allen prepares to use his guardian skill again, but the ice statues were just too many, ending up with Azure casually walking and snatching the pendant from Allen's neck.

The commander announces his victory, but the crowd is not amused, booing Azure for not putting up a proper fight, which he pretends not to care about.

The ice statues melted and Allen fell on his knees, not believing that he lost to such a cheap tactic.

Paris: What a coward...

Delph: Unbelievable...

Luiz: Winning only because of the rules...

Azure threw Allen's pendant back and left the Arena.

Commander: Rules are rules, with this Fateful get a point and the score is now 2x1, with Luminary still in the advantage. Join us tomorrow for our 4th Round, the Passion Battle!

Paris and Fenyx looked at each other, bot eager to see what the other could do.