

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

TheLuiz · Action
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78 Chs

Episode 44 - Don't Matter to Me

In the Saisem academy, around the same moment where Team light members got on the Saisem Labs' building, Team Dark members of Luminary kicked the academy's doors down and entered killing any opposition on their way.

They were too close to the final step of the job to play nice now.

Paris was slicing, Leo was shooting and Emily was, maybe for the first time, getting the chance to create plants purely for an offensive job. Thorns, branches, etc, everything that was related to a plant that could impale or poison the enemy was being used right now.

Behind them Delph was coming with his illusion keyboard, but with Harper's body "inside" it, upgrading his illusions since Delph's creations were all technological.

Emily: Never had a chance to offensively use my powers! This is great!

Leo: Great, don't hold back on those fuckers, unless they surrender.

Paris: Anyone that attacks us, be damned!

Delph: Harper, the plant of the academy you gave me seems to have changed, the generator's location was moved.

"That can't be possible"

The words flashed up from the keyboard as it had no way of admitting sound.

Delph: Well, we'll have to check it anyway.

Paris: I'll go with you to the room where the thing used to be in. Leo and Emily can go to it's new location.

Leo: Are you sure about that?

Delph: We have to trust Harper's words, but also make sure they might have actually moved the thing.

Emily: How can you move a generator that powers the building!?

Leo: I'm with her on this one.

Paris: We're not getting anywhere trying to find logic on Saisem's methods.

Delph: Let's roll, then. We keep going on the ground floor, you two go upstairs and turn right.

Leo grabbed Emily by the hand and pounded his cannon on the ground, throwing him and the girl in the air and they landed on the second floor.

Emily was blushing a bit.

Emily: W..whoa..

Leo: By the way, where did you learn to fight?

Emily: With my sister, Jenny. She was the Alpha before me.

Leo: You two have the same powers?

Emily: Yea, but I'm still not even on her level to this day.

Leo: You're gonna get better, trust me. I used to not be stronger as well.

Emily: Plus, being a street rat.... You have to grow up fast and learn fast.

Leo: Wait.

Arriving at the place where the new layout claims to be the generator's new location, they find a fake one as the door closes behind them.

Emily: I fucking knew it!

A large bulky Saisem general jumps to the top of the fake machine.

Siri: Only the greatest of all Saisem are permitted to set foot in the second floor of this academy. You profane our entire history by your presence alone.

He jumped on the ground.

Leo: Is this your idea of a trap?

Siri: I'm Siri, one of the Red King's generals.

Leo: Uh, we don't care. You either surrender right now and open that door, or thing will get uglier than your face.

Siri: Seriously, what did you think that would happen? That you would just come here and later attack the castle?

Leo sighed.

Leo: We don't have time for this.

He offered his hand to Emily.

Leo: Come, let's beat him, together.

Emily: What are you talking about?

She then remembers what Harper told her.

Leo looks at her.

Leo: Don't be scared, we can do this.

Emily: Fusion is an urban legend. But... I guess I'll humor you.

She takes his hand.

Meanwhile, Paris kicks the door down and they find the real generator.

Delph: Looks like you were right.

Harper gets out from his keyboard and puts on her glasses.

Harper: That means... oh no.

"You are certainly resilient, I'll give you that."

Harper recognized that voice.

They looked behind and General Abbie stood at the door, trying to intimidate and corner them.

Abbie: As if it wasn't enough to survive my two attempts on your life, you seem to have a need to do everything to piss me off.

She was looking at Harper.

Paris: Um, Hello There! I'm Paris and this is Delph, we are also here. Pleasure to meet you, crazy lady.

Harper: That's General Abbie. Aka, the one who stabbed the officer and told her men to rape, drown and kill me.

She laughs.

Paris: Yeah, I was there when she said that.

Delph: I wasn't. Geez lady you got no chill, do you?

Harper: I guess I must thank you, if you hadn't. I'd still be a slave to that corporate hell... You trying to kill me was the best thing to ever happen to my life.

Abbie: No, you would pretty much be killed by the liberation army. No matter, I'll finish what I started, right now.

Her arm turned into a blade of flesh, just like that night where she killed her ally and immediately raised it to defend herself against Paris, clashing blades.

Harper: You're so pathetic General... You fucked up sooo hard... How incompetent are you?

She laughs again then goes back into the cold tone.

Harper: Let's see.... You sent your men to kill me when I was in the safest place possible... You Killed Lazer who could have stopped Team Luminary from even getting into the city.... And you killed Officer LaChance which made Saisem lose another Country...

Abbie: You were one of us, you know how this works.

She knocked Paris away.

Abbie: Any death and sacrifice is acceptable for the good of one's career.

She raises her arm and points at Harper.

Abbie: Besides, Project Excellar is soon to be complete anyway. We can afford to lose some territory.

Delph: What do you mean?

Abbie: Why did you think that Saisem did nothing to reclaim Asia?

Dramatic Pause.

Harper: Project Excellar...

Abbie: Poor little Harper, don't even know what I'm talking about.

Paris and Delph attack her and she jumps, turning her legs into blades and piercing the ceiling.

Abbie: You are just a poor thrash who were lucky to not die soon enough to have any matter.

Paris: Lady, can you shut up?

Delph: We get it, you guys have a plan, we don't have a chance, yadda, yadda. Can you at least die with some dignity?

Paris: You said it, bro.

Paris and Delph exchanged a bro fist.

Harper: Saisem people will only die when they are out of options or have no choice.. So no, she can't.

She smirks.

Paris and Delph looked at each other and nodded and made another bro fist, but this time their bodies started to glow as they fused.

Abbie: What in heavens...

The light dissipated as 6 illusion Katanas with rocket boosts appeared around a single body. 3 of them painted in crimson blood and the other 3 painted into a dark violet, Paris and Delph's colors respectively.

Abbie: Who in blazes are you?

Solace: You may call me... Solace!

Harper: So the files weren't lying.

Back at the upper floors, Siri was shooting fire from his hands at his opponent. Fire would be normally Emily's weakness, but not while she was fused with Leo.

Siri: Stop resisting!

Dandelion: How 'bout no.

They grow vines with bullet-like thorns that shoot at Siri.

Siri: The flowers have guns?!

Dandelion: When I exist they do!

Siri: Why?! Why don't you burn?!

His body was starting to slow down due to the amount of poison stings being shot at him.

Dandelion: I have no idea!

Siri kneels down, he can't fight anymore. There was too much poison on his body. He closed his eyes laid on the ground, being consumed by Dandelion's plants which made Emily exceptionally stronger inside the fusion.

They unfused after the battle was over, but Emily was feeling much more powerful than ever before.

Emily: HELL YEAH!! That was awesome!!

She created some flowers around her, but they were all burning, which made her jump behind Leo.

Leo: What?

Emily: Why are they burning?

Leo: Well, you plants did consume his body.

Emily waved her hand, flowers started to appear, but when she started to think about fire and made a fist, the flowers started to burn.

Emily: What the fuck...

Leo: What? You didn't know you could do that?

Leo: You killed the Saisem people on our way here. But this was the only one your plants "consumed".

Leo scratched his chin.

Leo: Maybe it's the fusion's fault. My cannon has the option to turn water into energy, when combined with your plants, it acted like a carnivorous plant and consumed life to get more power. You know, human bodies are something something % water.

Emily: I guess so.

Leo: Heh, Neat.

Emily got an idea, she grew a Circus Rose, then she set the edges of the petals on fire. Even Leo was surprised by her creativity and they exchanged a smile, then remembered the rest of their team could be in danger and quickly ran out of the room.

Solace was clashing against Abbie, Paris' Katana on his hand and the 6 illusion swords circling around his body like the sunbeams and deflecting any attack that doesn't come from the front.

Solace: Give up, Lady.

Everytime she tried to attack from the side or on any blind spot, the illusion swords retaliated, forcing her to attack only in angles that Solace could see and counter.

While they were at it, Harper was trying to use her powers to disable the generator without destroying it, using her machine morphing powers to enter inside the thing. She was worried about the students who weren't corrupted by Saisem yet.

Harper: Let's see.... I could cut it off from the school and break the way it makes power?

Solace: Harper, I hate to be bothered, but this fight won't last forever.

Only her head came out from the generator.

Harper: I'm trying here!!

And returned inside.

Abbie: You think you can defeat me with such a cheap trick?

Solace: Hey, it's you who are losing here.

Harper tries her plan, as she cuts the power the whole building goes dark.

Fortunately, It was still daytime, so they still could see each other, but the illusion swords were shining, keeping Solace's sun motif.

Harper: Powers cut! Maybe I could downgrade it?

Solace: Did you just use your powers in reverse? You are full of surprises.

Harper could just feel that last compliment came from Delph.

Harper: I was going to be promoted after all.

Abbie and Solace were ready to dash at each other one more time, but the ground started to shake just as Emily and Leo arrived, throwing everyone off balance.

Solace: What is happening?!

Leo: This can mean one thing! Nana and Hanji are taking the Saisem Labs' building down!

Harper: Wait! The people who work there!

Her body left the downgraded generator.

Abbie: Worry about yourselves!

Abbie, in a last desperate move, dashed at Harper, but Solace ran behind her and stabbed all 6 swords on her back before any harm came to the girl.

When Harper opened her eyes, Solace was throwing Abbie's body to the other side of the room and unfusing after that.

Harper: Like I said... Saisem people will only die when they are out of options or have no choice.. And will try anything to be on top.

Paris: The two generators are down.

Delph: So it's time?

Leo: Ran...

Harper: We're taking down Ran? Empress of Seisem? THAT Ran? You're pulling my membrane...

Emily: You are all fucking crazy!

She smiled.

Emily: I love it! Let's do it!

They left the academy and saw Silver with some survivors from the labs, all looking at the remains of the once tall building. Silver reunited with his team and they all looked at the Red King's castle.

Paris: Where's the others?

Silver: They flew ahead to the base.

Leo: Are you all right, Silver? You look a bit shaken.

Silver: I Just almost died.

He wasn't completely lying, just telling half the truth, the team smiled in relief and Leo picked his phone.

Leo: Nana, it's me.

Nana: Hey, I take it that you managed to complete your work?

Nana looked at the base and everyone was getting ready. Allen and Jade were talking about silly stuff and Hanji was looking at Luiz removing his dad from his pocket dimension.

Nana: Our men and women here are getting ready to rumble. The whole liberation army is also coming as we speak.

Leo: They can keep Saisem army, Ran is our prey, so fly back here as soon as possible.

Nana: Okie dokie.

They ended the call.

Nana: All right, we're going back.

Allen: Already?

Nana: Yeah, Luminary vs Ran. Let's end her for good this time.

Jade: ¡Perra tenía esto viniendo! (Bitch had this coming!)

Allen, Jade and Hanji went to the cafeteria to take a quick drink and maybe got to the bathroom. Nana went after her boyfriend who was talking with Ben.

Luiz: ...and you are absolutely sure he will be ok right here?

Ben: Yes, don't worry. Some of our army will stay behind in the base, if we lose the battle, they will immediately retreat back to IBI controlled territory with your old man.

Ben puts his hand on top of the televisions.

Ben: They will return with the recording of the battle.

Dad: So I'll be able to see the battle from here.

Ben: Yup. So chill, your father is in good hands.

Nana: Why don't you just keep him in your pocket dimension with your monsters?

Luiz: Because, if I die, my monsters die with me.

Dad: Don't say that...

Ben: Yeah, we're winning this. We have the largest army in the history of IBI. Even if Ran gives you problems, she will be outnumbered sooner or later.

Nana: Let's go then.

Luiz: Now?

Nana: Leo sent word.

Luiz: Just... Give me a moment.

Ben and Nana left.

Luiz: I never wanted you to see any of this...

Dad: Hey, it's fine.

Luiz: No, it's not! You shouldn't even be here!

Dad: I thought that my son worked with facts, not with "what could've been". I'll be fine, watching you here.

Luiz: I know...

Dad: Hey...

Luiz: Yeah?

He hugged his son, who was taller than him.

Dad: Regardless of what happens today, I'm proud of you.

He hugged back.

Luiz: I'll be right back...

Dad: You better be.

Luiz follows Nana to the cafeteria and meets with Hanji, Allen and Jade.

Luiz: First of all, I must thank you all for helping me.

Allen: Don't sweat it. Things worked out in the end, that's what matters.

Luiz noticed that Allen and Jade were holding hands.

Luiz: So... You two, huh?

Allen: As you said, we're working. We talk about this when the job's done.

Luiz smiles, genuinely happy for Jade, and feels Nana grabbing his hand as well, but looking away, still trying to look tough, but blushing a little.

Luiz: Hanji, you were great for your first mission. My dragon here spoke highly of you and she doesn't do that often.

Hanji: R..Really?

She sighs.

Hanji: I must let you know.... I don't think this is where the vision took place.

Luiz: That's alright. You'll still sticking with us, right?

Hanji: Of course. Even if this was where it took place... I have nowhere else to go.

Leo and the others stood in front of the red castle. It looked like a rat trap, ready to drag their souls to depths of hell, yet they weren't scared.

From the main gates, Ran came. Her red hair and dark clothing were waving with the wind and Emily recognized that mask that only hid her eyes.

Ran: Took you long enough.

The group looked at her with nothing but anger and pity as an army came from behind her.

Ran: Remember, Luminary is mine. You guys deal with the IBI army who are coming.

Emily: Oh fuck. She was the Client. I remember the mask.

Harper: What did we give to her!?

She looked at Emily.

Ran: She just snatched some stolen files for me, nothing to concern yourself with. Besides, none of you knew who I was and, even if you did, the law of the street mandates that when you start a mercenary job, you finish it.

Paris: Can't we attack her now? My hand is itching.

Leo: No, we'll wait for the rest of the team.

Ran: You all can come at me at once and it will still not matter. Even your bloody fusions won't be enough.

Harper: I'm ready to murder.

Leo: She wants us to feel angry, she wants to mislead us and make we screw up.

Harper: Right...

She calms down.

Leo: Harper and Delph, you two will fuse when the fight starts. Got it?

Delph: Um, sure, but she can already merge with my--

Leo: I mean like literally fuse, like the rest of us.

Paris: What's with this sudden order?

Leo: We fought her before and she allowed us to win and even then she was on a completely different level.

Paris: I see... If we're going to fight her for real, we'll need all our cards on deck.

Harper: Which fusions will be more useful though?

Leo: I'm going with Emily, our powers are complete opposites but work well.

Delph: Run is poison proof tho.

Leo: Yes, but we can still hurt. Paris is strong enough to attack by himself.

Leo was filling Paris' ego on purpose.

Delph: If only we got Nana to fuse...

Leo: She's strong enough to fight on her own.

Everyone looked at Silver.

Paris: Why don't you try it?

Silver: I can't fuse. There, Happy?

Paris: You never tried.

Silver: I have. In the past. Before this team.

Delph: Yeah, he's lying through his teeth.

Leo: It's fine, Silver. You are also strong on your own.

Ran got a call from the Red King.

Envy: Why aren't you attacking?! They are right in front of you!

TV Helicopters started to fly around.

Envy: Should I just call your husband and tell him that you refused to take this opportunity that they are in lower numbers?

Ran: You sure know how to spoil the fun...

Ran summoned her sword and dashed at Luminary, but Silver and Paris used their own swords to block her attack.

Paris: What is this strength?!

Silver: Keep... Trying!

They were struggling, but Ran was clearly stronger, sending both flying away.

Ran: Next?

Dandelion formed and grew those fire circus roses, then had them shoot at Ran.

Ran used her sword to deflect each shot.

Delph: Is she a Jedi or something?!

Ran: Useless!

She dashed at Dandelion.

Dandelion: How the hell!?

They made a wall of flaming vines and Ran made a spin in the air, cutting through with a single swing and grabbing Dandelion by the neck.

Dandelion gasped for air, but refused to unfuse just to make a point.

Dandelion: F... Fuck you...

They kick her in the crotch.

Ran: You know I have nothing down there, right?

She laughed.

Ran: Is this some kind of street defense? What a waste...

Ran raised Dandelion in the air, like the fusion had no weight at all, and threw them to the other side of the battlefield. Then she looked at Delph and Harper.

Dandelion was slowly getting up, gasping for air.

Harper: Where are the others?!

Ran was so deep in the adrenaline, loving the thrill of the battle, that she didn't notice that horns and tails started to come out from her body.

Paris and Silver came back.

Paris: A Half-Blood?!

Ran notices that her dragon features were out.

Ran: Looks like the secret is out.

Paris: So that's why she's that strong...

Harper grabbed a gun from inside her lab coat and opened fire at Ran, who deflected all the bullets with her sword.

Delph: Harper!

He offers his hand to her, so Harper releases the gun and takes his hand, making both fuse.

Ran: Interesting.

Malware: I'll show you what's "interesting".

Malware pulls out their keyboard and downgrades Ran's weapon, going from a sword to little knives, but Ran doesn't even flinch, grabbing the knives in the air and throws at Malware that does stab them, but not on lethal areas.

Ran: That thing was just a formality, my real powers are...

She covers her hands with flames and punches Malware on their belly.

Ran: ...This!

Malware get's knocked back and starts to puke.

Malware: Fuuu--

They puke again.

Malware: Fuuck---

And again.

Malware: Forget it!

Ran: These are the ones who would save the world?

Ran keeps her hands inside her flames and raises her arm to attack Malware from their back, but a magical rope wraps around her arm and pulls her behind. She looks surprised and sees Harmony using their strength to pull Ran to them.

Harmony: That's it. Come to Harmony.

Ran: I beg to differ!

Ran pulled her arm backwards, pulling Harmony to her direction and punched them in the face, making them unfuse, throwing Allen and Jade to opposite directions.

Ran: Well, that was useless.

Nana and Hanji come, helping Allen and Jade to stand up.

Jade: Ow...

Hanji: You alright Jade?

She brushes her friend off.

Jade: I'm fine. I think Harmony's nose might be broken, cuz my nose hurts A LOT but isn't broken.

Allen: That's mine.

He grabbed Nana's hand to stand up.

Nana: Half-Blood, huh?

Paris and Silver comes to them.

Paris: Hanji, fuse with me. My Katana and Strength with your powers.

Hanji: Fuse? I think you'd have to take me on a date first.

She joked and offered her hand and they immediately fused, Paris was the one most used to that by now, so Hanji being a first timer wasn't that much of a problem.

Ran: Come at me... Wait, what's your name again?


They charged at Ran, this act was most likely Paris's doing. Hanji's side was heating like crazy while Paris' side had knowledge of swordplay.

They try to slice at Ran with the white hot blade. They had two body heats to work with.

Ran was defending from the cuts with her own arms.

Ran: Oooooh? You want to heat things up?

Ran punches Rosso.

Ran: Can you feel the heat?!

Rosso: Ha! I'm just... Warming up.

The blade gets hotter almost where it lights a flame, as the fire from Ran heats up their body.

Ran: I'm the daughter of a red dragon, you think this will hurt me?

Ran summons another sword.

Ran: Sunheat Slash!

She concentrates a heat stronger than the sun itself on her blade and hits Rosso with full might.

Rosso: GAH!

They get slashed in half and unfused. It was almost in slow motion for their friends watching.

Paris and Hanji fall on their asses.

A thunder comes down on Ran, which damages her, but only a little bit, making her mask turn into ash, revealing her damaged left eye.

Nana: I'll admit, you are one tough cookie, but could never imagine you were a Half-Blood.

Ran: Weird... Last time you used this attack... It was stronger... Oh yeah... Your friend helped you, right?

Nana got annoyed, she couldn't believe Ran would go that low.

Ran: Where is this friend? Oh yeah...

Ran completely stands up, cleaning her clothes from attack.

Ran: She's dead

Silver: Wow... That's so low Ran... But I guess I should expect it form a whore like you.

Nana flew in a fit to rage but Ran grabbed her by the neck.

Ran: You might be stronger than this sorry bunch. But you are still just a normal dragon.

Nana uses her tail to bitch slap Ran, who releases her. She then tries to punch her again, but Ran blocks with her forearm.

Ran: Poor little Lina. Run away from home because mommy was mean to you.

She punches Nana.

Ran: That's so sad.

She punches Nana again.

Ran: I think I might cry.

She punches Nana one last time.

Ran: No, I think I'll make you cry.

She raises both arms, but blue lasers hit Ran with full force, throwing her away from Nana.

Ran just stands up and laughs.

Ran: Took you long enough, "Brighty".

She looked behind her and looked at Luiz dead in the eyes.

Ran: You know, it's funny. You say you are a solo agent, that you work better alone and shit...

All Luminary members slowly get up, trying to get some balance.

Ran: But as soon as your friends get hurt, you come faster than a cat running away from water.

Luiz prepared to fight, summoning monster fists around his hands.

Emily: Maybe if everyone fused?...

Leo: We can barely do it with two people...

Emily: Maybe if the fusions fused??? No that's dumb.

Ran and Luiz dashed at each other and started exchanging punches.

Ran: Is that the best you can do?

They punch and punch more, but Ran's are stronger. Luiz' eye change from brown to blue and his pupils change from round to a diamond shape as he gets even more angrier and summons more monsters to make Ran jump back.

Ran: Interesting...

Luiz flies at her again and punches her over and over again until he pulls out his left hidden blade, but Ran grabs his arm.

Ran: Didn't know you had one of those.

Luiz: Make it two.

He pulls out his right one and goes for Ran's right eye, but she quickly dodges, so Luiz only makes a large scar on her face, forcing her to release him.

Everyone watched as the two fought and struggled.

Ran sucker punches him and summons her sword again ready to finish the job, but Malware steps in and blocks the sword.

Ran: You can downgrade my sword as much as you want, sweetie.

Malware: What if I downgraded say.. you.

Ran: You can't if I do...

She slams her head against Malware's making the unfuse.

Ran: This!

She spins in the air and kicks them both on the belly, throwing them to different sides.

Luiz tried to stand up but Ran stepped on his head, about to plunge her sword on him, but this time it was Dandelion who blocked the attack with Leo's cannon covered by Emily's layer of plants.

Dandelion: Eat opium bitch.

They pointed the cannon at her and blasted hundreds of poppy seeds, the blast cutting the seeds open to reveal the poppy tears that hit Ran right at her good eye.

Ran gave a step back and burned everything that Dandelion shot at her, but her eye was red, burning, which made her lose her cocky smile and attack Dandelion with a sucker punch in the belly.

But Dandelion refused to unfuse, just getting on their knees and Harmony jumped on their back, using them as support to attack Ran from the air.

Harmony: Probably not the best Idea burning those..

They blasted Ran with that Dark mint ray and when it hit her, they made it solid.

What was that?

Empress Ran, the ultimate warrior, under pressure? No, that wasn't right.

Ran spread her wings and flapped them, trying to blow away Harmony's attack, but it still burned her, making her go through pain she has never felt.

Harmony: Oh? Are you in pain? Do you want me to stop? Too bad.

Dandelion: She's lost her chance to play nice and be redeemed. Now she'll die on this mountain of hate, betrayal, and bitterness she has made.

She flaps her wings again, harder than ever, and sending fire through the air, unfusing Dandelion and Harmony, she grabbed her sword and prepared to strike, but Paris and Silver came and clashed with her again.

Ran: Persistent flies!

This time she was weakened, but still strong enough to throw Silver away.

Paris got enraged and lost it.

His body and hair were painted into a crimson color and his eyes turned white, covered by his own blood, he dashed at Ran and both exchanged sword attacks, like her punches before.

Paris felt right now like a wild animal, he didn't care about his own well being anymore, just revenge. That woman hurt a lot of people, worse, she hurt his friends and humiliated them.

Ran: You are strong, young Paris, I'll give you that.

Paris didn't answer, just attacked like there was no tomorrow.

Ran: But how long can you keep this up until you pass out?

She wasn't playing around anymore and showed she could keep going on that dance.

Jade was scared, if Paris had gone to this level...

Emily: whoa....

To balance the odds, Hanji came from behind, this time concentrating her powers on her body instead of a weapon, specifically on her leg.

Hanji: You were never respected by the people you ruled!

She kicked Ran in the head as a surprise attack, combing with Paris' sword that impaled through her torso.

Ran: Like if this little bee sting would be enough to end me...

She opened her wings again, throwing Paris and Hanji away and slowly removed Paris' sword from her body. Paris' body got back to normal as he was almost dying from shock, Allen saved him by trying to keep him stable with his energy and Silver came to his side.

By this time, the Liberation and Saisem armies already started to wage battle, but the eyes of the whole world were focused on Ran's battle.

Luiz was barely standing up and Nana approached him.

Nana: ...with me...

Luiz: What?

Nana: Fuse with me!

Luiz: But what if it doesn't work?!

Nana: We cross that bridge when we get there, regardless, we do this, together.

Ran looked at them and dashed in Luiz' direction, but him and Nana punched Ran in the face at the same time. Nana opened her wings, floating a little and offered her hand to Luiz who smiled and pulled her to his direction, the two shared a kiss and a blue lighting fell down from the sky in their direction.

Ran: What in the--

Everyone looked at that scene with a smile. That meant that both Luiz and Nana got over their pride for the good of their friends.

When the light finally dissipated, a dragon with four horns and four wings came out, with long white hair that faded to black at the middle. They wore Nana's dress with Luiz' blue hoodie on top of it and had a golden right eye and a normal human blue left eye.

Jade: Let's see... Luiz means light and Lina means moon...

Leo: Moonlight!

Ran looked at the fusion, preparing her weapon and Moonlight smiled.

Moonlight: So...

Moonlight punched their fists with multiple black and white monsters appearing behind them.

Moonlight: Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?