

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

TheLuiz · Action
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78 Chs

Episode 41 - Smooth Criminal

Hanji's van parks in the front of the hotel and Primo gets out first.

Primo: Come, the rest of our crew are waiting.

He proceeds to enter before Hanji can even reply.

She follows soon after, wondering why he never said anything about these other members beforehand. Going upstairs, she arrives on the second floor and opens the door, Hanji sees Emily and Harper playing blackjack.

Primo: Girls, our last team member arrived.

Harper looked at her brother then the new girl.

Harper: Good. Now we can get ready.

Emily quickly swapped the king of hearts out for her 6 of aces without Harper noticing.

Emily: Royal Flush baby!

Primo: Didn't know you could play blackjack with only two people.

He shakes his head and focuses.

Primo: First, Hanji, sorry for not telling you that we would have more people on the job's description. Those two literally joined the crew yesterday.

Hanji: That's fine, as long as the job is the same.

Primo placed a Tablet on the table and showed the girls the image of a large building.

Primo: The Ritz-Carlton Berlin. 5 Stars Hotel. Our friend LaChance, the local Saisem officer, will be staying there tonight.

He smiles at the girls

Primo: A client called me some days ago with Intel, word from the client is that our Dragon will sell secret Saisem plans to the IBI and defect.

Harper immediately gets angry at this, she wasn't part of Saisem anymore, but still worked for them long enough to have a distaste for defectors.

Especially those who committed atrocities and wanted to leave as if nothing happened.

Harper: Ugh... Can't let that happen.

Emily: And he wanted us dead just for trying to steal a fancy car... Ha, the hypocrite.

Hanji then looked confused.

Hanji: I thought you said dragons are bullet proof?

Primo: Now, that's the thing. Our job is to steal his secret Saisem information, not kill him. The coward knows the IBI will come sooner or later, if he doesn't have a bargaining chip, he'll be forced to stay and face consequences.

Emily: What do we do with the info though?

Primo: We give it to the client and the client pays us.

Harper: Who's the client? I don't want us to be double crossed.

Primo: Never got the name. But you know how this works--

He remembered that Harper knows nothing about street life due to her corporate career.

Harper: No, I don't know how this works.

She realized how much of herself she had lost to that hell.

Emily: Bet it's some IBI Agents who are just too lazy to do it themselves.

Hanji didn't really care, as long as it got her to where she needed to be.

Primo: So, here's the plan. We have a reserved room in that hotel on the same night Mr LaChance will be around.

Harper: None of us together would be able to pay for a room there for even half an hour...

Primo: Here's the thing. The client already reserved and paid for our accommodations last night.

He slides some fake IDs to all girls.

Primo: I gave green light to our client last night and she sent me these today.

The IDs were all of a group of investors spending the night on the capital. Except for Hanji, her ID was saying she was the group's servant.

Hanji: Really?

She wasn't pleased with this, but she'll live.

Primo: You will be our driver, which is expected from someone with your vehicle, but when we enter the place, your powers will be extra useful.

Hanji: Understood.

Emily was looking at her ID and laughed.

Emily: This is a good forge.

Harper: I hope no one will recognize me in that hotel.

Primo: Don't worry, sis. It's a civilian hotel, so no Saisem personnel, which explains why our defector's choice to be there.

Harper: Phew... And Understandable why he chose this path. I had read files on this Luminary team, they are a real threat. Remember those old urban legends about people becoming one person? Fusion. It's not just an urban legend, These guys did it, a lot in fact.

Primo: You tell me, you worked with two of them before to save the world. Too bad about Italy though.

Harper: Yes, but when I was in team balance, none of us fused, nor tried. And only one of them is left. Classified information, Sora is dead.

Emily didn't know about that last detail which got her by surprise as she was a Luminary fan.

Emily: Sora's dead?! How!? Why!?

Hanji: Looks like we have a fan among us.

Primo: Girls, job talk first, all right?

Harper: I agree.

Emily: S..Sorry...

She blushed in embarrassment.

Primo: Harper, you will use your powers to disable security around LaChance's room. Hanji and Emily will be the hard hitters in case things go south.

The three girls gave a nod to show they understood.

Emily: There's one more thing.

Primo: What is it?

Emily: How will we get in his room? Won't he be there with bodyguards?

Primo: You see, that's the thing. The client told me to give her a call when we disable security, she will attract him out of the room.

He scratched his hair.

Primo: We will probably not have much time too and she said to avoid using lethal force, unless we get caught.

Harper: That's fair, they did nothing to us, yet.

On that night, Hanji parked and the 4 of them left the van. Primo, Emily and Harper were wearing business suits and Hanji was using a valet costume with a pilot hat.

Harper was a bit nervous, she used to go to important places like that, so Emily removed her glasses earlier just to be extra careful.

As long as she didn't need to read, she would be fine without her glasses.

The local staff took the Van to the parking lot while the 4 teammates walked inside the hotel, which looked like a palace.

Primo was feeling super cocky with all that and Emily shared his enthusiasm. Those rich people weren't seeing them as street rats for once.

Harper: Will you two cut it out. You're gonna get us caught.

She whispered to them.

Primo: You know how rich scum like them should behave?

Harper: Yes, act like you belong and Let me do the talking if that's needed.

Emily: Your sis technically was rich scum two days ago.

Hanji was pretty neutral, still bothered to be the servant.

Primo: Lead on then, sis.

Harper walked inside with her team and to the front desk.

Harper: Hello, we're here to pick up our room key.

She was cold, apathetic to the poor hotel worker.

The workers checked their IDs and gave them the key to their room. No hesitation, no asking questions. All the worker wanted was to serve them without getting yelled at.

Harper: Thank you, you're more competent than I thought.

She left with the others and they entered the elevator.

Primo: Geez, that's how you corporate suits act all the time?

Harper: If you don't want to show weakness.

Emily and Hanji exchanged glances.

Primo: Well, at least that served something

Harper: I did what I had to survive.

She sighed.

Emily: Yeesh...

They enter their room and Emily immediately jumps on the water mattress.

Emily: A bed made of water!? How cool!!

She laughed.

Hanji sits on the bed and Emily starts bouncing, making both girl bounce.

Hanji was doing her best to look tough, but couldn't resist. When Primo and Harper noticed, the two girls were jumping in the bed.

Hanji: How fun!

She giggled.

Harper: Will you two quit it? Again, We don't want to be caught.

Emily: Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmme

Primo: Harper, your turn. He's right in the room above us.

Harper nodded and touched on the wall, sensing electricity, which meant cables.

She touched a power plug and her body literally entered it.

The other two were stunned by that weird thing.

Primo: She can merge into any machinery or electric device.

Emily: Less Lame.

As she moved through the cables, she found the cameras and turned them off.

Harper: Done.

She said through her team's room sound speakers.

Primo: Great, now unlock all windows.

Harper: Alright... Aaand windows are unlocked.

Primo: Emily, prepare to use your powers. We're gonna climb from our windows to the ones above.

Emily: On it.

She focuses and vines grow from their window to the room above.

Primo got his phone and called the client.

Primo: Security is off and windows unlocked, we're just waiting for you.

For some reason, it starts to rain. Clouds covering the dark night sky outside, hiding the New Moon.

Primo: The client says that the dragon just left, we have 20 minutes at most.

Hanji, Primo and Emily climb up with the vines Emily created and successfully invade the Dragon's room.

Primo: Sis, we're gonna start looking on foot, but see if you can find it hijacking the camera's scanners.

Hanji and Emily start looking around.

Primo: We're looking for a briefcase, specifically one with information taken from a Library in France.

Harper: Let's see.... It's under the bed. And the code is... Let me zoom in.... 5362.

Hanji went under the bed and got the briefcase.

However, when she raised her head, she felt a blade touching her neck.

Not a blade, more like a sword.

Paris: Don't. Move.

Primo and Emily look behind and see Paris threatening Hanji with his Katana.

Primo: Easy there, pal. We don't want any... He looks around and Leo, Nana and Luiz also come from the shadows of the bedroom's corners.

Nana: Looks like all security didn't leave with the Officer.

Emily: Oh my god... You're... You're... Team Luminary!

She fan girl sequels and Hanji thought how perfect this was.

Nana: What in the...

Emily: You're Paris! And You're Nana! And Luiz and Leo! And I am dreaming? Or Dead? If I am no one will wake me up.

Luiz pressed the com on his ear.

Luiz: Allen, we got company.

Allen, Silver, Delph and Jade were in a Helicopter made of Jade's paint on a neighboring building.

Allen: What?! Who?!

Emily: Oh my god. Oh my god.

She looked at Leo.

Emily: Hi.. I'm Mary Jane—

She shakes her head to get herself back to reality.

Emily: I mean Emily.

Harper: What's going on in there?

She said through the speaker.

Hanji: Harper, Um.. We have Company.

Delph: What should we do?

Allen: Get rid of them! The target might come back at any second!

Luiz: This just got...

Nana: ...largely complicated.

Leo was a bit astonished by Emily's sudden introduction.

Allen: Everyone! Find a place to hide right now! He's coming back with someone!

Harper, using the cameras, also sees LaChance returning with a familiar woman.

Harper zooms in on the woman and her eyes widen, well, not really because she's inside the cables and camera.

Harper: He's coming back with.... Oh my god....

Leo: Everyone! Under the bed!

Luiz: Under the bed?!

Paris: It's an Alaskan king.

Primo: So?

Paris: It can fit up to four adults or a family of two adults and three or four children, depending on their age and size.

Nana: How do you know that?

Paris: It's the perfect bed for an orgy.

The door on the living room unlocked and quickly everyone there rushed to hide under the bed, except Primo who went to hide behind the closet.

He wouldn't fit with everyone else anyway.

LaChance: General Abbie, I can assure you that everything will work juuuust fine.

Abbie: So why my scouts told me that we already have some IBI agents horsing around in the capital.

They lock the door again and the dragon walks to the bedroom with Abbie angrily following him.

Hanji, Emily and Luminary try to stay as silent as possible. Emily couldn't believe her crush was there, in that same tight space, but she had to focus.

LaChance got a drink from the small desk on the side of his bed and offered Abbie, which she refused.

LaChance: Look, my job is to run Saisem's interests in this country. Your job is to defend it.

He takes a sip of vodka.

LaChance: If the IBI is here, then that's your problem.

Hanji tried to hold back a laugh.

Even though Harper was still inside the security channel, she could still hear and see everything through the cameras.

LaChance: Look, if you are so worried, you shouldn't get rid of Lazer. As I recall, the intelligence are the ones who deal with spies and hidden enemies.

He takes a sip again.

LaChance: Maybe, if you didn't get rid of him or, even worse, the girl he hand picked to be his successor, you wouldn't be drowning in this shit.

Harper was stunned to hear this, they thought she was dead. That's probably a good thing.

LaChance: What was her name again? Harpie... Hellen...

He scratched his chin.

LaChance: Ah, yes, Harper Primo.

Abbie: Control your words...

LaChance: You ordered your men to kill, rape and drown the body. Just because Lazer wanted to promote her. Just because he wanted you dead.

Abbie: And how did you know all that?

LaChance: Please, I'm the officer of Germany. There's nothing on Saisem's facilities that I don't know.

He takes a sip again.

LaChance: Like the fact that Harper isn't dead.

Harper was horrified by what that woman wanted her men to do to her.

LaChance: Let's make a deal. You get off my back and I get off yours. You stop acting like my mom and The Red King won't discover your power games. All right?

Abbie looked down and smiled.

Abbie: I have a better offer.

LaChance: Let's hear it.

He completely disregarded her and took another sip of his Vodka. At this moment, Abbie's arm transformed into a horrifying sword made of flesh and pierced through the Dragon's chest.

The people under the bed couldn't see what happened, but Primo and Harper did, until LaChance's body fell on the ground.

The people under the bed could see his golden eyes turn white, which happens when a pure blood dragon dies.

They all heard an explosion coming from the center of the capital, orange fire could be seen in the distance from those who could look at the windows.

Beep. Bop. Meow!

Security immediately entered the apartment and looked at Abbie.

Abbie: Lock down the building! Officer LaChance was murdered!

The security people still couldn't believe, it was impossible for anyone to do that, but they knew better than question a Saisem general.

Abbie and the security forces left the apartment and an alarm started to ring all over the hotel.

Harper: Damn it... It wasn't recording..

Emily: no no no no... This was supposed to be an easy in and out. Damn it. How am I supposed to get the money for my friend's debt now.

She sighs.

Emily: There goes my alpha rat rep.

Luminary and the girls left the bed and Primo got out from behind the closet.

Hanji gives an elbow bump on Emily and reminds her she still had the briefcase.

Allen: What is happening over there?!

The hotel staff sends a message that can be heard in the entire hotel.

Staff: Attention! Code Red has been initiated! Please remain in your rooms and await for interrogation.

Harper couldn't help them right now, if she messed with any other wire, she could be found. Worse, they could fry her where she stood, so she just exited through the local television.

Delph: Guys?! Why is the hotel entering lockdown?!

Allen: Seriously, what the fuck just happened in there?!

Leo: A General just offed the Officer!

Nana: I see Saisem's games of backstabbing for power never change...

Emily: Not how I pictured meeting you guys.. But... I never thought I would meet you at all so....

Hanji: Not now Emily.

Hanji thought about just out right saying what she was there for... But Luminary would probably call her insane.

Leo: Should we call Jade and her Helicopter?

Paris: Of course not. Any vehicle that gets close during a code red will be blown to pieces.

Harper: Hey, Luiz. Not how I thought I would meet you again.

Luiz: Do I know you?

Harper put on her glasses.

Luiz: Harper?!

Primo: Not time for reunions. We need to get out. Right now.

They start hearing explosions coming from the city, signaling that the IBI's liberation army and Saisem started clashing.

Leo: He's right.

Paris: But how about our ride?

Primo: We have a van in the parking lot that can fit up to 12 people.

Nana: So, we leave killing everyone who tries to stop us on our way to the parking lot under the ground floor?

Leo: Seems like a plan. Everyone behind Luiz and Nana, they are bulletproof.

Emily: Again, if I'm dreaming. Don't wake me up.

Everyone does as Leo said.

Nana opened her wings and Luiz did the thing he does with his fists. Paris prepares his Katana, Leo summons his cannon and Primo prepares his guns.

Hanji: Primo, hand me a gun.

Emily was so close to Leo and Primo tossed a machine gun to Hanji.

Leo: So you guys are packing some heat?

Primo: Always.

Luiz and Nana kicked the door down and security started to shoot. A blood and long battle issued on their way to the underground parking lot.

They tried their best to not kill, but security left them no choice.

Eventually they get to Hanji's van and they all enter with Emily sitting close to Leo.

Primo: Go, go, go!

Hanji got out as fast as she could while the rest used powers and guns from the windows to shoot at the enemies.

Harper was inside the van, upgrading it and helping it go faster.

Emily: Don't say something dumb. Don't say something dumb. Don't say something dumb.

She thought in her head.

Emily: So... Crazy night huh?

She was cringing inside so hard.

Leo: You mean, aside from the multiple enemies shooting at us right now?

Emily: Yea. Yea.

She looked like she was going to pass out or throw up.

Leo: I'm Leonard, but my friends call me Leo. You are Mary Jane Emily, right?

Emily: Just Emily. I got nervous when I said Mary Jane. Also... You remembered my name.

She was freaking out like she was a tween meeting her favorite boy band.

Paris: Leo! Less flirting! More bullets!

Leo: All right, all right!

Emily blushed super hard after hearing that.

Harper: So.. Luiz.. How have you been?

She said through the van's radio.

Hanji: Harper! Focus on the road!

Hanji was also shooting.

Primo: How about Gypsy girl focus on the road and sister upgrade it with some spikes or something. Like that movie we watched when we were kids, Mad Max.

Hanji: Sounds good to me.

She gives Primo his gun back and takes the wheel as Harper upgrades the van to have spikes all over the outside, smashing through any enemy on their way.

They finally get away from the hotel, far enough to park somewhere and stop to breathe.

Luiz: You know, Harper... When you said that the next time we met heads would roll... I wasn't expecting to be so literal..

Harper: Me either.

She sighs.

Harper: What really happened to Sora, because the files said she jumped. I know she didn't have a death wish.

The whole van went silent.

Paris: Yeaah... Too soon...

Leo gets visibly sad.

Nana: Why do I smell blood?

They all look at each other and notice Primo was uncharacteristically silent on the back of the van.

Primo: See? I... I told you all that we would succeed...

He was putting his hand on his belly, his clothes were getting more red by the second as he got more pale.

Nana: Ah shit... Bullet wound...

Paris immediately took off his jacket and pressed on Primo's wound.

Leo: Oh no, Paris can't you use your--

Paris: I can only remove and manipulate blood, not put it back.

Luiz: Nana?

Nana: My healing is very weak, so only work on battle scratches or scars, not a freaking bullet.

Hanji immediately tried to get out of there, but every road that could lead to a hospital was blocked by the clash of armies.

Harper: No.. No.. no no no no. I literally just got you back in my life Reginald! What am I supposed to tell mom, huh?!

Emily: Hey! Calm down! Us Street rats, We're tough! Like one bullet gonna stop one of us?

She tries to stop Primo's bleeding.

Nana: Is he normal? Why did you guys bring a normal person for such a dangerous job?!

Luiz: That's not the time!

Nana: Paris!

Paris: What?

Nana: You know about blood at least, how's his condition?!

Paris: Getting critical by the second!

Leo: Allen, get your ass down here right now!

Delph: It's Delph here flying the chopper.

Leo: Where the fuck is Allen?!

Delph: Silver got sick of waiting and jumped to help the liberation army and Allen went after him.

Primo: It's ok, guys...

Paris: Girls! You know him longer than us, try to keep him conscious! Talk to him.

Harper 'left' the van's insides and went to her brother.

Harper: Reg... This is my fault.... If I had just said no to Lazer.... None of this would have happened...

Emily was treating his wound, really well. She had to learn fast to survive growing up.

Primo: No... This is not your fault... I knew the risks... But all of you were great there... Especially you, sis. You sold your soul to the devil, but you got it back... I couldn't be more proud of you...

Harper: You know... Showing that I care... Would have probably got me killed if I was still in that job.

She laughed a bit.

Harper: But I do have my soul back and I don't have to worry about getting murdered over emotions.

Primo passed his hand on his sister's eyes, cleaning her tears.

Primo: Go with them... Save the world...

And then he closes his eyes.

Harper: Reg? Reg! Reginald! Wake up! You can't leave me like this! Wake up! Don't leave me!

Hanji and Emily looked down, the Luminary members left the van to get some air and give them a moment as the rain slowly stopped.

Harper: Wake up...

She hugs her brother's body as she sobs. He was too big and strong for her small slender arms to cover his whole body, but she still tried her best to hug.

Harper just cried her heart out, something she hasn't done in years while Emily and Hanji gave her a kind hug, also holding out their emotions.


Luiz: What do we do?

Leo: Well, we went there to kill the dude. It's not our fault if someone offed him first.

Lina: Should we even take credit for that?

Paris picked his phone and saw General Abbie streaming all over Germany's news, claiming that Luminary murdered LaChance in cold blood and showed images of their group massacring the security forces.

Paris: Not like we have a choice.

Leo: Well, job's done, I suppose...

Luiz: So, next stop?

Nana: Sweden.

Paris: And Ran.


Emily: You can't leave now. Not with the whole country on lockdown. We'll hide you out in the hood.

Emily also was worried about her friend, the Barkeep, and wanted to see him.

Emily: At least till morning. You all look like shit, need to sleep kinds of shit.

Harper remembered his brother's last words to her, cleaned her tears and left the Van. She clenched her fists and looked at the Luminary members with a face full of determination.

Harper: I want to join your team. Let me help you save this god forsaken planet.

They all looked at her and, before they could say anything, Hanji also left the van, if there was a moment to talk about her vision, the reason why she left her family behind, it was right now.

Hanji: I want to join too. The gods sent me a vision in my sleep, a vision of you all. I had to abandon my clan, family. I need to join and see where this vision happens.

Paris: What happened in said vision?

They weren't laughing at her, actually they were taking her very seriously.

Hanji: A great battle, all wounded but not down. I couldn't see the one we were fighting. But I knew it was an evil worse than all of Saisem.

Luiz: What about you, little girl. Will you be joining us as well?

Emily: Hey, I'm 17! But yea. If everyone else is. Plus it would be sooo cool to hang out with THE Luminary.

She was looking at Leo, who looked away blushing a little.

Paris: We'll speak about this tomorrow.

Leo: That's when we will be departing for our last objective to fully free Europe.

Nana: Besides, don't you have something to do too?

Emily remembered that the briefcase they got from LaChance's possession was still in the van and that the Client would meet them in the Bar where they all hang together.

The Bar where Emily was always drinking away her problems, the bar where Harper got her life back.

Emily: Wait. I need help first... The Client wants this briefcase... I really need the money to free my friend from debt... I can't give her the Case after all this... At least, not alone. Will you help me? Please...

Leo: I'll go with her.

Luiz: You sure?

Leo: Yeah, I know my way back to the hotel where we are staying. It's my country, remember?

Nana: If you don't return by midnight we're coming after you.

Leo: Ok, "mom".

Luiz: I'm not making the same mistake twice. Paris, you go with Leo.

Paris: Okie dokie.

Luiz and Nana start to fly away in the direction to the battle. The rest enters the van and moves out.

Arriving back at Marzahn, everyone helps carry Primo's body to his home and explain to his parents what happened. It was a sad moment for all of them, but they leave, giving Harper's parents their time of grief.

Back at the bar, Leo and Paris take a seat by the barman and the girls go to the table where the mysterious client was sitting. She was wearing a hood and a white and red mask, but just to be accompanied by Luminary AND being in that place was already enough to prove that they won't be in danger, nor scammed.

Paris: The best Tequila you have, please.

Leo: Just a coke for me, please.

The Barman came to them, thinking they were some ordinary clients, but widened his eyes recognizing who they were.

Barman: Well... Shave my back and call me an elf...

Back at the table, the girls didn't like the client's secrecy but took a seat anyway.

Client: You are the girls I made fake IDs for. Where's Reginald?


She looked down.

Emily: Gone...

Client: Well, one less person to share, I guess.

She puts a briefcase on the table and opens it, showing a lot of money, more money that Harper ever got on the corporation work.

Client: Here's your cash, in specimen, like your, well, former leader asked.

Hanji puts the briefcase they stole on the table.

Hanji: Code is 5362.

Emily takes the money briefcase.

The client looks at the documents inside the briefcase.

Client: Yeeees... Perfect...

Before she closed it, Emily saw a little snippet of the files.

Emily: Project "E"?

Client: Nothing to concern yourself with. I'll be on my way now.

She stood up and Emily was starting to think that mask felt familiar.

Client: Pleasure doing business with you, but, we'll never see each other again. You understand, yes?

She left the bar, Leo and Paris didn't see her because people were starting to gather around them, asking for autographs, the kind of attention Paris loved.

Leaving the bar and entering her vehicle, her driver starts to get out of that place as soon as possible and when they got far enough, she took off her hood and removed her mask, revealing her damaged left eye.

Ran: I guess that, in the end, the pleasure was all mine.