

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

TheLuiz · Action
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78 Chs

Episode 4 - Leave me Alone

A gloomy mood took over the room. Nana was trying to comfort Leo on the big couch while Paris took the newcomers, Delph and Lara to the Office to Luiz fill up their admission information.

Luiz: Sorry about this tension.

Delph: It's ok, it's understandable.

Paris was standing with crossed arms and his back against the wall while the two new guys were sitting in front of Luiz' desk.

Lara: What happened to your eye?

Luiz: Excuse me?

Paris: You have a black eye.

Luiz: Oh, I have that fucking dragon to thank for that. But enough about me, why you both defected?

Lara: Why you ask?

Luiz: Well Paris is a handsome young chap, but I highly doubt you changed sides just because he asked nicely.

Delph: Me and Lara have been close friends since birth. When I decided to defect, she didn't rat me out, but decided to stay.

Lara: We both were thinking about leaving Saisem, but we didn't have courage to do that.

Delph: I had.

Lara: When your friends appeared to take me from there, I was already deeply thinking about following my friend.

Paris: Oh that's so sweet...

Luiz: Sure is, but I don't buy it.

Paris Luiz?

Luiz: I think you forgot the detail that Dennis sent 3 assassins just to kill a defective mechanic.

Paris: True... Delph must know a lot.

Delph: Of course I do.

Luiz: So this is the deal, you two join our team and we protect you.

Lara: I don't see any problem with that.

Delph: Lara?

Lara: The IBI fights to free the world from Saisem's oppression, the exact reason we wanted to defect.

Delph: You think we can help?

Paris: Of course!

Paris made his happy smile that gave them confidence.

Back at the couch.

Leo: Thanks Nana...

Nana: Don't mention it.

Leo: So, why were you fighting with Luiz?

Nana hesitated for a moment and remembered Luiz' words.

"Luiz: Please, keep this information confidential."

She waved her head.

Nana: I don't like him and he has a sharp tongue, the rest you can imagine.

Leo: Just because of that?

Nana: Yes. At least your mission was successful.

Leo: I really want to see Dennis' face when he sees the mess that we left to him.

Back to the destroyed castle, Dennis was just there, standing and looking around with Sora and Chrono besides him.

Dennis: I want them dead.

Sora: Who?

Dennis: These Luminary suckers, I want them all dead.

Sora: Sir, you are overreacting.

Dennis turned back to look at her, showing his deep enraged face.

Dennis: This is the third time those pesky IBI agents trespass into my territory and simply leave.

Chrono: I agree, such foolishness must not go unpunished.

Dennis: Thank you.

Sora: But isn't this a bit too much?

Chrono: Sora, if some IBI agents invade our castles, everyone will think they can too.

Dennis: Yes, we must make them examples of what happens when you mess with me.

Dennis scratched his chin.

Dennis: Sora, get everything you can about these Luminary agents. All information possible, family, friends, which school they used to study, even their first kiss, i want everything.

Sora: Will do.

Sora left with a worried expression, she must obey Dennis or else her cover will be blown.

Back at the HQ, the team were having a reunion about what they should do next.

Leo: The loss of G is a painful reminder of how our enemy isn't playing around.

Paris: We will avenge his death, right?

Luiz: In my book, making sure that his death wasn't in vain is far more important than vendettas.

Leo: Luiz is right, he would want us to finish the job.

Nana: So taking the whole situation so far, what must we do?

Lara: You guys destroyed Dennis' information mainframe and managed to make me and Delph, two of his main warriors, part of your team.

Delph: Two big blows that will take time to heal.

Nana: So we destroyed his Intel and weakened his personal army. What now?

Luiz: We will strike him where it hurts.

Paris: The heart?

Luiz: No, Paris. There are only 3 ways to destroy a man.

Delph: Destroying his pride, his possessions and his pockets.

Luiz: Exactly.

Nana: What do you mean with pockets?

Luiz looked at her with an annoyed expression.

Lara: We are talking about his money, Nana.

Luiz: Tell them our next objective, Delph.

Delph: The white king, Dennis, has his own bank account in the Saisem's western global money depository.

Leo: Yeah, that's basically the second most high guarded fortress in all Saisem's territory.

Nana: One can't simply do anything against it.

Luiz and Delph made a light chuckle.

Leo: No, no, no and nein. We are not going to attack the bank that's literally in Saisem's capital.

Luiz: Yes, we won't attack it.

Leo: Yeah? What a relief...

Luiz: We will rob it.

Leo, Nana and Paris were shocked, expressing their concern saying, at the same time, "what?!".

Lara: Me and Delph know that place inside and out.

Delph: With our help, it's possible, risky, but can be done.

Paris: That's really messed up, it's some high level shit...

Leo: Yes, but when I accepted to fight Saisem in attacking the white king I accepted to join the big league's missions.

Luiz: Exactly, you will not wimp out, right?

Leo: No, let's do this!

Nana: these morons will kill me one day...

Paris: Yeah, but at least you will die with your friends.

Nana left out a light smile.

Leo: So what's the plan?

Delph: Luiz made the whole plan, I just fixed and added some small details here and there with Lara.

Lara: Yeah, it seems like you were planning to invade their capital for years.

Luiz: Of course, I want to infiltrate their main city for a long time.

Nana: Why?

Luiz: Mind your own business, dragon.

Nana: Rude!

Leo: Well, you did give him a black eye, he has a motive to be angry at you.

Nana stayed speechless and just crossed her arms, watching Paris and Delph arguing about a random detail.

Later, after lunch, all 6 members were reunited around the office's desk.

Lara: So, we have split this plan in two parts: Preparations and the Heist.

Delph: Let's just focus on phase 1 right now.

Delph grabbed a pen and a small eraser.

Delph: This pen is Lara and the eraser is Paris.

Paris: Hey! Why am I the small eraser?!

Leo: It's just an object to make it easy to understand...

Nana: Paris, shut it.

Luiz grabbed one little paper ball and a perfume.

Luiz: And for this part, Delph will be the paper ball and Nana will be the perfume.

Nana: What?! Are you implying?

Luiz: No, Nana, I am not saying that you stink, it's just the first object i saw.

Lara: And for another part, this pen case is Leo and this key is Luiz.

Paris: As i can see, we are going to be in small teams for this phase, so before going into details, what each team will do?

Luiz: Me and Leo will steal a truck.

Leo: We what?!

Lara: Me and Paris will steal cars.

Delph: Me and Nana will also steal cars.

Leo: Why are we going to steal when we can use IBI's resources?

Lara: The IBI might have moles and double agents anywhere, if the team that is attacking the white king starts to get this stuff, our enemies can be ready for us.

Luiz: This is also a test, if we get in enemy territory and they are suddenly waiting for us, I'll kill Lara and Delph.

Delph: Wait, what?

Luiz: The penalty for double agents and traitors is execution.

Paris: No one knows our mission besides us, so if someone rat us out, we will know that one of us is a double agent.

Leo: Paris and Luiz are widely known for being "mole slayers".

Paris: This means we are putting our trust on you two, Delph and Lara.

Nana: Wait... If no one but us knows about this mission and we have to steal to prepare for the plan... Does this mean that...

Leo: Until we complete this mission, we are on our own?!

Delph, Lara and Luiz slowly agreed with their heads.

Paris: But, Luiz, you are the commander's apprentice. Won't he be angry if you make this move without letting him know?

Luiz: The commander trusts me more than enough to do stuff on my own. It's you guys that he doesn't trust, he thinks that this team's members are not mature enough to be in the big leagues without someone to hold your hands.

Leo: So you are also giving us a chance to prove that we can?

Luiz made a surprised expression and crossed arms.

Luiz: Oh my... We know each other for so little time, yet, you know me so well...

Leo: So lets start this, then!

In western Saisem's capital, the city of Los Angeles, USA, Dennis arrived at his main castle on a red and black Lamborghini. Sora, who was driving the car, left and opened the back door for her boss.

Dennis, proceeding to the front door with Sora besides him, asked about the information he requested.

Sora: Oh, right. Well, since the IBI mainframe its impossible to hack, their backstory its still unknown.

Dennis: So you have nothing for me?

Sora: Who do you think i am? I had to focus on other types of information sources, but i got decent details.

Dennis: Well, it's better than nothing...

Both arrived in the throne room, Dennis took a seat, scratching his chin while Sora began to list all she had.

Sora: Well, Lara and Delph you already know about, she has magical spears while he has virtual reality computer magic.

Dennis: They fought for me in the past, tell me about the others.

Sora: First, we have their leader, Leo. He is a weapon mage.

Dennis: So he is one of these magical freaks that like to summon fire weapons, guns, from thin air?

Sora: Pretty much that. Nothing about him is important other than that... Well, he is German.

Dennis: So he is just a random nobody that decided to make a team that had the brilliant idea of attacking me?

Sora: Hum... Yes? He studied magic all his life, since he was a kid. His family decided to stay loyal to Saisem tough...

Dennis: Next one.

Sora: The second leader of the team, Nana. She is an American dragon.

Dennis: Interesting... She can be useful to me...

Sora: Why?

Dennis: The girl is a fucking dragon! The dragons of this world decided to stay neutral and hide in the UK. But still, we see some who decided to take sides and fight.

Sora: We have more details about her.

Dennis: Fill me in.

Sora: After the dragons take over the UK and make it a neutral country, her family, a proud American dragon circle that descends from the royal draconian family from the past, decided to not fight and just stay out of this, except our girl.

Dennis: She ran away to the IBI to fight.

Sora: Indeed.

Dennis: Tell me, did she ever kiss before?

Sora: Sir, that's an oddly specific question.

Dennis: Didn't you know? Dragons can only have one mate for life, this is sealed with the first kiss.

Sora: So you plan to kiss her?

Dennis: Of course! Imagine, the white King finds a queen to fight on his side and she is a fucking dragon! If i give her first kiss, she will be forced to see only me as her man. And will be forced to kill her friends for me!

Sora: That's a bit disturbing...

Dennis: What was that?

Sora: Oh, nothing!

Dennis: Proceed.

Sora: Next, we have Paris, real name and nationality unknown.

Dennis: The blood power guy that defeated Dan...

Sora: Yup, literally nothing is known about this guy, his words are that he joined Luminary because the other teams were "too boring". He has berserker blood powers that are summoned from a sword and was seen using insane brute force in desperate situations.

Dennis: Next?

Sora: Next is Luiz.

Dennis: Rosweel's lap dog and right hand man.

Sora: Exactly, the commander's apprentice.

Dennis: What do we have about him?

Sora: That he is Brazilian.

Dennis: ...Just that?

Sora: Not Exactly, he joined the IBI at the age of 14 and was just a powerless agent. After a confidential mission in Canada, he disappeared and was presumed dead as only his hands were found.

Dennis: Only his hands?

Sora: His body was never found but his hands matched in DNA tests. 5 months later he came back by the front door with powers and new hands.

Dennis: He just simply gained powers?

Sora: The details of what happened are unknown. Since the day of his return, he has always used a blue coat and was never seen without it, even on the warmest of days.

Dennis: So, my two best warriors teamed up against me with a gun mage, an electric dragon, a bloody berserker and a blue freak?

Sora: That's all Luminary members so far.

Dennis scratched his chin and stood up.

Dennis: I'll be in my personal chambers. I don't want to be disturbed, until my return, you are in charge.

Sora: Yes, sir!

Dennis left with a sinister grin smile on his face.

Back in South America, it was already late in the night when Lara, Paris, Nana and Delph arrived in an old garage. They were all using black stealth suits and animal masks.

Nana: Is this the place?

Paris: According to the map, yes.

Lara: So we have to go to the lot number 802.

Delphis: Its the lot of the local crime lord. He likes to make car collections.

Nana: We're stealing from the Brazilian mafia?!

Lara: Yes, it's kinda ironic.

Paris: Wait, how come this place has a Mafia family?

Delph: When the Saisem took over the north part of the world, most crime organizations had to relocate to other countries.

Lara: They aid IBI giving their men that have powers to be agents.

Nana: In exchange to continue their business?!

Paris: It's only fair to rely on any possible allies when your opponent took half of the world.

Nana: So how are we going to do this? I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of guards.

Delph: Remember the plan, you three distract the henchman while I enter and hack 4 cars.

Lara: Then we invade and steal.

Paris: I'm smelling some wild hit and run!

Nana: I honestly hope for your nose to be wrong...

On the other side of the city, Leo and Luiz sneaky trespassed a car lot.

Both boys were walking slowly and taking cover.

Leo: Luiz, can i ask you something?

Luiz: Sure, what is it?

Leo: Well we are both using masks, but you didn't want to use the black clothes like me.

Luiz: I fail to see the issue.

Both were silently running around while talking.

Leo: Well, I'm just being curious that you refused to even take off your clothes in the locker room with only us men...

Leo gently patted his hand on Luiz' shoulder.

Luiz: Leo?

Leo: I mean, you don't have to feel ashamed of us.

Luiz left out a sigh.

Luiz: By the orders of Commander Rosweel, I'm forbidden to be seen, by anyone, without these blue gloves and coat.

Leo: So That's why you refused?

Luiz: Hum, yeah? What did you expect?

Leo stood silent for a second and remembered the moment that boys and girls went to their locker rooms to suit up the black clothes.

Delph: Hey, I wonder why Luiz refused to use the stealth suit or even change with us.

Paris: I think he is gay.

Leo: Yeah. Totally gay, wasn't that obvious?

Delph: I thought that too!

Leo snapped out from his flashback.

Luiz: So?

Leo: It's best you don't know...

Luiz raised one eyebrow and just ignored this conversation.