

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

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Episode 29 - Black or White

The crew started to use multiple parts of the island to practice their abilities. If Ran's threat of a powerful ultimate warrior was true, then maybe some practicing beforehand could make a difference.

On Silver's training, he was standing on a cliff and trying to harness more of his pet Elder god's powers to boost himself.

Yog: Is something bothering you?

Silver: I just found out two of my friends were kidnapped. So of course I'm gonna act like this

Yog: I never understood why you mortals try so hard to depend on each other. Especially you.

Silver: It's called friendship. Like what we have, I think.

Yog: I wouldn't call friendship what you have with them, they are pawns to our mission, nothing else.

Silver: Look, our mission was to travel to a parallel universe in the past and see how The Excellar started, all we know is that Luminary has something to do with that, that doesn't mean they are our enemies.

Yog: Well, now they know about Project Excellar, that will culminate in our order in the future. I thought everything started with those Saisem guys, but it seems our order came from the IBI all along.

Yog sighs

Yog: The Excellar, our goal... For how long are you gonna play buddy cop trope with them now that we know that they know something about it?

Silver: Well, they only know the name, that Ran girl has the details.

Yog: Other mortals are so hard to trust fully... But these guys... They're different.

Silver: Perhaps--

Yog: Silver boy, when you abandoned your old name to join us, you accepted a new name and a responsibility. I hope your temporary allies don't sway you from your objectives.

Silver: I know I know...

he sighs

Silver: Why do I always do this...?

Yog: I just wonder if that blue guy knows about us, hence why he refused to tell us his secrets.

Silver: Luiz... He probably does... Hence the secrets

Yog: Perhaps Luminary can be converted...

Silver: Maybe... If they just saw things the way we did

Silver hears someone coming and goes back to his normal personality. He looked behind and saw the native from before walking towards him.

???: Good afternoon.

Silver: Yo. Hey, never got your name

David: It's David. Silver, isn't it?

Yog: Ask him if he ever left this island.

Silver: Yea. I'm curious... Have you ever left the island?

David: No, never.

Both sit on the ground, and look at the sea in front of them.

Silver: Sorry if that was a touchy question. My friend said that this island didn't have more inhabitants...

David: My tribe used to live on this island and we fought like you did with me all the time.

David sighs

David: Fights were what decided someone's worth.

Silver: What happened to your tribe?

David: They all died. In the end, we fought so long to see who's the strongest that we killed each other.

David sighed again.

David: I'm the last survivor, because I was the strongest.

Silver looked at David and felt sad for him, the only reason he allowed an elder god inside his body was first and foremost to be stronger, so he could relate.

David: If you're not strong, you can't protect anything. If you are not strong, you have no value.

He looked at Silver.

David: You are strong, Silver.

Silver: Thanks.

Silver looked at the horizon and, when he looked back at David for another question, he was gone.

Meanwhile, Nana was flying at high speed above the sea, passing through the rocks as if they were an obstacle course and breaking them apart with her bare hands.

She landed on a small rock, trying to catch her breath and noticed that someone was watching her, so she looked up and saw her sister watching from the cliff.

Alouetta: I never expected you to be in a weakling team.

Nana: What do you want?

Alouetta: I wanted see you. You changed.

Nana: I'm keeping your 'allies' from ruining this world.

Alouetta: Touchy, touchy. I just sneaked from the tower to have a private talk with my little sister.

She laughed

Alouetta: I came in peace. I'm saving the taste of defeating all of you for tomorrow's battle.

Nana: I don't think you know how war works.

Alouetta: Heh, it's a temporary truce.

Nana couldn't stand talking to her, but she didn't attack in fear of what would happen to the hostages.

Alouetta: Your horns... Are sharper than ever.

Nana noticed that her draconian features were exposed.

Alouetta: Don't need to hide them from me.

Nana: I don't want to see you. Not like this. Not while you are the enemy. Your allies are horrible people. I never thought of you like this.

Alouetta looked at Nana with a sad gaze.

Alouetta: What happened to you? You used to be a lone wolf that never opened your heart to anyone. But now... You are playing friendship with humans, talking about your feelings...

Alouetta got angry at her sister.

Alouetta: You would've attacked me here and now, hostages be damned!

Nana: You'll never understand.

Alouetta: If that's the case, you are leagues away from ever reaching my level. While you played buddy cop, I worked to become the ultimate existence.

Nana: You can't understand, not until you experience the same as I did. Just know, they won't hesitate to turn on you if you do anything they don't like, like finding out you were talking to me.

Alouetta: I have to ask, to who did you make the partner seal with?

Nana looked at Alouetta and noticed that her horns weren't as sharp as hers, meaning she didn't find a partner yet.

Nana: Why? So you'll use this information against me?

Alouetta: I'm not asking this as your enemy, I'm asking as your sister.

Nana: They'll use the information against me. You don't know how horrible they are. Especially that Ran.

Alouetta: So what YOU know about her?

Nana: She's the empress of Saisem, that despicable order, probably even part of the secret club that uses them as puppets. She also hurt the one I am sealed with.

Alouetta: So, he is a human after all... Mom would be so... Disappointed...

Nana: Well, he passed the test of a blue dragon. Besides, you have no right to judge

Alouetta: You know what? Fine. Be that way. I can't wait for tomorrow, because I will destroy you there.

Alouetta opened her much larger wings and flew away while Nana sighed. She hated every second of that conversation.

She flew back and found Luiz training alone. He didn't notice her, so he kept training to get a new super move, but failed all the time.

Luiz: Why it doesn't work...

Nana: What doesn't work?

Luiz: Oh, hey! Didn't see you there!

Nana: Right, spill it out.

Luiz: Ah, my last trial with Mama Draco was fighting her in front of all blue dragons. She used a move so strong that could have killed me if she wasn't holding back.

He sighed.

Luiz: Even holding back, it was insanely strong, I want to do that move... But... I'm doing it my style, my way, not exactly copying hers.

Nana: At least your common sense still works, cuz it's pretty lame to copy someone's style.

One of Luiz' summoned monsters comes and says something.

Luiz: I can't do that.

The monster say something again

Luiz: Absolutely not, I'm not using a live target.

Nana: I could be the live target. I can take it.... I mean live!

Luiz: I can't use you, I know you are a dragon, but, still, you can't possibly expect me to willingly hurt you.

She got annoyed, but not so much as she would before. He wasn't underestimating her, but she still thought he was being a pussy.

Nana: I'm not weak!!

Luiz: I know that, I am the weak one here

Nana: Damn right you are! Stop being such a baby and hit me already.

Luiz: All right, all right, stay still over there

Nana: Finally.

Nana followed his instructions and Luiz prepared a close combat stance, but from far away, which left her a bit confused, so she just waited and watched.

Luiz closed his hand as a fist, concentrating a large amount of monsters inside as if he would shoot them normally and punched the air.

Luiz: Mont Blanc!

A concentrated amount of lasers came from his punch, but more aggressively and focused, almost like projectiles in Nana's direction, hitting her in full force, knocking her backwards.

Luiz: Nana!

He rushed to her direction and she slowly stood up.

Nana: That... Was... AWESOME!

Luiz: Sorry, I should have controlled the potency better and... Wait, what?

She looks at him with stars in her eyes and he can't understand if he was feeling proud or scared.

Nana: I've never seen an attack like that!

Luiz: Are you really ok? I got so focused on making it work that I didn't hold back.

Nana: I don't think anything is broken.

Luiz: Thank goodness... I feel that if I still had my hands this attack would explode them, hahaha...

He looks away.

Luiz: But if I had them, I wouldn't even be here right now... Well, whatever, we should head back, it's getting dark.

The Luminary members went back to Marisia's house ahead to sleep and rest for the next day so Luiz and Nana were flying back alone.

Luiz: By the way, did something happen in your training?

Nana: No. Nothing happened

For some reason Luiz could feel that Nana was lying to him, she actually just didn't want to worry him with her insecurities, at least not at that moment.

Luiz: Alright.

Arriving back at the beach house, both opened the door.

Nana: We're back.

There was still a certain heavy climate around the team, they were focusing on getting everything done to go to bed.

Silver approached Luiz and asked if he could talk to him in private and so they left the house and took a walk around the beach, but not too close to the sea.

Luiz: So Silver, what you wanted to ask me about?

Yog: Ask him what he knows about the Excellar.

Silver looked Luiz in the eyes

Silver: What do you know about the Excellar?

Luiz: Ah, that, it's a discarded project that the IBI was working on. Something about stealing the power of the gods to go back in time and prevent the Saisem from ever taking over the world.

Silver: What happened to it?

Luiz: After they discovered that Ran stole the project archives, they completely discontinued it.

Silver: The IBI did that?!

Luiz: Yes, they actually forgot this was a thing since then. But the Saisem didn't make any time travel shenanigans either so, whatever Ran did with the files she stole, we'll have to ask directly to her.

Silver: Yea... I have questions alright, we all do.

Luiz: But why the sudden interest?

Silver: No reason, you quickly name dropped that on your backstory episode, so I was left with a general curiosity.

Silver got ready to attack Luiz, a surprise attack maybe could work but he hesitated due to Yog's thought about converting Luiz to their cause, regardless, before he could do or say anything, Luiz started to pet Silver's head.

Luiz: You are a good boy, Silver. I'm proud of you.

Silver: wha..?

Luiz: Your battle today, you did great. I'm glad to have someone reliable as you on our side.

Silver: G-Glad you feel that way...

Luiz: Now, go get some good rest, we all need it.

Luiz walked back to the house, leaving Silver very confused.

Yog: Why didn't you attack or talk to him?

Silver: I don't know...

Yog: Still, looks like the IBI wanted to make some time shenanigans... To think that everything started with this... A desire to save the world...

The next day, Luminary reached the abandoned tower's gates.

Paris: So this is the abandoned tower...

Silver: yea...

Jade: I'm kinda scared...

Leo: Is it just me, or the air is a little stale in here?

Marisia: I have never been beyond this point. From what I hear, very few have entered this place and returned safely.

Nana: Ran's ultimate warriors are up ahead. Come on! Let's face them!

Silver: yea!

Jade: Si!

Luiz: You're staying behind, Marisia.

Marisia: What? Why?

Luiz: Because, at the end of the day, you're not a Luminary member.

Paris: Are you using a loophole in Ran's words to spare Marisia in case things go wrong?

Leo: I agree with that. I know the island is yours, Mari, but if we lose, it's not fair that you are dragged through the mud with us.

Marisia: Fine, but if you guys don't come back by the end of the day, I'm calling reinforcements, even if I have to tear this tower down myself.

Marisia left and Luminary entered the tower and an elevator activated on it's own, taking them to the top. When they got to their destination, they found themselves in a grey battle arena.

Ran: A glorious welcome! I've been waiting for you, Luminary.

Luiz: You...

Ran: Ah, Luiz. It has been a while, no?

Leo and Nana stepped in front of Luiz.

Ran: Let me say it again, if you lose right here, you will joi--

Nana: Our answer is the same, no matter how much you say that.

Ran: You say that like if you have a choice in the matter. This tower is programmed to not allow any of you to escape unless you win.

Jade: Then we'll win!

Ran snapped her fingers.

Ran: Come, my ultimate warriors!

Two rays, one of white light and one of black darkness, flew from the windows and reached the arena.

Nana: Alouetta...

Paris: And that native from yesterday!

Silver: David. Nice to see you're ok. You left without a warning

Luiz: David?

Leo: Still, why would the native would be on Ran's side?

Luiz: Blackmail? Brainwash?

David: I'm gonna say it once. I'm here for my own free will.

Nana: The Eternal Light and The Ancient Darkness...

Paris: Light and Darkness? So that's their game?

Jade: Great... So, where are Delph and Sora!? We won't play your game unless they are safe!

Ran snapped her fingers and a metal cage appeared at the side of the battlefield. Sora and Delph were sleeping in an induced coma.

Ran: This was my plan all along, lure you into a trap, capture me and then take you here after facing two exceptional warriors who, together, make the ultimate power. I call them "Project Zero" a much better step up from your "Project Excellar".

Ran: These two, both from different backgrounds, trained under exceptional circumstances, becoming masters of their respective elements, and now, I joined them here!

Ran: Light and Darkness. Stillness and Movement. Chaos and order. Only by combining these two opposing forces can the true ultimate warrior be formed! The intersection of positive and negative... Zero!

Alouetta: The capture of the Empress and you searching for her was but a part of our plan to perfect this ultimate power.

David: The more fiercely you fought us, the stronger we became. You were simply a tool to hone our strength.

Silver: Now yog? I mean these two are supposed to be better than us. I laugh at that

Silver thought that, but Yog was silent for some reason.

Ran: Now, do it!

Alouetta and David held each other's hands and a grey light surrounded their bodies. When Luminary opened up their eyes again, there was only one body there.

Leo: They...

Paris: ...FUSED?!

A single person with both Alouetta's and David's features stood there, emanating a powerful aura.

Ran: Behold, Zero! With them, I'll take the power of the gods!

Silver couldn't help but laugh.

Silver: Power of the gods? That is nothing close to an actual god.

But Silver was worried about Yog's silence.

Jade: Silver's scaring me...

Silver's laugh was cut short with Zero suddenly holding him by the neck. The group couldn't do anything but give some steps behind in shock as Zero single handed threw Silver against a wall.

Silver: Ok... That'll hurt tomorrow..

Zero: To you, there's no tomorrow.

Silver got back up

Silver: Yog where are you!?

Zero: (with David's voice) Battles determine the value of a person. Without power to win, you can't protect the things that matter to you.

Zero: (with David's voice) Silver... Can you protect the ones you care about?

Then Zero looked at Nana.

Zero: (with Alouetta's voice) I've been looking forward to the day I could settle things with you, Lina.

Zero: (with Alouetta's voice) Allow us to show you the power we have gained by striving long and hard for the ultimate strength.

Silver: What did you do to Yog!?

Leo: Who?

Paris: Yog?

Allen face palmed.

Luminary quickly ran over and stood in front of Silver, defending him.

Paris: You ok there?

Silver: Y-yea, wall to the head. I got confused

Leo: Don't worry buddy, we got you.

Paris: I take it that you have a plan?

Luiz: I do. But you're not gonna like it.

Jade: What is it?

Luiz: Even though they are fused, they are not in perfect synchrony. You can see that both entities seem to have their own agenda.

Paris: So?

Luiz: Nana and Silver will attack from opposite sides, forcing them to split their attention and, possibly, fight over control.

Leo: The rest of us?

Luiz: We will strike when Zero's mind gets weaker. Allen and Jade will try to rescue Sora and Delph as everyone focuses on the fight.

Nana: So all we have to do is force them to choose which one they should attack?

Silver: Sounds good to me!

Nana: Come Silver!

Nana spread her wings and flew towards Zero and Silver sprinted at the other side

Zero: Interesting.

Zero prepared to attack Nana, but suddenly changed their attention to Silver, but changed again to Nana, ending up being hit by both of them.

Zero: (with David's voice) Concentrate!

Zero: (with Allouetta's voice) You are getting in my way!

So Nana and Silver attacked Zero again, over and over.

Silver: Ready?

Nana: Keep up with me, rookie!

Nana made her wings be completely covered by Electricity and waved them at Zero, Silver used some of Yog's power and created space distortion around Nana's electricity waves.

Nana: Thunderstorm...

Silver: ...Shower!

The attacked hit Zero with full force, almost forcing the thing to unfuse, but they stood up.

Silver: What a shocking outcome.

Nana: Humph...

Ran: Stand up, Zero! If you lose this battle, there's no reason for you to live!

Zero: No...!

Zero summoned David's dark Sickle, now fused with Alouetta's golden energy, turning into a sword.

Zero: Excalibur!

Waving their sword, Zero managed to send Nana and Silver away, but Leo, Paris and Luiz dashed forward, essentially switching places

Leo: Join our side!

Paris: We don't kill people who fail once!

Luiz: Or threaten their lives...

Leo's cannon, Paris' sword and Luiz' fists clashed against Zero's sword.

Nana opened her wings and caught Silver in the air.

Nana: Are you ok?

Silver: I'm fine. Aren't you worried about your sister? If we win she'll kill her.

Nana: She isn't that weak to die by the hands of that bitch.

Nana releases Silver and they look behind, checking at Allen and Jade who were secretly trying to release Delph and Sora.

At that moment, the trio won the clash, forcing Zero to lose their sword, and Silver grabbed it.

Leo: Silver! Use their attack against them!

Silver nodded and slashed at Zero with their own sword

Zero started to unfuse again, but was struggling to keep that form.

Nana flew right at them and ripped her sister from the fusion, throwing her away to make sure they stayed separated.

Silver: Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak people stronger. Remember that.

Jade: Silver is scaring me again. I think this tower is doing something to him...

While Jade was looking at Silver, Allen finally managed to unlock the cage and used his sphere to nurse Sora and Delph back to health.

Allen: They won't wake up for a while, but are safe now.

Alouetta: You...

Nana: That's enough. We defeated you on your fused form and you are too weak to fight by yourself.

David stood up and Looked at Alouetta.

Aluetta: White Hurricane!

Somehow, Alouetta still had power to make her super move, but the golden wind flew to the ceiling instead of her enemies.

David: Black Ash!

David made the same movement, but it was a dark wind full of pitch black ashes.

Alouetta and David flew up to their attacks and both kicked them back to the ground.

Alouetta: Zero...

David: ...Magnum!

The winds of light and darkness rushed to Luminary's direction.

Yog: Silver boy! Use the sword!

Silver jumped and swung Excalibur, sending the enemy attack back, hitting both Alouetta and David.

Silver: Glad to have you back. Don't scare me like that again Yog!!

Yog: Can't I just take a nap in peace?

Both Alouetta and David fell on the ground. Not dead, but couldn't stand up either. Luminary ran to them and noticed that they couldn't fight anymore.

Leo: Guess that's the end of Ran's experiment.

But Ran was already long gone.

Paris: Aaaand she used our fight to escape. Great.

Leo: Gotta hand it to you, Silver, a sword fits you better than a spear.

Silver noticed that he was still holding Zero's Excalibur.

Luiz: Silver, the blade master. I like it.

Paris: Hey! I'm the sword user of this bunch!

Nana: Your sword is used with both hands. Silver's is used with one.

Yog: I agree with the mortals.

Paris: So should we let him keep it?

Leo: Why not? He earned it. The sword of light and darkness, Excalibur.

Silver: A blade master huh... I like it. Still would like to use some guns, but, eh.

Nana came to her sister and Silver went to David.

Alouetta: How?! We were supposed to be perfect! I have devoted my life to becoming more powerful than anyone! And yet....

Nana: The Humans didn't weaken me. It sounds stupid saying that out loud, but the bond that I made with those... People... It's what lifted my spirit.

Alouetta: So what? You expect me to just--

Nana: Yes.

David: What is the reason for fighting if not for gaining strength? How can we be worth anything?

Silver: I promise you are worth something... Losing a battle doesn't make you less worthy.

Nana and Silver offered their hands, which they reluctantly accepted

Nana: All this time, you have sought nothing but power, because that was asked of us. That's why I ran away from home.

Alouetta: What?!

Nana nodded

Nana: Our mom wanted us to be perfect, she didn't see us for who we were, she used us as weapons.

Alouetta: Perhaps I was... Wrong...

David: Perhaps... We were...

Silver: Didn't you say your tribe killed itself over through fighting to see the strongest

David: And I won...

Leo: And what did that cost you?

David: Everything...

Jade went to Allen

Jade: I'm getting a weird feeling from Silver now.... He's making me worried... I thought maybe you knew something, you know, you came with him.

Allen: Little goddess, with all respect, Silver is not your problem, frankly, he won't even stay on Luminary for too long.

Jade: What makes you say that?

Allen: Intuition. Now you grab Sora, I hold Delph.

Allen said that as he carried Delph on his shoulder. Jade gave a nod and started to paint a fluffy comfy two wheeled wheelbarrow and then put Sora in it

Jade: I'm not that strong. So...

Allen just grunted.

Allen: Hey! The battle's over! Let's go back!

Everyone looked at them and proceeded to leave. Arriving on Marisia's house, she was stunned by how everyone looked horrible, but received them with open arms.

Marisia: I was about to call for reinforcements, thank goodness you all returned.

She noticed Alouetta and David there.

Marisia: Let me guess, Ran was using them with manipulation, lies and promises of power?

Jade: As a ruler of a place whose morals are those three things does.

Marisia: I see... Well, come on in, everyone. To the medical bay.

Everyone proceeded to enter, Luiz was the last who stopped close to her.

Luiz: Ran escaped...

Marisia: I'm sure you will get her next time, right?

Luiz: She's running on borrowed time.

Marisia: Right, right, now to the medical bay mister.

Luiz: Don't treat me like a child...

That night, in the living room, everyone was trying their best to just chill as their bodies were still aching from the fight.

Jade, Allen, Paris and Leo were talking about more renovations, Luiz and Marisia were discussing their next move, Delph and Sora were still on the dorms, sleeping; Silver and David were discussing their dark past and Alouetta and Nana were just drinking and having a nice talk, like they didn't do in a long time.

Alouetta: Thank you for saving me, Sis. If you weren't there, maybe I would have destroyed myself as Zero.

Nana: Hey, What are sisters for?

Alouetta: I mean it.

Nana: I know you do.

Alouetta: What happened to that talk that you couldn't stand being close to me from yesterday?

Nana: Didn't you listen to me? I said 'Not while you are the enemy' and you aren't anymore

Alouetta: I guess...

Alouetta took a sip from her drink.

Alouetta: So? Will you answer my question now? Who's the lucky human that will face the all mighty divine wrath from our mother for "ending generations of pureblood lineage" from our family?

Nana: The Seaweed over there.

Alouetta looked at Luiz discussing strategy with Marisia and looked at Nana's soft gaze and smile directed towards her mate.

Alouetta: Doesn't look like much.

Nana: To you, maybe.

Alouetta: I wasn't kidding about mom, though. She'll kill you both when she finds out you sealed yourself with a human as your mate.

Nana: Like I'd talk to her.

Alouetta: You won't avoid her forever.

Nana: I can try.

Alouetta: You will try.

Both took another sip

Alouetta: She's livid that both of her offspring broke the exile. What's your plan for now?

Nana: Same thing I've been doing

Alouetta: Win this war... With your friends?

Nana nodded

Alouetta: Lucky, I don't know what I should do...

She sighed

Alouetta: I broke the exile and betrayed Saisem. I have nowhere left to return to and.... I have to draw the line on what I've done...

"You could always join us."

They both looked at Luiz who was in front to their table, between them.

Luiz: Officially, the battle with Zero never happened, and, even if it did, no one in the IBI would turn down someone as powerful as you.

Alouetta: But I--

Luiz: If we're going to draw lines, then leave it to the strategy sessions. Drawing lines in the maps and stuff.

Luiz smiled at Alouetta was left speechless.

Nana: Would be nice to hang out again with you and not be the only dragon

Alouetta: Hm... I guess... You're right. I'll be joining the IBI, but not on your team.

Luiz: You'll be flying solo?

Alouetta: No, I'll join or create a team.

Luiz: If that's the case.

Luiz gave Alouetta a card.

Alouetta: Renne Bright?

Luiz: She's an excellent agent, powerless, yes, but a great strategist, she's also looking for members to start her own team, you two should probably try together.

Alouetta: Bright... Where have I heard that name before...?

Nana: Don't know...

She looked at Luiz

Nana: Have any idea, Luiz Bright?

Alouetta looked at him

Alouetta: Is this your...

Luiz: Take care of my lil' sis.

Alouetta: So do you.

They both shake hands, their prides as older siblings were in perfect sync.

Nana: You two are dorks.

Alouetta and Luiz: Hey!

At the end of the night, before going to sleep, they all went outside as David and Alouetta were leaving.

Alouetta: Lina... Next time we face each other, I will come out on top!

Nana: Heh. Go ahead and try.

David: Silver... I intended to teach you that we are nothing without being strong. But in the end, it was you who taught me... You helped me see that life can be enjoyed without trying to be better than others. Thank you.

Silver: I learned that lesson a long while ago. So I'm happy to share.

David: I am glad. Please, take this. As a token of our friendship.

David gave Silver a jacket.

David: That's a battle jacket, it was the grand prize from my tribe's tournaments. Use it and you will gain more defensive capabilities, while also looking cool.

Silver: Whoa, thanks.

Alouetta opened her large wings and flew away while David went back to the forest, dissipating on the wind as his energy returned to the statue from his tribe, showing he was a ghost all this time..

Marisia: You got a proper good team.

Luiz: What do you mean?

Marisia: I never expected the day where I would see people who were just trying to kill each other having a night of chill.

Luiz: Luminary still has a lot to learn.

Marisia: So do we, my friend.

Jade: Leo, can we add a room to the base just for fun stuff? A fun room? Now that I think about it. What if I painted a door? What would happen?

Leo: I don't think we have space for that. There's the office, the "living room", the locker rooms with showers and now we used the extra room for a bedroom.

Paris: And now we'll need a new one now that we have a couple on the team and probably more to come.

Nana: Boys and girls already sleep on different bunk beds. Still, it's not like we would do something with other people there.

Paris: That didn't stop you from doing the thing with him in Marisia's guest room.

Paris was teasing Nana and started to run away as she flew after him to give a good proper spanking on his insolent ass and everyone laughed off.

Silver was laughing with everyone, even Allen couldn't resist too, but Silver still felt worried about how he felt truly at home with those people. Even more than how he used to feel around with the ones who sent him and Yog on their secret mission.

Silver: Maybe I can take them with me. Make them see our point of view

Yog: Perhaps... I also grew fonder of these mortals, perhaps they don't need to die for our cause.

Silver: But, If it comes to that...

Yog: You'll cross that bridge when you get there.

Silver: Yeah, I think we will.