

It's about a girl who gets eaten by demons.

SWISSroll6G598I · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The ambient sounds of soft music rings in my ear. That sound ever so peaceful, calming to the soul. It's light airy chords sends you into a euphoria like state, utopia around every corner waiting to be tainted by darkness. This darkness being overwhelming and prominent. Overbearing to the touch. It fills your senses and could curse a soul with one thought.

I watch her lay down curled in a soft yellow blanket and teddy in hand. She snuggles into her blanket like it'll save her from the world. As she lays there any person could see the pain that lingered on her face. Her porcelain white skin stained with dark marking and tear stains that painted her cheeks. The sight heart wrenching and powerful. The troubled expression soon fading as her comfortability rose. The relaxed state her soul was in was delightful and calming. She in that moment seemed to feel safe. Her yellow blanket doing wonders to her mood and her teddy keeping her company while I watch from a distance.

This glass wall that surrounds me and contains me from seeing her. I watch from the sky, the stars circling me. As the day slowly turned to night I felt my stomach churn. My mind running haywire as I felt the anxiety rise and course through my veins. Biting my lip and playing with my fingers becoming a hobby. The stars that once circled the glass box disappear. Vanishing as the sun falls, stirring the little girl awake. Her body twitched slightly and becoming more frequent as she gained a more conscious state.

The room she was in seemed to feel larger as the light decreases. She wraps the blanket around her body tightly while desperately hugging her teddy. Her breathing picked up a rapid pace as she started to come to her senses. Her heart beating so fast you could hear it from a mile away. She started to get desperate and very panicked. Trying to stand but only for her to fall once again, her body being too weak for physical use. As liquid glassed over her eyes they started to spill just as fast as they arrived. Hysterically sobbing and drenched in tears she used her blanket as a tissue.

The ring that echoed of the walls was one of horror, the shriek it produced was ear piercing. She in the heat of the moment covered her ears grasping at the noise to stop. Her voice feeling broken as she tried calling out for help but to no avail. The voice she once had cracking at every release. Her body ached and her throat even worse than the rest of her body. She screamed for help, her cry's almost as loud as the ringing.

The darkness falls upon the room she laid in. It covers every corner of the room, the shadows that once lived in hiding have been awakened. They crawl along the floor and walls. Some of them had skinny figures, every bone visible through their black tainted skin and mouths held together by flesh and saliva spilling out along with their tongues. Others are huge, tall and built their muscles protruding from their skin, cracked skulls and no mouths but piercing eyes these monsters haunt the night. The kingdom that once had peace was now full of terror and horror. Every night the monsters come out of hiding and attack the innocent dwellers who have no protection. They take them to the shadow land and eat them, piece by piece.

The little girls eyes widened and fear filled her body as she turned deathly pale. Her heart thumping out of her chest as she only wished in this moment how she could disappear. Her teddy creating no comfort and her blanket feeling like a nuisance. Her breathing became uneasy as she could feel their presence get more present and close.

I banged my hand on the glass begging for it to finally break. The shackles that hold my feet and my hands holding me back. I scream, kick and cry out for it to let me go. The glass suffocating me by the minute as my sobs quickened. The darkened spots on my wrists and ankles burned for me to stop. But it would never stop me. I must get to her and hold her. My heart ached as I watched this helpless young girl frantically try to get away from a monster so ravenous it would never stop.

She looked around with haste trying to find a place where she could hide but she was surrounded by them. They trapped her in this place. Her eyes scanned the room hastily looking for an exit but unfortunately there wasn't anything. As it finally started to dawn on her what was about to happen she screamed. Her yell so loud that anyone could hear her plea. As she cried out and begged for them to stop she started to slowly accept her fate.

They grabbed her by the neck as she screamed, her blanket and teddy falling to the floor as her body dangled in their grasp. She scratched at their hand drastically trying to stop them, her yelling slowing down. She gasped for air, choking on the dry air she was given. She couldn't breathe and it was evident the intention the monster had. Tears rolled down her face with such speed, covering her face and their hand. But you could tell they were getting frustrated. Their anger slowly built inside as they finally made a decision.

They squeezed harder around her neck before dropping her. She fell to the floor gasping for air and holding her neck. She hit the floor with a good amount of force so the snapping of her bones could be heard for miles down the room. So loud it pierced my ears, the pain she felt I felt every ounce of it. The pain shot through my whole body with record breaking speeds. I screamed trying to get their attention away from her. But nothing worked it was like I was invisible.

The monster looked at her with lust in their eyes as drool dripped from their tongue. Their flesh covered mouth smelt like it was decaying. She was scared, completely and utterly terrified. These monsters were hungry and they wanted food, no matter what the consequences were to get it.

They sensed her fear which made the monsters somewhat happier. She scrambled to her feet trying to make a run for it. She sprinted down the hall. Every corner she turned felt like a mile her air supply running low. But you can't run from darkness, it lurks in the shadows and will always find you.

Out of the shadows a long slender finger arose and stabbed her straight through the chest. She screamed grabbing at her torso as she felt the blood slowly gushing from her body and spilling over her limbs but nobody is safe from the darkness. As she grasped her torso another finger stabbed her through the stomach and they kept stabbing her, slowly gutting her out and draining her. Our screams and cries syncing as we felt each others pain. The blood slowly dripping on the floor as her life started flashing before her eyes. As she saw those memories a smile appeared on her face.

Her vision fades and she sees a figure standing in front of her. The light that surrounds her is comforting and she can see the smile on the figures face as tears fell from their face. She ran to the figure hugging them but they didn't do anything. They just stood there. Her stomach churned and she felt betrayed. Her heart hurt, it ached so bad that it felt like someone was ripping it out of her body. But her eyes have failed her. The figure slowly started to disappear before her eyes. She watched as they left her too. She took a deep breath in and one out to signal her final breathe as the demon swallowed her whole.

And that is when the world knew that you can't ever defeat darkness with pure strength and determination.

[1,365 words]
