
Luke Adventurous Life in Final Fantasy VII

Reza, a rich middle-aged NEET gets reincarnated into Final Fantasy VII world after filling a questionnaire on the net. How will his life be as Sephiroth Twin brothers?

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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Name : Luke Valentine

Gender : Male

Race : Hybrid Human

He is a reincarnator who reborn in FF7 world. Born from a one night stand between Lucrecia Crescent and Vincent Valentine. Twin little Brother to Sephiroth.

Skill and Abilities

Reactive Evolution (Darwin from X Men)

100x training, learning and Compherension.

Cell Manipulation (Get from Jenova Cell)

Shapeshifter (From Jenova Cell)

Super Strength, Speed, Durability, Endurance, High Regenerative Factor, High Perception

Demon Phsycology ( Get by stabbing Yamato through his heart Changing him into a Demon), Devil Trigger, Devil Bringers, Demonic Manipulation, Telekinesis, Flight ( in Devil Trigger Form), Master Swordmanship ( Trained with knowledge get from Yamato former wielder Sparda, Vergil, Dante, and Nero) include Shigure Kosaka, Master in Close Combat, Master Sharpshooter, Master in many type of weapon with Shigure Kosaka Knowledge, Master Blacksmith, good grasp at Biotechnology and Alien technology.




Hades Second Mode Death Cannon


