
Luke Adventurous Life in Final Fantasy VII

Reza, a rich middle-aged NEET gets reincarnated into Final Fantasy VII world after filling a questionnaire on the net. How will his life be as Sephiroth Twin brothers?

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 23 The Fall Of Shinra

Shinra Company HQ, President office. Seated on the president chair was former Vice President and now President of Shinra, Rufus Shinra.

"What luck! Out of a House Arrest then become a President, which is my dream and now this happens. This should be your doing huh?" said Rufus as he gets up from his chair and turns toward the window which already been cut by Luke.

"Sorry about that, but your company needs to be brought down," Luke said as he walks into the office and seated himself on the sofa.

"And why is that? Is it because you have a grudge toward the company about you and your brother? Or like that terrorist group, you want to protect Gaia?" Rufus asked as he takes a sit in front of Luke.

"I just want to give my family a peaceful life and the continuation of your company won't give us that. After all, your father wants to drop the sector 7th plate just to kill me. I just retaliated on what he was going to do to me and my family. We just take advantage of this incident to make our moves." Like said as he pours himself a drink.

"I see, it's just my bad luck to take over after my dad." he said.

"Yeah, and being his son!" answer Luke as he gets up from the sofa. "Got any last word?" asked Luke.

"Just be quick." answers Rufus as he closes his eyes.




After waiting for a while, he did not feel the awaits pain and open his eyes again to see Luke look at him with a smirk.

"Just kidding, I'm not going to kill you. You are still useful to me and I need you to work for me from now on." said Luke as he walks toward the window and sees the chaos that happened tonight.

"What is going to happen to Shinra after this?" he asked.

"Dissolved! And I will build a new company after it that is more friendly to the planet." Luke's answer as he sees Sephiroth and Angeal fly over toward his position.

"You done? Where is Genesis?" Luke asked as they land in front of him.

"Yeah, I don't know where is Genesis now. He should've been done by now." said Angeal

"Hm, it's too overpowered with us all attacking here." said Sephiroth as he looks at Rufus who look at him in fright.

"You are not going to kill him?" asked Sephiroth.

"Nope, after all I need someone to manage the company that we will build after Shinra's fall." Luke said as he looks at Rufus who just stood still inside the office.

"You think this is alright to leave it to him?" asked Angeal.

"Yeah, what can he do? With all of you watching after him." said Luke's making them nodded thinking what he said is reasonable.

As they talk, the sound of the fight starts to diminish before it stops with only one place going on.

"That place is where Genesis is! Did he get a tough opponent?" asked Angeal.

"I'm going over there!" said Sephiroth hurriedly with an excited look on his face.

"You're not going?" asked Luke as he sees Angeal just stood there.

"With Sephiroth and Genesis, it's going to be over fast." he said.

"Heh, you're right! Then stay here and watch over him. I'm going to see how Tifa and Aerith doing." he said as he jumps and flies down the building.

"Huh, then I will wait for all off you to come then." Angela said as he walks into the office and starts to talk with Rufus.


Underground, a few block before the Sector 3 Reactor. The scenery right now in this place can be said pure Chaos. There are one man and one woman fighting at this place which makes this place in chaos.

At one side is a man with red hair and red clothes holding a large red-bladed sword coated with fire. There are many wound on his body and he also breathes heavily in exhaustion.

On the other side is a silver-haired woman wearing black clothes with a few silver holding an invisible sword on her left. She is quite a beautiful woman with big assets although right now she was riddled with blood.

"What a naughty child, why don't you let me absorb you so we can become one." said Jenova as she walks over.

"Damn, what the hell. Not only you look like Sephiroth, you are also as strong as him." said Genesis as his body heals over time.

"Sephiroth? The twin brother of that man, I will go and absorb him after I am done with you!" said Jenova as her hair starts to change into tentacles and was about to shoot at Genesis.

"Absorb me? Let me see if you can back that words!" said a voice and a sword descended which was blocked by Jenova.

"Sephiroth." said Jenova as she looks at her attacker.

"I come to see what held you up. But, I never imagine it to be someone who looks like me, my clone?" asked Sephiroth as he starts to exchange blow with Jenove.

"Nope, she is Jenova!" said Genesis who get relaxed after seeing Sephiroth and starts to urge his body to heal faster.

"Ohh, I thought Luke has dealt with it?" asked Sephiroth.

"Yeah, it seems Shinra playing around with the rest of her remains resulting in her being revived." said Genesis as he starts to join Sephiroth to fight Jenova.

"Hmph, why am I not surprised." he said as he blocked Jenova's blade which now not in regular shape as it was alive and can bend and bite.

"Careful, that sword can suck your blood." said Genesis as he attacks the unguarded Jenova.

"Noted!" answer Sephiroth as he launches a flying slash toward her.

"Tch, I am at disadvantage fighting the both of you. You are lucky Genesis, for him to save you at the last moment. I will leave for now!" said Jenova as she tried to change her body again only to find that all her spares body already died.

"Huh? I can't feel a connection with the other SOLDIER!" she said in shock and Sephiroth is not nice enough to let a chance go. So, he gets close to her and cuts her into two.

Genesis land beside him and sees Jenova tried to reconnect her body to heal herself.

"Why did she become distracted at the end?" asked Genesis in confusion.

"Must be because she can't feel connection with all other SOLDIER's as we already killed them all." answer Sephiroth.

"Eh, what is that got anything to do with this?" he asked.

"One of her ability is to change body with anyone who has her genes, Luke told me about it." answer Sephiroth as he continues to cut Jenova to not let her heal.

"You are quite ruthless to cut a lady body over and over as you talk like nothing happened," said Jenova on the ground as she looks at both Sephiroth and Genesis.

"She is right you know," said Genesis with a smile.

"And what do you want me to do? I don't have an idea of how to detain her besides this." he said as he stabs Jenova while taking out his phone.

"What are you doing?" asked Genesis.

"Calling Luke's to come and take care of this!" he said as he makes a call. Making Jenova look at him in panic as she is afraid of Luke. Since it was only him who has a way to kill her.


With Luke, he was flying looking for Tifa, Aerith, and Rena to rendezvous when he got the call from Sephiroth.

"Yes? It looks like you are done with helping Genesis." he said as he lands on one of the skyscrapers.

"Yeah, he was held up by Jenova. Can you come and take care of her?" Sephiroth asked at the other side.

"Okay, wait for me. I'll be there in a minute." he answers and open a portal to where Sephiroth is and walk over it.

"Here I am, where is she?" he said as he looks around and sees Jenova on the ground beside Genesis and Sephiroth.

"Hey there, we meet again Jenova!" he said as he walks over toward the three. While Jenova only look away from him.

"What should we do with her?" asked Genesis.

"Hmm, kill of course!" Luke said with certainty.

"Wait, Please don't kill me! You can do whatever you want but please don't kill or seal me." said Jenova looking at Luke with a leading eyes.

"Huh, and why would I spare you?" asked Luke.

"I will quit merging with the planet and destroy it. Please don't kill me." said Jenova.

"Well, it looks like the calamity of the sky is also afraid of death." said Luke with a smirk.

"Okay, I will spare you. But, I will leave something in your body as a safety measure. I also will disable your ability to parasitic on another being." he said as he stabs her with his hand and starts to take away her ability.

"Done! Genesis, bring her back to Arcadia and put her in the cell for now. We still got a job to calm the riots and finish the takeover!"