
Ludso and Driddon

The feud between the two clans backdates hundreds of years, during the darkest parts of their history when slaves broke from their masters. The pain of losing their slaves was much deeper than anyone could have imagined, dividing the Island. Intermarriage between the two clans was forbidden, entertaining the idea of friendships was not tolerated. Despite the feud many people have disobeyed causing a loss of stability to the control of Ludso, although Driddon appears unaffected by the change, the conniving hearts of those in power attempt to corrupt the good heart of the Driddon Clan it is up to our heroin to save her people before the damage remains permanent. The people of Driddon must remain free, no matter the cost, all people deserve the freedom to choose their life without fear that their loved ones will be murdered. Civil unrest calls for immediate action, so many have died for the belief in the revolution, many more lives are at stake. Driddon’s peaceful ways are hanging on the line if the revolution should fail all hope will be lost, and their sacrifice would have been in vain.

Anagwin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

Meghan worked hard as head maid, it was up to her to pick up the slack from what they missed yesterday, for they had struggled to achieve all they wanted without her. Meghan felt bad for leaving them the way she did, it would have been better if she had gone to work yesterday rather than staying home then she would not have had to endure Pierre, she couldn't believe the man she was falling in love with didn't want to spend time with her or her family, this was a sign she was not meant to be with him. Meghan wanted to talk to Mrs Fisher about it, although Meghan was concerned about saying who he really was, but things were getting out of control, she had to speak to someone, for now Meghan remained silent but driven, Mrs Fisher could see something was wrong where as the others saw she was driven and tried to match her.

Once the house was cleaned and their shift ended, Mrs Fisher said her goodbyes to them all except to Meghan who she invited back to her place, Meghan accepted the invitation, although graciously in her heart she was trying to find a way back to her house, she had to find a way out of her troubles, without making the past her future, for she did not enjoy what had occurred yesterday with Pierre, she just couldn't understand why he would just walk out, that was the second time they had parted with no good bye, this month is proving harder than all the other months, the first six months was filled with great things, he would take her into his arms and for the night he would take her to the stars, or to the theatre or to romantic picnics, not every week but at least once or twice a month they would do something. Meghan thought about the times that he had taken her out, she smiled at those happy memories, but then it occurred to her, he hadn't taken her out, she had taken him out, she had found those places and things to do, she had sent them to him in a message. Meghan pulled up to Mrs Fisher's house, but she couldn't rest, she searched through her message history and there it was true, he had never invited her out to do anything with her, except the first time when they met inside an art gallery in West Ludso, he invited her to an after party, but the night was cut short because my father was taken to hospital. Meghan wondered if he did love her after all.

Meghan knocked on the front door and waited for Mrs Fisher to come and let her in, Meghan didn't have to wait long. Mrs Fisher gently guided her to the couch where Meghan sat comfortably "you've got a lovely place here" Meghan said as Mrs Fisher was placing the tea on the coffee table, Mrs Fisher smiled "I'm pleased you like it, my late husband built it for us before we actually married, it was his wedding present to me." Meghan smiled, "it's a beautiful gift" once Mrs Fisher finished bringing out the food to share with Meghan she sat next to her on the couch and inquired after her parents, Meghan swallowed her mouthful of tea and explained "my parents have been up and down, mum hasn't been coping very well with father's dementia which has been getting him into trouble more often than before, a few days ago he walked into the supermarket sadly he actually thought that he owned it and so began taking of the food and was getting so upset with everyone else who was taking from the fresh fruit market in the store, he was uncontrollable." Mrs Fisher just listened, for she new the details well, he had to be sedated and taken back to the hospital just case his fall had damaged anything. "But since then I haven't made contact with them, I didn't want to worry my mum about me being sick, I sent a message to her but that was it. I should probably visit her tonight."

Mrs Fisher grabbed a piece of cake she had on offer for Meghan once she had finished eating she inquired about yesterday, "for when you left us, I didn't pick up on anything, I'm so sorry if I missed any symptoms." Meghan's heart raced for her lie was coming back to haunt her, although it wasn't a lie, she tried to calm herself, she was emotionally done in and exhausted. Meghan regained herself and spoke the truth "last night, I visited a friend in West Ludso, I know it's not a favourite conversation around here, so I didn't want to worry you. Last night we had an argument, and I left, but I was so upset I stayed on top of the bridge outside the car, I leaned on the bar watching the water. Before I knew it my body was stone cold, I began to go blue, I drove home, by the time I warmed myself up and was ready to go to bed, it was time to get up. I'm sorry Mrs Fisher, I called in sick because I thought I be more of a burden for coming in exhausted than if I didn't come in at all." Mrs Fisher watched her intently, although she knew she was telling the truth there was something that was being held back.

Mrs Fisher had known Meghan since before she was born, she had been there during the tough times of her childhood, Mrs fisher had never had the chance be a mother, since Mr Fisher had died early on in their marriage. She loved him so much, that no other man could ever measure up to Mr Fisher, there were so many things she loved about him, of course there were things she couldn't stand, but who he was out stood the bad. Mr Fisher was the only man she ever wanted to grow old with, that was the man who deserved her, other men she dated were never a man she could grow old with. Mrs fisher was a women who needed to be with the right man or she'd be happier without.

Meghan had heard through town she was a nightmare to date but the best friend any man could ever gain. Only one man was brave enough to sale through the storm of dating her, and that was Mr Fisher, flaws and all made up the women he loved. Mr and Mrs Fisher's love story fuelled Meghan's dreams of Mr Right, but she was such a different character to Mrs Fisher, she wasn't a fighter. Meghan hoped that she'd find a man like Mr Fisher too, and wondered if Pierre could be, but the things that have happened over the past week have proven otherwise.

Mrs Fisher finished her tea "penny for your thoughts?" Mrs Fisher's firm voice called Meghan from her own thoughts "oh, it's nothing" Meghan pushed all thoughts aside, "I have known you, your whole life, I know when something is wrong, tell me, why haven't you seen your parents recently?" Meghan was stunned by her words "I only didn't see them yesterday" Mrs Fisher gave her knowing gaze which pierced through Meghan's heart "going to the hospital to see if your father is well, doesn't count as a visit, prior to then, when was the last time you saw them?" Meghan resigned herself to the fact that Mrs Fisher wasn't going to play dumb, and she was going to get the truth from her one way or another, if not today, some other day. So Meghan relented and said "my friend I mentioned earlier, has been quite full on, and I really don't want to worry my parents, especially my mum, whenever I've bought up the topic of West Ludso she's freaked out. Last thing I want her to is worry about me, her health isn't the best either, I don't want to lose her" Mrs Fisher sat silent for a moment before asking "is this friend a guy?" Meghan laid back in her seat, defeated "yeah" is all she could say. Mrs Fisher smiled, "it's okay, I felt the same way, my family are from East Ludso and Mr Fisher was from West Ludso" Meghan was shocked, she had no idea, East Ludso was an unknown, her eyes rose, this was the story she wanted to hear "you were!?" Meghan realised she was showing too much eagerness and re-asked "oh, you were" Mrs Fisher laughed and said "yes, I know you've had this fascination about East Ludso since you were little. But on terms of entry Mr Fisher and I could not speak about our past to anyone, although this is back fifty years, things have changed since then, it took time but by the time you came along a new era was beginning, it was time to stop living in in the past." Meghan's eyes were wide, she was ready and eager to learn about what she did not know already, but Mrs Fisher seemed to have stopped talking "so what happened next? How did you and Mr Fisher meet? Why and how did you come here? How did you change things?" Mrs Fisher giggled "you haven't changed Meghan" Meghan slipped further back into the couch and said "so you're not going to tell me then?"

Mrs Fisher walked away to the bookcase next to the window where she took a small box of the shelf. Mrs Fisher looked to me and back to the box "this little thing changed my entire life forever. I mustn't have been much older than you are now, nineteen years old I walked from my college into my bedroom, but I couldn't study so I decided to go for a walk, I walked to my parents place, but they weren't home, so I walked to the local clubhouse where they hung out most afternoons, however they weren't there either, it took me hours to track them down, walking from house to house of all their friends places, no one had seen them since that morning, I re-assure them all that they probably went for a romantic walk somewhere. But deep down I was worried. I went back to their place, where I sat on their front porch, waiting for them to come home, and I thought about the love they had for each other, it was so pure and strong, I was so determined to not give in to any man who didn't treat me like how my dad who treated my mum, she was so blessed to have a man who not just loved her from the heart, but genuinely cared about her, nothing else mattered. My father was a fairytale prince, one that I had only read about, but he was the real deal.

It was getting late and cold so I left a message on the front door that I had been then I carried on back to my dorm room. The next morning I woke up with this box outside my door. I opened it and there was a note inside that said 'you're parents have gone for a holiday, love so pure, I'm looking after the house, meet me here round sunset.' I was angry and sad that they never told me that they were going away, so I carried the box around with me. I wondered why would they leave a box? So I fiddled around with it, then I noticed a little piece of metal pointing down in the crease of the lid so I pushed it up it released a secret compartment which held a map and a key. I tried to ignore it, but by the time I had finished my final class that afternoon, I was desperate to know, for a part of me thought this came from my father, it was a very 'him' thing to do.

So I followed the map, I'm not so good with maps so I was incredibly late. This map (Mrs Fisher handed me the small old map, in awe I gently placed it on the coffee table.) lead me to an old lighthouse which was still fully operational. I climbed up the top looking for a hidden door somewhere, but it wasn't a key to a door, it was a key to the gate so I had to climb to the top of the light house, it really was a beautiful sight to see though. I remember it was dark, I had really missed the sunset time frame, you could quite imagine the scare I got when I heard a voice from behind, he said "I wasn't sure if you would come" I screamed. The poor guy was trying to calm me down, he continued "I didn't think you found the map, I was about to go down to your parents place" I screamed at him and told him "no, you didn't think! What is wrong with you!" Without thinking myself I stormed away. I began to descend the staircase when he called out, "please don't leave me, I'm sorry I just have a secret I'm not allowed to share but with you" his words struck me. Like you Meghan I was curious, so I waltzed back up those stairs and demanded that he start talking. I scared many men and quickly, but not him, he didn't seem phased although he knew I was irritated he wasn't going to quiver in fear, nor was he going to mess me around, he was direct and to the point but he took his time, he was not a man to be pushed around. I respected that of him. Although I never told him that. He told me "you're parents have had to return to West Ludso" as he spoke those words I wanted to kill him on the spot, I screamed and cursed him, but he remained calm and said "do you want to know another secret?" I looked to him, my eyes held pure daggers, I saw him flinch back a little so he said "maybe another time, I know how to contact them, if you wanted to hear them tell you?" I just couldn't speak to him, so I left, walked down the stairs to the ground, by the time I made it to the bottom of the light house, I wasn't angry anymore, I just wanted to know "why West Ludso?" So I climbed back up the lighthouse, however this man began to climb down the stairs and we met half way, I told him "what the heck are you doing, did I say you could come down?" I was frustrated with him and I didn't expect him to answer me "You left, that made it clear" I interrupted him "No, no I did not, turn your butt around and go back up. I'm not done with you" So he obliged and we went back up.

I then asked "why? Why did they leave?" He seemed unsure on whether he wanted to tell me, so I said "Well!!" He moved his lips around pursing them which frustrated me the most but he did speak "your mum grew up in West Ludso, and when her mum died she was taken in by a foster family who supported her dad to raise her, but now her foster mum is unwell and needs your mum's support" I glared at him, and asked "how do you know that?" He grinned "because the women who raised your mum is my best friends grandma, she's awesome, we did our homework at her place and ate cookies, Grandma has a lot of photographs of your mum. Did you know she also went to your parents wedding as mother of the bride, she's such an amazing women." I couldn't believe what I was hearing a West Ludso women raised my mother, that seemed impossible, so I said "West never met East, the Ludso clans hate each other, why would a West woman help an East woman?" he told me that "only because the clans as a group hate each other doesn't mean individuals will, and maybe over time we can stop this hate" his words struck me, a part of me was fine hating the West, I never thought of them as real people before, I didn't see why it mattered. "So if my mother was raised in West how did she end up in the East" he looked at her strangely "don't you know?" I looked to him and leaned against the side of the lighthouse "I thought I did, a nice lady funded mother's education, that was all the story I needed. I could never have thought the money could have come from the West, I didn't think that was possible." I heard him sigh "that's what I asked too, Grandma said, she had to trust her daughter with the money, your mum was given all the money at once and was instructed to give it to one of her dad's close friends so she could legibly go to college, and that friend did her job, so the story you know is true, just there's a piece before it. Grandma couldn't openly pay, so she found a way too." It took a bit for the information to sink in.

After a moment I realised that I was talking with a West Ludso person, I couldn't believe it, he seemed to have cotton onto what I was thinking and said "I am from the West too, but someone had to tell you, so I volunteered. It was your father who told me how I might give the information to you so you would trust it." I felt betrayed by my own family, no one ever told me, I grew up hating the West when my mother was indebted to the West. I didn't understand why they let me speak so badly of the West, it confused me that night. I walked away from him again, I walked down the stairs until I reached the bottom when I realised I was still carrying this stupid box. I didn't want to climb up the lighthouse again so I left it at the base, and went back to my dorm. By the time I arrived it was late and I had class that morning so I got as much sleep as I could.

A few days passed and I woke up to finding that box outside my dorm room, I picked it up this time there was another message inside which says "no tricks, please come meet me at sunset, or after, I know you will come, if you don't, I understand" I just had a feeling there was another map, I wasn't surprised to see that I was right, but this time instead of a key there was a hand made silk flower, which had such a beautiful fragrance to it. I really wasn't going to go, but I kept thinking of that flower which was so perfect." Mrs Fisher took the flower out of the box to show me, she put the flower next to the map she lay out for me to look at and carried on.

"When I arrived at the destination it was beside a waterfall, the stars were bright, and he had laid a picnic ready and waiting citronella candles were lit and he invited me to have dinner in a safe bubble away from the mosquitos and it was true, he had made such a lovely night, although at the time I was angry with him, I was filled with prejudice although I couldn't see it, that night he was trying to say that he was sorry for upsetting me, but I just fought him on every word, so much so that my sarcastic speech caused him to get up and leave, I couldn't believe he left me, although he didn't wonder far, but I thought he was so insensitive and rude, so I left and went back to my dorm, I lay in bed that night, feeling a little bad that he went through all that effort and I didn't eat a single bite. In my haste to leave, I had left the box behind. I felt sad because I really liked that flower. About a week later I was thinking about visiting him and apologising to him for how badly I treated him, but when I opened the door, I saw the box sitting there, for the first time in awhile, I actually smiled, I held the box close to my heart, I wasn't sure if I was falling in love with him or the box he kept giving me, as I opened this box I noticed small silk petals sitting on top I took them out and carefully placed them on my work desk so they wouldn't blow away, there were little chocolates inside which I took out of the box and placed on the desk, also it came with a note saying "I am sorry, it isn't my intent to annoy you, nor is it my intent to make you fall in love with me, I'm sorry that I have made you feel like I'm advancing on you, but because I am new in town I can't be seen by anyone, especially because of where I come from. I set up the candles not as a romantic gesture but because I wanted to keep you safe from the mosquito's but you are right, I was being insensitive when I used your father's belongings without asking you, I understand that this must be a hard time to cope without your parents, whom you love so much, I understand, because I miss mine too. Unlike you I do not fear for their life as much as you might be in this present time. I wish the hatred would go away and the prejudice would die down, so our families could interchange between the West and the East maybe then we might have been friends. I will wait for that time for I think we could have made great friends. Yours truly" again he left no name, because I never asked for it, this time he made me cry, this was the first time I cried. I quickly opened the secret compartment and there was the rose and the key, but no map. I ate the chocolate that night but I kept the wrappers." Mrs Fisher placed the key, the wrappers, the petals and the notes beside the maps and flower on the table so I could have look at them.

"I decided to move all that he had given to me into my jewellery box so that I knew they would be safe, I decided to reach out to him, I was sorry for how I behaved, I was hurt that he felt he had to apologise to me. I was not a mean person, harsh maybe, hard to get to know that was true, but I wasn't mean. But I felt mean. So I gave him a letter, and a map of where to meet me, I wasn't artistic so I left him a real leaf with a smile drawn into it. With that I walked to my parents place and left it out the front door, I hoped the whole time that I had done the map right at that we hadn't ended up in two different places. I walked around the top of the hill for sometime, wondering if he would show. Alas, he did show, I was overjoyed and he saw "so you are happy to see me? I wasn't sure" I shrugged "no, but I am, but no. I'm just so relieved that I got the map right, with my talent who knows where we both might've ended up. Don't expect another map journey from me." He smiled and said "okay Storm" I looked at him rather oddly "that's not my name" all he did was shrug and he told me "you remind me of a storm, calm and gentle is your natural state of mind, but quickly the deep dark colours of grey and blue fill the sky, we look in awe of the beauty ahead of us, it hasn't grown cold yet, but if we keep pushing the colours will turn, before you get grumpy you can have a blow over moment, if we're not careful the storm won't blow over, but once it has passed the moment is calm again, but the beautiful deep dark colours are still in the distance ready to take over the sky once more. You're my storm." I didn't know what to say to that, the way he said seemed romantic but also I wanted to get offended, but he was so calm, he often made me wonder, "alright if I'm your storm you're definitely my wonder and mysterious man" He looked hard and long into space before ecstatically stating "oh! I'm your W.A.M.M. Just like that I'm WAM and Storm. I like it" I looked at him sideways, unsure about calling him WAM but he liked the idea, I giggled and told him he was crazy. We actually enjoyed each other's company that afternoon, we watched the sunset from the hill which over saw the sea, it was wonderful. But it was time for me to head back to my dorm, I had a lot of study to do, so we parted ways.

The next morning I woke up to the box outside my room, this time inside was a picture which he had drawn of the most beautiful stormy sky I had ever seen, on the back of the picture it said, "good morning my Storm, I hope you slept well, enjoy your day. Inside the compartment was nothing this time, I felt sad, I was hoping for another adventure, but I had told him I have an assignment in a few days and I was already behind. But his picture which he sent me was enough to buckle my head down, when I was feeling tired of studying I took the box back to him and left in front of the door, with a note which said "you're so sweet WAM. Thank you, you really picked my day up, I'm finally accomplishing a lot more than I have done in awhile. Have a great day. Storm."

A few days later after my assignment was completed, I was ready to know if I had passed it, I waited among many others who were waiting for their results to be put up on the board I noticed a familiar man sitting in the corner, he was acting as if he was one of the students, but I knew better, "Hi" I said to him and he smiled up to me "I had to see how well you had done today storm, I was going to wait but I couldn't, for I wanted to wait with you." I smiled and told him it was fine. Together we waited and our chatter joined the noise of all the other students. Until the room went silent, the head master was putting up the results, the moment he left we all ran to the board, and there I was, Aloria Elnan 95% I was so happy, that was a pass, it just a pass, but still a pass, it was the first time I hugged him, then I felt uncomfortable and he stepped away from me apologising. I remember laughing at him, saying "don't be silly, I just didn't expect to hug, I'm sorry I made that awkward" all he did was laugh admitting we both made that awkward. I thanked him for coming, but I had other assignments due next week and an exam, he understood and went off on his own, I watched him leave, before he left my view he turned to me and waved good bye, I waved back.

I went to my dorm room to study, but I couldn't study, I wanted to see him again. So I went to my parents place, but he wasn't there, I wondered where he went everyday he seemed to never be there, so I went round the back and saw the shed door was open, I went to inspect when I saw him coming out of the door, "Why are you in the shed?" He was shocked to see me but still forced the words out of his mouth "I didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the house." Immediately he stepped out of the doorframe making way fro me to inspect the shed. I remember feeling the guilt of my words coming back to me, the day of our picnic I had accused him of so many things, that he was overtaking my father's home for his amusement. I remember he just sat there listening to my false accusations, when in reality he was showing respect for my parents, I looked to him with mournful eyes, he just smiled, with open arms he lead me to inside the shed, which he had set up so beautifully, he had made it so homey, he built a tent which fell from the ceiling, his home was inside the tent within the shed, "this is amazing, but how do you not suffocate?" He pointed to the windows along the top of the shed, he had opened them all up so the air flow would be constant. Once I entered into the shed the airflow was more than I expected, it was really clever "So you like it?" He asked, all I can do was nod "you are an a genius, I love this" he smiled and closed the door, I looked to him suspiciously "why did you close the door?" He said "I'm sorry does it make you feel uncomfortable? I'm scared of the neighbours I don't want them to call the Sheriff." I felt bad for being suspicious of him but despite feeling guilty not once did I apologise to him, that has been my greatest regret, not one apology, but he seemed to get the sense I was apologetic and he never, ever asked for one.

We had an enjoyable afternoon, we spoke, we played card games, it felt like I had, had known him for much longer than I did. I was about to leave when he asked "I was shocked to see you today, didn't you have study to do?" I saw his concern over me, I reassured him "nothing happened at school today, I just couldn't help but think of you, you leaving hurt more than I thought it would, so I thought we could hang out" He smiled and said "I can see I'm not good for your future, I think I'm your distraction" I sighed and sat back down "to be honest I thought these classes and this diploma would affect the outcome of my life, but I don't think it will, I wanted to do something grand with my life, but as a woman I'm just there to play a part, to look pretty, the more I learn the more I feel it's a different path to what the men are on." He looked confused "what do you mean" I didn't understand him so I thought I'd narrow it down for him "As man you can go out there, build your dream house, set up stalls, be Doctors, an interior designer, play writer and director, ect, but for a women, when we get the diploma in the exact same thing, the information is different, we're being taught how to assist the men who are making a difference, as noble women we need to look the part, how dress, how we groom, how we walk everything matters in these rolls. I'm not being taught the job. It's frustrating, and there's nothing I can do to change that." Then he asked the big question "If it was your way, what is that you want to do?" I thought about it, then I said "I want to be a senator, I want to really get involved and make a difference, make speeches, that matter, make speeches about what I can do, not what someone else can do, the women senators are just beautiful dolls which make the men look more enticing to other men. That's not what I want to be." He looked at me and said "be that Senator, stop studying what you're studying now, and study what you want to study" I half smiled at the thought but the implications of putting that into practice were impossible, unless I dressed up as a man, which is illegal to impersonate someone you're not. "Or maybe rally up others who want to help your cause, isn't that the East way, if you believe in something don't hold back, reach for your goal?" I shrugged "maybe it was a long time ago, we have the words written in old artefacts of hope by Queen Ludso the first hundreds and hundreds of years ago, but today our government doesn't hold to that, they're men, men are the best, men know stuff. Women are too beautiful to be put under stress. So we're boxed in." He didn't know what to say.

Later he began to speak about how different it was in the West "where I come from we have the rich and the poor, there aren't many in between, the poor can't afford to make ends meet let alone get flashy things, rather they work long and hard for the rich, the poor can't afford to go to school and get an education which would brighten their future into getting better paid jobs, so those children take their parents place and work trying to make ends meet, so that pattern goes on, those who are rich go to school, then to college, those diplomas mean something the more you put into the school the more you'll make in the long run, assuming the business or corporation makes it into the big sales. Life is based on status and your material gain, if you don't have it you're looked down upon. We have a lot of homeless who can't afford homes, because the bigger guys make rules impossible for little guy to pay. The government is trying to stop the rich from oppressing the poor too much because if the homeless stay homeless and they get sick they'll cause an epidemic through out the neighborhood and the government is tired of having to clean up so many dead bodies, life is so unbalanced that the poor are fighting the rich for equality. I am among the poor, but not in the circle which are fighting the government, so don't worry about your family, life has always been this way for the West, our government throughout history has always failed to look after it's citizens." Now it was my turn to not know what to say, so I said "East Ludso isn't very fair concerning women, and West Ludso isn't good at looking after the poor, I wonder what is the Island of Driddon like? Our people say it is like a blessed country, one large family living as one, what do you and your people believe?" I watched him shift in his seat, "this is where the East and West fight, they do not know how the people live, they are slaves and savages, I have not heard that they are one family, I do not know their story, except that they turned against their masters, even begging help from a different country, that country came killing the King and building a bridge to unite the families which were divided by a river, and anyone who tries to cross over will be killed by the enemy country for they took the slaves. That is what we know, the Island of Driddon is a place of death and servitude, anyone who survives the crossing will be forced into submission as a slave and then sent off to that country who saved them. So no one dares to cross in fear they will be turned into a slave. Driddon sounds dreary to me" I looked to him in shock "how could there be two versions of the same story, it is said that those people were delivered the family of Driddon were not kept as slaves, but are a free people." All he could do was shrug "I don't know, it's a subject that we're never to enter into, Driddon is a dark subject, usually those that talk about it are punished. If anything our world hates the island of Driddon, and want the bridge broken." I wondered "what do you think? Do you hate the Island of Driddon?" He said "I have no opinion, but I have been wanting to cross the bridge for sometime, maybe then I'd know the truth, but what I have heard about the East, has been so wrong, maybe the West has it wrong about Driddon too" I smiled and thought the same thing. As I stood I sighed, I was about to leave for the door when I realised and so I asked "speaking of unknown truths, please I beg you, tell me your name?" He sighed, and begged "please, don't judge me, I'm Neon Tetra Fisher" I replied to him, "I don't understand why you don't like it, Neon, I like it." He shook is head "you're not into your fish I'm guessing?" I looked at him side ways "Nope, no idea about fish, why? Is your name a fish?" I mean't it as a joke but all he could do was turn red and nod, laughed "what? Are you named after a fish? Does it have special meaning?" All Neon could do was shake his head and say "my dads really hooked into his fish" I smiled and reassured him "I like it, it's better than WAMM" He smiled and said "No, I like WAMM, because it has meaning to you. Aloria, that's pretty." I nodded in agreement, "it means special or unique" he whispered "yes you are" I blushed as I leaned on the door, "well until tomorrow Neon" with that I left.

The next morning I woke up to the box outside my door again this time with no note, just a receipt and time of pick up, inside the hidden compartment was a corsage and two maps with times and details on the back of it, I was so excited, the moment I walked into the store, I knew something special was going to happen, there I had a choice four dresses all the same price and same deal, for Neon had paid for one, he let me make the final decision, I appreciated that. The gowns were all so beautiful, very expensive dress, they came with heels, and a Jewellery set. I felt like a princess, the women of the store were eager to do my make up and hair for free, they were just so excited. That afternoon felt like a blur, when was finished I felt tired but so alive, I looked at myself in the mirror, for the first time in my life I felt stunning, but still I didn't understand exactly what the occasion was. My curiosity and flittering heart were in such a hurry to follow the second map which lead me to my parents club, and sure enough there he was dressed up all smart, it was a dance, we ate, we drank and I enjoyed myself all night long, that night time seemed to have stopped, I was overjoyed with happiness, however time sadly hadn't stopped, and I had school in the morning, which morning was not far away. I remember when my smile diminished, he knew that look that it was time to say our good byes and it was time for me to head back to my dorm when he held me by my hand and offered to walk me back, he suggested that if I wanted to I could go to my parents house to get changed, for he did have the key. I thought about it and declined his offer, he didn't push, but a little bit down the road I changed my mind, so he walked me back to my parents house, he took out the key from his pocket and gave it to me, he assured me that he'd wait for me in the shed and if I wanted him to he would walk me to my dorm room. I smiled and nodded.

I entered the house and locked it behind me, I loved the smell of the house, it bought back so many happy memories, I missed my mother's cooking, I missed my parents happy voices, I sat in the living room and just cried, I missed them so much. I missed telling them that I loved them, I missed hearing them tell me they loved me, all I wanted was to be embraced in my parents warm loving arms. After I had a good cry I took a shower, but I couldn't decide what to wear, so I wore my mother's clothes, they still smelled like her, I missed her smell. I hadn't realised how much I missed them, they'd be gone for a few months now, it was the longest we had been out of each other's lives. Before I left my parents room I took my dad's scarf, I felt safe with his smell near, with that I left and locked the house.

I knocked on the shed door when Neon opened I saw his eyes gleaming, I blushed and said "what's caught your eye?" Neon closed his mouth to stop himself from gawking "you, you look so lovely tonight" I only smiled and said "these are my mother's clothes and my father's scarf. I miss them so much" Neon offered to let me in, which I accepted, I sat in his tent and just cried, Neon listened intently offering comfort which I took, he just hugged me. When I was finished crying he took the box from me and said "let me take you back to your dorm and in the morning I'll take you out for breakfast, okay?" I smiled and nodded. When we arrived at the college gate I took his hand and said "thank you so much for tonight, I really enjoyed myself, I haven't been lead in dance in a long time, thank you" Neon bowed saying "all for my princess Storm, and I hope to make you this happy everyday of your life" I chuckled saying "I also thank you for listening, if I embarrassed you with my tears" Neon hugged me and said "never could you ever embarrass me, I want to become your support and comfort during the tough times" I hugged him tightly back and whispered "why's that?" Neon smiled pulling me away from him so he could look into my eyes and he said "because I love you" I was stunned by how easily he said that "I have loved you for a little while now." I replied "but we haven't known each other for very long, have we?" Neon chuckled saying "perhaps I was easily swayed to fall in love with you before we had officially met, you're highly spoken of by your mother, grandmother to is fond of you, you have met her, just you may not have known she was the women who raised your mum. Over the course of time we have seen each other from a distance just I knew who you were, but you never knew me. But that doesn't make the love I have for you any less real or pure" my cheeks gushed with heat, as I blushed, "well, I'm not sure if I love you, but I am liking you more and more, I want to get to know you closer." Neon whispered "I'll take that"

The next morning I opened the door and there was the box, as promised with an invitation to breakfast, I smiled and followed the map, however he wasn't there, I waited and I waited. Almost an hour had gone by and he still hadn't shone, I was disappointed and was about to walk away, when a fear rose within me, so I dashed towards the house, I ran to the shed where I saw Neon packing his belongings "what are you going?" I said bitterly, Neon jumped for his life, causing the tent to fall down on him, it was quite a tumble, I was afraid and angry all at once, upon seeing Neon was fine, I demanded to know what was happening and why he didn't show for breakfast. "Oh, I forgot about breakfast, but I didn't forget about you. I was going to get you, your mother called, I've got to go, also my cover has been blown, someone knows I'm staying here and I'm from the West." Shocked I asked "who?" Neon didn't stop, he quickly packed his things, I eventually gave in and helped him pack, with that he locked up the shed, he gave me the keys and he left I followed closely behind him, until I broke the silence saying "my dorm I have to pack up my dorm, I can take you to somewhere safe" he puffed "my dear, my storm, your belongings are quite safe, please stay here, when I am safe I will call you to my side." Those words broke me, but I wasn't going to go, I was going to stay with him the entire trip, but he forced me to stay, he told me that if I went with him this morning, he would not be safe. So I stayed because I wanted him to be safe, he kissed me good-bye, that was my first kiss, the kiss I would never let go of, I wanted him to stay or I wanted to go. I stood dumbfounded I didn't want to be parted from him, but I knew the dangers were very real, his life was in danger, because this fact, he never remembered the day as him standing me up, but a day he escaped death. No amount of love could have saved him from what was awaiting him if he was caught. So I watched him until he disappeared, long after he was gone, I remained there hoping our distance would not be of long duration.