
Ludso and Driddon

The feud between the two clans backdates hundreds of years, during the darkest parts of their history when slaves broke from their masters. The pain of losing their slaves was much deeper than anyone could have imagined, dividing the Island. Intermarriage between the two clans was forbidden, entertaining the idea of friendships was not tolerated. Despite the feud many people have disobeyed causing a loss of stability to the control of Ludso, although Driddon appears unaffected by the change, the conniving hearts of those in power attempt to corrupt the good heart of the Driddon Clan it is up to our heroin to save her people before the damage remains permanent. The people of Driddon must remain free, no matter the cost, all people deserve the freedom to choose their life without fear that their loved ones will be murdered. Civil unrest calls for immediate action, so many have died for the belief in the revolution, many more lives are at stake. Driddon’s peaceful ways are hanging on the line if the revolution should fail all hope will be lost, and their sacrifice would have been in vain.

Anagwin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

Meghan drove home in quite a state, with tears rolling down her cheeks, tonight had gone so wrong for her, she couldn't believe, as she drove over the bridge Meghan stopped the car, she got out of it and rested her sad head on the rails of the bridge looking over the still, calm water, she could see the reflection of the moon and stars, the cold wind chilled her bones, to her she could feel Pierre's eyes on her, she had displeased him, and she didn't understand how. She had been there for him, waiting for him all night. Meghan hugged herself pulling her cold arms into her bosom searching for warmth but she couldn't find any, she couldn't find solace, the once beautiful scene was tainted by her inconsolable mood, Meghan felt resolved to carry on her drive back home.

As Meghan climbed into bed she reached out for her phone when she noticed the time, there seemed to be no point in going to sleep, her body was cold, both from feeling ashamed and unloved by the person who was supposed to love her the most, Meghan sighed clambering out of bed for it was time to begin her day, as she wearily headed to the shower she wondered how she would ever get through this day of work. Once Meghan got out of the shower she heard her phone ringing, she dashed to it, she was hoping it to be Mrs Fisher her boss telling her she could have the day off. However to her surprise it was Pierre "Meghan don't be mad with me, I need you, please come back" his words angered her, her blood boiled, she quietly growled "You need me, what does that even mean? You left me all night and when I did see you, you were so harsh towards me, your coldness still chills me, good night Pierre" Meghan hung up before Pierre could say anything, he had never been treated like this by any woman, and he didn't like it, Pierre paced up and down his room before sending an angry text "Don't you know how much courage it took me to call you, now whose being harsh" Pierre threw his phone. Meghan read the text and couldn't believe her eyes, 'he has some nerve texting me that' Meghan wanted to reply in haste, before she sent the message she deleted it, after realising she was was speaking in haste for she didn't really mean those words, "I'm sorry Pierre if you feel I was too harsh, I'm so angry and hurt by how tonight went, please don't message me again tonight, I need to go to sleep, I'm not feeling the best, I'll be calling in sick from work today, let me focus on one problem at a time, I'm too tired and upset to talk right now, good night Pierre, I hope you have a great day tomorrow. Meghan" with that Meghan turned her phone on to silent.

Meghan called Mrs Fisher, who was surprised to hear that Meghan was unwell, in all the years that she had worked for her, never had Meghan been unwell, she viewed her and all the young women under her wing as her daughters. Meghan had to explain in full detail why she was unwell and what had happened to make her feel unwell, so Meghan told half truths which she convincingly told to Mrs Fisher, for after all her body had stayed too long in the night air, and her car had stopped on the top of the bridge, but Meghan stretched the story to make it sound like her car had broken down on the bridge, Meghan wondered if she should correct Mrs Fisher, but then thought the whole town will have concocted a whole new story in the morning about what had happened to her, so she felt she would let this one slide. Once she finished talking with Mrs Fisher she sent a brief message to her mom, in hopes it would deter her from walking in and waking her in the morning. As soon as Meghan's head hit the pillow she immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Late into mid morning Meghan lay awake in bed, wondering if she had treated Pierre too harshly, she was so tired last night, she may have offended him without knowing it, she thought about what had occurred between them, her cheeks rose hot with embarrassment, her heart pounded as her hands filled with sweat. Meghan rushed for her phone, three missed calls from Pierre and a message, she felt so foolish, he was trying to reach out to her. Meghan wasn't sure what to do, should she call? Should she message or should she give him a surprise visit at his house? Meghan tossed about in her bed holding the phone in her hand close to her heart, she was so embarrassed of her own thoughts, until she couldn't take it anymore abruptly she jumped from her bed as she did her bedroom door opened, Meghan stood dumbfounded, "H. . . How . . . Pierre?" She stuttered completely confused, Pierre could only laugh at her, the enjoyment he felt at seeing his woman in such a state "you weren't answering so I thought I'd surprise you" Meghan gave a nervous laugh "accomplished. But how? I locked the door, I'm sure" Pierre sighed "calm yourself woman, you must know I'm one of the most powerful men, I assure you there are many ways to get a door opened, no lock will prevent my word, no matter how many locks appear to be in the way" Pierre's voice changed from being charming to cold, this was the Pierre that frightened Meghan. Pierre heard himself his manner had once again slipped, Pierre sighed within an instant his demeanour once again became the charming Pierre Meghan knew, the man she had fallen in love with stood before her once more.

Meghan's eyes widened as she realised she was still in her nightgown, she contemplated grabbing her dressing gown but was conflicted when her mind jumped in a panic to her bed shawl. Pierre found her flustered mood amusing, he enjoyed her embarrassed face, hot and flushed, it gave a powerful feeling, amused he laughed saying "now what could you possibly be thinking right now to get you blushing this early upon my arrival?" Meghan's body shivered as she felt the brush of his lips on her hot cheeks, Meghan froze as he held her close to him, this was the first time a man had seen her like this in her room, she couldn't take this so she stepped back and away from him, "I was just about to call you, what made you come to me? How did you know which house was mine? Let alone which room was mine?" Meghan seemed to have spoken more to herself than to him, bewildered by her inability to grasp how powerful he was, Pierre resigned himself to the fact that she was a poor simpleton. Pierre forced himself from showing his disappointment rather the Pierre she knew would continue to deal kindly with her, so he sat on her bed and explained "I felt bad about about how you were feeling when you text me last night and then didn't answer my calls this morning so I wanted to make you feel better about me. Don't forget Meghan, I am one of the most powerful people on this side of the world, and I am accumulating more power each day, for a man like me I can find any information I want to, at any moment. I am not accustomed to women treating me the way you do, it does take some readjusting" Meghan felt slightly insecure by his words, Pierre wanted her to worship him, but the fact that she still wouldn't succumb to him frustrated him.

Pierre has never come across a woman needing to be broken and he looks upon this as a challenge that he is determined to accept, the thrill of the chase burns through his veins. As he looked upon her he sees her shifting uncomfortably which gives him hope that she could be broken, over time she will bend to his will, and the chase would be worth it. "There's no need to be so shy with me, what's wrong?" Meghan heard the soft voice of Pierre which had caught her attention all those months ago, this was the nature of Pierre she remembered, and thought she had lost. Meghan sighed "you're the first man to have come into my room, not even to mention the first man to see me in just a nightgown." Meghan's eyes widened in panic and began to move quickly as if just realising she was still in her nightgown "I won't be just a moment" Pierre watched her briskly move around the room collecting clothing to put on, he felt saddened that he hadn't had a good look at her state, for he could see the fine outline of her body, her curves were so perfect, her body was clearly defined by a fine light green thin fabric, this was the silk nightgown he had given to her as a gift.

Pierre's voice broke her concentration "Meghan" she heard Pierre softly her, his voice was like it came out of a dream, her body numbed as her heart rate fell, here he was calling her name, this was how she wanted him to always remain, this was the man which captured her heart, she sadly looked to Pierre her eyes filled with water, Pierre had never seen her this way before, a part of him felt compelled to go to her side, he didn't like this feeling but he obeyed his compelling heart, he softly held her in his arms, "why do you cry?" Meghan remained silent as she tried to stop the flow of tears from dripping down her cheeks and onto his shirt, Pierre began to feel uncomfortable by her behaviour, so he decided to gently guide her to the bed, once on the bed Pierre threw the clothes she held behind her, and once again he inquired "what has happened? Why do you cry?" He felt frustrated that she wouldn't speak to me. "You" was all he heard, confused he looked into her glassy eyes with a questioning look, she sighed "I know it's stupid, but I barely get to see you, I thought once a week would be enough for me, but it's not, I want to see more of you. But last night when I saw you, the first time all week you weren't excited to see me as I was of you." She sobbed bitterly. Pierre heard her words and defended himself "it's not that, I mean once a week isn't a long time before we see each other, I always make up the time, we see each other seven hours in one day, right now that's all I can do, my work schedule is just too busy. That's for right now. Give me time Meghan. I can only do what I can do." Meghan wiped her eyes and nodded whispering "I know, I'm trying to be okay with it, I just feel like you aren't as excited to see me." Pierre looked at her with a plain look, he didn't understand this woman "Meghan, I am excited to see you, just no one in this world gets as excited as you, you're easily excitable." Meghan giggled, a smile arose on her face "I know, I'm often nicknamed 'Coppie' the neighbourhood dog, we all loved her so much, her and I were best childhood friends, her passing was hard, but after a few years I began to bring our neighbourhood joy when they saw that I was almost the same as Coppie, very excitable, docile and gullible."

Pierre was so tired of always hearing her speak about animals, he didn't care to get into another debate for the umpteenth time about it, so he just shrugged his shoulders and leaned back on the bed "I'll never understand why people even tolerate animals in their lives, life is better off when their far away from us, they do not make friendships with us therefore we shouldn't force ourselves onto them" Meghan's heart began to race, she was sharing a memory with him, and he didn't care, he just dismissed her, her pulse fastened and she defended "it's not like that, we didn't force ourselves on her, she wanted to stay, she chose where she wanted to be" Pierre shrugged his shoulders "a domesticated animal has been trained to be dependent on humans that's not love, animals are incapable of that feeling, and any feeling" Meghan was shocked by the words casually spoken, "that's not true, all animals have feeling, they can feel pain, fear, joy, and sadness" Pierre looked at her doubtfully "where's the proof? I've observed animals out in the wild and have seen no evidence of them showing any emotion" Meghan's heart fell, she wondered from which planet he was from, "what about the birds in Ludso, it was over the news, those people went to their nesting area, threw stones at the nests, at then later opened fire on them to get them to leave, once those people were arrested the flock came back they flew around the lost nest site for awhile before flying away to some where safe, only those who lots their mate stayed and mourned over their loss, those birds mourned to death, their cries were heard for days until the silence of death filled the air, it was chilling, how much more proof do you need than that" Meghan couldn't believe how cold he was all he could say was "I don't see how that is showing emotion, I don't believe they died, all I know is that the noise of those birds that day was so irritating, they did my head in, I just wanted them to shut up, so I could think again. If they did die, I tell you it was a relief to my poor nerves." Meghan glared at him "there's no 'IF!' They died, I'll find you the proof Pierre, they didn't deserve that!" Pierre noticed this was close to heart and said "well, we will always disagree when it comes to the animals, but there's no point talking about that ever, how many times are you going to argue with me, I just don't care, and I never will, they die big deal, better them than me, if only those annoying pesky critters would just disappear then my life would be complete and perfect, no annoying noises, and that's the same with children, just the same ordeal and no Meghan we're not going to have another debate about such things! Let's talk about more positive things" Meghan's heart sank, she was determined to show him that animals do have feelings, in her heart she wanted to believe he wasn't as insensitive as this, she wanted to believe that some day he would wake up and see the beauty for nature, but the children thing concerned her, for children was their future, she didn't understand his insensitivity yet the Pierre she knew and what he said didn't seem to make any sense to her, she thought about his action verses what he said, there was something lacking, something which didn't add up, Meghan felt determined to learn to find what was lacking, and perhaps she could fill the gap and make his life whole, Meghan also wondered if it was something more than just a poor childhood, she wondered what secrets he hid to cause him to speak so bitterly about everything.

"So is this the night gown I gave to you as a gift?" Pierre spoke breaking the silence between them, Meghan solemnly looked up to him and nodded, Pierre smiled asking "please, let me see you fully" Meghan sighed almost unwillingly she got up from the bed, "oh, you don't have to if you don't want to" the way he says those words often made her feel bad, he would look at her, in a downcast manner he would speak, which compelled her to obey, she couldn't understand her own actions, if he had asked several months ago she would have been stronger to deny, this was the life that was supposed to be lived once they were married, that's how it is in Driddon and from reports about Ludso an unmarried woman left in the care of a man was left dishonoured, although unlike Ludso, the people of Driddon still love the women and the men too are punished, if they aren't married the man is put to work across the water into the Country of Robico, although Robico shares a treaty with Driddon they don't allow an unrighteous man to marry one of their women the country is to majestic to be concerned over such a thing. Meghan thought to herself 'yet here I am' Pierre's voice called her from her thoughts "I have good taste, and you wear this so well" Meghan smiled and said "yeah, you chose the most beautiful colour, you did well Pierre, I had best get dressed now" Pierre's top lip sank into his bottom, he sulkily said "but I like seeing you in this, I had no idea you had such a gorgeous body." Meghan's cheeks went hot and she blushed a light pink, she couldn't believe what she had heard, no one had ever told her that before, did she really have a great body? Meghan bit her lower lip as she smiled, Meghan walked towards Pierre, she leaned over him pushing her mouth close to his, Pierre didn't need any more encouragement he threw his lips onto hers, he held her close to him, his touch was all she needed to know that he still cared for her. Meghan wrapped her arms around his neck as he searched through her mouth with his tongue.

Pierre couldn't believe it finally the moment he was hoping for was here, he wasn't going to pass this moment up for anything he held firmly onto her pulling her closer to him, she could feel his mouth was hot for passion and she agreed to him, as he moved her body closer to hers Meghan felt she had pull away from him, it was becoming to much for her to agree to. Pierre didn't want to hold her against her will so he allowed her to leave, she smiled "I had better get dressed, I just wanted a kiss" Pierre smiled gently holding her, as she spoke he gently pushed her straps from above her shoulders, Meghan wiggled away from him "I don't want this" Pierre with all his might overcame the need to just hold her down, slow and steadily he romantically kissed her, she kissed back. Meghan could feel that he loved her still, Pierre looked at her and smiled. Meghan leaned over him to collect her clothes he had thrown on the bed before walking from him into the bathroom to get dressed.

Pierre's big eyes intently watched as she came out of the bathroom a beautiful transformation, disappointedly though he asked "why are you so obsessed about getting dressed for?" Meghan sighed "a few reasons" Pierre interrupted her, "I came all this way to see you, to make up for last night, and you didn't want me here?" Meghan fell into bitterness and she said "I know, I'm not saying I don't want your affection, because I do, I..." Pierre grew indignant with her and said "but what? Finish that sentence"

"Oh Pierre, my honour, we're supposed to be married, you've already broken the rules by entering my bedroom whilst I was still in bed, I literally just got up when you came in, I want you to be my best friend, and if we're compatible then your wife. You said you had no wife, so look for a wife in me, if you can't then this can't go any further." Pierre had heard her speech a thousand times, he had completely switched off, Meghan new she had lost him. As Pierre left the room he sighed "fine, you win" Meghan took a deep breath, she wanted to see more of him, to get to know him better, but not like this.

Meghan made dinner for her and Pierre when he returned from watching the news, he smiled hugging her from behind he asked her "I'm sorry for how I treated you earlier, are you alright?" He questioned, Meghan didn't want to offend him but she couldn't lie. Meghan put the spoon on the side of her pot so she would be free to face him head on, she looked into his gazing eyes "I can't really explain it, Please don't ever put me in that situation again." Pierre chuckled, "well, if it makes you feel any better, I do enjoy hanging out with you, getting to know you. I was thinking about you and the wife I need, I think you could be that wife I need. For now I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of commitment but as I get to know you, I have a feeling that will gradually change, I just need time to adjust, I've never been with a woman like you Meghan, I am really enjoying being around you. I feel like I'm losing you" Meghan rolls her eyes and teasingly says "you mistake me dear, just lighten up. Stop trying so hard, be yourself after all you attracted me if you recall by not trying so hard, I don't understand why you clam up so much, with me you are allowed to relax, you're under no examination or scrutiny. You becoming my husband is what I look at, a part from a few places which are lacking, I feel I could support you well as your wife, and then I look at your big estate and then I clam up, a lady, what a prospect I could faint at. If you lose me it wouldn't be over who you are, rather over what you own" Pierre smiled as she turned back to the food cooking on the stove, Pierre felt her air rise, she seemed cheerier, Pierre felt this was a great opportunity to heed, "What must I do to get your undivided attention and devoted love?" Meghan was taken aback by his words, he has surprised her a lot today, she hummed to herself for a little bit before she could find the words, Pierre was feeling frustrated inside, this was the attitude that caused him to walk out on her earlier, "perhaps I just need more from you, I need to see more often than just once a week, I want to get to know and see the real Pierre, and I want you to get to know and see the real Meghan, that way we can be better equipped to face the future together" Pierre sulked into himself "it's not a problem" he retorted "I just am too busy to see you more than once a week" Meghan's heart fell flat, this man confused her, if she gave herself over to him, would he really love her, for her? "But I want to be seen with you by the whole world, I want to go to the theatre, the movies, I want to have family dinners with you, I want to join you on your path as you make your company more successful. Pierre I understand you're busy, but have you really no place for me in your life?" Pierre thought about what she said, "I don't have a family who does family dinners, I haven't hidden you from them" Meghan heard his words and was confused "Pierre, I was talking about my family, you haven't spoken about your family" Pierre's eyes narrowed as he snarled "there's a reason for that, we are never to bring this up, how many times must I tell you!" Meghan looked at him in a stunned manner "I wasn't. Pierre I was talking about my family" his eyes widened as she shifted on the spot in the kitchen, when she decided to turn around to stir dinner, it was almost ready to be served. Meghan softly spoke away from him "you speak of undivided attention and devoted love, but how can you gain those things without investing yourself into it, what you want, what you seek is also what you need to give." Pierre could just make out her words in an instant he forced them from his ears, this was becoming too much for him rather quickly. Pierre sulked away from her side back onto the couch where he could pretend to watch the television.

As Pierre thought to himself, his plotting revenge was slowly failing him, his plans were not as he easy as he had thought. For years he had been watching the women of Driddon, he knew their routines, who they were, which ones were the weak and fragile, he had tried to pull the weak away, for years the Driddon family protect their own from the outside world, he had sent many other men to do his work for him, each man he had sent had failed him and paid the price of death or worse. Pierre was a man who kills people, hides people, torments people, he is a man who always gets what he wants in the end. Those men failed him to the point where he has had to come in to do the work no one else could, he chose a women who lack strength in comparison to those around her, she was not strong willed, she lacked self confidence, her mother was a distressed woman looking after her dying husband. Meghan's situation was exhausting for anyone, Pierre knew her routine is up early in bed late. He didn't understand how his plan hasn't worked, her exhaustion should have been enough to cause her to falter, Pierre's anger rose within him, he would not lose this battle. The revenge over his late wife would be fulfilled, he would reconcile, in his wayward mind his late wife would finally be proud.

Meghan sat alone at the dinner table with her food, like she usually did, when she felt like this, she often called her parents to join her, but right now, she couldn't because Pierre was still here. Meghan well knew if her mother knew she would feel the shame, although nothing has happened, just having a man here without their permission was enough of a scandal, Meghan was always a woman who played within the rule book, she was desperate to be loved by the best person in the world who deserved her, in her mind she wasn't good enough to be loved by anyone, for so long Meghan believed she was going to live her life out happily as just an aunt to the children of the town, to live a life that Mrs Fisher lived, although she was young she was less desirable in looks than other woman, although Meghan wasn't a plain woman she believed their something lacking. Little did she know there were many young men looking to her for marriage she just didn't see it, many men of the town thought she wasn't interested. The mix up was mixture of problems due to the life they all lived, the woman though were starting a trend, the woman looking for a mate wore a bracelet with a blue flower on the front and the men were to wear a small blue flowered pin on the base of their collar. The trend was too new for Meghan to know just yet. For now though Meghan was devoted to Pierre and only Pierre, she knew that, the people of Driddon knew that. Pierre however was blinded by his own selfishness he couldn't see it, for Meghan was a woman different from the woman he knew, she was pure, genuinely kind and loving from the heart, these were qualities he couldn't understand let alone see.

Meghan sat quietly trying to enjoy the small bites she took, as she at she pondered over in her mind about the rift between Ludso and Driddon which everyone knew so well, she knows that if anyone knew he was here, the people would be angered at the very thought, they'd conspire against him immediately he would be the villain like out of the stories, the fear of the ones living in Ludso is strong. She would have to let her parents know slowly and over time, for although they knew about Pierre they don't fully know who he is in Ludso, they imagine him to be a cleaner or a tradesmen, Meghan isn't sure how well everyone would take it when they learn how important he is. Meghan hasn't yet told them, because she herself doesn't quite understand his roll in Ludso, that is something she will slowly uncover. Even though Pierre was present in the house he would not speak to her, it was as if the fighting between them would never cease. Which made Meghan feel uncomfortable as this was her home and within her walls she wanted peace, she just wanted to know how she could get Pierre to open up to her, she was tired of having to fight a layer from him to get closer to him. Meghan understood the illustration of an onion, but she didn't believe it should be those difficult, perhaps if she married Pierre, Driddon and Ludso would be at peace too, when Driddon sees that the people in Ludso aren't that different from them, their prejudice would slowly cease. She thought about the story for awhile