
Lucky Stars

Luna Brielle Montgomery is a 22-year-old who likes to climb in her window to the roof to stare at the stars and play her guitar at night. She always enjoys her own company, especially at night, not until she meets their new neighbor a 28-year-old named Tyler the baseball player, the cute and goofy, is the one who will turn her life inside out.

LorHoechlin_11 · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter Three - Yellow

I gasped. "It's Mark! Mark's at the beach with Mer!" I squealed, trying to take in what's happening in the episode I'm currently watching. 

Mark Sloan is my comfort character. So when he died in season nine, I died too. 

When I finished the reunion of Little Grey, McSteamy, and Mer I closed my laptop as I threw the blankets off me and got up to check if the sky is clear tonight so I can watch the stars and take my head off things.

I smiled as I looked out the window. I quickly grabbed my jacket and my guitar. I opened my window that has access to the roof and I slowly climbed out of it. 

I sighed as the cold breeze of air hit my body. I sat down on the roof, making sure that I'm secure and not going to slip and fall, possibly injuring myself. 

Back when I was still studying in the Philippines my Science teacher once said that if you take a closer look at the stars, you'll see three or four colors. White, Blue, Red and sometimes Orange even. But it's hard to identify which star has the color orange or red. 

I started to strum my guitar and play one of my favorite songs. 

Yellow by Coldplay.

"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you~" I sing as I play the chords. 

"And everything you do~"

"Yeah, they were all yellow~"

"They're beautiful aren't they?" A voice cut in.

I stopped, my eyes narrowed as I looked around. I can hear a chuckle coming from somewhere.

"Over here." 

I looked at Mr. Jenkins' old house, to the window that has the same place where my side window is. 

He waved at me as soon as I saw him. "Hey." He smiled at me.   

It's him.

"A creep. That's nice." I looked away from him. I strummed my guitar to continue the song and ignore him. 

I swear, I'm a nice person. It's just I want to test the patience of this man.

"I'm not a creep." He huffed. 

I sighed and turned to him. "Really? Because if you're not really a creep you would go to sleep and just leave me alone here and let me do my business." I rolled my eyes at him.

Ha, yes. That's me introducing him to my sassy personality.

"I'm just looking at the stars too." 

"Whatever, creep." I stuck my tongue at him and went back into my room. 

"Hey, wait!" He tried to stop me from going back into my room but I'm too stubborn to listen to him.

I rolled my eyes at him before I closed my curtains.

He's cute, more than I expected him to be. But it doesn't matter, right?

I turned off the lights and I climbed on my bed, smiling, thinking about what a great day today is, as I slowly drifted to sleep.


Tyler's POV

    Earlier that day… 

We got to my new house earlier than I expected.

"And this is it!" I said as I parked my car in front of my new house. 

I smiled to myself as I got out of my car, admiring my new house

"Are you really sure about this?" Tanner looked at me, grabbing some boxes at the back of the car and bringing them inside. I chuckled. "Of course I am, let's go inside, El." I held Elara's hand and grabbed a box.

It's not that heavy. It's just some of my essentials. 

I made my way upstairs to my room. As I made my way upstairs, I could hear loud music blasting from somewhere. 

As I walked inside a room and I looked through the window, I saw a girl, dancing on her bed. 

I chuckled and put the box down. "This is nice."

"Tyler!" I heard my mom calling from downstairs. "Coming!" I ran downstairs. 

I helped my mom to put some of my things in the kitchen, especially installing the appliances in their places. I also helped my dad to bring in some boxes inside the my house.

After I helped my mom and dad, and a few minutes of playing with my favorite niece. I went upstairs to arrange my things in my room. 

I looked at the window where I saw the girl earlier but she isn't there anymore. I assume maybe she went out or something.

And before you said it. I'm not a creep, okay? No hate on Joe from You on Netflix but I'm not like him. 

After a few hours of trying to figure out where to put my framed high school varsity uniform, I finally found the perfect place for it. 

I looked around my room, admiring my well-decorated room. I can already smell that my mom is baking cookies downstairs, so I jogged my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Are those Chocolate Chip Cookies? My mom and my favorite niece are baking my favorite cookies?" I gasped as I tried to eat some of the cookie dough. "Hey, no eating raw cookie dough." Mom glared at me and Elara giggled as my mom grabbed the mixing bowl with the cookie dough in it. 

"Those aren't for you. They're for your new neighbors." Tanner snickered.

"I know, baby bro." I playfully stuck my tongue out at him as I walked past him. 

"Uncle Ty, are you going to my birthday party?" Elara looked at me. "Of course, I am. How can I miss my favorite niece's birthday." I winked at her. "He'll be there, sweetie, Mimi will make sure that Uncle Ty makes it to your birthday party." Mom chimed in. "Want some cookies, El?" Elara nodded and my mom gave her a cookie.

"Where's dad?" I turned to my mom who's taking out the cookies. "Outside, trying to fix your old vacuum when I already told him to tell you to buy a new one." Mom shook her head. I chuckled and walked outside.

"Hey, dad. How's the vacuum doing?" I chuckled and put my hand in my jeans pocket. "Well, looks like your mom is right. You should get a new one." Dad scratched his head and sighed. "You wanna come with me and buy a new vacuum?" I looked at my dad. "Can I drive your car?" Dad tilted his head towards my car. 

I looked at Dad, skeptical at first but later I gave in. "Can't we bring your car instead?" Dad gave me a blank stare. I sighed, defeated. "Okay, don't go over 80mph." I pat my Dad's shoulder. "What? That's so unfair. I can handle a V8." Dad groaned. I chuckled. "Okay, Dad, if you scratch it you'll pay for the repair. I'll go get my keys first and tell mom." 

I ran inside the house to grab my keys in my jacket and told my mom that dad and I were going out to buy a new vacuum. 


"Have you met your neighbor's daughter?" Tanner glanced at me. "Met? No. Seen? Yes." I looked at him and turned back to Elara. "Okay, you try to finish this one." I gave her my iPad and got up to grab my laptop to check some emails.

"She's really pretty. We met her earlier. She'll like you." Tanner smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and scoffed. "You don't know that."

"She said it's okay to her if you made her your girlfriend." Elara chimed in. "Oh, she did?" I raised my eyebrow and looked at Tanner. 

Tanner nodded at me as he grabbed Elara to sit in his lap. "You've been single for 2 years and I think you should take a chance on her."

I sighed and grabbed my laptop on my nightstand. "You don't even know if she'll like me." I glared at Tanner. 

He smirked at me. "Oh, yes I do." Tanner nudged me. "Shut up, Tanner." I sat beside Elara, checking some emails from a baseball team. "Whoa, is this real?" I gasped as I read their email. "What?" Tanner looked at my laptop.

"Oh, my god. Is this real?!" Tanner gasped. "You got in! Congratulations!" Tanner yelped. "Thanks!" I smiled at him. "I'm done, Uncle Ty." Elara innocently gave me my Ipad. I chuckled and looked at her, ruffling her hair. "Good job, El!"

"What's with all the screaming here?" Mom peeked her head to the door. "Well, Tyler finally got an email back from one of the teams!" Tanner proudly patted my shoulder. 

Mom rushed to me and hugged me tightly. "Congratulations! I know you'll get in." Mom smiled at me. "I'm so proud of you, Ty." 

"Oh, Tanner, Gabbi called. She said she's on her way home." Mom said. Tanner got up and ruffled my hair. " Congratulations again, bro. We better get going. Goodnight, baseball player. Goodnight, Mom. Let's go home, kiddo." He chuckled and picked up Elara as walked out of my room. "Goodbye, Uncle Ty!" Elara waved at me. "Goodbye, El." I smiled at her.

"You sure you'll be okay here?" Mom looked at me, still scared that I'm 28 miles away from them. "I'll be fine, mom." I chuckled. "You don't have to worry about me anymore. I'm 28 years old, mom, and I'm not the youngest in the family, it's Tanner. I'll be fine." I smiled at her. "Okay.." Mom smiled at me, she pats my cheek. "Well, we better get going." I got up and walked my Mom and Dad out to their car.

"Lock all the doors, Ty." Mom said with the car window open. "I will, mom. Drive safe, Dad." I waved at my parents. "We'll see you next week, okay?" Mom said. "See you, goodbye."

I went inside the house, making sure that every window and door was locked. It's so quiet.

So this is what adulting feels…... like. I chuckled.

I'm still checking all my emails when I hear someone strumming a guitar at 11 pm from outside. I walked to the window to look where the sound was coming from. I scanned the area to look for the one who's playing the guitar and there she is.

The girl from earlier, the one who's dancing on top of her bed. The only difference is that she's on their roof now and strumming a guitar.

She's pretty and talented. Mhmm… interesting.

"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you~" She sings as she plays the chords. 

"And everything you do~"

"Yeah, they were all yellow~"

"They're beautiful aren't they?" I interrupted.
